
Douluo: Ronin

"I'm Zeng Yi, a Ronin" In Douluo, Zeng Yi finds himself reborn with [Happy Orphan System], forcing him to pursue wandering life. --- To access advance chapters, join my patreon - https://www.patreon.com/primordial_idli --- This is a Translation. Source - https://www.uukanshu.com/b/115900/ Author - Daoran Jushi --- Cover Image from pinterest - https://pin.it/7hN0Vac ---

primordial_idli · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 439: Illusion and Reality


Upon hearing the urgent shouts behind him, Zeng Yi's pupils suddenly contracted.

Evil Spirit Masters?

Well, well! He never expected to encounter the group of Evil Spirit Masters again.

Looking at the vigilant Spirit Saint in front of him, Zeng Yi's lips curled up involuntarily.

Aside from Qian Renxue's account, Zeng Yi had personally experienced a confrontation with the Evil Spirit Master organization.

He remembered almost being killed by one of the Evil Spirit Masters when he had just advanced to the level of Spirit Ancestor.

Originally, Zeng Yi had intended to resolve this conflict peacefully, but since the opponent was an Evil Spirit Master, there was no need to hold back.

There was no point in letting these bloodthirsty maniacs continue to exist in this world.

Zeng Yi turned around and gave a reassuring smile to the kind female knight behind him.

"Don't worry, I'm quite powerful!"

Zhang Ruonan widened her eyes, looking at this confident man, feeling incredulous.

Why would a stranger go to such lengths for them?

After all, the other side was a cruel and vicious Evil Spirit Master!

Even her father, who was also a Spirit Saint, would not be a match for an Evil Spirit Master at the Spirit Saint level.

But this man in front of her seemed to be around the same age as her.

Could he possibly possess the power to confront a Spirit Saint?

Zhang Ruonan found it hard to believe, but she noticed something.

The frigid wind that had been howling suddenly ceased, as if it had disappeared with this person's appearance.

The snowflakes in the air fell slowly under gravity.

It seemed that this person controlled everything in this space.

In that instant, Zhang Ruonan's extinguished flame of hope ignited once again.

Perhaps they could survive this time.

"They have more people than this!"

"If you think you can run, then run quickly. There is another group that hasn't arrived yet. There's at least one Spirit Saint and three Spirit Douluo level experts. They also have about ten Spirit Kings!" Zhang Ruonan quickly informed Zeng Yi of what she knew about the Evil Spirit Masters.

Since this man chose to come to their rescue, Zhang Ruonan would not deceive him and provided him with information about the enemy's numbers and strength.

If he still believed he had the ability to handle these Evil Spirit Masters, she wouldn't say anything more; after all, it was his choice.

If he couldn't handle it and chose to leave, she wouldn't blame him either because it was already a great favor that he stood up for them.

"There are still so many people yet to come?"

After listening to this information, Zeng Yi was momentarily stunned.

Although he wasn't afraid of a Spirit Saint in a one-on-one fight, it would be troublesome to be surrounded by a group of people.

He had no problem dealing with them himself, but it would be difficult to protect this group of knights under such a siege.

However, if he couldn't save them, his intervention would be meaningless.

So, he'd better finish it quickly.

Zeng Yi narrowed his eyes, and his lazy gaze became sharp.

Sensing the strange atmosphere, Evil Spirit Master Qing Gui immediately understood that this mysterious person had decided to get involved no matter what.

This invisible pressure instinctively told him that the opponent was not an opponent he could handle.

But those knights were absolutely not allowed to escape!

Perhaps this mysterious Spirit Master was not his match, but he himself was a Spirit Saint. Even though he was only at the earliest rank of a Spirit Saint, he couldn't be defeated instantly by the opponent.

As long as he could hold the opponent back until the other group found this place, there would be no chance for these people to survive.

Qing Gui quickly assessed the situation in his mind. Suddenly, an extremely powerful spirit power burst out from his body!

[Seventh Spirit Skill: True Body of the Ghost!]

Qing Gui didn't hesitate and immediately released his most powerful spirit skill, True Body of the Ghost!

It could be said that the most powerful spirit skill of every Spirit Saint was their seventh spirit skill, True Body of the Ghost! Because seventh spirit skills maximized the power of the spirit master's own spirit, amplifying the effect of other spirit skills by one hundred percent.

When Qing Gui's True Body of the Ghost was activated, his emaciated body suddenly grew, shredding the sleeve of his right arm, revealing a huge skeleton ghost hand!

The size of that ghost hand was extremely exaggerated, almost proportional to his body, creating a feeling of extreme incongruity.

However, the giant right arm composed of skulls was covered with sobbing-looking skull faces, giving off a terrifying and eerie aura.

Even Zeng Yi was extremely shocked when he saw the transformation of this Spirit Saint.

This is his original Martial Spirit?

A Spirit Saint using True Body of the Ghost, the violent and turbulent spirit power fluctuations caused the surrounding space to shake. Even Zeng Yi couldn't ignore this imposing aura.

Although Zeng Yi liked the power collision of direct confrontation more than the peculiar and strange martial spirits and spirit skills, he was no stranger to them.

Back then, if it weren't for his ability to control an undetectable and bizarre spirit skill, he could have killed the Spirit Saint who used illusions.

Now, compared to the past, he had grown much stronger. Facing a Spirit Saint again, he no longer felt the same powerlessness.

Zeng Yi took a step forward, bent down, and grabbed the handle of his [Ronin Sword] sword at his waist, staring fiercely ahead.

[Spirit Skill: Sword of Selflessness!]

As the silver color of merciless cruelty stained his black eyes, Zeng Yi's figure disappeared in an instant.

[Forward Steps Slash!]

The silver shadow moved towards the direction of the strongest combatant, the Evil Spirit Master, like a silver lightning.

"I'll block this person, quickly kill the rest!" Qing Gui immediately ordered as Zeng Yi launched his attack.

He was confident that he could hold down this mysterious Spirit Master for a moment. The exhausted knights would be torn to shreds instantly by his subordinates.

This way, they would achieve their goal.

At the moment Zeng Yi launched his attack, Qing Gui laughed heartily. He controlled the massive ghost hand, formed it into a fist, and struck out towards the incoming figure.

[Spirit Skill: Hundred Ghost Heart Devouring Fist!]

Violet flames flickered on the massive fist, accompanied by the wailing cries of ghosts as it struck out.

Seeing that the opponent had no intention of dodging and wanted to face his spirit skill head-on, a smile formed on Qing Gui's face.

Not only did this spirit skill have formidable attacking power, but it also eroded the opponent's mind while targeting them, causing their actions to slow down.

A spirit master weaker than him had absolutely no chance of dodging! Even a spirit master at a higher level would be affected by the effect of this spirit skill, causing their movements to become sluggish.



Qing Gui laughed loudly as he watched the overconfident spirit master come crashing into his massive fist. The figure was then sent flying, crashing into a gigantic boulder ten meters away, shattering it under the immense force.

"How powerful did you think you were? Seems like you're nothing!" Qing Gui laughed smugly and mocked the figure before rushing over again to launch another attack, not giving the opponent a chance to retaliate.

However, as the dust settled, he found only debris and rubble here. The spirit master he had attacked seemed to have vanished without a trace, not even leaving a drop of blood on the ground.

Impossible! How could his full-force attack not even injure him?

Did he dodge it? But I clearly felt my fist hit his body!

Doubts flickered through Qing Gui's mind, but the scent of blood instantly brought him back to his senses.

In that instance, he seemed to have heard the sound of a shattered mirror.

He turned around, staring at the scene before him in a daze, his eyes widened in disbelief, filled with incredulity.

[Spirit Skill: Mirror Flower, Water Moon!]

[Tempest Strike: Five Consecutive Slashes!]

Zhang Ruonan widened her eyes, shocked by what she saw, her mouth agape in disbelief.

In her eyes, the Spirit Saint seemed to launch an attack in a direction where there was no one.

And that mysterious Sword Martial Spirit Spirit Master, his extreme speed was like a silver lightning, swiftly passing through the other five Evil Spirit Masters.

Sword light flickered, accompanied by five beautiful blood blossoms blooming in this icy world, as if everything fell silent.