
Demon Slayer: Please Let me be a normal person

I just want to be a person. Is that so difficult? Aoki crossed into the world of Demon Slayer and obtained the system. He honestly held the "Professions" System. Suddenly, he was found by Muzan and was forced to become a Demon. Since then, he has added two more goals. First, eat the Demon King, and second, find a way to become a person while retaining the power of the ghost. This is an Translation of the Original.

YourShadowsenpai · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 6

Dense stalactites fell from above the cave, and the cold river washed away the rock walls.


A vigorous figure jumped out of the river.

Aoki strung his hair, threw away the water droplets, and changed into clean clothes.

This is a cave he accidentally found when he was hunting with his master.

The humid and dark environment is terrible for human beings, but for Demons, it is the most suitable hiding place.

It was his deliberate decision to leave Takina and his teacher.

His life will not be calm in the future. To avoid danger to them, the best way is to keep a distance from them.

Aoki lowered his head and looked at the reflection on the surface of the water.

His face has hardly changed from before, but his eyes have turned into golden vertical pupils, which look slightly indifferent.

Open your mouth, and the four canine teeth are sharp and protruding, like beasts.

In addition, nails have become harder and sharper and can be used directly as a weapon.

Other than that, there is no more.

Aoki is quite satisfied with this.

There are a large number of alien-looking Demons among Demons, and half of them are Demons in the upper string.

Ugly and inconvenient.

He still hopes that he can maintain his human appearance as much as possible.

Aoki picked up the fish he had just caught.

The sharp nails crossed, and the fish scales fell one after another. Then the abdomen was opened and the internal organs were removed.

After dealing with it, Aoki tried to take a bite.

It tastes like chewing wax, and it has no taste.

He sighed with enthusiasm.

After becoming a Demon, he has no normal taste.

For ordinary Demons, there is also the delicious food of human flesh and blood, but because of the system, he has lost the desire for human flesh and blood, which means that they are completely away from the desire of the mouth.

In addition, there are his Private parts.

He has neither the desire nor the ability to reproduce.

Friction and rubbing can't bring him any pleasure.

Demons are sad creatures.


Aoki suppressed his complex thoughts, his mind moved, and the blue screen appeared in the field of vision.

[Name: Aoki]

[Power: 8]

[Body: 7]

[Intelligence: 7]

[Agility: 6]

[Occupation: Hunter, Demon]


"My Attributes have soared!"

Aoki couldn't help slapping his tongue.

Strength and physique increased by 3 points, intelligence, and agility by 2 points, four items added up, and the whole attributes increased by 10 points!

Converted into "hunter", which is equivalent to upgrading to level 20!

It's horrible!

Aoki's eyes fell on the career column, and on the second "Demon", another screen popped up.


Quality: ★★

Level: lv1 (0/100)

Skills: Demon bloodline (not yet learned), space shuttle (not yet learned), transparent world (not yet learned), Demons Devouring

Task: None

"Two-star occupation?"

Aoki's eyes were first attracted by the quality column.

Professional quality is related to the strength and potential of the profession. The most obvious difference is the attribute point and the highest level.

☆Represents half a star, and ★ is a whole star.

"Hunter" is a half-star class, getting 1 attribute point every 2 levels, and the highest level is level 5.

Therefore, after upgrading to level 5, the "hunter" has no experience requirement and can't continue to upgrade.

The two-star class means that each upgrade can get 2 free attribute points, up to level 20.

"It's worthy of being a real extraordinary power."

Aoki nodded secretly, looked down, and turned to the skill bar.

Skills are the core of a profession.

After initially studying the four skills of "Demons" and their effects, Aoki's heart was shocked.

Demon bloodline, this profession's core skills, affect many things as a Demon.

Space shuttle, A famous teleportation skill.

After research, he found that this skill was his blood Demon skill, and he couldn't help but feel unexpected and reasonable.

Blood Demon art is not randomly produced. It is related to certain emotions, cognition, influences, characteristics, etc. that Demons have deeply remembered before their lives.

Such as occupation, certain obsession, etc.

For Aoki, the most influential and profound feeling is undoubtedly time travel.

The bloody Demon skill of "space shuttle" fits him almost perfectly.

Transparent World is one of the strongest plug-ins in the world of Demon destruction. During the whole story, it was indicated that there were only 7 people who opened the transparent world.

But is this a skill that a Demon should have?

Demons Devouring, supplementing consumption, improving yourself, the "differences" between me and other Demons lie in this skill.

Moreover, this skill does not need to be learned, and it is naturally the activation state.

The four skills of "Demons" are all very powerful.

Moreover, this is not the whole ability of "Demons".

Being a Demon means I have the power of all Demons have.

For example, strong regeneration and recovery ability, as well as strong physical strength, night vision, physical control ability, long life expectancy, etc.

When Aoki grows up, there is no doubt that he will be much better than ordinary Demons.

The career template given by the system itself is much better than ordinary occupations.

However, compared with these skills and powers, the biggest help of the system is to keep him sane and not become a Cannibal monster.

[Ding Dong!]

A system prompt suddenly sounded in Aoki's mind.

[Get the task, the road of a strange Demon.]

[The Road of Demons]

You already know the ability of his profession "Demon", let's go hunting for the first time now!

Mission requirements: devour a Demon.

Mission reward: 70 points of experience, sunshade hat.

"Is the task coming? The road of a strange Demon?

Aoki is in high spirits.

The tasks are a shortcut to quickly upgrade the level.

The reward of 70 points of experience is rich. If he is unlucky, he may not be able to get so much for a busy month.

The sunshade hat... It sounds ordinary, but this is the first time he has seen a physical object in the system, and he can't let it go anyway.

Aoki suppressed his inner impulse.

Before killing Demons, he has to master the power of Demons.

Strength ≠ combat effectiveness.

Strength is very important.

Learning the skill of using power is no less important than the power itself.

The system attributes have soared, and a large number of new skills and abilities have been acquired, which need to be familiar with.

In addition.

He did not forget that when he first got the career template, he could gain some experience through exercise.

A week later.

Aoki slowly walked out of the cave.

The bright moon hung in the sky, and the surrounding stars looked a little dim. The breeze blew and the leaves clapped.

The broad vision made his mood a little more comfortable.


Quality: ★★

Level: lv1 (18/100)

Skills: Demon bloodline (not yet learned), space shuttle (not yet learned), transparent world (not yet learned), Demons Devouring

Mission: Strange Demon Road (0/1)

Aoki took a look at the career panel.

This week, he gained 18 points of experience through exercise.

Although it is not much, it is better in safety and stability.

The reason why he stopped continuing is that the speed of gaining experience is getting slower and slower, and second, he is too hungry.

People consume a lot of energy in the process of transforming into Demons.

This week, he only ate a few fish, which was far from enough to meet the needs of his body.

Aoki confirmed the direction and galloped away.

Under the dark vision, the night is like the day, with the eagle's eye, all can be seen.

Strong physical strength makes him not have to worry about fatigue.

I have to admit that in terms of hardware, Demons are indeed far better than human beings.

As we keep moving forward, the scenery becomes more and more familiar.

After crossing a hill, a familiar wooden house appeared in the field of vision.

Aoki approached slowly.

The yard was empty, and the ground was covered with dust and fallen leaves blowing from the outside.

The furniture in the room has been restored to neatness, but a lot of daily necessities are missing.

There is a letter on the table in the middle of the living room.

Aoki was taken apart, and the familiar handwriting of Takinai came into view.

There is a lot of content in the letter.

Tell him about his experience that day, ask him about his situation, where they are going to move, etc.

"The Demon Slayer team?"

Aoki's eyes moved slightly.

Takina also mentioned in the letter that they met two swordsmen from the Demon Slayer team and got their help.

After defeating the Demons transformed by his Muzan, he also thought about finding a Demon slayer team and learning breathing.

What a pity.

Aoki found his master's tomb, byeded, and left again.

When he came back this time, he just came to confirm the situation of Takina and his mother. It was enough to know that they were safe

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