
Doomsday at Marvel

I, doomsday, have remained in the core of the Sun for a hundred thousand years. Lu Yuan was originally a normal person, but one day he traveled back in time and became the famous Doomsday in the DC universe. Doomsday refers not to a single monster, but to a terrifying legion, coming from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not Superman, in fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon invented by resurrecting the corpses of Kryptonians after gaining superhuman powers. Lu Yuan became one of the suns at the end of the world after traveling through time, entered the core of the sun and remained there for 100,000 years. One day Lu Yuan woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he discovered that this was no longer the Earth of the DC universe. For some reason, he seemed to have come to Marvel? "Isn't this invincible? Without kryptonite, he'd be a god." This is a translated novel, please support me with good reviews and stars. Updates will be daily, one chapter per day, if I don't upload a chapter one day it's because something bad happened to me xd.

_Doomsday_ · Anime & Comics
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Sleeping in the center of the sun for a hundred thousand years.

After all, Doomsday rose from the dead. Just as Lu Yuan lost to Darkseid, his army was also defeated by Apokolips, an army led by Darkseid's more elite dark elites.

Also, Darkseid did not have a demonoid army at the time, and those who fought against Krypton were his new warrior gods from Apokolips.

It was probably because of the defeat in this war that Darkseid began to develop demonic technology.

Speaking of a hundred thousand supermen, they all became Doomsday. For a while, even Darkseid and Apokolips had to avoid their advantage.

However, this extremely powerful biological weapon has a fatal flaw, that is, after rebirth, Doomsday will lose his head.

Now that Apokolips has retreated, Doomsday's army is tireless because they already have infinite physical energy.

At this moment, they set their sights on Krypton, their hometown, their relatives and compatriots whom they must protect even if they sacrifice their lives.

At the critical moment, Lu Yuan stood alone against an army of 100,000 Doomsday, many of them friends, acquaintances and battle brothers throughout his life.

War broke out again and Lu Yuan fought his former subordinates in the most terrifying manner with a hundred thousand Doomsday at a time.

Even Lu Yuan died countless times and did his best to kill his former subordinates.

This battle was simply more terrifying than the war with Apokolips, and it was so brutal that people could not bear to mention it again.

But in the end, it was Lu Yuan who protected Krypton.

The 100,000 Doomsday of destruction were wiped out and could never be resurrected.

Lu Yuan also personally used heat vision rays to confirm that every drop of Doomsday cells had been completely eliminated to prevent anyone from being able to resurrect such monsters and prevent them from resurrecting again.

After completing all this, Lu Yuan looked in the direction of Krypton.

He received no applause or praise, he only saw countless eyes filled with horror and fear.

Lu Yuan understood, they did not think he still kept a calm mind and thought he was also crazy and it was normal to be afraid.

Lu Yao smiled wearily and left, floating off into the distance of the universe.

However, as he left, Lu Yuan still left a warning, "Stop researching and creating new Doomsdays, otherwise Krypton will also usher in its end of the world."

Thus he was also given the name Doomsday.

Doomsday is a day of reckoning that can put an end to all civilizations.

After that, Krypton not only obeyed Lu Yuan's instructions, but also defined all information about Doomsday as taboo, not even allowing it to be mentioned, and also put an end to its external plans to expand the universe.

Since then, Krypton has taken another route: Krypton has developed the latest technology called the Life Code, using science and technology to cultivate and give birth to new generations.

This can also determine the future of the newborn based on the industry the society needs.

For example, if what is needed is a warrior, children will be born with the genes best suited to become warriors.

If scientists are needed, future generations will be born who can become scientists.

This is certainly an improvement, but it will also kill the future and the Kryptonian ceiling.

Especially after generations of people have been instilled with the concept of absolutely protecting Krypton, Kryptonians will never be able to leave Krypton again.

All that awaits them is destruction.

However, this has nothing to do with Lu Yuan.

After leaving Krypton, Lu Yuan once again crossed the universe and flew directly to the solar system.

Returning to the solar system again, Lu Yuan did not search for the base he had left before, but went directly to the surface of the sun.

He eventually penetrated the center of the sun, where he fell into a deep sleep.

Although he claims to have unlimited physical strength, he is actually tired and his mind needs rest. If he continues to stay awake, he will be in danger of going insane.

In this way, Lu Yuan fell asleep peacefully in the center of the sun and slept for a hundred thousand years.

A hundred thousand years have passed, even in the vast universe, this is a long time.

But it is nothing to Lu Yuan. He is already an immortal Sun of Destruction and is in the center of the sun. He can feel his strength increasing every second and his physical condition is also improving. This will only make him become stronger and live longer.

One hundred thousand years is arguably a time of great change, enough to turn the sea into a field of land and desolation, or the field of land into a sea.

Krypton has also undergone momentous changes, and even Krypton is about to mark the beginning of its end.

At this moment, in the center of the sun, Lu Yuan, who had been sleeping, suddenly slowly opened his eyes.

He had been sleeping for so long that a layer of something resembling fossils had condensed on his eyelids.

When Lu Yuan opened his eyes, two golden rays of light projected from Lu Yuan's eyes like lasers.

That is one of the abilities that almost all Kryptonians can awaken after becoming Superman, the heat vision ray.

But for some reason, Lu Yuan's heat ray turned golden.

He himself was surprised, was it red before?

But as he slowly sat up and observed his condition, he understood a little.

I saw that Lu Yuan's whole body had been dyed golden yellow, like a bright golden man.

At the same time, Lu Yuan seemed to know many things in secret.

Because he stayed in the sun core for too long and absorbed too much power, he automatically broke the shackles and became a fifth dimensional person. There is even the possibility of continuing to break through and become a sixth dimensional person.

The greater the dimensional power, the more terrifying and elusive it is. For example, the sixth dimension is already equivalent to the level of the Creator God.

Even the fifth dimension can rewrite reality at will, reverse past and future history and even make the entire universe blank with a single thought.

And now, Lu Yuan is like that.

Like the golden Superman in DC Millions, Superman stayed in the center of the sun for 85,000 years and became a fifth dimensional person after leaving. Even the dead Lois can resurrect at will and become a fifth dimensional person together. dimensions.

Lu Yuan stayed for 100,000 years, more than 15,000 years more.

Then his power must be stronger.

"This dream was very comfortable," Lu Yuan shouted and got up from the ground.

As a result, his action caused huge fluctuations in the Sun and the whole Sun trembled. Not only was the solar wind strong on the surface, but chunks of magma-like material were also thrown out and it also triggered various celestial solar phenomena.

Lu Yuan secretly clicked his tongue, almost shattered the sun with this movement.

Looks like I need to pay more attention to controlling my own power in the future.

"But in this case, Darkseid, it's time to renew our relationship, and the bond between him and I must be untied," Lu Yuan did not forget Darkseid.

But just as he was about to take off from the sun, he suddenly turned his head in the direction of the earth in the solar system with a strange expression.

He has the same abilities as Superman because he was originally Kryptonian and then became Superman and was resurrected as Doomsday after his death.

So, of course, he has all the abilities that Superman has.

Then he got a voice with his super hearing, and it was the name of a person, none other than Tony Stark.

"Why is it him?" Lu Yuan was surprised, "Don't tell me this isn't DC, why did I end up in Marvel?"

"On the other hand, there is no kryptonite in this world, don't I want to be invincible?"

In fact, he is no longer afraid of kryptonite.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

_Doomsday_creators' thoughts