
Douluo: Ronin

"I'm Zeng Yi, a Ronin" In Douluo, Zeng Yi finds himself reborn with [Happy Orphan System], forcing him to pursue wandering life. --- To access advance chapters, join my patreon - https://www.patreon.com/primordial_idli --- This is a Translation. Source - https://www.uukanshu.com/b/115900/ Author - Daoran Jushi --- Cover Image from pinterest - https://pin.it/7hN0Vac ---

primordial_idli · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 438: Encounter with a Spirit Saint


"When will this blizzard ever stop?" murmured Zeng Yi, shaking off the snow that had accumulated on his body.

His gaze was fixed on the group of people in the distance.

For Zeng Yi, the lives of these people had no connection to him, and he had no reason to save them.

Offering some help was already the extent of his kindness. It seemed foolish to invite trouble for strangers.

However, among those people was a princess—a fact that Zeng Yi needed to consider carefully.

After all, he was a stranger in this place, on someone else's territory. If he could save the princess, how would she repay him for such a significant favor?

To say that she would give herself to him wouldn't be an exaggeration.

But Zeng Yi was not interested in the princess. His main intention was to find someone who could lead him out of this cold place and introduce him to the local customs, making it more convenient for him to navigate the area.

So, Zeng Yi decided to see how things played out. If he could handle the people pursuing them, he would lend a hand. If the enemy was too powerful for him, he would slip away.

In the icy forest, as the snowstorm raged, Princess Luo Xue wrapped herself in a warm fur and Zhang Ruonan sat beside her, leaning against a tree, recuperating.

The other companions sat around, resting as well, but most of them had lost their spirit and will to fight.

Only Zhang Ruonan remained alert and vigilant, paying attention to every movement around them.

However, she knew that their struggles were in vain. With her own diminished strength and her companions loss of will, if the enemy found them, there would be no chance of survival.

Perhaps, the pursuers were also lost in this icy forest and blizzard.

Zhang Ruonan began to imagine.

For her, the events of the day felt like a cruel dream. How she wished it were all not real.

But before long, she felt the threat of death looming, and her body trembled involuntarily.

"Hehehe, found you."

An eerie cackling voice echoed in Zhang Ruonan's ears, causing her eyes to shrink rapidly.


She almost shouted at the top of her lungs, using all her strength to push the princess away when she sensed danger, then immediately stood up and turned to the right.

She saw a pair of skeletal claws swiftly lunging towards her.

The speed of the attack was so fast that she couldn't dodge when she saw it.

Was she going to die?

In that moment, she seemed to have foreseen her own death, pierced through the cranium by those ferocious claws, dying in a cruel manner.

But just then, she felt a powerful force pushing her away.

Zhang Ruonan flew backward in a sorry state. When she got back on her feet, she witnessed a scene that filled her with immense sadness and despair.

It was her companion, Roman, who had saved her!

Roman immediately noticed the attacker targeting Zhang Ruonan and rushed forward, pushing her away with all his might, taking the fatal blow in her place.

But the price was his own chest being pierced by the savage skeletal claws, dying on the spot!

Zhang Ruonan couldn't have imagined that Roman, who was the first to break down and lose hope, would save her in this moment.

Her eyes widened, filled with grief, and tears silently streamed down her face.


Zhang Ruonan screamed in agony, her spirit power surging as she tightly gripped her heavy sword with both hands.

The other companions also gathered around, releasing their martial spirits and adopting a combative stance.

The few minutes of rest had allowed them to regain some strength.

Although they knew they were doomed, as soldiers and knights, they at least intended to die fighting! Sending enemies to their graves rather than surrendering and facing humiliation.

In the dark icy forest, the released spirit power of the group illuminated their surroundings with dazzling light. However, secretly, several figures emerged and surrounded them.

"One, two, three, six, seven!" The person who killed Roman, under their black cloak, their eyes emitting crimson glimmers, scanned the surrounded group, muttering as if counting chickens about to be slaughtered.

"Huh? Why is there one missing?" they couldn't help but voice their doubt.

"Oh, so the last one is here!" Looking at their hand, they pushed away the corpse that was pierced through the chest, suddenly realizing.

They then retracted their bone-like claws, pushing the dead body aside, and calmly walked forward.

Their hands stained with fresh blood, droplets congealing into blood beads before even touching the ground, falling onto the snowy surface.

Under their black cloak, two eyes glimmered with red light, like haunting flames, suffocating and terrifying.

"Well, the number is correct. Let the slaughter begin! Hehe."

This person chuckled ominously. As their voice fell, several grey-robed individuals in the vicinity simultaneously released their martial spirits, their spirit power surging, launching a siege on the surrounded group.

The oppressive aura of death overwhelmed them, leaving them unable to do anything but watch as the enemy's attacks approached.

The enemy's strength was superior to their own. Already exhausted, they had no room for resistance.

But just in this critical moment, something unexpected happened.

The howling frigid winds suddenly changed direction, swirling around Zhang Ruonan and the others.


The roaring sound of the raging winds resounded as countless snowflakes formed a tornado, enveloping Zhang Ruonan and the others.

This sudden anomaly left everyone present dumbfounded.

Those who had launched attacks quickly retreated, their eyes watching the rapidly forming whirlwind in the center with vigilance.

The figure with the black cloak widened their eyes in astonishment and exclaimed.

"Who is it? Show yourself!"

Following this cold shout, a powerful spirit power surged from their seemingly emaciated body, and spirit rings silently emerged, shining around them.

White, Yellow, Purple, Purple, Black, Black!

Seven spirit rings! A Spirit Saint's realm was revealed, and the formidable spirit power pressed upon everyone, warning them.

The icy storm created by the swirling tornado dissipated, and the freezing winds suddenly vanished. Countless snowflakes gently fell from the sky.

In the center of the falling snowflakes, right in front of Zhang Ruonan and the others, stood a tall figure.

This person wore a tattered gray robe, a bamboo hat on their head, and carried a sword at their waist. Their long hair fluttered gently behind them.

Seeing this person's silhouette, the Spirit Saint's eyes quickly shrank in shock and apprehension.

How could they not sense this person's presence? If this person hadn't been standing right in front of them, they would have thought that they didn't exist.

This feeling ... it was as if they had encountered a ghost.

How could this be possible?

Could it be that this person's strength surpassed their own?

Spirit Douluo? Titled Douluo?

They couldn't help but speculate, but the more they thought about it, the more the fear in their hearts spread.

"Who are you? Why are you obstructing us?" they asked in a cold voice, unintentionally using honorifics.

Zeng Yi smiled slightly, raised his hand, and slowly removed the bamboo hat while saying, "Me? Just a passing traveler."

"But, can you give me some face? Spare these people." Zeng Yi looked at the Spirit Saint opponent and asked.

He hadn't planned on killing these people for the sake of his companions behind him. There was no enmity between himself and them, as far as he knew. However, it seemed that a big conflict had indeed arisen between the two sides.

Well, now that he had revealed himself, he naturally had to help these few people behind him evade this pursuit this once. In the future, they would be on their own if they were pursued.

But, it seemed that the situation wasn't a grudge between enemies.

Because, no matter how Zeng Yi looked at it, the five people before him were assassins lurking in the darkness.

The sinister aura emanating from them and the strong scent of blood made him repulsed.

Well, for Zeng Yi, these five individuals were still manageable.

Three Spirit Kings, Two Spirit Emperors, plus a Level 72 Spirit Saint.

Thinking about it, the first time he fought a Spirit Saint was several years ago when he was still a Spirit Ancestor. He was being chased in Heaven Dou City and nearly died at that Spirit Saint's hands.

But after several years of cultivation, Zeng Yi was confident that his current strength couldn't be matched by an ordinary Spirit Saint. After all, even Da Hei with a cultivation of fifty thousand years couldn't defeat him.

The level 72 Spirit Saint in front of him was not even worth considering.

What? You say there are several powerful experts at the level of Spirit Kings and Spirit Emperors?

However, for Zeng Yi at the moment, they were all crumbs, easily dealt with.

Zhang Ruonan looked at the figure that appeared before her eyes and was momentarily stunned.

How did he end up here?

However, she quickly snapped out of it and urgently shouted at the figure's back, "Why are you still here? Run! They are Evil Spirit Masters! You are no match for them! Run!"