
Death Gods Wish

He didn’t mean to. He lost control. He wants to go back, but he can’t. He must now learn to live again in a new Reality; he will become the protector once more. TheStoryHungryDemon's profile on Fanfiction. Check out this website about it! https://www.fanfiction.net/~thestoryhungrydemon Go check out my Patreon at patreon.com/TheStoryHungryDemon

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DGW Ch. 9

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(Undisclosed Realm.)

Nestled deep within a barren and desolate terrain, beyond the reach of any divine beings or their realms, lies an enigmatic world shrouded in mystery and secrecy, veiled from the prying eyes of mortals. This world exists in a state of etheric existence, a realm that occupies the space between the palpable and the intangible, known to only a select few who have been granted access to its secrets.

Within this world, there are three powerful entities, revered and feared in equal measure, known as the Fates. These entities are currently in a state of frenzied agitation, scurrying about with an air of urgency as if the fate of the world rests heavily upon their shoulders. Each of these entities holds a distinct role and purpose in this world, and their actions have far-reaching consequences.

Clotho, the spinner, is responsible for weaving the intricate threads of life, representing each individual's journey from birth until their eventual death. Lachesis, the allotter, holds a measuring rod that she uses to gauge the length of the thread of life allotted to each person, dispensing life and dictating the duration of each person's existence. Atropos, the inflexible or inexorable, holds the power of life and death, responsible for cutting the thread of life at the moment she chooses, deciding when and how a person will die. She wields her shears with unyielding accuracy, signifying the end of life.

These three Fates are the cornerstone of the universe, their actions determining the fate of all those who exist within it. Their power is immense, their influence far-reaching, and their existence shrouded in an aura of enigma and mystique. They are the ultimate arbiters of life and death, the final word in the cosmic hierarchy, and their decisions are final.

However, at the present moment, the Fates are faced with a daunting challenge that can potentially upset the delicate balance of the universe. Ichigo Kurosaki's sudden and unexplained appearance within the universe has thrown them into a state of chaos, disrupting their meticulous routine and causing them to scramble in a desperate attempt to rectify the situation. Ichigo's mere existence poses a threat to the stability of their world, threatening to upend the carefully laid plans of the Fates and undermining their authority.

Ever since Ichigo's arrival, the very fabric of the universe has been subjected to a profound transformation. The once stable and predictable equilibrium of power has been disrupted, sending shockwaves throughout the cosmos. The threads of destiny, previously tightly woven and clearly defined, have now unraveled and become entangled in a complex web of interweaving patterns. Some destinies have disintegrated, leaving the Fates scrambling to maintain order amidst the ensuing chaos. Thus, a swift and decisive response is necessary to restore balance to the universe and prevent it from descending into a state of complete and utter turmoil.

However, this is not a straightforward task. Many factors must be considered, and the Fates must weigh each one carefully before deciding. The first is whether or not Ichigo should be allowed to exist in the universe. If he is permitted to remain, his actions will have an unpredictable and potentially catastrophic impact on the balance of power, jeopardizing the safety and security of all those who inhabit it. On the other hand, if he is removed from the universe, his absence will cause a ripple effect, creating a series of unforeseen and undesirable consequences that may ultimately be more damaging than allowing him to remain. The Fates are thus presented with a difficult decision that requires their full attention and consideration.

Another factor is what should be done with Ichigo if he is allowed to remain. Should he be granted free reign to act as he sees fit, or should he be closely monitored and restricted in his actions? Can he even be restricted when he possesses such vast power? What consequences would each decision entail? What is the best course of action to ensure the safety and well-being of the universe? These questions and more are swirling through the minds of the Fates, causing them to agonize over their decisions.

At present, the individuals in question are faced with the task of addressing the particular thread that Ichigo initially engaged with. This thread has since triggered a series of events resulting in significant disorder and upheaval, with Kronos playing a significant role in the unfolding chaos.

To effectively tackle the problem of disorganized threads, it is imperative to approach each one meticulously and systematically. Furthermore, it may prove advantageous to construct a binder specifically designed with a hierarchical emphasis on creating categorized thread nodes in order to facilitate seamless organization and management, ultimately resulting in increased efficiency and productivity. It is also essential to identify and address any potential issues or obstacles, such as Kronos, in a timely and proactive manner.

The three Fates are currently in a state of frenzied activity, hurrying around as they try to repair the damage that was caused by Ichigo's sudden appearance. However, an unknown entity observes them from a distance, its presence invisible to the naked eye. It watches with a sly smirk on its lips, perhaps pleased with the chaos that has been wrought.


(Mt. Othrys.)

As one approaches the Titans' base of operations, a magnificent structure towers high above the surrounding landscape. The walls are constructed from black marble, polished to a reflective sheen, making climbing impossible. Each slab of obsidian that forms the massive gates is so heavy that only the divine can open them. Flanking the entrance are two colossal stone sentinels, each standing fifty feet tall. The sight of these towering statues of giants is awe-inspiring.

Deep inside the bowels of Mt. Othrys, there is a room made entirely of the same black marble that forms the rest of the structure. Here, Kronos, the King of the Titans, lies in a deep slumber, still recovering from his previous battle with Ichigo. His injuries during the fight were so severe that even with his time-warping powers, healing his body took longer than expected. Despite his godly powers, it is evident that he is still vulnerable and can be harmed. Kronos, the King of the Titans, lay in a room made from the same black marble. Kronos is in a deep sleep, still recovering from his 'battle' with Ichigo. Kronos's injuries were so severe that he had to use his time-warping powers to heal his body. However, even with his powers, it is taking time to heal fully.

Kronos was taken aback as he felt an intense and sudden discomfort in his chest. He let out a low groan and immediately brought his hand to his chest, holding it tightly as he shut his eyes in pain. The overwhelming sensation seemed to linger for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, the pain began to ease up, and he took a few deep breaths to calm himself and regain his composure.

The source of the sudden pain he felt was not just physical but rather something more profound, deeply rooted in his very existence, his soul. It was as if his being was being torn apart at the seams, and the pain emanated from his very core as if his soul itself was wounded.

The agony was excruciating, and it continued to intensify, reaching levels of pain that could not be described. It felt like his soul was being ripped from his body, the torment unbearable and unending. His screams filled the chamber, and his body writhed in agony as his soul slowly tore apart.

Eventually, the pain began to subside, and his body relaxed. Kronos lay motionless, his breath ragged and challenging, his body sweaty. It was clear that his agony was not just physical but spiritual, his very being having been severely wounded. As he lay there, the thought crossed his mind, "What is happening to me? What was that?".

Kronos tried to recall what happened and where he was when he felt that pain. However, his memory was fuzzy and hazy, his thoughts jumbled and incoherent. He couldn't seem to remember anything past the pain he felt. He closed his eyes and focused on breathing, attempting to calm himself and get his thoughts in order.

"Kronos. Kronos. Kronos." Her voice was calm and reassuring, but he sensed something was off. It didn't feel soothing or comforting, and he knew his mother worried about him. It made it all the worse.

He tried to respond verbally but was still too injured to do so. Instead, he let out a weak moan that was barely audible.

"My child. My sweet, precious child. What have you done? I can feel your suffering, your pain, and your fear." Gaea's words were filled with concern and trepidation, and Kronos could sense the fear in her voice.

He had never heard his mother speak like this before, and it sent a shiver down his spine. She sounded like she was conveying a sense of dread and foreboding that he couldn't quite understand.

"Oh, my dear boy. You have lied to me, and you have betrayed me. You have defied my wishes, and now you are reaping the consequences. Your foolishness and pride have led to this. The fates aren't in control at this moment, and this is a result of your actions," Gaea said, her voice dripping with contempt and loathing.

Kronos felt a surge of anger rising within him. He wanted to defend himself and explain his actions, but he knew that he was too weak to do so. "Mother, I have only ever acted in the best interest of our family, in the best interest of our people. I have done what is necessary to ensure our survival and prosperity," he replied, his voice growing stronger as he defended himself.

But in the end, he could no longer remain conscious and drifted off into his mind, leaving behind the pain, the fear, and his mother's voice echoing in his ears.



As Kronos lay unconscious in the dark, silent chamber, his mother, Gaea, stood silently, watching him. She looked down at him with a mixture of sorrow and anger, her expression a mixture of emotions. She had watched over him since the moment he was born, had raised him, had loved him, and yet now she felt nothing but anger and hatred towards him.

On the other hand, there was a sense of profound sadness and loss that she couldn't shake. This person had been her son, someone she had loved and cherished with every fiber of her being. She had spent years protecting, nurturing, and keeping him safe from harm. Now, he had been hurt and wounded, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of pity for him.

The woman in question was experiencing a tumultuous mixture of emotions, all swirling inside of her in a chaotic dance. On one hand, an intense feeling of betrayal and hurt seemed to consume her from the inside out. Clearly, someone close to her had lied, defied her wishes, and put their own selfish desires above all else. This was a deep wound that would take a long time to heal.

As for Kronos, he had taken over the world in the same way his father had ruled before him - with brutal force and autocratic rule. Fearing a prophecy of a coming rebellion, he had imprisoned his brothers, the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires, in the darkest depths of Tartarus. He had even gone so far as to swallow all but one of his own children.

Looking down at him with a face that betrayed nothing, Gaea's emotions were hidden beneath a veil of stoic indifference. In her heart, however, she was experiencing a complex range of feelings that included both disdain and pity. The bitterness of her anger mixed with the compassion she felt for him, creating a tangled mess of emotions that was difficult to sort through.

Despite the rage and wrath that was building up inside of her, Gaea remained silent and focused her gaze solely on Kronos. She took a few moments to observe him, noting his pained and anguished expression. A part of her wanted to reach out and comfort him, to take away his pain and make everything right. Yet, another part of her wanted to cause him more suffering, to punish him for his betrayal. The conflict within her was evident.

After some time had passed, she eventually let out a quiet sigh and spoke, "You foolish, foolish child. You've done a great wrong and are now paying the price. Oh, I could end you right now. Just a single touch and I could snuff you out. I could destroy you and your line with you. But, no. That would be too easy, too kind. No, no, no. You will live, and you will suffer. I will ensure that you die like you did to your father; you will die to your child.

Gaea turned her back on Kronos and approached the door, leaving him alone in the dark, silent chamber. As she left, she uttered her last words, "Your death will be slow and painful, and it will not be a quick death. I will not allow that. Your pain will be immense and will not go away until the day of your death." With that, she departed, leaving Kronos alone to his fate.