
Death Gods Wish

He didn’t mean to. He lost control. He wants to go back, but he can’t. He must now learn to live again in a new Reality; he will become the protector once more. TheStoryHungryDemon's profile on Fanfiction. Check out this website about it! https://www.fanfiction.net/~thestoryhungrydemon Go check out my Patreon at patreon.com/TheStoryHungryDemon

TeStoryHungryDemon · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 12

Hello, Everyone. Here's how the official upload schedule will work. Death Gods wish will be updated every week on Friday. This chapter will be the last that is uploaded before that day.

Now, I also want to ask all of you to go give my new story a look and leave a review, and it would mean a lot.

I am sure you can find it in my profile. If not, it's under the Jujutsu Kaisen series and is a crossover with the Justice League Animated Series; it is titled,

The End and The Beginning Of Infinity. Go check it out, and as always, thanks for reading!



As I reflect on the past two decades, I can't help but feel a tremendous sense of pride and accomplishment. I was responsible for rebuilding the Soul Society, and I had done so with great success. I had created a number of distinct realms within the society, each serving a specific purpose. The kingdom I had constructed was a peaceful haven for souls to roam free of fear and worry. The creation of Aylward and Aurelia, two beings who could provide fair and impartial judgment of souls in my absence, had been instrumental in ensuring that justice was always served. Additionally, I had established a system that allowed souls to face their past mistakes and work toward redemption.

Despite my great strides, there was still a nagging sense of uncertainty in my mind. I remained unsure of what my next move should be. With the exception of Aylward and Aurelia, I was entirely alone in this vast dimension. There were no other souls to be found. I was faced with a difficult choice: should I embark on a journey to recover lost souls myself or trust that they would eventually find their way to the Soul Society on their own? Whatever decision I made would have far-reaching consequences.

In addition to this dilemma, there was also the matter of my recurring dream to consider. However, for the time being, I pushed that thought to the back of my mind. The most pressing matter at hand was whether I should leave the Soul Society and seek out lost souls or remain there and wait for them to find their way to me.

After much contemplation, I took a proactive approach and embarked on a mission to locate and guide the lost souls to safety. Protecting them was my duty, and I was determined to carry it out to the best of my abilities. With my mind firmly made up, I set out on my journey, leaving the Soul Society in the capable hands of Aylward and Aurelia. Although my departure saddened them, they understood the importance of my mission and vowed to protect the realm in my absence. And so, with a sense of satisfaction and purpose, I stepped through the gateway that would take me back to the world of the living.

With a burst of light, I left the Soul Society behind, trusting that Aylward and Aurelia would continue to rule justly and keep the peace. As I ventured out into the unknown, I was filled with a sense of determination and excitement, eager to explore a history that had previously only existed in my imagination. I knew the journey ahead would be difficult, but I was prepared to face any challenge to fulfill my duty and bring the lost souls back home.


(The World Of The Living.)

The pitch-black gateway slowly creaked open, revealing a faint silhouette of a figure. As the light poured in, Ichigo emerged from the gateway, stepping out into the world of the living. It had been almost two decades since his last visit, a time span that felt like an eternity to him, with countless battles fought in between. However, in reality, only four months had passed since he last set foot in this world, a place he once called home. The feeling of the cool breeze on his skin, the sound of the rustling leaves, and the scent of flowers in the air brought back a flood of memories of his time here. The familiar sounds and smells that once gave him comfort now felt strange and unfamiliar, reminding him that things had changed. As Ichigo stood there, taking in his surroundings, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, knowing that he had returned to a world that was no longer the same.

As he took in his surroundings, a sudden gust of wind sent a chill down his spine. It was at that moment he sensed a presence; someone was watching him. A quick scan of the area revealed nothing, but Ichigo was certain he was not alone.

"Who's there?"

Ichigo shouted, his voice echoing through the darkness. His question was met with silence, only the faint rustling of leaves could be heard. He cautiously began to move forward, his senses on high alert, as he continued to search for the mysterious figure. After a few minutes, his efforts proved futile, the only thing that greeted him was silence.

Ichigo sighed in frustration, deciding to abandon his search for the time being. He needed to focus on his mission and find the lost souls, who he believed were in danger. With renewed determination, he set off into the night, knowing that his journey had only just begun.

However, he was unaware of the unseen eyes that followed him, watching his every move with great interest. And so, his search began, one that would lead him on a journey of unimaginable discoveries and a fate that would forever change the world.


(Undisclosed Realm.)

The Bifröst, a bridge of incredible beauty and power, extends for dozens of miles, glowing with a vibrant, rainbow-like light that serves as the entrance to the Undisclosed Realm. This is a place that grants a being the ability to travel to any location within the universe, and it is located in Asgard, a realm of great significance and mystery.

Standing watch on the bridge is Heimdall, the guardian of the Bifröst. He is a magnificent being with golden grey dreadlocks, his body adorned with intricate tattoos that glow with a soft blue hue. Though his eyes are covered by a tanned cloth, Heimdall is able to see everything with his other senses, despite his blindness. He is a warrior of immense power, one of the most formidable beings in the universe, and his presence alone is enough to deter anyone who might dare to attempt to cross the bridge.

But today, something is different. Four months ago, Heimdall was given a special order to observe existence and search for a being that the divine had only recently learned about. This being is known as Ichigo, and Heimdall is on high alert, scanning the universe for any sign of this mysterious entity. As he stands watch on the Bifröst, Heimdall's senses are sharpened, and his sword, with its hilt resembling an animal's head, is strapped to his back, ready for action.

Heimdall's voice boomed as he asked, "Where are you?" Searching relentlessly, he couldn't shake off the strange tingling sensation at the back of his mind, a sign that foretold of an impending event. Suddenly, the air around him crackled with electricity, heralding the arrival of a powerful being, one that would shake the very foundations of the universe. Heimdall's eyes darted around frantically as he tried to pinpoint the source of this energy. And then, he saw him - Ichigo Kurosaki - standing on Midgard, Earth. Heimdall muttered under his breath, "Found you, Ichigo Kurosaki." The Norse God of sight and guardianship knew that his job was far from over. He was not done watching.

Heimdall's senses were heightened, and he could feel the raw power that emanated from Ichigo. An expression of amusement crossed his face as he observed the young reaper moving around, completely unaware of his presence. However, as soon as Ichigo sensed the divine presence, Heimdall noticed the sudden shift in his demeanor - the reaper's face twisted in surprise and confusion.

"Who's there?!" Ichigo shouted, and Heimdall's sharp gaze followed him as he examined his surroundings. The god was unsure if Ichigo had detected him yet, but the reaper was clearly on high alert, searching for the source of the strange spiritual pressure.

Heimdall remained silent, choosing to observe Ichigo from a distance. He watched as the reaper continued to scan his surroundings, his expression tense with anticipation. Despite Ichigo's sharp senses, Heimdall was confident that he would remain undetected unless he chose to reveal himself.

Heimdall, the vigilant guardian of the Bifrost, immediately abandoned his watchful post as soon as he sensed Ichigo's arrival. It was his solemn duty to keep a close eye on the young reaper, as he had been specifically tasked by the All-Father Odin himself to do so. With a determined sense of purpose, Heimdall hastened to inform Odin of the newcomer's presence, his mind racing with thoughts of what this could mean for the Nine Realms.


(The Hall of Asgard.)

In the grand hall of Asgard, where the All-father Odin sat on his golden throne, there was a flurry of activity as Heimdall and several other gods, including Thor, gathered around to listen to his words. Odin's voice was powerful and commanding, reverberating through the hall as he spoke about a being called Ichigo Kurosaki, whom he had tasked the gods with watching closely. He explained that this being was unlike any they had ever encountered before and that he had the potential to become either a valuable ally or a dangerous enemy. However, until they learned more about him, they needed to be cautious.

Heimdall nodded in agreement, eager to fulfill his master's wishes. "Yes, my lord. We will not let our guard down. If the time comes, we shall be ready."

Odin sat back on his throne, the seat of his power, and contemplated the situation. "Good. Now, let us discuss the next steps. We must continue to monitor the situation and determine the best course of action."

The other gods exchanged glances, their expressions thoughtful. Thor's deep voice broke the silence. "Perhaps we could approach him directly and ask him what his intentions are. A meeting between the two might be beneficial."

Odin shook his head, his eye narrowing slightly. "No, we cannot risk revealing our hands too soon. For now, we will continue to observe and gather information. Only then will we be able to decide how to proceed."

The gods left the hall, their minds filled with thoughts of this mysterious being and what his appearance could mean for the future of the universe. Odin's words echoed in their ears, reminding them of the need to keep a close eye on Ichigo Kurosaki. If his intentions were good, they would welcome him as an ally, but if he proved to be a threat, they would eliminate him without hesitation. The balance of the Nine Realms must be maintained at all costs.