
Demon Slayer: Please Let me be a normal person

I just want to be a person. Is that so difficult? Aoki crossed into the world of Demon Slayer and obtained the system. He honestly held the "Professions" System. Suddenly, he was found by Muzan and was forced to become a Demon. Since then, he has added two more goals. First, eat the Demon King, and second, find a way to become a person while retaining the power of the ghost. This is an Translation of the Original.

YourShadowsenpai · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 8

"Let's Consume It!"

Aoki's eyes condensed and launched the "Devouring Demon ".

His palm is like a whirlpool.

The body of the sharp-horned Demon is twisted and compressed, from the head to the neck, to the chest, and gradually sinks into the palm of Aoki.

The battle just now is not just for venting emotions, "Devouring Demon " is easy to be interrupted, and it must be guaranteed that the target cannot resist before launching.

In a blink of an eye, the sharp-horned Demon was swallowed up by Aoki's palm.

A rich amount of energy poured into his body. From the beginning of turning into a Demon, the strong hunger that filled his head finally dissipated.

[Kill a Demon and gain 15 points of experience.]

[The "Demon Road" has been completed, and the reward has been issued.]

[Congratulations on your upgrade!]

"15 o'clock experience, not bad!"

Aoki nodded gently, his mind moved, and the blue screen appeared.

[Name: Aoki]

[Power: 8]

[Body: 7]

[Intelligence: 7]

[Agility: 6]

[Occupation: Hunter, Demon]

[Free attribute points: 2]

[Item: Sunshade hat]



Quality: ★★

Level: lv2 (3/200)

Skills: Demon bloodline (not yet learned), space shuttle (not yet learned), transparent world (not yet learned), Devouring Demon 

Mission: Attack of Fuji Attack Mountain (Demon 1/30, Hand Demon 0/1)

Free skill points: 1


Aoki thought for a while and added two attributes to strength and agility respectively.

The attributes of the system panel are not fragmented, but different aspects of the whole, which are deeply related to each other.

Therefore, it is best to keep the gap between different attributes within two points, otherwise there will be serious physical problems.

Take an example.

If the strength is too strong and the physique is too weak, and you go down with one punch, you may not cause damage to the enemy. You're probably straining your muscles and breaking your bones.

If the strength is too strong and the agility is too low, the physical coordination and flexibility will be seriously insufficient, and he will become a slow and stiff muscular man.

In the system, strength is the attribute that has the greatest impact on physical attacks, and it must be improved first.

Add 1 point of agility, which can ensure that the gap between all attributes is within 2 points.

There is still one skill point.

There is no reason to hesitate. Aoki directly added it to "Demon Bloodline".

He has studied it.

The "Demon" profession is very different from "Hunter".

The four skills of "hunter" are independent of each other, and which one to learn first depends on his ideas.

However, this is not the case.

There is a connection between the skills of the profession "Demon".

"Demon bloodline" is a basic skill. After reaching a certain level, you can learn other skills.


At the moment of lighting up the "Demon Bloodline", a powerful force poured into the body, and the system prompt followed.

[Full attribute +1.]

"I didn't expect such an unexpected joy!"

Aoki was surprised.

The full attribute plus one is equivalent to two levels of promotion, which is quite large.

If nothing unexpected happens, the ability of regeneration, night vision, and other normal Demon attributes will be further enhanced.

"Demon bloodline" is the foundation and the core, which is no worse than the other three skills.


Aoki suddenly had a black hat in his hand, with a long diameter and a circle of black yarn on the edge.

The sunshade hat, another reward of the "Demon Road" is also the first physical object he got from the system.

With a little feeling, some surprises appeared in Aoki's eyes again.

As the name implies, the effect of the sunshade hat is to block the sun.

Unlike ordinary bamboo hats, sunshade hats can completely isolate the sun.

Moreover, its scope is not only the area covered by black yarn but also a cylindrical field formed by the edge of the hat.

That is to say, after wearing it, the whole body can avoid sunlight.

The name is very inconspicuous, but for Demon, it is an artifact.

Aoki hung the sunshade hat around his neck and carried it behind him: "With this, you don't have to be so afraid of the day in the future."

The blue flower on the other side can help the Demons overcome the sunshine, and he has not forgotten this.

In fact, after becoming a Demon, Aoki thought of the blue flower on the other side of the shore for the first time.

However, there are several problems.

First, he is not sure whether the blue flower is useful to him.

Muzan is a Demon ancestor. He has a system, and their situation cannot be generalized.

Second, the blooming time of the blue flowers on the other side is extremely short, and due to climate, environment, and other factors, it may not bloom in a year. Even if you know the growth place, you may not be able to get it in the short term.

Third, the blue flower can't just be picked up and eaten. It needs to be prepared into medicine. He can't medically prepare it himself, and there is no one he can trust at the moment to do it for him.

Fourth, he doesn't know where Tanjiro's house is.

It's not impossible to find it, but it will definitely take a lot of time.

With this time, he relies on the system and hopes he overcome the sunshine.

If the system can't do this, it's not too late to look for blue flowers in the future.

[Name: Aoki]

[Power: 10]

[physique: 8]

[Intelligence: 8]

[Agility: 8]

[Occupation: Hunter, Demon]



Quality: ★★

Level: lv2 (3/200)

Skills: Demon bloodline, space shuttle (not yet learned), transparent world (not yet learned), Devouring Demon 

Mission: Attack of Fuji Attack Mountain (Demon 1/30, Hand Demon 0/1)

Aoki looked at his new attributes.

Compared with before becoming a Demon, the attributes have doubled.

You should know that the attribute does not increase in equal ratio. The higher the attribute itself, the greater the increase for each increase of 1 point.

Aoki was in a good mood. He adjusted the position of the sunshade hat, chose a direction, and walked away.


A week later.

"The third one!"

Aoki gasped, grabbed the Demon's head, and launched the "Devour": "Today's efficiency is not bad."

This is the third Demon he caught tonight, and he caught at most two in the previous night.

[Ding Dong!]

The familiar voice sounded in my mind, and Aoki was stunned.

"Has it been upgraded? I remember that I still need more than 20 points of experience!"

Before he could think about it, the system prompt sounded again.

[physique +1.]


Where did this physique come from?

Aoki looked at the system panel, pondered for a while, and turned his eyes to the "Devouring Demon" skill description.

[Replenish your physical strength and improve yourself.]

It seems that "promotion" is reflected here.

It's good to add attributes directly!


A flustered footsteps interrupted his thinking, and Aoki turned his head and looked.

A long tongue, a mouth, and a Demon hanging outside quickly disappeared into the jungle.

"You're lucky."

Aoki hesitated for a moment but still didn't chase after him.

It's about to dawn, and there is not enough time to solve another Demon.

A moment later, a red sun rose from the sky, and the bright sun spread all over the world.

Aoki put on a sunshade hat and left quickly.

After a few days of trial, he found that the sunshade hat was very stable to wear, and even if the movement was slightly more intense, it would not fall off.

Of course, it is impossible to rely on it to fight during the day.

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