
Deadliest Mercenary in the Commonwealth

Adam was quite the unfortunate(actually quite a lucky bastard but that’s for what happens after) chap, meeting Truck-kun on his way home from work. After a bright flash of light and after regaining his senses he was met with a calm, friendly looking old man clad in white robes. Reborn as a legendary mercenary in the world of Fallout 4. -Fallout 4 self insert with the legendary wishes. Copyright disclaimer- all Fallout 4 rights and other characters other than mc belong to Bethesda Softworks. Copyright disclaimer-all right to Erron Black belong to NetherRealm Studios and Warner Bros.

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Transmigration & Wishes

Adam White was an average British bank clerk, average looks and average intelligence. He only finds the pleasures of his existence in immersing himself in video games, trying to distract himself from real life.

People find him pretty odd for being quite and absent minded, yet they had no idea that he also used to dream of the greatest possibilities life could give.But that only lasted until both of his parents and his older sister had died in a plane crash when he was 15 years old, notified by the grim looks of the police.

.....they were here...now they're not...

The shock was to great that he closed himself. He shut himself up so much and life eventually became unbearable, suicide attempts tallied up to a total of 7 at the age of 19. His aunt and uncle that adopted him were never absent in trying to wake him up, but when the person being helped refuses the aid, there is only so much one can do.

10 November 2015

Alan was currently 20 and he decided that he had enough.

No more failures.

No more suicide "attempts".

This time he was going to put an end to his little existence, after all no one really survives being hit by the subway now do they.

Yet, before he jumped something got his attention: a big poster. He had no idea why the futuristic looking helmet on the poster got his attention, but it gave him enough reason to hesitate.

(AN-I will write Adam's thoughts using *)

*Fallout 4*....

*I remember the geeks at my university discussing something of the sort. Guess I'll check out my saviour.*

...and oh boy did he check it out...

Adam: "Goddamn, that might have just been the worst possible ending so far!" Adam exclaimed, being greatly disappointed with the Minutemen ending. He finally completed the game with the last faction, being quite hesitant since Preston was... well... quite fucking annoying. That just says that the disappointment wasn't much of a surprise.

Adam:*It's quite late so I better get some sleep for another 'fantastic' day of work.*

After Adam found a reason to live, he decided that he needed at least a job to support himself with the bare minimum. He was not a leech, he was sure of at least this much.

-Timeskip to the end of the working day-

Adam:*Better get home and get a few rounds of mortal kombat to relax my mind.*(AN-Adam did explore other games after fallout yet other than Mortal Kombat X there wasn't anything too interesting)

Truck-kun: "Think again"

Adam barely had time to turn his head before his body was blasted several meters away, cries and screams were heard but not by him. After all even if it wasn't a painless death at least it was quick.

Adam found himself in a white plane and after adjusting his eyes to the white light he saw a friendly looking old man.

? : "Hello there young man, I usually don't get any quite ones so I am eternally grateful for not screaming your lungs off for hours."

Adam:*Guess I'm dead huh*

? :"Yes you are, and yes I can read your thoughts but no it wasn't an accident, after all, I'm fucking God, how can I commit an accident?"

Adam: ".....so.....what are my choices?"

God: "Everyone, and I repeat, EVERYONE, gets to reincarnate. Depending on wether your karma is positive or negative you will receive some wishes!"

Adam: "....um....do I get any wishes?"

God: "Your karma is positive, so yes, you do. The typical amount of wishes for anyone with positive karma is 3, but since you didn't blast my ears off, you get 5."

Adam: " What are the limitations?"

God: "If the fact that I'm fucking GOD doesn't answer your question then I don't know what will.... but the wish to become God is a given no."

Adam: "Ok...but...can I have some time to pick my wishes?"

God: "Sure! Go ahead, but you only get 24hr before I get bored."

-Timeskip 20 hours-

Adam: "Ok, so my first wish is to be reincarnated in the world of Fallout 4 about 1 hour before the sole survivor goes up the vault elevator. Also,make the survivor Nora please." Adam was a virgin after all, so a milf was pretty appealing to him.

God: "Sure, and I'll be kind to make that a single wish. Now for your next wish?"

Adam: "I want to be reborn with the fallout pip boy and its in-game functions, stats,inventory,map,etc."

God: "Done, your third wish?"

Adam: "I want to be reborn at level 50, and that I can pick the perk assignments."

God: "Ok, on to the fourth wish!"

Adam: "I want Erron Black's looks, equipment, outfit and shooting ability."

(AN-Erron Black is pretty fucking good looking in the apocalypse, but if you're wondering what perks does that bring in the wasteland....then....I guess you just win every miserable wretch's heart in this god forsaken place....and also makes trading hella easy with women...hella hard for men though....

Guys I fucking find him so cool so no "wasted wish", this is probably the only wish I'm 10000% sure on.)

Now continuing the story, Adam is onto his fifth and final wish....

Adam: "I want the a mentality that makes it easy to take a human life whether they be man, woman or child." In this hell on earth, everything that breathes and has the capability to move automatically gains a threat level. The ability to not wince when pulling the trigger is a god given gift if you possess it in the apocalypse.

God: "Since that's not really wish worthy, I'll grant you this one for free, so hurry and give me another wish!"

Adam: "Ok...I guess I wish for a portable shop where I am able to buy anything from with caps, with an unlimited amount of every amount available and every item in the game available for purchase."

God: "Done!Now, before we start I need you to select the difficulty of the game. Word of advice though: when you die, no matter what difficulty you select, you die.Done.Dusted.Finished.Capiche?"

Adam: "Yes, I understand....I guess I'll pick....very easy?"

God: ".....Pussy....."

Adam: "Ok, Ok, I'll pick normal...are you satisfied?"

God: "Barely... but I guess it IS your life we're talking about so.... have fun? ...Don't die so soon?"

Adam: "....."

God: "Have fun it is I guess! See you soon!"

Adam: "Bye....and....thank you!"

God: "You are very welcome!" Adam heard these words slowly distancing themselves as his eyes turned blurry and passed out, quite peacefully actually.