
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site.

Mad_verse · Movies
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You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my Patreon - Mad_verse [ Your support will help me in continuing this fic]

Thank you [Darkforte777] for your support.


Ivan, hungry and thirsty for knowledge, absorbed magical knowledge like a sponge. A month later, Ivan discovered numerous fascinating aspects of the magic book.

For instance, the concoction of magic potions, Veritaserum, Liquid Luck, Compound decoction, body-shrinking agent, aging agent, life and death water, and more.

Additionally, Ivan learned about crafting various magical items with unique functions through runes and magic materials. Prominent among these were the Sorting Hat, the Philosopher Stone, the Locket of Slytherin, the Sword of Gryffindor, and even the train, including the one used for the Magic Academy, which turned out to be magic items.

Ivan invested in materials, producing several magical items himself. The most successful was a gift box, enchanted by Ivan using an expansion spell that extended its space significantly, even accommodating a 50-meter building.

Furthermore, Ivan delved into dark magic, discovering spells like the heart-piercing spell and Avada Kedavra. His most intriguing find was Voldemort's self-slicing magic, though he had no intention of using it due to its severe drawback—inducing madness. Ivan's interest in this magic centered on the enigmatic nature of the soul.

While reading in the library, young wizards from the school would occasionally check information. Their curiosity about Ivan's unrestricted access to the library was met with silence from the library staff, who refrained from probing further.

During these visits, Ivan covertly released nano-robots to collect tissue samples from the young wizards, discovering a significant genetic mutation caused by radiation similar to energy, which could be inherited by subsequent generations, explaining the wizarding world's emphasis on pure bloodlines and disdain for Muggles.

It took Ivan only a month to digest half the library's contents, a pace that would astonish many. However, this rapid reading also led to questions. Ivan began seeking Dumbledore's guidance on magic.

Initially, Ivan's inquiries were straightforward, and easily answered by Dumbledore, the greatest white wizard. But with time, Ivan's questions grew increasingly intricate, prompting even Dumbledore to ponder before responding. Eventually, Ivan's queries stumped the venerable wizard, who began avoiding him. Dumbledore realized Ivan's unparalleled talent and intelligence could pose a danger if he were to turn to the dark arts.

Despite moments of considering drastic measures, Dumbledore restrained himself. Ivan's presence at the Magic Academy was sanctioned by British authorities, and harming him could trigger political turmoil. Moreover, Dumbledore doubted his ability to prevail in a confrontation with Ivan.

Ivan's life was rewarding. Each day brought discoveries, mainly in the library, but there was time for leisure and exploration. On a beautiful day, Ivan decided to venture out and explore the magical world.

Leaving the school, Ivan was accompanied by the Red Devil, carrying a spacious silver box created by Ivan's magic, concealing his possessions.

Diagon Alley, a hub of magical activity, piqued their curiosity. Wearing clothes suitable for the magical world, Ivan and the Red Devil strolled, with one store catching their attention—Ollivander's Wand Shop.

As any Harry Potter fan would know, Ollivander was a renowned wandmaker. Ivan, intrigued by wand crafting, walked into the shop.

"Ah, a customer! Welcome to Ollivander's Wand Shop! Our wands have a centuries-old tradition of excellence..." Ollivander enthusiastically began describing his shop to Ivan.

Smiling, Ivan didn't comment on Ollivander's speech. Instead, he calmly said, "Provide me with a wand for testing."

Ollivander, slightly miffed by Ivan's tone and request, replied, "Choosing a wand isn't a casual matter. Wands choose their wizard, not the other way around. I can't simply select one at random; it would tarnish the reputation of my shop."

Ivan feigned surprise and said, "Really? If that's the case, then you can assist me in selecting the most suitable wand. Money is not an issue."

Ollivander, thinking Ivan was a wealthy individual's offspring, felt a bit displeased with his attitude toward wands. Nevertheless, as a guest, he needed to treat him courteously. "You appear to be from a pure-blood family. How about trying this one? It's crafted from white Chinese wood combined with unicorn tail hair, ten and a quarter inches of pure white Chinese wood. The sacred unicorn symbolizes dignity."

Inwardly, Ivan held a disdainful view of unicorns, regarding them as self-important magical creatures. Their claims of only associating with pure-hearted girls were, in his eyes, mere narcissism.

Ivan took the wand, examined its craftsmanship, adjusted his magnetic field and magic power, waved it gently, and chanted a spell.


The wand emitted a brilliant white light, flooding the entire store with dazzling illumination. The effect of a simple flash of fluorescent light was astonishing.

Ollivander's eyes sparkled with amazement. "Oh, this is incredible! I picked the perfect wand from the start. It suits you exceptionally well. I've never seen a wand match its owner so flawlessly in all my years. I'm certain it will greatly assist you. You only need to pay ten Galleons..."

"Give me another wand to try," Ivan interjected, not waiting for Ollivander to finish speaking.

"What? I didn't catch that, please repeat," Ollivander said, with eyes wide and appearing on the verge of exasperation.

"I said, provide me with a different wand to test," Ivan remained nonchalant, but his words had the potential to infuriate Ollivander.

"Do you understand the gravity of what you're doing? You're rejecting a wand that's an impeccable match for you, discarding your perfect companion. You're unworthy of being a wizard, utterly undeserving..." Ollivander's speech became increasingly incoherent, and he appeared ready to explode.

"Do you have a point? I haven't tried other wands yet. How can you be certain that no other wand may be more suitable? If, after testing other wands, I find one better suited to me, I'll purchase it, and it will become my finest companion. For now, please present me with another wand," Ivan calmly replied.

"Very well! In that case, I'll fetch another for you. But I must caution you, wands with such a high degree of compatibility are exceedingly rare. I doubt you'll discover a better match," Ollivander grumbled, concealing his plan to charge Ivan double after he tried the other wands.

Ollivander soon retrieved another wand from the back cabinet and said in a subdued tone, "Crafted from iron birch and dragon heartstring, symbolizing strength and immortality, twelve and a quarter inches. You may give it a try."

Ivan pretended not to comprehend Ollivander's sarcasm, accepted the wand, sensed it as before, adjusted his magic power, and cast the same fluorescent flashing spell once more.

The scene replayed, with another radiant light illuminating the entire shop, rivaling the previous display.

"How is this possible? It's also a perfect match. Can you connect with every wand? I find it hard to believe. Try this one again," Ollivander handed Ivan a wand made of Phoenix Feather.

What followed was Ollivander's most significant setback. He had Ivan try every wand in his inventory, with identical results—each wand matched perfectly. This logically impossible outcome unfolded before his eyes, leaving him sitting in stunned silence, grappling with the reality before him.