
Demon Slayer: Kamado Tanjuro Returns from Sekiro

A familiar frail figure is standing at the door of the house. He is wearing a checkered haori of yellow and black, and his deep red hair is unusually tied up in a high ponytail. He is holding a katana in his hand that he has never seen before. That is the silhouette of his father - Kamado Tanjuro. And standing face to face with Tanjuro... Is a man in a black suit and a small top hat, whom Tanjiro has never seen before. Because Tanjiro fell in the snow, he couldn't see the expression of his father who was facing his side. But he could see the other side. The man in the black suit, the look of horror in his red pupils. That's an expression like seeing a ghost. *this is a translation* ======== read advanced chapters on patreon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Chapter 114 Sun Breathing, Wild Boar Awakening (Two in One)

On the street.

"What kind of demon is this? There are actually three Hashira-level here."

"I don't know, the demon king...?"

Upon hearing this, the person who was talking was stunned, and then looked at his companion incredulously:

"What is the demon king doing in the flower street?"

Several swordsmen standing on the roof, vigilant around, secretly looked at the direction of Tanjuro and the three of them, whispering.

More and more hidden ran over, and there were other level swordsmen standing on the side to be vigilant.

Suddenly, the entire dilapidated street was full of people.

"This...what...who are you..."

The madam's expression was dull, she turned her head in a daze, looking at the hidden ones who were gradually running over, and began to clean up the ruins and rescue the injured around:

"What...what happened just now...?"

"Relax." Goto gently patted the boss lady's shoulder, without explaining, he knew that once he started explaining, it would be very troublesome:

"We are from goverment people, please believe me."

This is a lie.

He just gently took the girl and Yuko from the boss lady's hand naturally, ready to place the two on the ground for examination.


A black revolver fell out of the madam's drooping sleeve, and the sound fell crisply on the ground.

A revolver bounced on the ground, the pitch-black muzzle was aimed right at Goto, who was startled and raised his eyebrows.

Cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

——That was really dangerous.

Goto looked at the madam with a choked expression.


Not long after.

"...It's done."

Goto wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, he looked at the madam who had fallen asleep due to excessive tension in front of him, and Yuko who had been bandaged and passed out, then turned to look around.

His companions were working hard to search for the injured in the ruins.

Suddenly, he took a closer look and found Tanjuro and two others standing not far away.

His furrowed brows relaxed:


He waved his hand and shouted, then ran over in small steps.

Tomioka Giyu, who was called, was taken aback, he turned his head and looked in Goto's direction.

"It's been a long time, Tomioka-sama, Uzui-sama——"

Goto looked up at the two of them and nodded, then his gaze moved to Tanjuro on the side, and his expression became incredibly surprised:


But the surprised expression only lasted for a moment.

During this period, he had been on missions outside, and he hadn't returned to the Butterfly Mansion for a long time.


Goto still looked at Tanjuro in surprise.

That Kamado-san, who was still very weak before, has already...

His gaze shifted slightly, observing the calm expressions of Uzui and Tomioka.

——Is he at the Hashira level?

Goto recalled the soft pink glow he had seen before, he had carefully checked with Michikazu afterwards and found that it was not an illusion.

Looking at Tanjuro's healthy appearance, Goto was genuinely happy for him.

After a slight emotional fluctuation in his heart, he nodded to Tanjuro:

"Everyone, the Kakushi Squad and swordsmen have arrived, you can leave for rest."

"No." Uzui Tengen casually put the curved knife on his shoulder, his voice was rather loud, and his eyes were observing the surroundings:

"We three will stay here until dawn, there may still be Upper Rank lurking around."

Saying that, he frowned tightly.

What did that guy mean by [You are also a Ninja] just now?

"There is still an Upper Rank..." Upon hearing this, Goto looked up, his pupils shrank slightly, and then he nodded: "...I understand."

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, to continue helping other team members.



Tanjuro reached out a hand and gently patted Goto's shoulder as he turned around.

Goto turned his head in confusion and looked at Tanjuro, who was smiling.

"Say hello to your friend for me." Tanjuro smiled, his voice soft, he slowly said:

"I haven't had a chance to thank you for last time."

Although he was not clear at the time, he also learned from his conversation with Tanjiro later about the efforts and self-blame of Goto and Michikazu in trying to treat him.

He learned their names from Tanjiro——they were the ones who took Tanjiro to Urokodaki's house behind his back.

Hearing Tanjuro's words, Goto was taken aback.


Goto's pupils reflected Tanjuro's smile, the face hidden under the black cloth could not see the expression, he just nodded again forcefully:


"I will."



At the end of the sky, a touch of light appeared, the clouds were slowly penetrated by the rising light, and the golden morning sun was embedded on the edge of the clouds.

It was dawn.

From last night to now, Doma's traces only appeared once.

After waiting for the sky to fully light up, Tanjuro and the other two parted ways on the spot.

Tomioka Giyu and Uzui Tengen were to return to the areas they were originally responsible for.

——Ever since the last thorough training, these two have not managed their tasks for a long time.

And Tanjuro.

He needs to return to the Butterfly Mansion to digest that memory first.


Butterfly Mansion.

In the courtyard.


Tanjiro is standing upright, wearing a green and black checkered short shirt, his hands that are full of traces tightly holding the hilt of the sword.

And he is forcefully swinging it in the courtyard.



His dark red eyes reveal determination, he grits his teeth, and a faint white mist overflows from the corners of his mouth.

——Muichiro and Yuichiro have already gone on a mission.

——I, who have been practicing with them all the time, am still stagnating here, not moving forward.


The wooden sword cuts through the air, leaving a faint trace in mid-air.

Tanjiro opened his mouth, exhaled a puff of white mist, and under his raised eyebrows was an extremely determined gaze.

——This won't do!

Thinking of his father who has been going out recently, Tanjiro feels a little worried.


Suddenly, a very loud voice came from the eaves next to him.

Rengoku Kyojuro is holding his arms, sitting upright on the corridor, his eyes are bright, looking at Tanjiro who is practicing swordsmanship:

"Kamado-kun! Raise your arm a bit more!"

"Yes!!" Tanjiro heard the words, closed his eyes forcefully, and also shouted loudly: "I will work hard!"


He tried his best to tighten his arms, and then the sword of the sword swung a perfect semicircle in mid-air.

"That's it!"

Kyojuro's voice echoed in the Butterfly Mansion.

On the side.

"...That .....brother..."

"His voice is so loud!" Agatsuma Zenitsu was sweating coldly. 

He was hiding in the corner behind Rengoku Kyojuro, and he was looking at each other with Takeo and Shigeru.

His hearing is very sensitive, staying next to Rengoku Kyojuro, he feels his head is about to explode.

The reason why he is still here——

Zenitsu's gaze fell on Tanjiro in the courtyard.

——Kamado Tanjuro, with a gentle voice that makes people want to die.

Shinobu took Kanzaki Aoi, who had just joined the Butterfly Mansion, and several Kakushi members left the Butterfly Mansion and went to a nearby town to buy medicine.

She chose the Rengoku family nearby and asked Kyojuro to temporarily ensure the safety of the Butterfly Mansion.

"Very exquisite swordsmanship!"

Rengoku Kyojuro supported his knees with both hands, stood up, and the man who was only wearing a black uniform walked into the courtyard, his big eyes staring at Tanjiro:

"Is it your father who taught you?"

"No...no..." Tanjiro stopped the action of swinging the wooden sword, he was panting heavily, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and was about to answer Kyojuro's question.

In the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Tanjuro coming from the door.

"...Father!" He turned his head in surprise.

Upon hearing this, Kyojuro subconsciously followed Tanjiro's gaze.

After making eye contact with Tanjuro who was running back all the way, he nodded:

"Kamado-san! Was the mission successful?"


"Well, it went smoothly." Tanjuro slowly approached, he responded with a smile, his gaze stayed on his eldest son who was panting.

He bent down, reached out to touch Tanjiro's head, wiped the sweat that flowed to his cheeks for him, and reminded him:

"Don't force yourself, haste makes waste."

"I understand!" Tanjiro responded.

Tanjuro straightened up, casually glanced around, observing Rokuta and Hanako playing on the second floor through his transparent vision.

After confirming that the children and Kie were still there, his heart calmed down.

But looking around, he didn't find the Tokito brothers and Tadaichiro.

He asked subconsciously:

"Where are Yuichiro and the others?"

"Ah." Tanjiro raised his head, he smiled, and explained with his hand:

"Muichiro and the others have gone on a mission, Uncle Tokito seemed a bit worried, so he went with them."



Somewhere on a mountain.

"Caw! Yuichiro! Muichiro!"

The crow circled in the sky, urging the sweaty brothers Rui below:

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"You have to get to the mission location before sunset!"

"Just cross this mountain top! You're there! Caw!"


In the woods.

The lush forest gap revealed golden sunlight.

Muichiro leaned weakly against a tree, he was sweating profusely, panting heavily, and looked up at the sky in disbelief:

"There's another mountain top?!"

He pulled at the collar of his black uniform to cool off, and shouted in frustration:

"Why! Ah——!!"

Yuichiro was walking in front, he suddenly smacked his lips, he was already hot and annoyed, he turned his head and yelled at his brother:

"Shut up!"

"Hurry up and get on the road!"

"If you are tired, you can rest for a while." Their father walked behind the two brothers, observing the surroundings to avoid being ambushed by animals like wild boars.

Upon hearing this, the crow circling in the air was immediately displeased, it cawed loudly:

"Caw! Tadaichiro! No!"

The crow's cawing hadn't finished, suddenly!

On the other side of the woods.

"...So noisy!"

A muscular arm picked up a stone from the ground, he was bare-chested, and took a slight aim at the crow in the sky.


The arm swung hard!


The stone turned into a straight line, quickly flying towards the crow!




Hit the target!

The crow was hit by the stone on its wing, it choked suddenly, two black feathers scattered instantly, it stared with big eyes, and fell towards the ground due to loss of weight!

Muichiro on the ground saw this, quickly raised his head, and reached out his hands trying to catch the falling crow.


He lunged forward!


The crow fell into Muichiro's arms, it was foaming at the mouth, struggling to raise its wings, its dark eyes staring at the sky.

It was saying something hoarsely.

Muichiro quickly put his ear close, listening carefully.

The crow's voice was low and intermittent:


"...have a name..."

Then, it tilted its head and passed out.

Just as Muichiro was looking at the crow that had fallen into his arms and feeling sad.

"Who's there!" Yuichiro stood in front of his brother, he reached out to protect Muichiro behind him, and yelled at a huge rock in front of them:

"Why did you sneak attack us?"


"Huh——?" A muscular young figure stood up from the huge rock above, he slowly raised his non-human-shaped head.

A dull and rough voice came from under the boar's head:


Two white vapors were blown out long from the boar's nostrils.

After seeing the appearance of the person, Yuichiro frowned tightly.

That was a monster with a boar's head, bare upper body, but a human-shaped body!

Is it a demon?!

Yuichiro's eyes are fixed on him, thinking quickly.

——No, there's sunlight on him, he's not a demon.


Subconsciously gripping the hilt of the sword at his waist, Yuichiro grits his teeth and stares at the guy with the boar's head.

——What kind of creature is this?!

"What did you say?!"

The boar seemed quite indignant when he heard words like sneak attack, he stood on a huge rock, looking down at the three Tokito from a high position:

"You guys breaking into my mountain! You dare to say that the one who is sneaking is me?"

"Don't joke around!"

As he spoke, two long white mists overflowed again.


The muscles on his body slowly tightened, he slowly squatted down, and the muscles in his legs gathered strength.

His gaze stopped on the swords at the waist of the Tokito brothers, and an excited expression appeared on his face hidden under the headgear:

"Remember, invaders."

"My name is Hashibira Inosuke."

Inosuke raised his head, his two large blue boar eyes looked in the direction of Yuichiro, and he shouted loudly in a rough voice:

"——I am the king of this mountain!!"

The next moment!


He stomped his feet hard!

The force from top to bottom made him almost instantly close to Yuichiro who was gripping the hilt of the sword!

"Pig Rush——!!" He kept shouting in his mouth!


"Come and see who is stronger!!"

Inosuke slid and sprinted, dust rose, he tightened his abdomen and used his strength, suddenly swung his leg from one side, and drew towards Yuichiro!

Yuichiro's eyes widened, he looked at Inosuke who was approaching his side, and he was a little at a loss for a while.


"Yikes!!" Muichiro was holding the crow, his face was pale, his gaze was fixed on Inosuke, and he felt a little nauseous.

——What happened?!

He shouted in his heart in confusion.


Watching his brother pull out the Nichirin Sword, using the back of the knife to split the foot of the boar monster who was leaning down to borrow strength.

——How did they start fighting!

"Yikes hehe haha!!" Inosuke's rough laughter echoed in the mountains, and several birds fluttered their wings and flew up.


Butterfly Mansion.

Tanjuro sat quietly in the room on the second floor.

His gaze looked a little worried through the window, looking into the distance.

——I always feel that the Tokito brothers mission will not go smoothly this time.

He sighed.

I hope it's just my overthinking.

There is no one around.

Slowly immersed in his mind, his consciousness gradually darkened.


After a long time.

Tanjuro slowly opened his eyes.

What caught his eye was a familiar and unfamiliar courtyard.

——That is the backyard of his house.



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