
Douluo: Ronin

"I'm Zeng Yi, a Ronin" In Douluo, Zeng Yi finds himself reborn with [Happy Orphan System], forcing him to pursue wandering life. --- To access advance chapters, join my patreon - https://www.patreon.com/primordial_idli --- This is a Translation. Source - https://www.uukanshu.com/b/115900/ Author - Daoran Jushi --- Cover Image from pinterest - https://pin.it/7hN0Vac ---

primordial_idli · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 206: Sword Control: Extreme!


"Good, good, good."

In this scenario, Fang Nan was so frightened that she couldn't speak clearly, dumbfoundedly looking at the two bodies lying under Zeng Yi's feet, her brain went blank.

Two Soul Masters died just like that in an instant?

Wait, two Soul Masters died!

Fang Nan immediately reacted. With the two enemy Soul Masters dead and the remaining Soul King entangled by that mysterious man, the remaining bandits consisted only of several Soul Ancestors and Soul Grandmasters. On their side, they still had two Soul Masters. It was easy for them to crush these bandits.

"Everyone, attack! Kill these thieves and avenge our fallen comrades!" Fang Nan shouted. Her subordinates, following her voice, snapped out of their shock and stared angrily at the bandits, their eyes filled with hatred, as they boosted their aura to the extreme.

The dynamics of the battlefield instantly changed. They had transformed from prey into vengeful warriors.


The bandits were also intimidated by the voice and the continuous loss of their men. The death of two powerful Soul Masters had greatly diminished their morale, and thoughts of retreat started to emerge.

"Whoever dares to run, I will kill them!" Seeing his subordinates hesitating, the bandit leader spoke harshly again. Upon hearing these words, his men became even more awed, their hearts panicking. They then turned towards the guards of the merchant group, charging to attack.

Although there were many bandits, even with the loss of two powerful fighters, they still had forces capable of fighting. They dispatched two Soul Ancestors to deal with one Soul Master from the merchant group. However, these Soul Masters were no match for Zeng Yi's strength, and it took a lot of effort to defeat them.

But in doing so, their own Soul Ancestor's strength became inadequate, and facing the other guards of the merchant group would become extremely challenging. At this moment, they could only hope that their leader would quickly resolve the situation with that man and come to their aid.

As long as a Soul King-level combatant entered the field, the tide of battle would instantly change and victory would tilt in their favor.

Watching the chaotic battle before him, the bandit leader's face turned extremely gloomy. He knew very well that this highway robbery had already failed. The mysterious man opposite him had quickly killed two of his top subordinates, two Soul Masters! Such methods were even beyond his capabilities as a Soul King.

Judging from the situation, that man still seemed very relaxed, which made him believe that he was no match for him.

Moreover, those were two Soul Masters! The result of years of hard work had vanished just like that, causing him immense grief.

Originally, after successfully robbing this cargo, he planned to retire from this line of work and take his subordinates to a small city to establish a force and become a powerful dragon. With the power of a Soul King and his subordinates, life would be comfortable. But who could have expected that all of his years of effort would be ruined in one day?

It was infuriating!

However, he remained very rational. The man before him was very powerful, and the oppressive aura coming from him made his mind tremble. He no longer wanted to continue the battle; he wanted to flee.

As long as he didn't die, he would have a chance to start over. When a person dies, everything ceases to exist.

Absolutely cannot die!


A sharp sound of breaking through the air, as a sword energy slashed through the airflow, flying towards the Soul King at high speed.

Feeling the sharp attack approaching, his hair stood on end, and he quickly dodged to the side.


The sword energy slashed the ground, leaving a deep trench.

"Fury of the Barbaric Bear!"

The Soul King's mind shook greatly. A furious bear roar resounded through the space, as his black soul ring instantly radiated bright light. His body suddenly grew larger, his muscles bulged, the fur on his skin became more vibrant, and the claws on his bear paws became longer, shimmering with a bone-chilling cold light.

With a height of nearly three meters, his robust body stepped on the ground, causing slight tremors. Crimson light glinted in his intense bear eyes as he stared intently at Zeng Yi, his ferocious mouth roaring, bursting forth waves of Qi. The terrifying soul power filled the space, exuding a mad and ruthless aura.

At this moment, this Soul King barely resembled a human, more like a monstrous beast. The oppressive aura caused the soul masters of the merchant group and his subordinates to feel extreme terror.

This was the power of a ten thousand-year soul skill, terrifying to behold.

Sensing this terrifying soul power, Zeng Yi also felt some pressure. Although he had killed a Soul King before, that Soul King had just breakthrough to that level and was only at level fifty-one. The person before him, however, possessed the terrifying soul power of level fifty-six. Moreover, the previous Soul King didn't have a ten thousand-year soul ring, while this person wore a black halo, indicating the presence of his fifth soul ring.

The boost in strength provided by a ten thousand-year soul ring was extremely significant. It not only refined the body but also greatly enhanced the power of soul skills, incomparable to the power of a thousand-year soul ring.

It was said that a soul master with a ten thousand-year soul ring and one without were not on the same level, even if they were at the same cultivation level.

An opponent worth fighting with all his might!

"I don't have much time."

Muttering to himself, Zeng Yi's mind moved, and the two long swords hanging at his waist unsheathed instantly, floating in the air as if being guided by something, hovering around Zeng Yi's body.

It wasn't just these two long swords; Zeng Yi waved his left hand, and five weapons appeared out of nowhere in the air—long swords, broadswords, seven swords in total, erected and floating silently in the air. Under the sunlight, the sharp blades flickered with a chilling edge.

Combined with the Ronin sword in Zeng Yi's hand, he now controlled eight blades in total.

This was the sword technique he had cultivated during his months at Shrek Academy.

This sword art was immensely powerful, whether in group attacks or solo battles.

With Zeng Yi's current strength, controlling seven blades simultaneously was already his limit. But as his strength increased, he could control more blades, and their power would become even stronger.

This sword technique was called "Sword Control: Extreme!".

[Notes: This sword skill is derived out of Seven Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect's technique, Heart Separation Control]

The seven blades revolved rapidly around Zeng Yi's body, causing a strong wind to hang around him. However, the bandit leader felt that this roaring gale was only blowing in his direction.

With sharp sword intent accompanying the wind, even in the state of the fifth soul skill, the boost to the body's defense and strength, this Soul King still felt pain on his cheeks from the whistling wind.

Zeng Yi made his move. With no time to waste in his current state, he had to resolve the battle quickly.


The seven blades, as fast as lightning, attacked the Soul King, producing a series of sonic booms. Each weapon had its own trajectory, aiming for vital points on the Soul King's body.


Another sharp sound broke the air, and a one-yard-long blue tornado-like sword energy shot out swiftly.

Eight attacks, each aimed at a different location, each carrying a sharp sword intent and a formidable momentum. Although he was facing only one person, this Soul King felt like he was being surrounded and attacked by eight soul masters.

Too strong, what kind of soul skill was this? What kind of monster was this person!

Sinisterly powerful!

Clearly, he was just a Soul Elder; how could he possess such speed? 

Seeing the enraged and helpless bandit leader, Zeng Yi remained cold-faced. With a thought, the seven blades surrounded the Soul King, suppressing his body with formidable sword intent. This situation filled the Soul King with dread.

"Sword Control: Extreme!"

Zeng Yi gripped the hilt of his right-hand blade, his body flashed, disappearing from his original position.

~Forward Steps Slash!~

In an instant, the wind flow accelerated as a visible giant tornado rose within the sword array. The sound of the wind howled and raged, sword intent filled the entire space, chilling the surroundings.

In a brief moment, Zeng Yi's figure appeared beside one of the long swords in mid-air. He grasped the hilt with his left hand, tightly holding the Ronin sword with his right hand, and then disappeared in another flash, diving towards the Soul King on the ground.

Two brilliant flashes of sword light intersected, and two large sprays of blood burst high into the air.

But Zeng Yi didn't stop there. His figure flickered among the blades, countless flashes of swords erupted, extreme speed, sharp sword lights, furiously slashing at the Soul King on the ground.


Zeng Yi's figure instantly pierced through the Soul King's body, his right hand holding the long blade, his left hand holding the long sword, his feet landed on the ground, and his body elegantly spun once, coming to a stop.

The sword array disappeared, and the gale ceased.

The towering figure standing in the field was now covered in numerous red scars, both arms gone.

Standing still for two seconds, his head slowly moved from his neck, falling to the ground. Then his body, leaning sideways, split open from the waist, falling into a bloody puddle.

In Zeng Yi's sword array, this Soul King had no resistance, and was shattered by Zeng Yi's lightning-fast continuous slashes.