
Death Gods Wish

He didn’t mean to. He lost control. He wants to go back, but he can’t. He must now learn to live again in a new Reality; he will become the protector once more. TheStoryHungryDemon's profile on Fanfiction. Check out this website about it! https://www.fanfiction.net/~thestoryhungrydemon Go check out my Patreon at patreon.com/TheStoryHungryDemon

TeStoryHungryDemon · Anime & Comics
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To welcome the new month, Here's an early chapter!

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Anyways, As always, thanks for reading!


(A Stomach.)

Kronos, the colossal Titan, lay motionless on his bed, his massive form taking up almost all the space in the room. The room was cavernous, with high walls that seemed to reach the heavens. Deep within Kronos' colossal body lies a cavernous space that serves as the home to his children, the Olympian gods and goddesses. The Olympians are trapped inside, away from the outside world, confined by the very father who brought them into being. They have been imprisoned in this dark and lonely dungeon for years, compelled to endure indescribable suffering with no hope of escape. Their prison walls are thick and seemingly impenetrable, and the air inside is heavy, with a musty stench permeating everything. The only source of sustenance for the Olympians is the scant amount of nourishment provided by their father's body, which barely gives them enough strength to survive. The darkness of their prison is only illuminated by a small flickering flame held by Hestia, the eldest sister, providing the only light source for the Olympians to see each other's faces as they struggle to survive in their father's belly. The flame casts long, eerie shadows on the walls, adding to the already palpable dread and despair. Each day feels like an eternity as the Olympians wait for a glimmer of hope, a chance at freedom from their father's cruel grasp.

It had only been by what they could assume ten years since the youngest of the five young deities had been born, but it felt like an eternity had passed to them. Time had no meaning in this dark, dreary prison; all they had were each other. As the eldest sibling, Hestia took it upon herself to look after her younger siblings, doing her best to provide what little comfort and solace she could offer. She would tell them stories, sing them songs, and do her best to keep their spirits up despite their situation. While her efforts were appreciated, they were often met with only half-hearted responses; the younger gods and goddesses were often too consumed with their misery and suffering to muster much enthusiasm for their older sister's attempts at bringing joy to their lives. Despite the lack of enthusiasm, Hestia continued to persevere, knowing that it was important for the well-being of her siblings.

However, despite her best efforts, the constant torment and torture of their father's stomach had taken a toll on the youngest daughter, Demeter. The youngest daughter of Kronos was the most fragile of the siblings, having the most difficulty adjusting to their new life in their father's belly. Her skin was pale, her hair was stringy, and her eyes were dull. Her once vibrant personality had been replaced with a sullen, somber demeanor, and she spent most of her time curled up in a corner, quietly weeping. Her situation was taking a toll on her physically and emotionally, and she became increasingly despondent as the days passed.

Hestia and the other gods and goddesses did their best to comfort her, but they could only do so much in such a dismal environment. They were powerless to change their situation, and Demeter's mental and physical health continued to deteriorate. As the eldest sister, Hestia felt a strong sense of responsibility for her siblings, and seeing her youngest sister's suffering was especially difficult for her. She did everything she could to support Demeter, but ultimately, she could only watch as the youngest goddess slipped further into despair.

Then there was the second-oldest daughter, Hera, who possessed a fiery temper and was always quick to anger. Unlike her younger sister, she refused to give up and continued to fight against their imprisonment, no matter how futile it might be. Her determination and resilience were admirable, but her temper was a constant source of friction among the siblings, often resulting in heated arguments and quarrels. She was constantly picking fights with her brothers and sisters, especially Poseidon, whom she would constantly provoke and insult. Her constant bickering and fighting was a source of great frustration and annoyance for the others, and it often served as a distraction from their already bleak situation.

Among the five siblings in the group, Poseidon was considered the youngest. However, there were assumptions that there might be a sixth sibling whose existence was not confirmed. One day, a rock fell on Poseidon's head, which led the siblings to investigate it closely. Upon closer inspection, they noticed that the rock was wrapped in a blanket, which piqued their curiosity. The siblings carefully unwrapped the blanket, hoping to discover something of value. However, to their disappointment, they found that the rock was plain with no special significance. Despite their initial disappointment, It gave them hope that their imprisonment would not be eternal. It also inspired the idea that perhaps there was someone or something out there that could save them from their misery.

Finally, the Oldest, only second to Hestia, Hades, was the most mysterious of the siblings. He was a quiet, brooding individual who preferred to keep to himself, rarely engaging in conversations with his siblings. Deep in thought, he was often found sitting in a corner with a sullen expression. Despite his antisocial tendencies, he was also the most level-headed and rational of the siblings, often serving as a voice of reason when others argue. His calm and collected demeanor helped keep the peace among his siblings and was greatly appreciated by the others.

Hestia's eyes drifted towards her brother, Hades, who sat alone, a distant expression on his face. Despite the situation, they found themselves in, his expression was oddly serene, as if he was somehow detached from their suffering. She couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking about, what he was feeling. Was he experiencing the same suffering as the rest of them, or could he find peace within himself, a place where he could escape their imprisonment? Whatever the case, it was clear that Hades was dealing with their situation in his way, and she couldn't help but admire his ability to remain calm and composed.

Before she or her siblings could muster thoughts, Kronos's stomach began to shake, and all acids splashed all over them, burning their flesh and skin.

"AHHHHHHHH!" The siblings screamed in pain, their bodies writhing in agony. The acid burned their skin and melted their flesh, causing intense and excruciating pain. They screamed and cried, but their voices were drowned out by the gurgling and churning of Kronos's stomach. It was a terrifying and horrific experience that would haunt them for the rest of their lives.

gods they might be, but they haven't had a chance to grow yet and could not hope to resist the stomach acid of a Titan god. Unknown to the young gods their bastard father was in a 'battle' that lasted no more than one minute from start to finish.

However, there was some good news: The acid had a soothing and healing effect on their skin and wounds, which allowed them to recover. Still, the pain was intense, and the memory of it would linger for a long time. It was a traumatic and brutal experience, and it would shape their future as deities.

After recovering, Hestia and the other gods and goddesses sat together in a piece of the stomach that was not overflowing with stomach acid. Their minds were reeling from the events, and their bodies still trembled. They sat in silence for a while. Eventually, Hestia broke the silence, her voice trembling with emotion.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to protect you. I'm sorry I failed to save you from this nightmare. I'm so, so sorry," she whispered, her voice cracking with guilt and remorse. This wasn't the first time the acid burned them, but it was the worst incident. It lasted far longer than any other time it happened before, and the pain was more intense and excruciating, making their previous burns feel like mere papercuts in comparison.

The siblings exchanged a glance, each of them feeling a mix of emotions. Poseidon was furious at his father, blaming him for their imprisonment. Hera was frustrated and angry, lashing out at everyone and everything around her. Demeter was despondent, withdrawing further into herself, and Hades was quiet and stoic as ever his emotions were difficult to read.

"It's not your fault," Hades said, his voice calm and even. "We're all in this together, and none of us are responsible for our situation. We'll get through this, together." His words were simple but reassuring, and the others seemed to take solace in his calm and confident tone.

"Yes," Hera agreed, her anger abating slightly. "We're family, and we'll get through this. Together."

Demeter remained silent, her head hanging low, her eyes downcast. Hera placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, a rare gesture of compassion from the fiery goddess. Demeter didn't say anything but seemed to appreciate the gesture, giving her sister a weak smile.

With their spirits slightly lifted, the siblings huddled together, seeking comfort in each other's presence. Their ordeal was far from over, but they were determined to face it together.

They had no choice.

They had to keep going, or they would lose the will to live.

It was a dark, dreary place, and the only thing that kept them going was their love and loyalty to each other. They were the only ones who could rely on and would stick together, no matter what.

Hestia's gaze drifted to her siblings, her heart swelling with love and pride.

They were her family, and she would never let them go.

'We will get out of here, my sister. I promise.'



Hades was the second oldest brother. He had a deep and rich voice, and his eyes were purple, like the color of a lavender field at dusk. He wore no clothes, for if he did, it would be burnt away, just as he was earlier by the acid around him. He had a lean, muscular physique, long, graceful limbs, and a well-defined torso. He was tall, towering over his sisters, only being equaled by his younger brother Poseidon. He had long silver hair flowing behind him like a moonlight river. His face was chiseled and handsome, and his eyes sparkled with intelligence and wisdom.

As Hades and his four siblings huddled together for comfort, he couldn't help but think about their situation and predicament. They were trapped in their father's belly, the person who created them and the only one who could free them. However, he doubted their father would let them out, as he didn't seem to care for them. He intended to imprison them as if they were nothing more than an inconvenience. It was a bitter and painful realization that Hades was slowly coming to terms with. He and his siblings would be stuck here for eternity, suffering in the acid bath, waiting for their father to kill them, and eventually moving on with his life. It was a depressing and bleak fate, but they could do nothing about it.

Yet, a small part of Hades held on to hope. A part of him believed they could still find a way to escape and that there was still a chance to be free. It was a slim hope but one that he clung to with all his might. Perhaps if they worked together, they could find a way to get out of their father's stomach. It was a long shot, but it was all they had.

Hades observed his siblings carefully, taking in every detail of their expressions and body language. His keen eyesight allowed him to read their emotions accurately. Hera's furrowed brows and pursed lips betrayed her anger and frustration with their current situation. Poseidon's pacing back and forth in their tiny corner was a clear indication of his deep contemplation and concentration on finding a solution to their predicament. Demeter's blank expression and downcast eyes suggested she was lost in thought, perhaps reflecting on past events. Hestia's tearful eyes and sad smile conveyed her acceptance of their fate, but her slumped shoulders and defeated posture revealed her emotional distress.

Hades then looked at his youngest sister, Demeter, and his heart swelled with affection and protectiveness. Despite his reputation as a cold and distant person, he deeply cared for his siblings and wanted to see them free. Demeter's fragile appearance made him want to shield her from the harsh realities of life, but he knew it was not possible. He wanted to inspire and encourage her to be the best version of herself and to face life's challenges with strength and resilience. He wanted her to know that he was always there for her, even though he might not show it openly like the others. He would do anything to ensure their freedom and happiness.

Demeter could sense the weight of Hades' intense gaze on her and she slowly raised her eyes to meet his. Their eyes locked in an unspoken conversation, and Demeter gave a small smile, hoping to ease the tension. But as Hades' heart swelled with emotion, his smile grew wider, full of warmth and love. Demeter's eyes dimmed, and her smile faded as she looked away, her eyes once again downcast.

Hades' heart sank as his sister's reaction hit him. Though he was known for his cold and distant demeanor, he had always held a soft spot for Demeter. He was protective of her and did everything he could to ensure her safety. But his stoic exterior often gave off an air of sternness that made his siblings wary of him.

To Demeter, Hades' smile was a new experience. It was the first time she had seen him smile, and it terrified her. Her mind raced, unsure of what to think or how to feel. She saw a coldness in his smile that made her feel vulnerable and exposed, and it sent shivers down her spine.

Hades, on the other hand, sighed internally, knowing exactly why his sister had reacted the way she did. He was aware of his reputation and knew that his actions often spoke louder than his words. He was a pragmatic and logical individual, always weighing the pros and cons of a situation before acting. He was willing to do whatever it took to protect his family, even if it meant making difficult decisions.

As Hades was lost in thought, Poseidon let out a cry of frustration, his face twisting in anger. Hades watched as Poseidon kicked the side of their prison, his barefoot making a loud thud. The sound echoed through the room, bringing Hades back to the present.

Hades could feel the tension building up between Poseidon and Hera as they bickered back and forth in their father's stomach. Hera's surprise at Poseidon's outburst was palpable as she jumped beside him, and her annoyance was apparent in the way she spoke. The atmosphere was tense and uncomfortable as the two siblings exchanged heated words, with Hera trying to reason with Poseidon while he stubbornly refused to listen.

Hades knew that this argument was not going to get them anywhere, and he could not afford to let their bickering distract them from the task at hand. He intervened calmly and firmly, reminding them that they needed to work together to find a way out of their predicament.

The other siblings chimed in, with Hestia taking charge and Demeter offering her support. But tensions still ran high, with Poseidon and Hera threatening each other with their words.

As the days passed, the siblings found themselves trapped in their father's stomach for months. They were lost in their own thoughts, trying to come up with a plan to escape. The atmosphere was tense, and the silence was only broken by the sound of their own breathing. Each of them knew that they had to put their differences aside and work together if they were to have any chance of escaping.


After four long months of grueling recovery, Kronos had finally managed to completely heal his body from the severe injuries inflicted upon him by Ichigo. With unwavering determination, he had pushed past the excruciating pain and tirelessly worked to regain his strength until he was again in the best physical shape.

However, despite feeling that he had completely recovered, it would only be partially correct as faint traces of spiritual energy still lingered within him, gradually fading away. These remnants held no purpose, but time did not stand still for the titan king. Ichigo had moved forward but at a far more accelerated pace. Twenty years had passed. During this time, Ichigo had accomplished many great feats, but the most significant was what he was gifted: having power over Hope and Faith, a gift that Khaos had bestowed on him.

These wisps of energy meant nothing to the Titan king but to the residents inside his stomach, that was a different tale.

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