
Deadpool's Wacky Adventures in the DC Animated Universe

Don't collect IDGAF (Hiatus) Read -Deadpool and The Dark Knight #1 What if Deadpool travels through the DCAU? Backed by #Magic Blurb*** The perpetrator stood up in the dust clouds and people screamed abandoning their cars in the middle of the crater and his eyes flashed green. Superman felt weak "Metallo," "How long have I waited, Superman," He blasted him with radiation from his kryptonite core and Superman started to push up wrestling with him to stay upright gritting his teeth and Metallo nodded him down. "I should probably help him but he's Superman," He shrugged. Green lasers came out of his eyes to shoot him and Superman groaned keeling over and rubbed his eyes. Shrivelling and radiating green smoke. Superman got up to punch him and Metallo gripped his arm and swiped him off his feet, his other arm saved him a face full of dirt and he crushed his feet on his neck. He pushed up with a bloody nose tackling his waist and his green eyes turned red. Deadpool lurched at him flying into a building "Ooh," He fell back and crawled forward. "Metallo's giving it all he's got, Superman is stunned but he's not gonna be put down easily. Look at the size of that boulder and oh! Supe gets a rock to the face. I've gotta hand it to Metallo, he is really dethroning Supe of his heavyweight title. You mean the Man of Steel? More like The Meat Popsicle," "Not...helping," He groaned. "Oh wait, does Supe require a tag team member?" He hopped down from the building top. "I think not, Deadpool, what do you say?"

FavourEkele_1969 · Others
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Deadpool's Wacky Adventures in The DC Animated Universe.

Several minutes ago after Deadpool returned to BC, Vancouver, he was faced with a new enemy and he grinned once he stepped outside of the light that out shadowed him. His shoulders swivelled back and forth as he emerged and Deadpool raised an eyebrow. Who is this geek?

"You might probably be wondering who I am?" Bat-Mite said.

"Who woulda thought?" If his costume wasn't so tight, he would have rolled his eyes.

His exaggerated masculine body degenerated to match his marble-sized

head in a bat costume, possibly the worst OP character to have been made.

"Let me save you the lecture," He snapped his finger and Deadpool found himself in a room full of doors.

The dimension whirled with a dark, scarlet, greenish and yellowish ambience and it was chilling when he recognized the icons.

From a white and red ball to a skull face with a straw hat. The heroes' emblems were lined up in the original archives. The void took on many forms but he knew what this was.

"Go find another character to pick on. I'm in the middle of a breakthrough," I mean a breakdown. He thought.

Bat-Mite levitated in his face and his eye rounded waving a pointy index finger "Oh no you're not, you're having this adventure whether you like it or not,"

He pushed Deadpool into a dimension "If you go with my blueprint then I might let you out. Toodles,"

Bat-Mite disappeared and Deadpool rammed into the dimensional door and fell over when it folded to a thin line and disappeared. "Shit! Ah! That was my good arm," He set back his bone and avoided an automobile.

He tapped himself and pulled at his face "Why does everything look so animated?" He yanked his rubbery suit and even the back of his mask had the comical loose tip. His swords didn't move without a blur and the mobiles were moving at such a fast rate, their tires didn't touch the floors, and they didn't have time for anyone. He looked up at the comically long buildings with many window panes and the people moving past him. He peered behind him at their flat posterior. He shrugged and cleaned his ears at the jazzy sound effects. "Must be the sixties,"

He said and glared at the woman that screamed.

"Outta my way, freak," The robber cackled in his mask nudging him and running, he watched the young lady rush after him and spotted the purse.

"Faster robber, put your glutes to it!" He yelled with lines coming out of his mouth.

She grabbed his collar with dismal pointed eyes. "Don't you see the scumbag, do something!"

"All I see is a man trying to feed. Move b#tch! I have to figure out what universe this is," He tapped the spot of his lips when his words were censored at b#tch.

He saw the shadow hover over him and she smiled clasping her hands together.

"Look, it's a bird. It's a plane!"

"It's a flying d%ck, oh sh$t, mother$%cker! Holey cheez!" He growled in frustration at this new element. "I gotta leave this place,"

"It's Superman!" She screamed jumping in glee as he lowered to the pavement holding up the criminal and the object.

"Your purse?" He said and she rushed to him grabbing her stuff and fished through the bag and slapped him. The criminal.

"Go find your own purse! Thanks, Supe, what will we ever do without ya?"

"Call the police," He chuckled and his chest heaved and his eyes moved to the right unsettled by the indecisiveness. "Seriously, call 911,"

She smiled lovingly at Superman while the police pulled the criminal's hand behind his back to cuff him and soon the car zoomed off.

"Oh come on, how do you even start a car that fast!?" He screamed and Superman landed on the pavement and touched his shoulder.


Deadpool swiped his hand off "Watch where you're touching, tough guy," He twisted his arm away.

"Maybe don't be scared to give a shout once you see any criminal activity, I know you're trying to be the hero,"

"Do I look like a son or a hero to you? Superman?" He braced his hands on his hips.

He raised his hand. "I have a thought, I know magic isn't exactly your turf but I need a shortcut through this multiverse mayhem and I'll be needing a few of your wizard super buddies to cut me loose," A handcuff clinked on his hands and disappeared. This is some weird Aladdin Schmidt going on. Ah, he's gotten to my head.

"I have no... idea and no...wizard companions, see ya," He saluted.

"Hold on just a moment Kluck Trent_"

The explosion interrupted him and he blinked at the crumbs of stone falling on his head.

The perpetrator stood up in the dust clouds and people screamed abandoning their cars in the middle of the crater and his eyes flashed green.

Superman felt weak "Metallo,"

"How long have I waited, Superman,"

He blasted him with radiation from his kryptonite core and Superman started to push up wrestling with him to stay upright gritting his teeth and Metallo nodded him down.

"I should probably help him but he's Superman," He shrugged.

Green lasers came out of his eyes to shoot him and Superman groaned keeling over and rubbed his eyes. Shrivelling and radiating green smoke.

Superman got up to punch him and Metallo gripped his arm and swiped him off his feet, his other arm saved him a face full of dirt and he crushed his feet on his neck.

He pushed up with a bloody nose tackling his waist and his green eyes turned red.

Deadpool lurched at him flying into a building "Ooh," He fell back and crawled forward.

"Metallo's giving it all he's got, Superman is stunned but he's not gonna be put down easily.

Look at the size of that boulder and oh! Supe gets a rock to the face.

I've gotta hand it to Metallo, he is really dethroning Supe of his heavyweight title.

You mean the Man of Steel? More like The Meat Popsicle,"

"Not...helping," He groaned.

"Oh wait, does Supe require a tag team member?" He hopped down from the building top.

"I think not, Deadpool, what do you say?"

He flinched as Metallo swung him around and he stopped when a sword stabbed him in the core, he staggered when it rid him of his kryptonite. "No," Superman countered his attack spinning him with force in a blue and red tornado to the sky and flew up and lasered him.

Metallo flew into the Daily Planet Globe in dust and it groaned tilting backwards. He caught it and lowered to the front portico and his knees wobbled lowering to flip it over his shoulder to the ground safely.

Metallo glitched on the crevice of the Daily Planet Globe and Lois's knees lurched holding a cup of coffee as she was about to step out.

"You're welcome," Deadpool took her cup of coffee and raised it.