
Douluo: Ronin

"I'm Zeng Yi, a Ronin" In Douluo, Zeng Yi finds himself reborn with [Happy Orphan System], forcing him to pursue wandering life. --- To access advance chapters, join my patreon - https://www.patreon.com/primordial_idli --- This is a Translation. Source - https://www.uukanshu.com/b/115900/ Author - Daoran Jushi --- Cover Image from pinterest - https://pin.it/7hN0Vac ---

primordial_idli · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 205: Killing is a Bad Habit


Looking at the young boy in front of him, the Soul King couldn't help but be surprised and became vigilant.

As a Soul King himself, he couldn't sense any trace of aura from this person. He appeared like an ordinary person without any soul power. But could an ordinary person suddenly appear here?

Is his soul power higher than mine?

The Soul King entertained this thought for a moment but quickly dismissed it. He looked at the boy's face and estimated that he couldn't be older than twenty. How could someone of that age possess power surpassing a Soul King?

The group of Soul Masters who were surrounded by the bandits saw a glimmer of hope with the sudden appearance of this person.

Witnessing the scene before them, with the dead bodies on the ground, especially those who lacked soul power, Zeng Yi couldn't help but feel regretful.

The old man had warned him about the bandits that appeared on the way to Skywater City, but he never expected to encounter them himself.

The aura he sensed was nauseating.

Zeng Yi seemed to hear countless souls crying in agony around these people.

Murder, arson, plundering, indiscriminate killings. These people truly deserved to die!

Watching this group of people, anger rose within Zeng Yi, his eyes turned fierce, and the atmosphere instantly grew cold.

"Young man, I am the second miss of the Fang family in Skywater City. I implore you to lend us a hand to break free. Once we're safe, I'll definitely repay you!" Upon seeing Zeng Yi, Fang Nan also noticed the hostility he held towards the bandits and spoke up.

She knew that Zeng Yi must have extraordinary strength to appear silently in this situation. If they could join forces, they might break through the bandits' encirclement and escape.

"Shut up, you useless woman!" Seeing Fang Nan seek help from this mysterious man, the leader of the bandits couldn't help but panic. He angrily swung his bear paw towards her.

The distance between the two was short, and with the sudden attack from the Soul King, Fang Nan, who was still at the Spirit Master level, was taken aback and couldn't evade in time.

The Soul King knew that Zeng Yi might cooperate with this woman and wanted to eliminate one first.


The sudden attack from the Soul King surprised everyone, but faced with a Soul King's terrifying attack, they didn't dare to directly confront him and could only shout in anxiety, expressing their powerless emotions.


A sharp attack split the ground, causing a loud tremor. The Soul King quickly retreated in the dust, raising his head with a fierce glare at Zeng Yi, clenching his fist, extremely angry.

Once the dust settled, the others noticed that their Miss was unharmed, causing them to breathe a sigh of relief. However, in the next moment, they were shocked.

A three-meter-long trench appeared on the ground, cuts so precise that the sight alone exuded a strong sharpness.

So powerful!

Fang Nan dumbfoundedly stared at the trench before her, her heart filled with shock. The strength of that young man, who forced a Soul King to retreat with a single attack, was incredibly strong!

"What do you mean by that, young man?" The Soul King squinted his eyes at Zeng Yi, his tone carrying extreme hostility, his soul power fluctuating, his mood becoming extremely angry.

His subordinates also looked towards Zeng Yi, preparing for battle. Once their leader gave the order, they would rush forward like fierce hounds and tear the enemy apart.

But Zeng Yi didn't pay any attention to him. Instead, he looked towards the woman on the other side.

"You live in Skywater City, right?"

Seeing Zeng Yi speak to her, Fang Nan was momentarily surprised but quickly responded, "Yes, that's right."

"Just take me to Skywater City, that would be repayment enough." Zeng Yi said casually.

This made Fang Nan even more confused. Escorting him to Skywater City would be considered repayment? Everyone knows the way to Skywater City. Why should it be considered a form of repayment? This person is truly strange.

But it also made her heart swell with joy. Since Zeng Yi said so, it meant that he agreed to help her team.

Being completely disregarded, the Soul King's face turned extremely unsightly. He had never been treated like this before, and it made him tremble with rage. A terrifying aura shimmered within him, causing the earth to slightly quake.

"You brat, you're too arrogant." The Soul King's face darkened as he stared at Zeng Yi. A shadow of a black berserk bear appeared behind him, roaring fiercely at Zeng Yi with a murderous intent spreading.

Zeng Yi looked at the Soul King, sensing the oppressive soul power. His heart remained calm, his expression unchanged, still indifferent and cold. A glimmer of coldness flickered in his eyes.

"How many people have you killed? What kind of people did you kill?" Zeng Yi suddenly asked, causing the Soul King to pause for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"I've killed so many people I can't even remember. Among them, there are Soul Masters, ordinary people without soul power, old people, women, and children." The Soul King's bear-like eyes gleamed with a cruel maliciousness, resembling a ferocious bear eyeing its prey.

"And you will die at my hands too."

Hearing this, Zeng Yi smiled faintly, raising the blade in his hand and gently caressing the cold blade. He muttered to himself.

"I, too, have killed many people. But the people I've killed are different from yours. Some were people who wanted to kill me, while the rest were bandits like you, the indiscriminate killers and thieves."

After speaking, Zeng Yi's intense gaze sharpened, his eyes fixed on the Soul King, and he coldly said, "I've killed many in the past, and in the future, I will kill even more."

As those words were uttered, a sharp sword intent permeated the atmosphere, and the mood turned icy. A chilling intention to kill filled the entire space.

The wind began to blow, carrying the scent of blood mingling with countless cries of despair, as if vengeful spirits were lamenting in the wind.

Zeng Yi stood quietly, holding his Lan Qie sword in his right hand. His clothes and long hair fluttered in the wind. He didn't do anything, but this intangible force made everyone present tremble.

"Hahaha, with my fifty-sixth level of soul power, can you, a brat, kill me?" The Soul King raised his aura, overpowering Zeng Yi, dispelling the fear he felt earlier. He laughed maniacally, his powerful soul power surging, causing the space to ripple with waves of air.

Zeng Yi said nothing. He sheathed his sword and closed his eyes, but his right hand still tightly gripped the sword hilt.

Zeng Yi took a deep breath.

~Sword of Selflessness!~

~Sword Domain!~

Suddenly, Zeng Yi opened his eyes, and his sharp silver gaze flickered. Three soul rings quietly appeared, radiating a magnificent brilliance. The wind grew urgent, starting to whistle.

"Soul Elder! Two thousand-year soul rings!"

The moment Zeng Yi revealed his soul rings, everyone was left astonished. They didn't realize that when Zeng Yi revealed his soul rings, it meant that he would fight with all his might, sparing no effort.

A Soul Elder fighting with all his might against a Soul King seemed somewhat laughable in the eyes of the Soul King. But those who knew Zeng Yi's true strength knew how terrifying the scene would be when he unleashed his full power.

In the distraction of others, Zeng Yi's figure disappeared from the top of a carriage.

~Forward Steps Slash!~

~Winds of Decisive Slash!~


A cold silvery sword light flashed in space, and the wind paused momentarily. At the moment the sword was unsheathed, everyone felt their necks being pressed against by a sharp blade. Their souls trembled in fear.


Killing is a bad habit, but it seems I can't quit.

Zeng Yi's eyes flickered with coldness as he stood beside the two lifeless bodies. A drop of fresh blood fell from the tip of his blade.

At that moment, everyone present was too shocked to utter a word.

A Soul Elder with such strength, is he a monster?

Zeng Yi turned around, his cold, heartless eyes locking onto Fang Nan on the other side. He spoke in a cold voice.

"I'll deal with the Soul King, the rest is up to you. How about it?"

Being stared at by those silver eyes, Fang Nan felt as if her soul was being sucked in. Her body trembled uncontrollably from fear.