
Demon Slayer: Please Let me be a normal person

I just want to be a person. Is that so difficult? Aoki crossed into the world of Demon Slayer and obtained the system. He honestly held the "Professions" System. Suddenly, he was found by Muzan and was forced to become a Demon. Since then, he has added two more goals. First, eat the Demon King, and second, find a way to become a person while retaining the power of the ghost. This is an Translation of the Original.

YourShadowsenpai · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

The cold moonlight shrouded the earth.

Aoki quickly shuttles through the inaccessible deep mountains and forests like a cheetah. With a little toe, he can easily jump out of a few meters.

Where should I find the Demon?

He knew that there were a few places where there was a high probability of Demons.

Like Asakusa.

Yahaba and Susamaru should be in Asakusa, and there is no possibility of Muzan

However, Yahaba and Susamaru can't be killed, and I can't beat them without tragedy.

Nada Spider Mountain has the Lower rank five and his family, Yoshihara Youguo has the sixth of the last string, prostitute Daki, the fallen girl.

But that's still the problem, the strength is insufficient.

He has just become a Demon. How can he be the opponent of the twelve upper Moon Demons?

These elite monsters can only wait for him to develop. Now what he needs is a novice monster to practice first.

Is there any place where you can easily and quickly find a large number of newborn Demons, or Demons that eat fewer people?


Aoki suddenly stopped.

There is such a place!

The vine attacks the mountain!

The final assessment site was carefully created by the Demon Slayer Team!

All the Demons are specially captured and put in by the members of the hunting team. They are weak Demons who have only eaten two or three people.

Among them, the strongest hand Demon is only the level that Tanjiro can deal with just after completing training.

Aoki thought about it seriously.

Fujikiyama is a perfect training place for him. There are many Demons and they are relatively weak.

The problem is the Demon Slayer team and Wisteria.

The reason why the Demons on the mountain do not escape is that they are full of wisteria flowers from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, which bloom all year round.

For Demons, wisteria is highly poisonous.

In addition, he is not sure if there is a Demon Slayer team guard near Fujiki Mountain.

[Ding Dong!]

[Get the task, Attack of Fuji Attack Mountain.]

[Attack of Fujii Mountain]

There are a large number of Demons living in the mountain, among which the strongest hand Demon has hidden in it for decades and eaten nearly 40 human beings.

Mission requirements: Destroy 30 Demon and kill the hand Demon.

Mission reward: 300 points of experience.

The reward for this task is simple and rough, but it is particularly attractive.

"I have to go to the Vine attack mountain now."

Aoki looked up at the sky: "However before you go, you have to make some preparations."

First of all, find out the location.

He only knows one name about Fuji Mountain, and he knows nothing else.

Secondly, prepare the props to cross the sea of wisteria.

A week later.

Dark clouds covered the sky, and the night was particularly deep.

"It's a nice day today."

Aoki looked at the mountain in front of him.

Large areas of wisteria spread from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside. The rattan hit the mountain like a layer of purple gauze, which looks mysterious and beautiful.

However, Aoki couldn't help but feel a strong disgust in his heart.

For Demon, wisteria is highly poisonous.

If you absorb too much, even the second part of the string can be poisoned.

The disgust and resistance to wisteria are engraved in the blood of Demons.

"Fortunately, I have been prepared!"

Aoki took out a strangely shaped Clothing.

This is the protective clothing specially made by him. All of them are made of breathable materials, and a piece of glass is sewn at the eyes.

Although he has become a Demon, his appearance is almost the same as that of human beings. Except for the master of the Demon Slaying team, ordinary people can't find abnormalities at all, and they can still go in and out of human towns at night.

Aoki put on protective clothing and began to climb the mountain.

There are members of the Demon slaying team guarding the foot of Fuji Mountain, but the defense is very loose, and it should only be to prevent the nearby villagers from entering by mistake.

Aoki easily bypassed the sight of the members of the Demon Slaying team and entered Fujiki Mountain.

"I will still inhale a small amount of pollen, but it has little impact."

Aoki wore a special mask on his face. After confirming that his body could bear it, he accelerated his speed.

Across the mountainside, the wisteria suddenly disappeared.

"I'm here!"

Aoki suddenly relaxed in his heart.

Even if he doesn't get hurt, walking in the wisteria is not a pleasant thing for him.

He carefully took off his protective clothing and found a hidden and safe place to hide it.

You still need to use it when you leave.

"Well, let's get started!"

Aoki did not delay but walked up the middle road.

Leaving the square on the mountainside, the traces of human activity are rapidly decreasing.

The mountain is so quiet that no animal can see it, and occasionally you can hear the chirping of insects.

"All animals have been eaten by Demons, right?"

Aoki's eyes see the six roads, listen to all directions, and move forward slowly.

As a professional hunter, he knows very well that the most important thing in hunting is patience, especially when searching for prey, he must carefully identify all suspicious traces.

"I haven't seen you on the mountain. Are you new here?"

There was a sudden voice behind him.

Aoki paused and turned around quickly.

A Demon with blue veins all over his body, with a sharp horn on his forehead and almost protruding eyes, sat on the treetop and looked at Aoki with cruel eyes.

"The Demon Slaying team is starting to send Demons to Fujiki Mountain again? Is the final selection going to start again? Hahahaha, I must eat a few more people this time!"

Aoki was slightly silent: "Well, it seems that Demons and beasts are different. They will take the initiative to send them to the door."


The sharp-horned Demon rushed to Aoki without warning, and his sharp claws grabbed his face, with ferocious eyes and a crazy smile.

"Hahaha, rookie, let me teach you the survival rules of Tengjishan!!"

The fishy wind was on his face, and Aoki was fearless. He took a step forward, his five fingers relaxed, and slowly closed, and his body was like a full longbow.

The whole body gathered together and pushed the fist, like a cannon ejecting the bore.

The fists and claws were connected, and the huge force was surging. With a click, the sharp-horned Demon's arm folded into a twisted angle.

At the same time, he stepped back three steps in a row and almost fell. When he looked at Aoki again, his eyes couldn't help but change.

A sense of pleasure rose in Aoki's heart, and the depression, sadness, pain, anger, and other negative emotions accumulated over the past few days seemed to pour out with this punch.

He roared and took the initiative to rush to the sharp-horned Demon.

"Hahaha, come again!"

Sharp-horned Demons can only fight.

Their battle is simple and rough, and there is nothing fancy about it.

You punch me one punch, you slap me one claw.

It is the simplest and most direct collision.

The power of the sharp-horned Demon was obviously weaker than that of Aoki, and it quickly fell into the downwind.


The arm was fractured again, and the sharp-horned Demon retreated repeatedly and hit a big tree before stopping. He was short of breath and his face was full of fatigue.

"Wait, I won't fight anymore. Let me leave!"

"If you want to fight, you can fight. If you don't want to fight, don't fight. It doesn't matter to me!"

Aoki was unmoved, rushed up, and punched out.

The sharp-horned Demon was unable to fight back, so he could only cross his arms and stand in front of him.

"We are all Demons, and it doesn't make sense to continue to fight."

Aoki didn't say anything, but the strength of his fist suddenly increased a little.


The defensive posture of the sharp-horned Demon was scattered.

Aoki's next punch followed.


The sharp-horned Demon's face collapsed, and his head hit the trunk of the tree behind him heavily. His eyes turned over and he lost consciousness.

"It's finally done."

Aoki grabbed the head of the sharp-horned Demon and raised it up: "Does it make sense? It doesn't count if you say it!"

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