
Death Gods Wish

He didn’t mean to. He lost control. He wants to go back, but he can’t. He must now learn to live again in a new Reality; he will become the protector once more. TheStoryHungryDemon's profile on Fanfiction. Check out this website about it! https://www.fanfiction.net/~thestoryhungrydemon Go check out my Patreon at patreon.com/TheStoryHungryDemon

TeStoryHungryDemon · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

New Life


Felt a little generous, so here's an extra chapter this week.

Chapter realize will go back to normal next week.

Now enjoy, and as always, thanks for reading!



The young gods were trapped in their father's stomach, a bleak and desolate place where time seemed to stand still. Every moment was an eternity of darkness, silence, and unbearable pain. They couldn't discern how long they had been imprisoned, with no indication that they would ever be freed. Despite the hopelessness of their situation, they found solace in the fact that their siblings were with them, and they clung to the belief that they could find a way to break free from their eternal confinement.

One day, Hades noticed something unusual.

As the siblings sat huddled together in the darkness, Hades' keen senses picked up on a subtle change in the air. He strained his ears, listening intently, but heard nothing. At first, he thought he might be imagining things, but as he looked around, he noticed that the air around him was pulsing with waves of energy that were invisible to the naked eye. He reached out to touch one of the waves, but it slipped through his fingers like water. He was perplexed by this discovery. What was this energy, and where was it coming from?

Hades tried to explain his findings to his siblings, but they were preoccupied with their own thoughts and concerns, trying to figure out a way to escape their confinement. Hades knew he had to keep his discovery to himself for now. He didn't want to give his siblings false hope that they could escape only to have it snatched away. But the mysterious energy gave him a glimmer of hope that they might find a way to survive their captivity.

One night, as his siblings slept, Hades lay awake, his mind ablaze with thoughts of the mysterious energy waves and how they might be connected to their potential escape. As he gazed into the dark, dreary environment surrounding him, an idea began to form in his mind.

'What if we could harness the energy of these waves to escape?' he thought.

Almost immediately, he dismissed the idea as foolish. 'It's impossible,' he told himself. 'We're trapped inside thick walls of flesh. There's no way we could escape undetected by our father.'

But the idea wouldn't let him go. It nagged at him, persisting in his mind. 'If there's a way, we must take it,' he reasoned. 'We can't stay here forever. We need to take action, or we'll die. I don't know how, but I'll find a way to escape.'

With a newfound determination, Hades vowed to do everything in his power to free himself and his siblings. He didn't know when or how but knew he would succeed.

As the passing of time went by, Hades grew more and more confident in his ability to use the energy waves to escape from his prison. He spent countless hours studying and experimenting with them, learning how to harness and control their power to strengthen his body and spirit. His determination and hard work paid off, as he began to see noticeable improvements in his abilities each day.

Hades became more focused than ever and trained relentlessly, pushing his limits and growing stronger with each passing moment. His siblings eventually noticed his growing confidence and vigor, but were unaware of the source behind it. Hades kept his progress to himself, knowing that his siblings would not understand the power of the energy waves that he had learned to control.

Despite his cautious nature, Hades knew that he could not remain imprisoned forever. The dark, dreary atmosphere of his father's stomach was suffocating, and he yearned to escape. After much thought and contemplation, he finally made the decision that it was time to take action.

He gathered his siblings together, explaining his plan to escape. Hades was confident in his ability to succeed with the help of the energy waves he had mastered. His siblings, however, were shocked and skeptical at first. It was a risky plan, and they were not sure if it would work.

Hades remained steadfast, assuring his siblings that the energy waves were powerful enough to cut a hole in the wall of their father's stomach and free them all. After some convincing, they agreed to let him try.

As Hestia watched her brother prepare for the escape, she whispered, her voice filled with concern, "Be careful, brother. We can't lose you too."

Hades turned to her, giving her a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I promise."

With his siblings' blessing, Hades set about his task. He closed his eyes and focused on the energy waves surrounding him. He had focused on absorbing the energy and succeeded; he had taken in bits of it for four months, so his body had become used to it. But now he needed to harness the energy and use it for his plan. He took a deep breath and reached out with his mind, trying to connect with the waves. At first, he felt resistance, but after a few minutes, he felt a connection. He opened his eyes and saw a faint blue glow surrounding him. He could feel the energy flowing through him, filling him with power.

He focused his attention on the wall of flesh in front of him, visualizing a hole appearing. As he did so, the energy began to flow through him, and he could feel the power surging in his veins. The energy concentrated in his hands, and a blue aura enveloped them. Slowly, he raised his hands and made a slashing motion. As he did so, a thin blue line appeared on the wall, glowing brightly. The siblings watched in awe as the cut grew wider and wider, eventually opening a hole large enough for them to pass through.

The group stood in front of the wall gap, their eyes fixed on the opening. Seconds passed by as they tried to comprehend what had just happened. Suddenly, Hades broke the silence with a triumphant cry that echoed through the chamber, "We're free!" The others joined in, cheering and hugging each other, their hearts filled with joy and relief.

As they celebrated their newfound freedom, they turned their attention towards the opening and examined it closely. It wasn't a mere hole through their father, but rather a portal that led to another realm.

Hera was the first to voice the question on everyone's mind, "Where does this lead?"

Hades furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "It's hard to tell," he said. "But we have to find out."

Demeter spoke up next, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and excitement, "I can feel a lot of life energy on the other side. Maybe it leads to the outside world."

The others turned to Hades, their faces filled with hope and anticipation. Poseidon spoke up, "What should we do, brother?"

Hades took a moment to consider their options. "It's a risk," he said. "But we have no choice. We need to go through the portal and see where it leads."

With their decision made, the group prepared to take their first steps into the unknown. They knew that the journey ahead was filled with dangers they couldn't imagine, but they also knew that they had each other, and that was all they needed to face whatever lay ahead.

The group of siblings stood at the mouth of the portal, their faces tense and uncertain. They had been through so much, and the thought of yet another unknown world was daunting. But even as they hesitated, Hades stepped forward with a resolute expression. He disappeared into the opening without a second thought, and the others quickly followed suit. As they crossed the threshold, they could feel the energy of the portal pulsing around them, and they braced themselves for the unknown.

In an instant, they found themselves in a world completely unlike the dreary and lifeless environment of their father's stomach. They were surrounded by vibrant greens and a profusion of colorful life everywhere they looked. The air was thick with the scent of flowers and the hum of insects. The sun was bright and warm on their faces. They stood in awe, taking in the beauty and wonder of this new place.

Hera's voice broke the hush that had fallen over the group. "Where are we?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Hades grinned, a sense of familiarity settling over him. "I don't know, but I have a good feeling about this place."

To Hades, this strange new world felt like home. He could sense the energy and power emanating from the very ground beneath his feet, and he knew he could thrive here. He could feel the magic of this place, and he knew that this was a place where anything was possible. As he looked around, he saw that the others were feeling it too. They were all smiling, laughing, and looking at each other with a sense of wonder.

As they walked forward, they noticed that the plants and trees were unlike anything they had ever seen. The trees were tall and slender, with leaves that glimmered in the sunlight. The flowers were as big as their heads and came in every color of the rainbow. The grass was soft and springy beneath their feet, and they could feel the energy of the earth beneath them.

They walked for a while, marveling at the beauty around them. They heard the sound of water in the distance and followed it until they came to a stream. The water was crystal clear and cool, and they cupped their hands and drank deeply. As they drank, they felt the magic of the place wash over them. They felt stronger and more alive than they had in a long time.

They knew they had found a new home as they continued their journey. A home where they could be themselves and thrive. They were excited about the adventures ahead and knew that no matter what happened, they would face it together.

Hey there hope you enjoy the story so far, it would mean alot if you could all leave reviews with your thoughts on this story.

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