
Demon Slayer: Kamado Tanjuro Returns from Sekiro

A familiar frail figure is standing at the door of the house. He is wearing a checkered haori of yellow and black, and his deep red hair is unusually tied up in a high ponytail. He is holding a katana in his hand that he has never seen before. That is the silhouette of his father - Kamado Tanjuro. And standing face to face with Tanjuro... Is a man in a black suit and a small top hat, whom Tanjiro has never seen before. Because Tanjiro fell in the snow, he couldn't see the expression of his father who was facing his side. But he could see the other side. The man in the black suit, the look of horror in his red pupils. That's an expression like seeing a ghost. *this is a translation* ======== read advanced chapters on patreon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

Chapter 112 Tanjuro is a liar (two in one)


It is a product contrary to natural laws.

People who should have died turned into demons and continued to slaughter the people who came later.

Some people are afraid of demons, and naturally some people are eager for them.

In this respect, Dragon's Heritage and the demon are the same.

The power of immortality is too tempting.

They all distort the normal way of human survival.

The reason why demons are gradually increasing is simply because Muzan himself wants to be completely immortal.

Having experienced the twisted human nature of those people in the "Sekiro" world because of immortality.

Tanjuro has long understood.

Whether it is [demon], or [Dragon's Heritage].

They should all disappear completely.

"Wolf... let's cut off immortality together."

In memory, Kuro spoke to himself for the first time in such a pleading tone.

Sometimes, Tanjuro is extremely grateful.

Kuro, who holds the Dragon's Heritage, is a child with a sincere heart.

And the Demon Slayer Corps.

He turned his head and looked at Tomioka Giyu who was bandaging Uzui's wounds.

They are a group of children like Kuro.


Yoshiwara Flower Street.

In the gloomy sky, the rolling dark clouds gradually dissipated, revealing the bright moon that had just been slightly covered.

Unlike usual.


Tanjuro straightened up, subconsciously swung the sword, and slowly sheathed Kusabimaru.

He glanced sideways and looked at Gyutaro and Daki's head on the street not far away, which had not yet dissipated and was still talking.

Gyutaro has not completely turned into ashes, the power of resurrection and the paper man have not appeared.

Immersed in the mind, feeling the battle memory named [Tsugikuni Yoriichi].

The extra memory in the mind this time is not from the demon's body.

But——as if he should have it, it floated from the depths of the mind.

For a long time.

Tanjuro opened his eyes.

In the environment where the Upper Rank battle just ended, he dared not deeply feel the memory, just touched it a little.

The perspective that came from memory.

It was hundreds of years ago, the ancestor of the Kamado family.

[Kamado Sumiyoshi].


On the street.

Gyutaro was silent for a while, he slowly turned his head back, and stared at the moon in the sky.

At this moment, he also remembered the vow he had made with Ume——[never to be separated].

The clear yellow eyes reflected the dark night sky, the dim clouds blown by the wind, slowly drifting under the bright moon.

His emotions calmed down.

"I'm going to die." Gyutaro's tone was flat.

Unfortunately, there is nothing in the world that can suddenly increase one's power and achieve victory after some memories, like in a picture book.

The world is cruel and realistic at any time.

It always likes to hit you hard when you are complacent and full of expectations for tomorrow.

So he just chose to give all his strength to his sister in a desperate bet, instead of choosing to fight back with all his strength beyond his reach.

"...Hmm." Ume nodded, her sour eyes were a bit blurred: "Sure enough, I'm a bit unwilling to lose!"

At this time.

Not far away.

Tanjuro's gaze stopped on Gyutaro and Daki's head, he looked at the brother and sister who were gradually turning into ashes, and he didn't care about the memory in his mind first.

He took a step with his foot.


He jumped down from the roof.

He fell in front of the two heads of the siblings, blocking the bright moon in their field of vision.


Gyutaro's drooping eyelids jumped:

"Hey... you are blocking the moon."

Gyutaro, who was quietly staring at the bright moon, paused his voice, seeing that the comer had no reaction, his eyes slowly moved down, looking at Tanjuro who was back to the moon:

"...What are you looking at me for?"

He who has already declared death, has nothing to fear, Gyutaro's voice is very low:

"How, scared by my appearance?"

He raised his head, the corner of his mouth slightly hooked, his hoarse voice rose:

"I didn't see you hesitating when you cut my neck just now."

Gyutaro's eyes with a smile secretly observed Tanjuro's reaction, and found that the other party's expression did not change.

His stiff smile was a bit embarrassed.

——What a strange guy.

Beside him.

"Hmph!" Ume pouted, glared at Tanjuro fiercely, and then turned her head away.

It seemed to be because the two demons were already Upper Rank Three.

At this moment, the speed at which the skull turned into ashes was particularly slow.

If the obsession is deep enough, in fact, Gyutaro has the ability to break through the [Decapitation] weakness and become the second demon that is not afraid of being beheaded except for Muzan.

At this time.

Uzui Tengen, who had bandaged his wounds, and Tomioka Giyu also came over.

"...This is not gorgeous at all." Uzui Tengen covered his left arm, clenched his fist, and a feeling of weakness came. His expression on his face was somewhat lost.

Don't worry, the left arm still exists.

It's just because of the injury that he can't hold the sword for now.

He reacted quickly, opened his transparency, and even when facing the sudden attack of Upper Rank Three, he avoided the fatal blow.

"Uzui's left arm muscles have been cut, but the bones have not been injured."

Tomioka Giyu's gaze stopped on Gyutaro's skull for a moment, then withdrew his gaze, raised his head and simply said to Tanjuro:

"He is a dual-wielding swordsman, If he can still hold the sword, it can be considered as uninjured."

Upon hearing this.

"Hey!" Uzui was curiously observing the two heads on the ground. When he heard Tomioka's words, his forehead suddenly bulged with blue veins, and he looked at this side angrily:

"What are you talking about yourself?"

Tomioka Giyu had a straight face and did not answer.

"I see." After nodding to Tomioka, Tanjuro quickly withdrew his gaze and squatted down.

Lowered his head, and looked at Gyutaro who was puzzled for a moment, his tone was flat, as if stating a fact:

"After a demon dies, it will go to hell to atone for its past."

"This is true." He said.

"...Hell?" Hearing this, Ume who was in a daze next to him, suddenly focused her gaze and looked at this side.

"Ah...?" Gyutaro's expression became quite strange, he raised his eyebrows, and the shark teeth were exposed to the air as his mouth opened:

"...What do you think I'm going to say...just these?"


What age is this legend?

His lying head trembled, almost laughing out loud:

"Even if you really want to go to hell, that's..."

"You can ignore it."

Tanjuro interrupted him, turned his head, and looked at Ume, who was also looking at this side. The two people's eyes met for a moment:

"Then...what about your sister."

He turned his head back,

Like Tomioka Giyu's calm and waveless dark red pupils reflected Gyutaro's gradually surprised expression, his tone was deep:

"She will also go to hell."

"Heh...?" Mentioning his sister, Gyutaro's expression became stiff, he hesitated for a moment, his tone was very unnatural, and seemed a bit angry:

"...What do you want to do?"

What is the meaning of saying this, simply provoking oneself...but it is meaningless.

Gyutaro's eyes gradually darkened, and he gritted his teeth.

Looking at the ashes spreading to Gyutaro's chin, Tanjuro sped up his questioning:

"Tell me what you know about Muzan."

His gaze was serious:

"The more the better."

Upon hearing this.


"...Why?" Gyutaro's doubt on his face became heavier and heavier, he drooped his mouth, and his voice was low:

"This has nothing to do with going to hell."

"Do something good, when your sister goes to hell, the punishment she suffers may be lighter."

When Tanjuro said this, he did not look at Gyutaro, but looked at the empty street beside him:

"The sins of the Demon King are far heavier than yours, telling the Demon Slayer the news of the Demon King, this is also considered to atone for sins in advance."

Hearing this, Gyutaro slowly fell into thought.

He frowned, and his doubtful eyes drooped in thought.

——Is that so?




Inside the Infinite Castle.

Creak... creak...

The crimson chunks of flesh are wriggling and climbing, squeezing together, gradually merging and converging.

The initially humanoid Muzan appears on the chair, he is holding the armrest of the chair, panting heavily.

"Huff..." He staggered to support the chair, fine sweat oozed from his pale skin, and it looked a bit moist under the reflection of the warm-toned light.

Muzan raised his arm, looked at his trembling hand, took a long breath, and casually draped his arm as if he was out of strength.

Ever since that snowy night, the frequency of encountering that guy has become more and more frequent.

It's as if he himself has opened this experience that makes him extremely painful.

He feels a bit regretful in his heart.

If he hadn't gone out that day, these things would not happen now...

Muzan's eyes are dazed, he is thinking about the recent events.

The number of Upper Ranks is rapidly decreasing.

In just a few months, the deaths of Upper Ranks that have not occurred for hundreds of years have been continued one after another.

The only one who can do this before no one else can, is that guy.

The number of Upper Ranks is six, and now only Akaza and Doma are active outside.

Thinking of this, Muzan's pupils suddenly shrank.

If all the Upper Ranks die, then next...

——It's okay.

He thought in his heart.

——In this Infinite Castle, no one can find him.

——As long as he stays here, he can survive!

In the scarlet pupils, the hope called survival is flickering.

——Wait for him to find the Blue Spider Lily!



Yoshiwara Flower Street.

"The location of the Infinite Castle is underground."

Gyutaro said to Tanjuro concisely and powerfully.

"It's controlled by a Biwa girl."

In the end, he chose to believe Tanjuro's words.

Although, he hates the bright and beautiful appearance of the Demon Slayer Corps, a face of [I am the righteous, you are all evil].

This reminds him of the samurai who burned Ume, which is very disgusting.


Gyutaro glanced sideways and looked at Ume who was trembling with her eyes next to him.

He can curse fiercely, but Ume can't.

Recalling the scene of hell that Tanjuro said.

——Only Ume can't.

"But, I don't know the specific location." After pondering for a while, under Tanjuro's gaze, he continued:

"During the last Upper Rank meeting, Muzan... Muzan sent Gyokko and Hantengu to some unknown place."

"Not long after that, I and Ume became the Upper Rank Three, those two guys, probably dead."

Although Gyutaro did not show up at the Upper Rank meeting, he was awake and naturally understood everything mentioned in the meeting.

Gyutaro's eyes were drooping, his voice was low and hoarse, and his eyes moved slightly left and right:

"Ah... right."

"Muzan also asked Doma... now the Upper Rank One, develop followers, to find the Blue Spider Lily."

"His followers are called... the Church of Eternal Paradise Faith, probably this name."

Hearing the important information, Tanjuro nodded and continued to ask:

"Is there anything else?"

"There is..." Gyutaro's voice gradually lowered, he fell into thought.

He didn't care much about Muzan's movements, that kind of thing has no meaning to him.

Gyutaro doesn't have any special emotions for Muzan, for him, the important thing is to survive.

Seeing that the other party couldn't say anything for a while.

Tanjuro changed his statement, he thought for a while, and wanted to confirm his previous guess:

"Then..." He hesitated for a moment:

"Kokushibo, has there been any news or movement from him recently?"

Upon hearing this.

"...Kokushibo?" Gyutaro looked at Tanjuro in confusion, he was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized:

"The former Upper Rank One?" He glanced at Tanjuro, seeming a bit strange as to why the other party would be puzzled about Kokushibo:

"He's dead."

"Muzan said so at the last Upper Rank meeting."

Gyutaro answered truthfully.

After speaking, he didn't forget to take another strange look at Tanjuro, who was still in a daze.

The moment he fully exerted his blood demon art and was blocked by Tanjuro, Gyutaro had a rough idea in his heart.

He had previously wondered why Kokushibo would die, but now it seems——perhaps he was killed by him.

This is also the reason why Gyutaro chose to run away at the first time.

Now, the person who killed Kokushibo is actually asking how Kokushibo is doing, Gyutaro naturally finds it strange.

Suddenly, Gyutaro's eyes widened slightly.

——Could it be...there is someone else who killed the former Upper One.

In that case...

There are two people with such combat power...

He mourned for Akaza and Doma in his heart for three seconds.

After waiting for a long time and finding that Tanjuro was still in a daze, he tugged at the corner of his mouth, somewhat impatiently shouted:

"...What's wrong? You've been in a daze for so long."

"Hey!" Gyutaro looked down at the ashes that had started to spread around, and he shouted somewhat anxiously.

"...It's okay." Tanjuro came back to his senses, all the things in his mind at this moment were connected and confirmed.

After pondering for a moment, he said:

"He died well."


Gyutaro frowned, his eyes doubtful.

Ume was quietly listening to the conversation between her brother and Tanjuro on the side, she was staring at the moon.


She glanced sideways and looked at her brother who was anxious and restless.

The opportunity to atone for sins now, just leave it to her brother.

Just like once, when he was a human, her brother always protected her.

This time, it's the sister's turn to protect her brother.

She thought to herself, without speaking.



"I have no problem." Tanjuro nodded, he slowly stood up, slowly backing away:

"Thank you."


Staring at Gyutaro on the ground, gradually turning into ashes, he said goodbye like this.

Gyutaro's eyes remained, watching Ume's slowly dissipating figure, and finally, along with Ume, turned into ashes.



In the pitch-black space.

Probably, it's the station called Hell.

Gyutaro opened his eyes, he slowly lowered his head, subconsciously looked at his own hands that had become younger.


There was no trace of a demon on the dirty little hands.



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