
Doomsday at Marvel

I, doomsday, have remained in the core of the Sun for a hundred thousand years. Lu Yuan was originally a normal person, but one day he traveled back in time and became the famous Doomsday in the DC universe. Doomsday refers not to a single monster, but to a terrifying legion, coming from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not Superman, in fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon invented by resurrecting the corpses of Kryptonians after gaining superhuman powers. Lu Yuan became one of the suns at the end of the world after traveling through time, entered the core of the sun and remained there for 100,000 years. One day Lu Yuan woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he discovered that this was no longer the Earth of the DC universe. For some reason, he seemed to have come to Marvel? "Isn't this invincible? Without kryptonite, he'd be a god." This is a translated novel, please support me with good reviews and stars. Updates will be daily, one chapter per day, if I don't upload a chapter one day it's because something bad happened to me xd.

_Doomsday_ · Anime & Comics
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The universe is silent because it is empty space. As we all know, sound cannot propagate in empty space.

But as long as there is air there is no problem.

Take the sun, for example.

Of course, the Sun has an atmosphere: from the inside to the outside there is photosphere, chromosphere and corona.

Moreover, the temperature of the Sun's atmosphere is also frightening, after all, this is the Sun.

According to scientists' speculations, the surface temperature of the Sun is about 5,500 degrees Celsius, while the core temperature is close to about 20 million degrees Celsius.


But in the midst of such a terrifying sun core, there was a "person" lying there, eyes tightly closed and breathing hard.

Is someone sleeping here?

If anyone knew about this, they would probably gasp.

This is just too unbelievable.

The reason I put quotation marks around the person is because the figure alone is five meters tall by visual inspection. The entire body is covered in huge, strong muscles, especially important joints like the shoulders and elbows, which are covered in glitter. .... The terrifying armor bone spur with cold light and spikes.

Especially its appearance. The huge bloody mouth is full of sharp fangs. It doesn't look like human teeth, but rather the fangs of some ferocious beast. It looks like it can easily crush a person's bones ... .

Not to mention the appearance.

But who could know that he used to be a human, an extremely ordinary person?

His name is Lu Yuan, his parents gave him this name in the hope that he would have a long road ahead of him and live a stable life.

But who would have thought that Lu Yuan would time travel in the end?

Moreover, his experience after the time travel was not simple. The reason why he transformed from an ordinary person to this majestic appearance was actually because Lu Yuan became Kryptonian after the time travel.

Yes, he is the Kryptonian of the DC universe.

It can be said that everyone knows about Kryptonians, because Superman, known as the world's first superhero, is Kryptonian.

Superman is the first superhero to be born in almost all comics, animations and other works.

And he is Kryptonian. When he lived on Earth, he became Superman due to the power of the yellow sun and possessed superhuman strength.

After Lu Yuan traveled through time, he also became Kryptonian.

It's just that Lu Yuan traveled too early. When he traveled, it was not the era of Superman, let alone the era of the Justice League, but a hundred thousand years before the birth of the Justice League and Superman.

He arrived in the ancient Kryptonian era.

But even the Kryptonian technology of 100,000 years ago has already surpassed present-day Earth: 100,000 years ago, the Kryptonians began a mad expansion plan to colonize the entire universe.

Lu Yuan is not only one of the main people who proposed this plan, but also the main leader. Lu Yuan is even a famous general of Krypton.

Among them, Lu Yuan was in charge of the troops in charge of heading to the solar system at the other end of the Milky Way (Krypton was also in the Milky Way, just opposite the two straight lines of the Earth).

Of course, he knew how the sun helped and promoted the Kryptonians, so he arrived in the solar system and gained superhuman strength after radiating the sun's brightness.

However, just when the Kryptonian planet was expanding throughout the universe, he offended a force, or rather a person.

The universe is very mysterious and there are great gods from all over the world, even legendary gods also exist in various regions of the earth, and they are also known as gods.

But these Protoss have undergone some changes recently: a group of guys called New Protoss have chased away the old Protoss and became the New Protoss.

Especially Darkseid, who became the God-King of Apokolips, one of the New Gods, also known as the Dark Lord, when Yuga Khan, the real God-King of the New Gods, was missing.

This guy also has big ambitions and wants to have the whole universe under his control.

Now the two main ethnic groups will inevitably clash.

It turns out that there is a group of Oa in the universe called the First Legion of the Universe, there is a group of little blue men at the top called the Guardians of the Universe, initially they wanted to cause trouble for Krypton.

As a result, a war broke out between Apokolips and Krypton, especially when Lu Yuan returned with his own soldiers, a terrifying army of 100,000 supermen.

This is the battle of the gods: the power of the two sides is about to break the universe and the whole galaxy is trembling.

There used to be countless civilizations in the Milky Way, but in that war, countless civilizations and planets died and were annihilated.

In the end, even Darkseid showed up in person, even in his true form.

It was the first time he experienced the strength of the Kryptonians and the first time he learned of Superman's existence, because at that time, Lu Yuan had already adopted the name Superman as his own title.

When Darkseid and Lu Yuan met for the first time, they understood that the other was their greatest threat and that they were also their strongest enemies.

A final battle began. Lu Yuan's Krypton-trained combat skills greatly surprised Darkseid, and the power of Darkseid's Omega Beams nearly shattered Lu Yuan.

After all, Darkseid had the BUFF bonus of the New Gods. Lu Yuan still lost in the end and died at Darkseid's hands.

I thought Krypton would be destroyed.

However, the technological level of Krypton was so terrible that Lu Yuan's body was used for research and eventually developed the most terrifying biological weapon in the universe.

Day of Destruction.

Lu Yuan was resurrected and gained a more powerful and terrifying power. Even the red sunlight could not make him lose his power, but would increase his power.

Lu Yuan, who became the sun of destruction, only had kryptonite as his ultimate weakness.

And because Lu Yuan already died once, like Doomsday, he will never die again and become an immortal and terrifying existence with unlimited physical strength.

The power to destroy the world, infinite physical energy that never feels tired, super fast healing and regeneration ability, and the ability to continuously evolve and restrict the opponent according to the opponent's ability characteristics in battle, to adapt to all environments. and all enemies. It even resurrects after being killed and has developed ways to deal with that, making it impossible to kill Doomsday the same way twice.

Lu Yuan is already invincible.

Including kryptonite. After his resurrection, he used kryptonite to commit suicide for the first time as soon as he understood the situation.

From then on, he was even immune to Kryptonite's weaknesses and damage.

He became almost invincible.

But precisely because he became invincible and perfect, the Kryptonians thought they had seen the dawn and the future, so they took the corpses of the Kryptonians who died in the war and had become supermen, and created an army of destruction. .

But only Lu Yuan unexpectedly retained his sanity, while the other Doomsdays lost their minds.

In the first moment, the army of 100,000 Doomsday destroyed the army of Apokolips, and even Darkseid was defeated by Lu Yuan alone.

Darkseid's Omega beams can no longer harm Lu Yuan, but Lu Yuan's fists can hurt or even kill him.

At the last moment, Darkseid could only retreat and look at Lu Yuan, the two knew that they would become each other's bond.

In fact, the word "shackle" is not originally a complementary word.

Fetters represent restraints, obstacles and shackles, everyone understands that this bridge has been completely forged.

But with Apokolips in retreat, what to do with the doomsday army out of control?

They, or rather they, began to turn their crazed eyes toward their hometown and their compatriots, families and friends behind them.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

_Doomsday_creators' thoughts