
Deadliest Mercenary in the Commonwealth

Author: Author76
Ongoing · 171.5K Views
  • 12 Chs
  • 4.6
    11 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Deadliest Mercenary in the Commonwealth

Read ‘Deadliest Mercenary in the Commonwealth’ Online for Free, written by the author Author76, This book is a others Fanfic, covering SELF INSERT Fanfiction, Fan Fiction, Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Adam was quite the unfortunate(actually quite a lucky bastard but that’s for what happens after) chap, meeting Truck-kun...


Adam was quite the unfortunate(actually quite a lucky bastard but that’s for what happens after) chap, meeting Truck-kun on his way home from work. After a bright flash of light and after regaining his senses he was met with a calm, friendly looking old man clad in white robes. Reborn as a legendary mercenary in the world of Fallout 4. -Fallout 4 self insert with the legendary wishes. Copyright disclaimer- all Fallout 4 rights and other characters other than mc belong to Bethesda Softworks. Copyright disclaimer-all right to Erron Black belong to NetherRealm Studios and Warner Bros.

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I already read it and I am not disappointed. Very good story and I hope it continues like this xD (muy buena la recomiendo) :) :) :) :) :) no hablo ingles el traductor google me ayuda a escribir asi que perdon por el cancer de ojos si escribe mal el traductor mi traducion :'u


Thank you very much for the chapters, continue this author with this great novel since it has another kind of story to read, since it has a base of the game world and represents the best thing to find with the protagonist, MILFs are the best


I don't know why I haven't rated this yet. I didn't play all of the Fallout 4 Campaign, but I really like this and prefer it much more. Very easy to visualize. A good character and personality etc.


So far the author has not let me down with his stories so it is worth reading this is pure trust Nisikiera e read but I am still your fan and as long as you do not leave nikesoi>: 'u have my support (nose ingles :'u)






Reveal spoiler


*finger guns* Yes


Reveal spoiler


I just loved the story overall if anything I would want to be the main character as he is now




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Parents Strongly Cautionedmature rating