
Demon Slayer: Kamado Tanjuro Returns from Sekiro

A familiar frail figure is standing at the door of the house. He is wearing a checkered haori of yellow and black, and his deep red hair is unusually tied up in a high ponytail. He is holding a katana in his hand that he has never seen before. That is the silhouette of his father - Kamado Tanjuro. And standing face to face with Tanjuro... Is a man in a black suit and a small top hat, whom Tanjiro has never seen before. Because Tanjiro fell in the snow, he couldn't see the expression of his father who was facing his side. But he could see the other side. The man in the black suit, the look of horror in his red pupils. That's an expression like seeing a ghost. *this is a translation* ======== read advanced chapters on patreon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

Chapter 113 Doma's Peeping (Two in One)

"It's so dazzling."

In front of him, there was a bright light.

A warm and peaceful feeling came from the front, faintly pulling Gyutaro forward.

Is this hell...?

"...What's going on?"

Gyutaro frowned tightly, he looked down at his old clothes when he was a human with doubt, and felt a bit uneasy in his heart.

Would hell have such a warm and bright feeling?

At this time.


"...Brother?" Ume's voice came from behind.

Hearing his sister's voice, Gyutaro was startled, he subconsciously turned his head, looked at his back with a joyful expression:


But then, after he saw his sister's appearance clearly, Gyutaro's voice fell into silence, he was stunned for a moment.

Behind him.

Her pupils still engraved with [Three], the ribbons dancing behind her, Ume, who looked like a fierce demon, stood there.

Why...Ume is still in the form of a demon...?

I have become a human...

His gaze slowly moved towards the back of Ume, which was a path leading to a sea of flames burning fiercely.

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility, and his pupils shrank sharply.

After staring in disbelief and trembling for a moment, Gyutaro took a deep breath.

He raised his head and yelled at the "sky" in anger:

"You bastard!!"

In his heart, he couldn't stop cursing.

Damn it!

Gyutaro's eyebrows were trembling with anger, he clenched his fists, his palms were white, and the anger was boiling in his heart, he wanted to curse but he held back for a long time and didn't curse.


——How come I don't know what this guy's name is before I die!?

Damn liar!!

Gyutaro gritted his teeth with anger, he stared at the sky fiercely, trying to kill the guy who let him atone for his sins before he died with his eyes.

He also said that he could atone for his sins in advance!

In the end! Is the only one who has to atone for sins me!?

Ume, who was not far away, was not surprised that she looked different, or rather, this was her own choice.

"It's okay, brother..." Ume was about to speak, suddenly.

"Stand there and don't move!"


Gyutaro gritted his teeth, he struggled to move his legs, ran over, and grabbed Ume's arm.


In Ume's somewhat dazed eyes.


The scar belonging to the demon spread from Ume's arm to Gyutaro's body.

Gyutaro's expression did not change at all, he just stared at the body that was gradually becoming hunched, and filled his body with the sin called [demon].

Finally, it was all covered.

Ume was stunned, she had tried just now, she couldn't cross the transparent air in front of her to reach where her brother was.

But Gyutaro rushed over easily.


Daki and Gyutaro, the two demons, stood in the dark space, and the two pairs of [Upper Rank] [Three] eyes were facing each other.

The two siblings did not speak, they just looked at each other quietly, and then turned their heads to look at the sea of fire behind them together.

The crackling sound of burning fire reflected on their faces.

"Let's go."



"Brother, if we have atoned for our sins and have a chance to reincarnate, what kind of person do you want to be?"

Ume was walking in the flames, she who was once extremely afraid of fire could only walk with her head up:

"Or say, continue to be a demon?"

"No." The hoarse voice of the brother accompanied the crackling sound of the burning flames:

"I want to be a government official."

"Eh——Government? Why?" The sister turned her head in confusion, she sounded very surprised: "...Isn't it a bit too extreme?"

Gyutaro's eyes reflected the real or fake firelight, he clenched his fists, raised them, and gnawed his teeth to scratch the burnt skin on his face:

"...I want...to catch all the liars in the world!"

He said bitterly:

"Kill them all!"

Ume smiled awkwardly when she heard the words.

The backs of the siblings are getting farther and farther in the endless sea of flames.


Yoshiwara Flower Street.


A gust of wind swept across the street, blowing up the two layers of round ashes on the ground, and scattered everywhere.

The originally brightly lit flower street has now become pitch black, and no pedestrians can be seen on the messy street.

Uzui Tengen was squatting on the roof, holding the hilt of the knife behind him with his right hand, and being vigilant around.

They are waiting for the arrival of the remaining swordsmen to clean up the mess.

The Upper Rank is dead, and it has made such a big noise, almost everyone passing by the flower street has seen the blood-red Blood Demon Art just now.

It is estimated that it will cause a lot of trouble to Oyakata-sama.

After all, the Demon Slayer Corps is a non-official nature of a civilian organization.

Uzui was thinking, his eyes were secretly looking at Tanjuro on the street.

In his mind, there are still various [Ninjutsu] that he saw just now.

He was frowning, but his body couldn't stop shaking, and the gemstone headdress on his head was also shaking.


——Too gorgeous.

Uzui Tengen slowly lowered his head to adjust his breathing.

When he raised his head again, his eyes were extremely firm.

——He wants to learn.


On the street.


Tomioka Giyu was recording the information provided by Gyutaro on the mission report, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly raised his head.

In his hand, he held a piece of charred charcoal, which he had just found from the ground, serving as a substitute for a pen.

He hesitated to look at Tanjuro, who was sitting on a huge piece of rubble and resting with his eyes closed.

After hesitating for a while.

"...Kamado." Tomioka Giyu started to question:

"Just now, what you said to the demon, is it true?"

"About hell."

Upon hearing this.

Tanjuro slowly opened his eyes, he was just feeling the resurrection and battle memory harvested from Gyutaro.

The number of resurrections representing vitality is six, which is twice as much as Hantengu, who is also Upper Rank Three.

The overflowing resurrection turns into a real physical foundation, making up for the weakness in the body.

The number of paper man is 22, the same as the number of Hashira who died in the hands of Gyutaro and Daki.

Feeling the most important battle memory [Tsugikuni Yoriichi].

All battle memories, the wolf can imagine the experience again in his mind through strong learning ability.

Tanjuro has never done this before with the battle memory of Upper Rank, because——there is no need, and it wastes time.

But this time.

Tanjuro plans to, after returning to the Butterfly Mansion, quietly experience this memory that does not belong to him.

He guessed.

Probably because, for the first time, he swung Sun Breathing with all his strength.

All sword forms, hooked out this memory buried in the bloodline.

After sorting out his thoughts, he turned his head to look at Tomioka Giyu, thought about his question for a while, and answered:

"It's true."

"Then——" Seeing this, Tomioka hurriedly continued to ask, although his expression didn't change much.

Even the attention of Uzui, who was vigilant around him, was attracted.

——He had never seen Tomioka Giyu talk so much.

"Do humans also go to hell to atone for their sins after death?"

Upon hearing this.

Uzui Tengen also quietly approached.

Tanjuro glanced sideways, looked at Tomioka Giyu with a blank expression, not knowing what emotions were in his heart, he pondered for a while:

"If you haven't done anything against the heavens, you will probably go to reincarnation."

"Of course." His voice was gentle, feeling that there were no casualties caused by the Upper Rank battle around him, he breathed a sigh of relief, and added:

"If there is obsession when you die. Maybe it will stay with friends and relatives for a while."

In the worldview of Demon Slayer, there are concepts of [Hell] and [Soul].

Even the soul of a dead person can affect the living in the real world to some extent.

Tanjuro slightly recalled the process in the original work where Sabito taught Tanjiro and they could fight each other.

Well, the upper and lower limits of this degree are very wide.

After Tanjuro finished this sentence.

Uzui Tengen and Tomioka Giyu both fell silent.

Neither of them doubted Tanjuro's words.

They have all seen the figure of a dead relative or friend appearing beside them more or less.

The former lowered his head, looking at his left hand wrapped in bandages, thinking——what he had done in the past was enough to send him to hell.

The latter was quietly looking at the sky, with a look of loss.

Looking at the silent two people, Tanjuro suddenly wanted to take back his previous sigh.

The Demon Slayer Corps is not only a group of sincere children.

They are also a group of problematic children who are forgivable.


Just as several people fell into silence at the same time.



A faint sound of ice touching tiles came from the side.

——There's a demon.

Tanjuro almost subconsciously glanced in the direction of the sound.

Uzui Tengen, who had activated his transparency, and Tanjuro almost simultaneously discovered something on the roof not far away.

On the roof.

"...I found something nice."

"How nice."

Vaguely, it seemed that something was shaking slightly.

——Those were two ice sculpture boys, about fifty centimeters tall, in the shape of males.

In the pitch-black night, the transparent ice sculpture refracted the miniature moonlight, blending with the night, and it was impossible to find without careful observation.

The ice sculpture boys held two fans in their hands, just now they were lying on the edge of the eaves, quietly looking this way.

With a strange smile on their faces, their transparent ice pupils looked straight this way without any concealment.

Tanjuro felt a strong smell of blood in the air, and he glanced sideways.

——It's Doma.

The original [Upper Rank Two], Doma.

It can be said that he and the original Upper One, Kokushibo, are at two extremes.

Kokushibo has always followed the practice of honing his swordsmanship, and never uses any so-called blood demon art.

Doma, on the other hand, almost puts all his focus on the development of blood demon art, and almost all of his moves are developed against breathing techniques.

According to the information provided by Gyutaro, Doma is now Upper Rank One.

In the field of vision of the transparent world, Doma's position cannot be detected.

——His main body is not here.

Those two ice sculptures are just blood demon art used for remote exploration.

At this moment.


A figure rushed out from beside Tanjuro!

Uzui Tengen, who had noticed the ice sculpture long ago, took a step and rushed to the roof where the ice sculpture was in an instant.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The curved sword in his hand quickly drew two swords of light, and the head of the ice sculpture boy immediately rolled down.

Bang! It fell to the ground and shattered into a pile of ice slag.

Feeling the smooth touch in his hand, Uzui Tengen's heart tightened instantly.

——So easily...

"...A trap?"

Uzui Tengen held the sword in one hand, he was alert around him, his eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and under the not very skilled transparent world, there was no movement around him.

The breath he sensed just now...

This demon is definitely Upper Rank.

And it is above Gyutaro's rank.

His gaze slowly moved to the shattered ice slag on the street, and a doubt rose in his heart.

In the shattered ice slag all over the ground, a broken ice pupil reflected Uzui Tengen's appearance.

At this moment.


A gust of cold wind blew over Uzui Tengen's back neck.

He was startled, turned his head sharply to look behind him, but found nothing.

His ears twitched slightly, and he faintly heard a voice with his excellent hearing.

"Are you also a Ninja...?"


Uzui Tengen endured the pain, clenched the second sword, pulled it out from behind, and was alert around him.

What does it mean?!

But, after waiting for a long time.

Nothing happened.




In a dim room somewhere.

Gorgeous hangings were hanging in the room.

This is the offering room of the [Eternal Paradise Faith].

Doma sat on the cushion of the curtain in the middle of the room, he smiled, covered his face with a fan, and the Ninja forehead protector wrapped around his arm reflected the miniature light:


As a demon, Doma could see a person's bloodline at a glance.

He looked at Uzui Tengen's appearance and talked to himself:



Doma sat on the cushion under the background of the Eternal Paradise Faith, but the reflection in his rainbow-like eyes was the architecture of Yoshiwara Flower Street.


He looked through the broken ice sculpture's eyes, watching Tanjuro who was walking towards him, laughing and talking to himself:

"Arararara, the person Muzan-sama always mentions must be you."

His gaze focused on the flower card pattern on Tanjuro's earrings:

"The swordsman with the flower card earring pattern..."

The next moment.

The bright red sword hung down.

Aimed at his ice eye.

"Hmm?" Doma tilted his head, his face with a signature smile, made a puzzled sound.



"Ah! It hurts!!"

Outside the door.

Several loyal followers heard the pain of the patriarch, and they looked at each other in surprise.


Yoshiwara Flower Street.

Tanjuro watched the ice sculpture evaporate under the Bright Red Sword, his face expressionless.

He lifted Kusabimaru, looked at the position where the sword body touched the ice sculpture and lost its high temperature, and turned back to black, his eyes slightly condensed.

Uzui Tengen jumped down from the roof, he was about to say something.

"...Who, who is coming!"

A weak panting sound came from the side of the street.

"Help me...!"

At the other end of the street.

"This is impossible..." The madam was carrying the unconscious Yuko, and she was holding another girl in her arms, her face was full of horror.

Just now, the flat street behind her suddenly collapsed, revealing a huge deep pit.

She found nearly ten girls who had disappeared before in the deep pit.

And many people she didn't know were all at the bottom of the deep pit.

Is this all done by Warabihime alone?

The madam showed a death wish, and she realized what kind of suicidal behavior she had taken a revolver.

Just when she was acting in a daze and her eyes were dark.


Several black shadows quickly swept past her side, bringing up a breeze.

The madam was stunned, she turned her head in a daze and looked.

Several black-clothed men carrying wooden boxes were rushing towards the bottom of the pit.

They took advantage of the inertia of the downward rush, swung the wooden boxes on their backs, spread them on the ground, and quickly placed them on the ground, which contained urgently needed medicines.

"Quick! There are injured people here!"

"Here it comes!"

"Give me a bottle of hemostatic powder!"

"Come two people! He has no heartbeat!"

"Come, one, two, three!"

They cooperated concisely and acted swiftly.

At this time.


A gust of dust rose, and a black-clothed man didn't know when he was already standing in front of the madam.


Goto spoke softly, comforting the pale-faced madam:

"Please rest assured."

"It's okay now."



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