
Douluo: Ronin

"I'm Zeng Yi, a Ronin" In Douluo, Zeng Yi finds himself reborn with [Happy Orphan System], forcing him to pursue wandering life. --- To access advance chapters, join my patreon - https://www.patreon.com/primordial_idli --- This is a Translation. Source - https://www.uukanshu.com/b/115900/ Author - Daoran Jushi --- Cover Image from pinterest - https://pin.it/7hN0Vac ---

primordial_idli · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 440: Fierce Battle with the Evil Spirit Saint


The strength of this Spirit Master was incredibly terrifying!

Zhang Ruonan and the other Spirit Masters stood there dumbfounded as they watched the five Evil Spirit Masters being instantly killed by Zeng Yi's terrifying power.

You must know that these were Evil Spirit Masters! The unique evil spirit power they cultivated had a restraining effect on ordinary Spirit Masters.

Usually, only light attribute spirit power could counteract this kind of evil spirit power, such as light attribute or fire attribute Martial Spirits.

Moreover, facing three Spirit Kings and two Spirit Emperors on the opposite side, even a Spirit Saint would be in danger of falling under such a coordinated attack.

To be able to instantly kill these Spirit Masters, his strength must be terrifying, no less than that of a Spirit Douluo, right?

This made them somewhat unable to believe that the young man in front of them, who appeared to be very young, could be a master at the level of a Spirit Douluo.

That was the pinnacle of a Spirit Master's journey, a powerful existence just one step away from becoming a Titled Douluo! In the entire continent, there were only a handful of Spirit Masters with such power.

Before the shock could dissipate, a sense of excitement and hope emerged.

With someone of such powerful strength, perhaps they really had a chance to be saved.

On the other side, Qing Gui, watching his five subordinates fall into a pool of blood before him, was stunned for a moment, his brain stopped thinking.

What had happened in those few seconds?

He couldn't understand.

When he regained his senses, he was the only one left.

Qing Gui widened his eyes and looked at the young man over there, who was holding a sword and wiping the blood off its sword. Fear flickered in his eyes.

Just what kind of monster had he encountered?

He was naturally aware of the strength of his subordinates. Even if he were to spar with all five of them, he would find it difficult to resist.

In battles between Spirit Masters, the number of spirit skills was what mattered, apart from the strength of spirit power.

Although a Spirit Master's strength would undergo a qualitative change upon reaching the level of Spirit Saint, the difference in the number of spirit skills could not be ignored.

Unless one had an incredibly strong realm and strength that could overlook the difference in the number of spirit skills.

Like a Titled Douluo!

Even tens of Spirit Saints would be like ants before a Titled Douluo.

Because one spirit skill of a Titled Douluo could crush a group of Spirit Saints.

This was a qualitative difference that could not be compensated for by quantity.

And the fact that the other side could disregard this rule meant that the strength of this mysterious Spirit Master far surpassed his own. This was definitely not something an expert at the level of a Spirit Saint could easily achieve.

In front of this person, Qing Gui felt like a clown, being played with at will.

Like in the brief confrontation just now, he clearly felt like he was fighting against this mysterious Spirit Master, but everything that happened felt like a dream, like an image reflected on the water's surface, shattered by a pebble.

Everything felt like an illusion.

Was this some sort of illusionary spirit skill?

But he clearly felt that the cold killing intent was directed at him. Even on his cheek, he felt the sharpness coming straight at him, experiencing a faint stinging sensation.

His intuition, senses, touch, smell, and vision did not deceive him, yet he still fell into a trap.

If this was an illusion or hallucination, it would be too terrifying.

Qing Gui could even imagine that if this mysterious Spirit Master wanted to kill him first, all he needed to do was lightly slash his own neck with the sword. And he wouldn't even know how he died!

"Who are you?" Qing Gui, trembling uncontrollably, asked fearfully as he looked at the Spirit Master in front of him.

When had he ever experienced such a feeling of terror?

When had he last felt this way? Years ago? Decades? or Several Decades?

Ever since he embarked on the path of the Evil Spirit Master, such feelings had almost never appeared. Instead, he had always enjoyed hunting and massacring his opponents, relishing in the expressions of fear, helplessness, and despair they displayed.

Qing Gui never expected to experience these expressions today, and on himself of all people.

"Who am I?"

At Zeng Yi's words, he raised his eyelids and turned to look at Qing Gui behind him. There was no ripple in his silver eyes.

This emotionless gaze made even Zhang Ruonan and the other Spirit Masters feel a sense of fear.

"I already told you before, I'm just a wandering traveler passing by." Zeng Yi spoke as he sheathed his sword.

As soon as his words fell, at the moment the sword was completely sheathed, his figure disappeared from its original position.

At the same time, Qing Gui, twenty meters away from Zeng Yi, instantly felt a strong sense of crisis and instinctively raised his gigantic skeletal ghost hand to block in front of him.

Meanwhile, Zeng Yi's figure had frozen in mid-air in front of him.

The distance between the two was only two meters!

Zeng Yi's icy eyes flickered with a chilling light as he quickly grabbed the hilt of [Ronin Sword]. In the blink of an eye, he drew his sword and struck!

In that instant, it seemed like the space turned gray and time halted.

In the silent world, a clear sword hum resonated, and in that space, only the sound of the sword being drawn echoed.

The sharp sword left the sheath, accompanied by a beautiful silver arc, flashing by like a shooting star in the night sky—brief, yet incredibly stunning and beautiful!

This attack was not flashy or fancy; it was the most pure and simple unsheathing strike!

But such an attack was also incredibly powerful!


The sharp sword struck the gigantic skeletal ghost hand, deeply embedding itself in it.

Although Qing Gui had blocked this lightning-fast draw of the sword due to his instinctive reaction to danger, the force behind this attack was still immensely powerful.

A powerful force field formed around the area where he stood; the air pressure became distorted, the ground sank deeply, the ice and snow melted under the terrifying spirit power, and cracks started spreading across the ground.

The immense strength and the terrifying sword intent suppressed Qing Gui.

Qing Gui was a bit confused now. He was supposed to be a sword-wielding Spirit Master, which should mean he followed a route of agility, considering the previous display of his terrifying speed like a ghost.

But why was his strength so powerful?

Qing Gui even began to suspect that this was actually a power-type Spirit Master!

He had managed to block that terrifying strike, but the cold and sharp sword intent seemed to have directly struck his spirit, causing him to momentarily have the illusion of already being killed.

At the moment of life and death, people could always erupt with potential beyond their limits.

An even stronger spirit power surged out of Qing Gui's body, erupting.

[Spirit skill: Song of Despair!]

In that instant, the countless skeleton faces on Qing Gui's gigantic ghost hand actually began to howl.

An ear-piercing, mournful cry rang out.

In that moment, a hint of confusion flickered in Zeng Yi's eyes.

A powerful surge of spirit power swept out from Qing Gui's body, causing Zeng Yi to be shaken and pushed back by this spirit power.

The pain caused Zeng Yi's gaze to regain clarity.

Looking at the Evil Spirit Master in front of him, Zeng Yi's heart filled with endless fury, yet his expression remained extremely calm, not showing a trace of anger. Instead, his expression started to become even colder.