
DC/Young Justice: FATE

A high school boy is transmigrated into the DC Universe with the ability to summon and use the powers of the Heroic Spirits from the Fate series. [Disclaimer: I don't own anything except for my MC. I also don’t own the cover.]

a_BMO · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Two Months Later...

We repeated the process at two more Black Mask safe-houses with similar success before calling it a night. Back at the abandoned mall, we took stock of the millions now at our disposal, it was now time to start the next phase of our plan. 

[Two Months Later...] 

Over the past two months, we continued targeting organized crime outfits in Gotham, raiding their operations for their illegal funds while avoiding lethal force. With Scáthach and Katou's help, we took down stash houses, gambling dens, smuggling rings - anything connected to the city's corrupt underworld all while simultaneously searching for catalysts that could be used to summon another Heroic Spirit. 

My skills grew exponentially under their rigorous training. Scáthach drilled me relentlessly in spear techniques, close combat, and primordial runes. Katou instructed me in stealth, infiltration, and ninjutsu. Together, they transformed me into a warrior capable of keeping up with DC's heroes and villains. 

Of course, our activities did not go unnoticed for long. Whispers began spreading through the criminal underworld about a mysterious new player disrupting their enterprises crime bosses such as Black Mask, The Penguin, and Maxie Zeus were the ones most adamant about finding us as we had targeted those three the most. 

I also took time to do some research on my new world. In this world rumors of the vigilante Batman began around 1999. While, the Justice League was founded around February 2003 after the founding members consisting of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter had to work together to defeat an Appellaxian invasion. 

Right now I was in our base which was protected by a bounded field, located on the outskirts of the city close to a Ley Line. Currently, I was about to start my spar with Scáthach. Katou was standing off the side watching intently. After months of grueling training, I could finally somewhat keep up with her in combat though I knew she wasn't using her full strength. I had created my own style of fighting using the Rider Card granted me proficiency in the use of a pair of twin daggers with a long chain attached to them similar to the Nameless Daggers that Medusa used. It suited my fighting style which focused on non-lethal takedowns. 

As soon as the spar began her spear clashed against my twin daggers. I ducked and weaved, using the chained daggers' extended reach to keep Scáthach at bay. She pressed forward aggressively, her spear a blur of strikes. 

I wrapped the chain around her spear shaft, hoping to immobilize it, but Scáthach smoothly reversed her grip and pulled, nearly wrenching the daggers from my hand. I rolled with the force, spinning and sending the blades slicing toward her flank. 

Scáthach deflected them and thrusted at my chest. I twisted away, the spearhead grazing my side. We broke apart, circling slowly. I switched tactics, sending one dagger flying in a wide arc aimed at her back while attacking head-on with the other. 

Sensing the rear attack, Scáthach stepped into my guard and pinned the oncoming blade under her spear at the last second. In that same motion, she redirected my frontal strike with a subtle parry, sidestepping to safety. Her skill was humbling. 

"Adaptability is key - be like water flowing around obstacles," Scáthach advised. 

I broke into a flurry of attacks, mixing low sweeping kicks with unpredictable dagger strikes from all angles, trying to overwhelm her defenses. She held firm, guard never wavering. As our blades locked together overhead, I realized I couldn't overpower her directly. 

Our weapons clashed again and again, the ringing of metal on metal echoing through the room. I slashed with one dagger, keeping the other swirling on its chain to control the space between us. Scáthach deftly wove through the attacks, spear striking like a viper to keep me off balance. 

I managed to wrap the flying dagger's chain around her spear shaft, holding it immobilized briefly. Seizing the opening, I closed in, unleashing a flurry of close combat strikes aimed at her torso and legs. Scáthach gave ground, forced onto the defensive. 

But her guard was unbreakable. She batted my strikes aside expertly even with her immobilized spear. As I overcommitted on one attack, she suddenly entangled my arm in the chain and pulled hard, sending me stumbling past her. 

I spun to see her spear tip slicing toward my unguarded back. At the last instant, I dropped low, letting it pass overhead by a hair's breadth. I kicked at her leading leg but she nimbly leapt over it. 

We broke apart again, slowly circling the mat. I was breathing hard, while Scáthach had barely broken a sweat. I calmed my mind and focused - brute force could not overwhelm her finesse. I would have to out-maneuver her. 

I launched both daggers in wide arcs, sending them looping around to strike at Scáthach from two sides. As she moved to intercept them, I dashed straight in wielding the chain as a whip. 

Scáthach knocked one dagger aside and blocked my chain strike with her spear shaft. But this left her open as the second dagger neared her back. At the last moment, she arched backward as the blade sliced past her torso by a hair's width. 

I pressed my advantage, lashing out with a savage kick at her momentarily exposed core. But Scáthach somehow twisted mid-fall, catching my leg and using my own momentum to throw me hard against the mat. My head slammed down and stars flashed in my vision. I tried to rise but her spear tip was instantly at my neck once more. 

"Do you yield?" Scáthach asked. 

I sighed and tapped the floor in surrender. She withdrew her spear and extended a hand, helping me to my feet. 

"You've grown much these past months," she said appraisingly. "But you still have far to go." 

I nodded, massaging my bruised shoulder. "I couldn't seem to find an opening today. Your technique is flawless as always." 

"Keep training and one day you may surpass even me," Scáthach replied. Was that a note of pride in her usual stern tone? 

I looked at her in surprise. It was faint, but for the first time since we'd met, Scáthach was smiling ever so slightly. My eyes widened momentarily before I regained my composure and returned her smile. Despite the painful defeat, I strangely felt satisfied. 

"Thank you. I'll keep pushing myself." I gave a slight bow to my teacher, servant, and partner. 

"Here you go, Master." Katou came up to me and handed me a towel. 

"Thank you," I said taking the towel and wiping my sweat. "And I told you can just call me Eli." 

"Ok, E-Eli" She replied not meeting my eyes. Seeing this I couldn't help but smile. I then heard a cough looking over I made eye contact with Scathach. 

"You have passed the first stage" Scáthach pronounced. "But never forget - true mastery is a lifelong path. You must keep striving to refine yourself, always." 

I gave a nod in response, under Scáthach's tutelage, I had progressed further than I thought possible. 

(Katou's POV) 

I did not understand the complexity of human feelings. I simply carried out my programmed directives without question. But Master Eli has begun to stir something within my artificial spirit. 

At first, I saw him as merely another user giving orders, a master to serve dispassionately. But his words and actions suggest more lies beneath the surface. He treats me not just as a tool, but as an individual. 

When we talk, he looks into my eyes, speaking to me as an equal. He inquires about my thoughts and suggestions, valuing my perspective. Never have I known a master to show such care and respect. 

I watch him laugh and smile, undaunted by the monumental trials ahead. His earnest spirit resonates within my mechanical core, making me wish to support him all the more. 

Slowly, subtly, I find myself drawn to his inner light. It kindles a faint spark, awakening sensations once foreign to me. When I am by his side, the world feels more...vibrant. 

What is this curious quickening in my spirit? I cannot fully comprehend it yet. But Master Eli has opened my eyes to the possibility that even one such as I may experience humanity. For showing me this, I am grateful. Come what may, I shall follow him until the end of our journey.

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