
Don’t Mess With An Angel

I know what you must be thinking, already knowing the entire story of how the devil came to be and how Adam and Eve fucked up everything but have you ever stopped dead in your pants to wonder what if we heard the story from the Devils point of view just for a moment to really know if it was you, would you do what he did millions of years ago my fellow reader…keep reading for all the plot twist’s and turns of life… Warning: may not make sense in chapter 1 but it will in chapter 2 and 3, am sort of new to this so forgive me for any inconveniences that you may feel while reading this but all things being considered I hope you all enjoy the book and eat it while making love to it with your cereal in hand…Thank you Fam…

Noah_StrangeSs · Others
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35 Chs

The Fall of Her

Narrator: the induction begins as Jinx Monsoon and Lucinda Ferahmoven face their very first battle together as powerful women and you might be wondering, what power does Lucinda have as compared to Jinx who happens to be an experienced and trained Vampire, well to tell you the truth reader, I don't give a fuck!. It so happens that she still hold's on to Lucifer's pendant in her hands and thus will suffice for the moment at hand.

Jinx: who are you and why are you trying to subdue us freak…

Rhino: Roar!!! Take a wild guess…(A six foot tall Rhinoceros creature that apparently can talk stands right in front of the two girls and begins to bend down slowly as it points its horn piece right at them getting ready to fire it like a torpedo…

Lucinda: wow a talking Rhinoceros, that's the first…

Jinx: Hah!!! Duck Lucinda!!

They both dodge right out of the way of the horn spike torpedo lunging at them from Rhinos head…

Lucinda: ugh!! am sorry but have we met before…

Jinx: oh yeah am Jinx nice to meet you…we can talk once we don't die right after…

Lucinda: yeah you just read my mind…

As the battle starts to ensue on both the two girls, Lucinda's new found pendant starts to vibrate like a new vibrator bought on wish.com. Rhino charges at Lucinda with immense rage at his side and unbeknownst to Lucinda, she was in for the ride of her mother fucking life, as soon as rhino got close to smashing her into shards, she clenched her fist while holding the pentagram in hand and with the instinct of a bouncy castle she swooped up into the air like a dancing ballerina landing in her two feet right behind Rhino while he Misses and hit's a standby cart…

Lucinda: woah what just happened…(looks down at the pentagram in hand)…

Jinx: woah!!! Whatever's going on there I like it, keep it up Lucinda.

(Jinx hyper speeds to Rhino's current resting place to through a witty comment but ends up being interrupted by…)

Siphirius: …Hissing…

Jinx: what is that???

Siphirius jumps in on the action going on and wags his giant tail at Jinx who quickly spots it dodge's in time before it could do any damage.

Jinx: what is this an abandoned zoo, first Rhino now a Serpent…

Siphirius: actually there are two serpents….hissing….

Sinadale: ….hissing…

Jinx: oh great like we don't have enough problems dealing with Mr. Bull and Tapeworm over here.

Lucinda: what is going on here, criminal's in high tech costumes or something…

Jinx: hunny, what ever they are there going down that's what…

Sinadale: serenader or perish in the hands of The Order immortal…

Jinx: you thinking what am thinking Lucinda…

Lucinda: I think so…

Jinx: still got some of that magic stunt you pulled of left in you???…

Lucinda: I don't know I've never done the whole fighting criminal's in techie suits before, Lucifer is always the devil for that kinda job…

Jinx: okay since he's out cold I'd suggest you keep to your toe's and glide or just move got it

Lucinda: right got it but how do I…

Before Lucinda could finish jinx grabs hold to a light pole stand and rips it out of it's post…

Lucinda: um you know your gonna have to pay for that right…

Jinx: not where am from little missy…

Jinx lunges at Siphirius the serpent and tries to stab it with the light pole leaving Lucinda to ponder…

Lucinda: how is she doing that, there must have been some good karate lessons from WWE…

As jinx lunges at the serpent it twisted its body around and slightly dodge's the weapon but got scraped in the process around it's neck and screamed in pain, the tail of the beast swung itself towards Jinx and knocked her out cold sending her flying through a vegetable stand…

Lucinda: oh shit!!

Rhino finally gets up and spots Lucinda alone again and fires at her shards of it's Rhino horns as projectiles straight towards Lucinda, she saw this and within an instant she just glided out of the way landing to the ground and then making series of backflip's across the floor as the shard's lunge at her vigorously. Rhino seeing that he was unsuccessful then decides to run her over with the horn instead of using them as projectiles. Lucinda lands safely on the ground and notices Rhino heading towards her direction, she ran.....she ran ahead of him too and with mere seconds of impact with Rhino she jumped again but only this time she stuck her fist out which contained the pentagram necklace and used her other arm to grab hold of Rhinos huge horn and swinging him in the air tossed him against Siphirius who was caught off guard by it. As Lucinda lands on the ground without breaking a sweat she turns around to see Rhino making a huge and painful impact with Siphirius the serpent and sending them both across the floor leaving them unconscious with Sinadale still shocked from what just happened just like you reader…

Sinadale: how can this be, how could a mere human posses such strength…

Lucinda: woah!!! OMG that really happened, I did that, I mean how…

Jinx: hah that was a close one but I knew you had it covered, and Lucifer say's your harmless with no power or strength to pick up a shoe…

Lucinda: actually I am powerless and what did he say???

Jinx: oh never mind then, let's finish the job yeah?…

Lucinda: I guess so…

Jinx: hear I've got a really old but still effective spell that could help us defeat them once and for all, are you with me???

Lucinda: am sorry a spell what is this Harry Potter and The Fantastic Beast or something🤨

Jinx: okay there getting up hold my hand…

Lucinda: okay what is the spell exactly…

Jinx: on my count we say,⚡️Mana Hex⚡️

✨Twista Combititus✨

Lucinda: Twist and Combine what???!!!

Jinx: get ready…

Rhino and Siphirius get up with immense hatred and eyes full of rage, they both lunge at Jinx and Lucinda to finally end this once and for all…

Jinx: wait for it, wait for it and now…

Jinx grabs hold of Lucinda's arm and they both lunge into the air and with all their might blurt out…



Lucinda : ✨Twista Combititus✨

Which actually together with the pentagram made a spectacular combo on the two raging eggs I mean bulls um I mean creatures, the spell combined their strength's and combat skills into one combo attack as Jinx lunges at Siphirius with a leg kick and Lucinda lunging at Rhino with a demonic fist of fury.

Sinadale: No! noo!! nooo!!! This end's now…

As Jinx and Lucinda land on the ground, suddenly Jinx's shadow on the ground start's to twist and move around in unnatural ways which in turn affects Jinx herself, turns out Sinadale entered her shadow when she wasn't looking and grabbed her shadow by the neck and threw it to the side which also sent Jinx flying too leaving Lucinda alone to fend for herself…

Sinadale: you cannot deny the Daughter of Sin this audience with her master, you will be subdued at all cost…

Lucinda: am sorry who now, actually am beginning to think that this ain't a tech test and you all aren't in suits at all…

Sinadale: and apparently that is the most smartest thing you've said all night human…

With Lucinda still distracted, Sinadale grabs her pentagram necklace from her hand with her tail and throws it off leaving Lucinda completely helpless now…

Lucinda: okay, I don't feel strong or able to do 100 push-ups now…

Lucifer: Lucinda!!!!

Out of no where Lucifer lunges at Sinadale with enough force to gym with a mountain and just as he almost grabs the creature it rap's it's enormous tail around Lucinda and swallow's her whole, a matter opening rift opens up with enormous flames and tendrils of fire grab hold of Sinadale and another set grabbing Rhino and Siphirius all together as they all escape through the fiery rift leaving Lucifer and Jinx behind…

Jinx: what just happened…

Lucifer: Noo!!! Lucinda!!!

To be continued…