
Douluo: Ronin

"I'm Zeng Yi, a Ronin" In Douluo, Zeng Yi finds himself reborn with [Happy Orphan System], forcing him to pursue wandering life. --- To access advance chapters, join my patreon - https://www.patreon.com/primordial_idli --- This is a Translation. Source - https://www.uukanshu.com/b/115900/ Author - Daoran Jushi --- Cover Image from pinterest - https://pin.it/7hN0Vac ---

primordial_idli · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 208: The Fang Family of Skywater City


Zeng Yi followed Fang Nan's convoy until sunset and finally arrived in Skywater City.

Looking at the lively and bustling streets, the constant flow of people passing by, Zeng Yi couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed.

Especially those fair-skinned, long-legged beauties.

Skywater City truly lived up to its reputation as one of the main cities of the Heaven Dou Empire. The level of prosperity here even surpassed Soto City where Shrek Academy was located. Outside the city, there was also a large number of troops stationed, making it one of the important cities of the Heaven Dou Empire.

What impressed Zeng Yi the most was the large number of beautiful girls. 

Since it was a hot day, most of them were dressed in cool clothes, revealing their fair skin, which was a pleasant sight to behold.

Moreover, there were some young girls on the streets wearing similar uniforms. Zeng Yi thought they might be part of an organization, perhaps a school, as their outfits resembled school uniforms.

Sitting on top of the carriage roof, Zeng Yi turned his head to observe the surroundings. His peculiar behavior attracted the attention of many onlookers.

After all, it was strange to not sit properly inside the carriage and instead sit on the roof.

"We've arrived in Skywater City, so I'll take my leave now." Zeng Yi said as he jumped down from the carriage roof, addressing the people inside the carriage.

Upon hearing this, Fang Nan and her maid Jiao'er descended from the carriage and faced Zeng Yi.

Looking at the two women standing in front of him, Zeng Yi smiled gently and said, "Thank you, Sister Fang. I'll take my leave now, goodbye."

"Hey, young master, wait." Fang Nan quickly called out as Zeng Yi turned to leave.

Hearing the voice, Zeng Yi paused and turned back, his face showing some confusion.

"Do you need something?" he asked.

Fang Nan immediately said, "It's already late. Young master, you can stay at my mansion overnight and then plan for tomorrow, how about that?"

Having witnessed Zeng Yi's strength and considering his age, Fang Nan knew that this young man was not ordinary. Without a powerful background, he wouldn't have developed into such a formidable soul master. Moreover, regardless of his background, with such talent alone, his future achievements would surely be extraordinary. Coming across someone like him and having such an opportunity, it would be regrettable not to make friends.

"Go to your house?" Zeng Yi couldn't help but be surprised.

"Yes, young master, you saved my life, and I really want to express my gratitude for your help. You don't want anything from me, and that makes me uneasy. How about joining us in a dinner feast at my house?" Fang Nan sensed a chance and added another sentence.

Zeng Yi felt speechless. What does she mean by saying he doesn't want anything? If you give me money, I'll definitely take it!

But he couldn't directly say that, it would be too tactless and lacking in manners.

However, it would save some money to stay at her house for a night, and he could also learn some information he wanted to know.

With his decision made, Zeng Yi said, "Since you insist, Sister Fang, I will bother you for one night."

Seeing that Zeng Yi agreed, Fang Nan couldn't hide her joy. "Then let me accompany you back to my mansion and introduce you to our Skywater City on the way."

"Um, my name is Zeng Yi. It sounds awkward to call me young master, so just call me Xiao Yi." Zeng Yi said, feeling a bit embarrassed by always being referred to as young master.

"Alright, I'll follow your lead then, Xiao Yi." Fang Nan chuckled softly, covering her mouth. This young man was so young yet incredibly powerful, yet he remained humble. She had encountered many so-called geniuses, and they all exhibited arrogance. But this young man didn't display a trace of it.

This made her even more interested in this mysterious young man.

Zeng Yi, Fang Nan, and her maid Jiao'er walked together on the streets of Skywater City, with the convoy following behind. This scene attracted a lot of attention from passersby.

However, from the respectful gaze of the onlookers, Zeng Yi could tell that Fang Nan had a significant background in Skywater City.

In an instant, Zeng Yi felt that agreeing to stay at her house was a wrong choice. He had read many online stories in his previous life and was familiar with such plots. There would be jealousy because someone liked a certain woman, and when that woman brought the protagonist home, the oblivious antagonist would start harassing the protagonist. Or the protagonist would be looked down upon by the woman's family, and then he would get angry and slap them in the face. In short, there would be all kinds of cliché situations, which couldn't be completed in just a chapter or two, it required at least another twenty or thirty chapters.

Zeng Yi regretted his decision because he didn't want to get involved if anything unpredictable happened. He would just leave.

"Xiao Yi, this is my home." Fang Nan's words brought Zeng Yi back to reality.

"Ah, we've arrived?" Zeng Yi was a little dazed, raising his eyes to see the magnificent mansion in front of him, feeling a sense of shock.

"What's wrong with you?" Fang Nan noticed Zeng Yi's dazed expression and couldn't help but wave her hand in front of his eyes.

"Oh, nothing, I'm just amazed by your house. It's really big and luxurious." Zeng Yi remarked with a sigh, feeling overwhelmed. From the appearance of the entire estate, it occupied an area of around fifty acres even within the city. This indicated the immense power of the family within the city.

The whole mansion was designed in a Western-style courtyard, and even standing outside the large iron gate, one could see the winding path paved with cobblestones. With the night falling and the illumination of lights, it felt like a magical scene, akin to a castle from a fairy tale.

"Miss, you're back."

At the entrance, two guards saw Fang Nan and respectfully greeted her.

Fang Nan nodded slightly in response and then gave instructions, "Open the gates. And Yang Shu, send the goods from the carriage to the warehouse. Remember to give double compensation to the families of our deceased brothers and take care of their families, understood?"

"Yes, Miss." a Soul Ancestor in the team promptly responded.

After giving the orders, Fang Nan turned to Zeng Yi and smiled, "Let's go, Xiao Yi, let's enter together."

Entering the mansion's gate, Zeng Yi felt like an old lady admiring an estate. He turned his head to look around, occasionally exclaiming in surprise.

Snickering sounds came from Fang Nan's maid Jiao'er, which made Zeng Yi feel a bit embarrassed, but Fang Nan's expression changed to a frown.

"Jiao'er, apologize!" Fang Nan couldn't help but coldly reprimand her, her beautiful eyes staring frostily at her maid.

Fang Nan's sudden reaction startled Zeng Yi.

Being looked upon like that by her mistress, Jiao'er couldn't help but tremble, quickly bowing and apologizing to Zeng Yi, "Master Zeng, I am at fault. Please forgive me!"

After apologizing, she even raised her palm and tried to slap herself, shocking Zeng Yi, who quickly grabbed her small hand that was about to hit her own face.

"You..." Her hand being restrained by Zeng Yi, Jiao'er was at a loss.

"That's enough, I didn't mind, there's no need for this seriousness." Zeng Yi lamented helplessly.

"But I offended you just now."

"I said it's okay, I didn't mind. Understand?"

Seeing Zeng Yi's serious expression, Jiao'er couldn't help but look at her mistress.

"Now that Xiao Yi has forgiven you, it's over this time. There can't be another time, understand?" Fang Nan glanced at her maid, then turned to Zeng Yi. "Xiao Yi, I'm really sorry for this, she's still young and impulsive."

"Jiao'er, go prepare a room for Xiao Yi."

"Yes, Miss." Jiao'er responded, then bowed to Zeng Yi before quickly leaving.

"Xiao Yi, is this the first time you've seen such a place?" Fang Nan asked with some doubt. Based on his talent and strength, he should be a disciple of some major power. Those places would be much grander than her own house, so he shouldn't have such a reaction.

Then Fang Nan realized that her words were a bit inappropriate. "Sorry, it seems I spoke too much."

However, Zeng Yi didn't mind at all and nodded, saying, "You guessed it right, Sister Fang. I am indeed from a major sect, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. But I have been cultivating outside and haven't been to the sect yet."

Upon hearing this, Fang Nan couldn't help but tremble, her face showing immense shock.

"One of the top three sects, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect!"

Seeing Fang Nan's astonished expression, Zeng Yi nodded satisfactorily.

Outside, the reputation of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect was still useful. Having entered Fang Nan's Skywater City, Zeng Yi couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't encounter any trouble. But by using the reputation of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, he could deter anyone who dared to cause trouble for him. After all, not everyone had the background like the Spirit Hall.