
Douluo: Ronin

"I'm Zeng Yi, a Ronin" In Douluo, Zeng Yi finds himself reborn with [Happy Orphan System], forcing him to pursue wandering life. --- To access advance chapters, join my patreon - https://www.patreon.com/primordial_idli --- This is a Translation. Source - https://www.uukanshu.com/b/115900/ Author - Daoran Jushi --- Cover Image from pinterest - https://pin.it/7hN0Vac ---

primordial_idli · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 207: End


Exhaling a breath, Zeng Yi sheathed his sword, turned around, and looked at the shattered body lying in a pool of blood. There was no trace of emotion in his silver eyes. A person like this didn't even deserve the privilege of having their corpse intact.

His silver eyes turned black again as Zeng Yi also dispelled the additional effects of the two soul skills. His face turned somewhat pale, and his breathing became more rapid. The strain on his body and the consumption of soul power were significant after exerting such intense power in a short amount of time. Additionally, using the Sword Douluo's Heart Separation Control technique to control multiple swords simultaneously also consumed a considerable amount of mental power.

The killing move that took down this Soul King was developed by Zeng Yi during his time at Shrek Academy. It was inspired by a character move from a game in his previous life. With the help of Sword Douluo guiding him in divided concentration and the suppression effect of his third soul skill, Sword Domain, coupled with several months of training at Shrek and assistance from Oscar, Zeng Yi's comprehension of sword intent had deepened significantly.

Sword intent, along with wind speed and the suppression effect of Sword Domain, formed a sword formation that exerted tremendous pressure on opponents within its range. If the opponent's soul power level was lower than Zeng Yi's, he could ensure that they couldn't even move within the sword formation.

As he gained control over more swords, this move could become even more powerful.

"Sword Control: Extreme... I really miss it!" Zeng Yi raised his head, gazing at the sun in the sky, murmuring to himself.

"When can I step into the realm of the Sword God?"

First, Zeng Yi touched the corpse of the Soul King he had killed, then he headed towards the location where the caravan and bandits had fought.

With Zeng Yi's speed, he arrived at the scene in no time. The bandits' morale had already collapsed upon seeing their leader escape, and without the will to fight, they were quickly defeated by the caravan's soul masters. Only a few were still barely putting up a struggle against Zeng Yi.

Zeng Yi didn't say a word. The mercilessness was apparent in his pitch-black eyes as the blades at his waist were unsheathed in an instant. Several invisible sword qi swept out and ruthlessly slaughtered the bandits still engaged in battle. Witnessing their comrades falling, the soul masters of the caravan were also stunned. Their astonished gazes fell on the mysterious man standing aside.

"It's you! What about the Soul King?" Fang Nan asked, surprised, upon seeing Zeng Yi's figure.

"He's dead."


Seeing Zeng Yi appear alone, Fang Nan had already guessed the outcome deep inside, but hearing him state it himself was still profoundly shocking.

A Spirit Elder killing a Soul King, with two thousand-year soul rings at that—what kind of monster was this?

"Miss, all the bandits have been wiped out." a middle-aged man walked to Fang Nan's side and reported while inadvertently glancing up at Zeng Yi with a fearful look.

Fortunately, this person isn't an enemy.

Fang Nan also sighed in relief. "Yang Shu, instruct them to clean up the caravan. Assess the losses. We will set off for Skywater City shortly."


After finishing her instructions, Fang Nan looked at the chaotic battlefield. She hadn't expected to encounter such a powerful bandit group this time. Fortunately, they had received help and were saved from all dying here.

However, many soul masters, as well as ordinary people driving the carts, lost their lives.

Among the surviving, including herself, only ten people remained.

Gazing at her fallen comrades on the ground, Fang Nan's eyes dimmed, and she couldn't help but feel sorrowful.

"Thank you for helping us. Otherwise, we would have all perished at the hands of these bandits. I, Fang Nan, will remember this favor and will definitely repay you." Fang Nan quickly expressed her gratitude to the young man before her, who appeared to be no more than twenty years old.

If he hadn't killed the two Soul Ancestors and a Soul King, her team wouldn't have known what to do.

Upon seeing her serious expression, Zeng Yi felt somewhat uncomfortable. It was the first time someone had referred to him as a young master. Did he really look like a rich kid? He should be addressed as young hero.

But come to think of it, there is no term like young hero on the Douluo Continent.

Zeng Yi smiled, "Hehe, no need for that. I can't stand these wicked thieves, so I kill them on sight. Helping you was just a side task. No need for repayment. I'll just accompany you to Skywater City."

"That doesn't change the fact that you saved us. Young master, you can accompany us. With such a strong soul master by our side, the journey will be much safer. I must give my thanks to you." Fang Nan felt much more at ease with Zeng Yi's warm attitude. His previous cold and ruthless appearance when killing had led her to believe he wasn't easy to get along with. Now she realized that wasn't the case.

She didn't have to worry about Zeng Yi having any ulterior motives toward the cargo on her carriage. With his strength, if he had any intentions, there was no need for such methods; he could simply seize them by force, and no one could resist him.

"When we arrive in Skywater City, if the young master has any needs or requires assistance, feel free to come to my Fang family. We also possess some strength in Skywater City. I believe we can fulfill the young master's needs."

"Sure, we'll see when we get there." Zeng Yi replied. He had no choice with her being so earnest. It would be better to just say that for the sake of repaying me, and be done with it.

Thinking this, Zeng Yi inwardly grumbled.

Why say so much if you want to repay me? Just give me a lot of money directly.

Watching the girl before him, Zeng Yi couldn't help but internally complain.

"Jiao'er." Fang Nan called out, and a young girl who appeared to be around eighteen hurried over.

"Miss, what is it?" Jiao'er asked curiously. She had a lovely appearance which gave off a feeling of a delicate jade. Wearing a light yellow dress, she had a petite figure and twin buns on her head. Her big bright eyes looked quite adorable.

Observing the girl's appearance, Zeng Yi speculated that she must be the maid of this older sister. Moreover, Zeng Yi had previously seen her strength, over Level 20 soul power. She was a high-level soul master, probably specializing in auxiliary abilities with a staff-like martial soul.

Jiao'er stood by her master's side, stealing glances at Zeng Yi, her eyes filled with admiration.

While the girl was stealing glances at Zeng Yi, he was also sizing her up, his brows slightly furrowed, and his expression somewhat puzzled.

Why did this older sister call a little girl over? Could it be that she wants this cute little girl to serve me?

No way! Who does she think I am?

Realizing this, Zeng Yi became indignant.

"Jiao'er, go and order them to prepare a carriage and bring the bodies of our fallen brothers back to Skywater City." Fang Nan's voice interrupted Zeng Yi's thoughts, causing him to freeze momentarily, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"Alright, Miss. I'll go and tell them." Jiao'er responded before looking back at Zeng Yi.

"Sorry, she still lacks some understanding." Fang Nan also noticed her maid's behavior and apologized to Zeng Yi.

"It's fine, I don't mind." Zeng Yi waved his hand.

Who would dislike being admired and looked up to by a beautiful girl?

Both Fang Nan and her maid, Jiao'er, were speechless in their hearts.

Originally, they had wanted Zeng Yi to sit in the carriage while they went outside, but Zeng Yi didn't agree; instead, he let the two ladies sit inside.

However, if you don't want to sit inside, then just don't sit. Why sit on top of our carriage, not considering our feelings?

Both of them felt helpless.