
Douluo: Ronin

"I'm Zeng Yi, a Ronin" In Douluo, Zeng Yi finds himself reborn with [Happy Orphan System], forcing him to pursue wandering life. --- To access advance chapters, join my patreon - https://www.patreon.com/primordial_idli --- This is a Translation. Source - https://www.uukanshu.com/b/115900/ Author - Daoran Jushi --- Cover Image from pinterest - https://pin.it/7hN0Vac ---

primordial_idli · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 476: Spirit Blossom Festival Celebration


Zeng Yi woke up early and went to the courtyard to practice his fundamental sword techniques, as he did every day. At this time, the eastern sky only revealed a hint of dawn.

He firmly gripped the bamboo sword in his hands, slashing and striking without any pause. Each swing seemed to have an inexplicable rhythm, as if it merged with the space, becoming a part of the scenery in the courtyard, natural and peaceful.

In a moment of absentmindedness, he couldn't help but feel a strange familiarity, as if he had seen such a scene before. A child standing in front of a dilapidated thatched hut, tightly gripping a long iron sword that was almost as tall as his own body, vigorously practicing.

In that brief moment of distraction, he hesitated for a second. Although his sword movements resumed immediately, repeating the same actions one after another, he didn't stop again until the five thousandth time, putting away the bamboo sword.

Looking up, the sun had fully risen from the east. The vibrant morning light spread across the earth, and in this moment, everything seemed filled with infinite possibilities.

After the morning practice, Zeng Yi entered the training hall, tidying up the messy equipment and cleaning the place, waiting for the dojo to open.

He had been a disciple in this Swift Wind Sword Dojo for over a month now. From the initial unfamiliarity and unease, he had become accustomed to it and knew the routines well.

To Zeng Yi, Eastern Continent was a strange place, whether he had lost his memories or not. Being here for over a month, he had started to learn about Eastern Continent, the mysterious land he was in, from the Mo siblings.

Firstly, everyone living here was extraordinary. Almost every person had awakened their martial spirits and possessed unimaginable power, making them potential spirit masters.

Most of the awakened Martial Spirits in this land were sword-related, leading to the development of the sword path cultivation method.

Therefore, Eastern Continent was a country of swordsmen.

For every spirit master here, the revered place in their hearts was undoubtedly the powerful and mysterious force known as the Sword God Palace that Zeng Yi mentioned to Mo Xiao almost daily.

What made Mo Xiao proud was his sister, Mo Xin. She was a spirit master who had trained in the Sword God Palace.

Moreover, the title of Swordsman was the recognition given by the Sword God Palace to talented, powerful, and potential young spirit masters. And Zeng Yi's sister was one of those who had obtained the title of Swordsman.

Logically speaking, with Mo Xin having such an honor at such a young age, gaining fame throughout Eastern Continent, their dojo should have been very prosperous. So why did it seem so desolate now?

Zeng Yi couldn't quite understand this.

The entire Mo family compound, including this dojo, only had Mo Xin, Mo Xiao, and now Zeng Yi. With the fame bestowed by the Sword God Palace, how could the Swift Wind Sword Dojo not attract other students apart from themselves?

However, Zeng Yi seemed to have guessed that there might be hidden reasons behind this. But since they didn't mention it, he wouldn't inquire. He still couldn't even figure out who he himself was, so what ability did he have to help others?

During this month, Mo Xin had been teaching Zeng Yi the foundation of swordsmanship, helping him recall his own sword techniques. Zeng Yi's performance did not disappoint her expectations. Whatever she taught, he learned very quickly, absorbing the knowledge of swordsmanship, mastering it to perfection. He became as skilled as a swordsman who had been practicing for over ten years, achieving the effect of harmonizing qi and spirit through his sword art.

Now, Mo Xin realized that there was nothing more she could teach Zeng Yi. But even so, he still hadn't remembered his past.

In the dojo, Mo Xin, dressed in a white martial arts uniform, watched Zeng Yi and Mo Xiao practicing beside him.

To be precise, Zeng Yi was sparring with Mo Xiao.

Watching Zeng Yi with the bamboo sword, a relaxed smile on his face as he effortlessly parried Mo Xiao's attacks time and again, Mo Xin couldn't help but widen her eyes. She looked at him as if he were a monster.

Mo Xin had exchanged sword techniques with Zeng Yi many times herself, claiming that under her guidance, he had regained his mastery of swordsmanship. She gradually felt that it was becoming more difficult to spar with him.

She even felt that she was no match for him. For some reason, she sensed that each time they dueled, he deliberately restrained his strength.

Upon careful consideration, he seemed somewhat terrifying!

Mo Xin had traveled outside this small town and trained for several years. She was well-traveled and had seen many things. Although they hadn't fought using spirit power, she was a Spirit King at the Level 53 and a master of swordsmanship. Just in terms of sword art, she was extremely powerful.

Yet, he could suppress her with his sword art alone. What did this mean? It didn't just imply his skill in swordsmanship, but his spirit power cultivation might also be superior to hers.

Mo Xin wasn't being self-conceited or boastful. Her talents and strength ranked at the top among her peers in the whole of Eastern Continent. Otherwise, she wouldn't have earned the title bestowed by the Sword God Palace.

Among her peers in Eastern Continent, there were only a few who were stronger than her. She had met them all at the Sword God Palace.

But Zeng Yi's age didn't seem to have much difference from hers, yet he possessed such power. This surprised Mo Xin.

At least a young swordsman with such talent, how could there be no news at all from the Sword God Palace? How could she, after spending several years there, have not heard any mention of him?

Could it be that he wasn't from Eastern Continent, but from outside?

This thought crossed Mo Xin's mind, causing her to furrow her brows in confusion.

During her years of training in the Sword God Palace, Mo Xin had heard rumors. This world was vast, not limited to Eastern Continent's existence. There were broader realms outside, with powerful spirit masters who practiced different cultivation methods from theirs.

He was a spirit master, Mo Xin was certain of that. However, she had never seen him release his spirit power or even his martial spirit. He seemed like an ordinary person who was only proficient in swordsmanship and the way of the sword.

Mo Xin had also tried to make Zeng Yi unleash his spirit power, but he strongly resisted it. Therefore, she still didn't know at which stage he stood in terms of his spirit power.

Could he really be a spirit master from outside Eastern Continent?


In the afternoon, Zeng Yi and Mo Xiao walked along the streets of the town.

"Lang Ge, how about we have Braised Fish tonight? Big sister really likes the dish you cook." Mo Xiao said, looking at Zeng Yi with a grin.

"Sure, I don't mind." Zeng Yi nodded in response.

Curiously, Mo Xiao asked, "Lang Ge, your culinary skills are amazing, truly fantastic! Besides swordsmanship, do you also like studying cooking?"

Zeng Yi shook his head somewhat absentmindedly and replied, "I don't know. I can't recall much about the past, but cooking seems to be familiar to me. It feels like it's something I was good at in my previous life."

"Why are there so many people on the streets today? It's more lively than usual." Zeng Yi observed the increased number of people on the streets and asked curiously.

"Oh, I haven't told you yet. The Spirit Blossom Festival celebration is just half a month away." Mo Xiao explained.

"Spirit Blossom Festival?" Zeng Yi couldn't help but be taken aback.

Mo Xiao clarified, "Yes, it's a traditional festival in Eastern Continent. At the beginning of each year, when the spiritual flowers bloom and the spring wind blows, everything comes alive, and the spirits return!

It's a festival to celebrate the arrival of spring, as well as to honor the ancestors.

On that day, the whole town will hold a Spirit Blossom Festival ceremony, which is one of the liveliest events every year."

"Isn't this New Year?" Zeng Yi blurted out upon hearing Mo Xiao's explanation.

"New Year?" Mo Xiao looked at him in confusion.

Zeng Yi also paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "That's how we call it in my hometown. That's how I remember it."

"Oh, I see."

Mo Xiao nodded, seemingly not fully understanding, but then excitement appeared on his face. He looked at Zeng Yi with sparkling eyes and said, "Lang Ge, let me tell you! There might be a high-ranking expert from the Sword God Palace presiding over this year's Spirit Blossom Festival ceremony. According to Big Sister, it could be a Sword Saint!"

"Sword Saint?" Zeng Yi's eyes contracted upon hearing this, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.


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