
Deadpool's Wacky Adventures in the DC Animated Universe

Don't collect IDGAF (Hiatus) Read -Deadpool and The Dark Knight #1 What if Deadpool travels through the DCAU? Backed by #Magic Blurb*** The perpetrator stood up in the dust clouds and people screamed abandoning their cars in the middle of the crater and his eyes flashed green. Superman felt weak "Metallo," "How long have I waited, Superman," He blasted him with radiation from his kryptonite core and Superman started to push up wrestling with him to stay upright gritting his teeth and Metallo nodded him down. "I should probably help him but he's Superman," He shrugged. Green lasers came out of his eyes to shoot him and Superman groaned keeling over and rubbed his eyes. Shrivelling and radiating green smoke. Superman got up to punch him and Metallo gripped his arm and swiped him off his feet, his other arm saved him a face full of dirt and he crushed his feet on his neck. He pushed up with a bloody nose tackling his waist and his green eyes turned red. Deadpool lurched at him flying into a building "Ooh," He fell back and crawled forward. "Metallo's giving it all he's got, Superman is stunned but he's not gonna be put down easily. Look at the size of that boulder and oh! Supe gets a rock to the face. I've gotta hand it to Metallo, he is really dethroning Supe of his heavyweight title. You mean the Man of Steel? More like The Meat Popsicle," "Not...helping," He groaned. "Oh wait, does Supe require a tag team member?" He hopped down from the building top. "I think not, Deadpool, what do you say?"

FavourEkele_1969 · Others
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Death and The Vixen

"Yeah! This scumbag...he asleep. Came in and blew up the place,"

Deadpool's eyes wavered when Vixen picked him up by the collar and jammed his head against the counter.

"Hello," His head fell drowsily and he reached behind his back and poked her breast. "Poop poop,"

Vixen didn't find it funny, her totem flashed when she frowned, then a ghoulish purple silhouette of a gorilla arose jabbing its pecs and she tossed him aside

"Ey Ey!" The barkeep crossed his arms in front of the wall of bottles and she grimaced throwing him outside instead.

"What a charmer_ oof," His eyes bulged when she landed on him.

"You mind telling me who's gonna pay for those drinks you chugged down?" She grinned at him, crouching above him with her claw growing out and he purred.



"Did I say feminist? I meant feminine," Deadpool tossed in the silk sheets and gripped his belt while Mari lingered on her side, brushing her ebony hair over her bare shoulder, he yawned stretching his arms, getting up to her surprise.

"Pleasure doing business with you," He said and her alluring hazel eyes fluttered flirtatiously in the darkness of her bedroom in the building.

She perked up when he crouched on the window looking outside.

"Where do you think you're going?" Her lazy voice had a drawl and despite his skin tissues being marred for life, it gave him the chills.

"Do you need to me pay you too? Alley cat?" You think banging Vixen with a mask on [off scene] would turn her on huh?. He thought.

She flipped his wallet open and quirked an eyebrow.

He chuckled at his empty wallet but Mari was more concerned about his identity.

"Wade Wilson?" She called out drily. She looked like she didn't believe him.

He stepped down from the window "You'll never guess, someone else checked and he wasn't so sexy," He giggled.

She blushed at that, although she seemed reserved as it is, Vixen was a team player.

"We make a great-not-so-great tag team," He grinned aside "Tonight's the night, Vixen lied,"

His eyes bulged when her arms crossed his shoulders and his head turned at her leg and he rolled back in bed. "With me,"


He woke up the next day 'bitched' and he tossed. Recoiling at sunlight. "Nooo,"

And surprisingly he didn't disappear in the spur of the moment. "Hey, Vixen's magic, right?" He clawed at the relic he supposedly thought would be pursed in between her breasts right now. But found the pillows, half disappointed. He sat up where she crouched fully suited by the window.

The ambience of a cat over her, "Or is it just me?" He muttered.

Her hair was rugged and she hissed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing new," She retorted.

People screamed when the Electrocutioner lurked through the city streets zapping cars away and she growled at Aku Kwesi at the top of a car yelling.

In the spree of combat, dark skinned, he looked sinister, yet he wore a casual lavender silk shirt and slacks. His short curly hair had a white patch at the front, he also had a semi trimmed goatee with grey streaks.

The citizens stopped when the Electrocutioner built a wall of cars around the mass and barred his teeth.

"I always knew electro-fishing would pay off someday," He snarled.

"Where is Vixen?"


She climbed onto the window and her head turned slightly. "There's a spare key on the way out,"

Deadpool grimaced at the lasting hangover and he drank a beer. "I thought I was the one making the clean exits,"

Her totem stirred when she thought of an animal, the ghoulish hawk emerged screeching and its wings spread while she dived and flew up to the top of the cars.

Holding on to the edge and overlooking the victims. "Kwesi! Your deal's with me," She roared.

His grin spread from ear to ear and he had an entertained yet devilish look "Exactly,"

She summoned a cheetah and cartwheeled over the spikes his partner sent at her fiercely. "Hold still,"

Running around on all limbs bouncing off the walls to attack him first.

Kwesi grinned stepping back "Gotcha,"

It happened that things were going to plan until The Electrocutioner sent poles at her. she summoned a bear and spun-kicked the poles to impale the cars.

They lurched screaming when the cars lurched threatening to fall over them.

Kwesi softened when she ran into the crowd instead and pushed up the load with the brute force of a triceratops. Pushing the walls apart.

"Go go!" She ordered the people and touched her totem summoning real birds to attack Kwesi and she mimicked a snake and leapt on the Electrocutioner.

She locked her legs around his arm and neck. The snake tightened around him.

"Aaaargh!" He muffled out shivering and his tubes were squeezed tight shut and snapped. He fell back and she swiped her arm against his neck and he fell sideways unconscious.

Kwesi attacked first and she whirled when she heard a gunshot.

Deadpool raised the gun and Kwesi's eyes rolled back fainting.

Blood seeped from his mouth and she grimaced.

"Too many floors," He saluted and a dimensional door appeared. "Looks like my lift's here,"

He walked right into it but it didn't budge.

"Come on,"

"You think you can commit a crime and get away with it?" She slowly prowled toward him like a lioness and he hopped upright.

"Don't forget ma'am, you were the accomplice," He retorted in a deep voice.

Vixen smirked.

The door rattled when he shook it and she reached up on her toes to fondle him through his mask.

"Ah, shit,"

He cursed and Bronze Tiger the one he was dreading to encounter_a former love interest arrived. His eyes raged and veins embossed from his temple.

"You son of a b!tch, I'm gonna kill you!"

"Time's up," He said and another door appeared above him. He was sucked in and Bronze Tiger leapt into the door falling back.

She folded her arms when he looked back.

"You OK?"


"What a close call," He huffed and brushed his forehead then stepped around.

"No!" He gazed at Green Lantern while he floated glowing green and collided with another force.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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