
Reviews of Demon's Virtue


Demon's Virtue


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



I feel like parts of the story can be a bit rushed and I’m sure has it goes on more of the world and kingdoms will be explained. Over all tho I like this story a lot so far good characters and good development with the main character. There is a lot of good coincidences but most stories have them so I can’t complain to much about that over all tho I’d recommend it over most other stories I looked at on this app

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The book seems very promising so far. Very deeply thought out. Very interested how the story will develop as the idea of having Imp slowly learn things is nice


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It's a good novel to read with some very good world building and character development... .


I genuinely love this novel. it's one of my favourites that's available on this platform... Keep up the good work DiceVR!


Reveal spoiler


I really love this book. The story develops in a slow, steady and logical pace. The characters are unique in their own way and they have personalities that make you feel with them. They're not perfect but atleast you can feel that they are their own person which I must say Author very well done. Furthermore the story is very funny and reading in the perspective of big brain imp is hilarious 😂😂 For me a 4.8, there are some writing mistakes but nothing too bad.


Was expecting something like way of the devil. Got something way more different. Nice developement in the beginning but it went downhill from there for me.


This book caught my attention and I read all chapters in about 2 months. I would love for more chapters released on a regular basis. I cant wait for more chapters on the imp, the children, the hero and the monster king. Please publish more.


Do you have a Patreon? I would love to help support in anyway to have this book continued. Please respond, I don't want to give money to webnovel when I could give to you directly


Take my power stones


"Bleh." - Imp An Imp, a monster known to kill with a grin, a demon of the world, a creature of incredible might! Something that no force in the world can stand against! At least that's what the Main Character would like himself to be, the reality is very different, however. Exactly that Imp stumbles along a path of unfortunate fortunes and grows through it, in a world that hates its very existence.


Reveal spoiler


Good 👍 great👍 amazing👍 incredible 👍 Good 👍 great👍 amazing👍 incredible 👍 Good 👍 great👍 amazing👍 incredible 👍 Good 👍 great👍 amazing👍 incredible 👍


Read till chapter 280- ish It is not bad, the concept is interesting and the world background is not bad. The way it is written is ok at the start, but at some point it just gets annoying. The words "annoying" and "really", atleast now in the later chapters, is used way too much that it ruins the reading experience for me. I assume it is used to get a laidback aura on the MC, which comes out some times, but mostly used too much. Personal preferences is to not have to much happen at once regarding the biggest background plot, which i believe worked out nicely in this novel. However, the smaller plots (the last one) is drawn out too much which also ruins the experience for me a bit. It is also written to detaild where it was not nessesary, again which makes the experience less enjoyable than wished for and, maybe just me, a bit hard to follow or bother to follow.


I think this novel is great. First, I want to praise what it does well. The main character, Eiro, is flawed. He has issues, gets angry, and makes mistakes. I think that's important for a story like this, because it lets him grow. That is a core part of why I like the novel so much. Everyone is constantly improving, and the story is always moving forward along with the characters. I love the world, and I think that in terms of variety, it is very well put together. The magic is creative, and works well, but physical combat isn't neglected either. But of course, I also have my gripes with the novel. I think that sometimes, it takes very long for story threads to get neatly tied up, because the character roster is so wide that screentime is short. In the latter half of the novel, that also causes the pacing to suffer a little, since it simply needs more chapters for stories that don't follow the main one. I personally don't really mind that, especially when binging I think the pace is perfect, but on a weekly/monthly read it can get a little frustrating. Another slight issue I have is some plot threads simply seemingly not being resolved perfectly properly, and sometimes with the pacing, it can feel like the world kind of pauses when the MC needs it to. If Eiro is out exploring, some characters he regularly interacts with might just not appear for a couple dozen chapters. However, that doesn't mean the novel isn't worth a read. I thoroughly enjoyed it, all the way to the end. I think the story is well put together, the world is interesting and unique in a pot of ways, while using the best parts of classic and modern fantasy alike. The characters feel distinct, and easy to keep apart, and their tone of voice is conveyed very well. Sometimes it's a bit heavy on the characters complaining (slight spoiler: especially Eiro and Bavet, my god why can't Eiro just be a little more understanding holy heck) But it's great. I genuinely think it deserves a much higher rating than most other stories on webnovel, and I hope releases continue on in the future.


It was a bit confusing at first but it was still enjoyable. The writing style is a bit hard to understand sometimes but it gets better as the story goes on. However, in around the middle part of the novel the story gets a little boring as the author put fillers there. I'm sure it's kind of important for character development but it really does feel like a filler. Of course that didn't stop me from reading but I eventually stop because it was too boring. The plot and story is pretty interesting and the characters are somewhat balanced in terms of power levels. However, there are some details that the author left out and it's not like it disrypts the storyline or anything but it still bothers me. Other than that, it's a pretty decent read to pass the time.


Reveal spoiler


I really love this story only problem is the world isnt really described to well I only know of the skyhart kingdom holy empire and some lands and even those places aren't described to Well. i know the general layout of the cities and towns but that's it. Some people like to see in depth descriptions I'm not asking for that tell me how the city feels is it vibrant or gloomy what are the people like if you use enough feeling people will have an easy time picturing what the kingdom looks like or you could give broad descriptions that give a feel are the roofs flat arched or domed. you could just look up architectural styles and see what fits your cities and towns best. Also it needs some filler to slow things down a bit it should preferably be stuff to do with the kids so they can be more fleshed out as characters I'm more connected to James then clementine please let Eiro fight people is own level hes been winning by mostly luck (not plot because he only used the tools he was given not pulling out some new power) research world building as well Ps. I'm on ch.198


this is about a monster gaining intelligence and then slowly working his way up as a wizard he is not a recarinated weeb or some **** its a actual monster and there is no transforming into a human he is forced to wear robes when going through human societes because he a monster