
Deadpool's Wacky Adventures in the DC Animated Universe

Don't collect IDGAF (Hiatus) Read -Deadpool and The Dark Knight #1 What if Deadpool travels through the DCAU? Backed by #Magic Blurb*** The perpetrator stood up in the dust clouds and people screamed abandoning their cars in the middle of the crater and his eyes flashed green. Superman felt weak "Metallo," "How long have I waited, Superman," He blasted him with radiation from his kryptonite core and Superman started to push up wrestling with him to stay upright gritting his teeth and Metallo nodded him down. "I should probably help him but he's Superman," He shrugged. Green lasers came out of his eyes to shoot him and Superman groaned keeling over and rubbed his eyes. Shrivelling and radiating green smoke. Superman got up to punch him and Metallo gripped his arm and swiped him off his feet, his other arm saved him a face full of dirt and he crushed his feet on his neck. He pushed up with a bloody nose tackling his waist and his green eyes turned red. Deadpool lurched at him flying into a building "Ooh," He fell back and crawled forward. "Metallo's giving it all he's got, Superman is stunned but he's not gonna be put down easily. Look at the size of that boulder and oh! Supe gets a rock to the face. I've gotta hand it to Metallo, he is really dethroning Supe of his heavyweight title. You mean the Man of Steel? More like The Meat Popsicle," "Not...helping," He groaned. "Oh wait, does Supe require a tag team member?" He hopped down from the building top. "I think not, Deadpool, what do you say?"

FavourEkele_1969 · Others
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7 Chs

Teen Behemoth_2

Beast Boy knowing the edge he had over her "I know just the thing," Air flew into his mouth when he gasped and let out emphatically.


They gasped when the place started to crumble and shake and they exclaimed with spikes on their heads at the monstrous shadow demon that roared and emerged with its wings sticking out.

It slithered and Robin pulled up a staff glaring at Deadpool annoyed by him stepping aside.

"So you're just gonna stand there!?"

Beast Boy hissed transitioning into a serpent and coiled around its neck tightening his hold to keep it from attacking them.

Starfire flew blasting the rest of its body obliterating it and it hit Beast Boy against a spike on the ceiling. Before vanishing.

Deadpool glared at the wall that broke down with light emanating even from the dark abyss and regretfully a creature so great, it could only be called a behemoth emerged roaring.

Its hair was white and it had horns from both ends of its forehead, it had yellow eyes and a big mouth. Its skin was a dirty pink and it wore a grey loincloth.

He stepped back. "Holy_"

"We get it!" They screamed together and Raven emerged from its back with her arms outstretched and black smoke concocting from her skin. She landed and her cloak fell incorporating the others to come after her.


Her beady blue eyes shimmered and the silence which came after didn't ruffle them at the least and her lips curved under her hood in a faint smile.

The wall broke even further interrupting their reunion and she turned with her palms projecting darkness. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" The power backfired when Cyborg emerged.

He was a satanic red on the organic side of him and his eyes were even ruddy, they narrowed.

"Father, set him free," She ordered but Trigon was stubborn. He was fused with the mechanical being who didn't have half a brain to accomplish anything without thinking too much.

"Quite a clever weakness but nothing can stop me. Your friends will fall by my hand and then I shall destroy the world. Together, you and me, Raven," He outstretched his hand. "We will rule together,"

He lurched when bullets sprayed on his armour and he glared at the puny lifeform that dared to attack him.

At first, he did not understand what he saw "What?"

"I saw her first! Azazel,"

"What? You dare call me by that insolent name?"

He slashed his hand and Deadpool dodged the beams in a minuet, prancing and crossing his arms to shoot faster.

"Who is this poser?" Beast Boy asked confused.

Raven said, "Lies, I already agreed to rule the underworld in place of my friends!"

Starfire clasped her hands together with hearts for eyes. "Aww,"

"I am disappointed in you. Distracted, emotional, you've minimized yourself to the form of a weak mortal...just like your mother,"

She hardened when he mentioned her.

"You betray me even as you've betrayed your friend,"

"Don't listen to him!" Robin hashed out while fighting the behemoth. It punched him roaring.

"Okay," Deadpool stopped and held his chin "Fight bad guy, win, move on to the next universe (or) Fight for the girl and hitch a ride home," He said with clear perversity and glared aside covering his mouth with two red blotches on his cheek. "OK, you got me,"


"What's he doing?" Robin pulled his staff back from the tentacle while Deadpool was in deep thought.

Deadpool glanced at them "Oh you're in for a twist," He waved hysterically at Cyborg-Trigon, pointing at himself and putting his free hand near his mouth. "Possess me!"

"What?" "No!" The teen titans exclaimed.

Trigon glared at the trickster who summoned him drawing a mock pentagram on the sulphur floor.

"I do not deem you worthy of possession," He said self-righteously in the middle of combat.

He slammed Beast Boy as a Pterodactyl.

"Don't mind me, I'm a mess but I've got infinite knowledge! That transcends beyond your awareness! It's depressing," He whispered that part.

Cyborg-Trigon leaned forward showing interest "Beyond my awareness?" He perked up and laughed.

The teens exchanged looks of surprise and glared at the new potential enemy.

"Impossible, I am all-knowing all-seeing!" He insisted angrily and deserted Cyborg's body.

Cyborg fell weakly and Raven caught him "...What?" He touched his head and his eyes flew open drowsily with bubbles popping over his eyes.

"You're ok," She said and her eyes gleamed.

Deadpool shivered visibly when Trigon tested him.

"Oh yeah, magical powers," He felt stronger and the seams of his costume ripped to shreds as he grew into a behemoth making the other appear like a snivelling pup. It ran away.

He was bigger now and stronger.

"Cosmic power that transcends time and space is mine to command!" Trigon projected his voice through Deadpool's lips.

When he saw the knowledge he spoke of, he began to question his existence and ideals.

"Huh? I_I understand...," He began to see three-dimensional beings flipping papers in a workspace and using light pens to illustrate what looked like him.

Worst of all, the host's mind was filthy, he could contain him.

"No! Noooooo!"

Even Raven looked concerned that he was not manifesting world domination as he planned to and he shrunk.

"I'm taking the reins," Deadpool pointed to his chest.

Small horns protruded from his mask but they were not sharp enough to penetrate the top of his mask. His red eyes wiggled "Daredevil style,"

His suit was ripped from the top and Beast Boy hurled at his irksome but buff red skin, his pants, however, covered his G-$pot and his feet stuck out from his boots.

"Thanks for the new body, now I'm devilishly handsome,"

"Trigon?" Raven said confused and they poised to attack him.

A red portal opened in his influence. "Time for world domination," He said.

"No!" Raven went after him and it closed.



Many many many chapters before that...

Deadpool's eyes opened falling into the void and he spun, soon he gasped gazing at a mirror of himself falling and he paused. "Wait,"

He pulled up a breath-spray² from his pocket and struggled to pull up his mask before the world started to feel like it was spinning again. He shrugged up his mask and shuddered at the feeling of his fabric grazing against his skin, spraying his mouth and he continued falling.

"Ha! After dumping Aquaman, this the best you can do? Oof!"

He fell against the ground, it was night time and the stars were clearer.

In the cold city of (fictional) Detroit, he read the script and then he wandered.

He seemed sleek and his muscles were proportioned. "What?" On this Earth, his suit was more black than red and his thighs thicker. He looked like a ninja and his nails were unjustifiably sharper than they were.

The cars zoomed on the busy city streets and he grinned.

"Get real, you're gonna see some feminist sh#t around here,"

He poised and then people screamed when he walked into a bar "With proper lighting? Come on!" He waved a hand and shot some of the lights off.

People screamed emptying from the bar and the negro barkeep clutched his chest sweating when he stepped in and crossed his legs on the stool Indian style

"Gimme the best you got," He waved his hand.

"Right away," He looked stunned like he was about to have a heart attack and he turned stiffly to the lit bar and searched for the ingredients.

Deadpool gazed at the glass "Negroni! Sweet cheez I could kiss you!" I haven't had a drink since Gotham. He said aside and leaned back sipping the cocktail, he snagged the whole mix and downed the whole bottle then slumped on the counter.

"Anything else I could get you?" He shivered glancing at the discarded empty bottle.

"My stomach's burning, oh that gin hit the spot," He farted and the barkeep dared not grimace.


"You...ReMINd mE of_" burp* "a CErtain old ChAp," He said elaborately and his vision went blurry and his eyes closed tilting sideways.



"Ugh!" He pulled up his shirt to cover up his nose blowing away the odour.

"Got a problem?" Her hazel eyes flashed while she crouched at the door.