
DC/Young Justice: FATE

A high school boy is transmigrated into the DC Universe with the ability to summon and use the powers of the Heroic Spirits from the Fate series. [Disclaimer: I don't own anything except for my MC. I also don’t own the cover.]

a_BMO · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


The magic circle flared brightly as the summoning ritual reached its climax. Suddenly, a figure materialized within the glowing sigils - a girl with long black hair tied in a high ponytail, and parted bangs. Her clothing consisted of a tight black outfit similar to a swimsuit with burgundy cloth around her waist covering her outer thighs. She also has a long red scarf. Her limbs seemed to be mechanical in nature.

She observed me with piercing golden eyes, their steely calm belying lethal skill honed through countless missions carried out in shadows. This was the Artificial Kunoichi - Katou Danzou 

After a brief silence, she spoke. "I am the Servant Assassin. Are you the one who has summoned me?" Katou asked in an even tone.

I nodded. "Yes, I am your Master. My name is Eli."

Assassin gave a curt nod. "Very well. Then our contract is forged. My blades shall now serve you, Master."

I smiled slightly. "Thank you, Assassin. I'll need your skills for the tasks ahead." I could tell this one would take some time to open up, but for now, her loyalty was secured. 

Katou Danzou was a ninja who lived during the early Edo period in Japan. She went by nicknames like "Flying Katou" and "Kite Katou" and carried out secret missions in the Kai and Echigo regions, though her background and goals remain mysterious. There are legends that she operated karakuri dolls, or mechanical puppets, which actually reflect the fact that Danzou herself was partly a karakuri doll.

Danzou was modified by the sorcerer Kashin Koji, modeled after the famous Fuuma ninja clan active during the Warring States period. As a partly artificial humanoid ninja, she had no real life but completed many tasks and earned a reputation recorded in later writings. Her exploits carved out a legendary existence that allowed Danzou to become a Heroic Spirit.


With two powerful Servants by my side, I felt my chances in this world steadily improving. But there was still much to be done. I sat down on a nearby bench. It was time to have a strategy meeting so I turned toward my newest servant. 

I quickly explained the nature of the DC universe, its heroes, like Batman, and villains, like the Joker, and the concept of secret identities.


Danzou listened intently, absorbing all the details. "I understand. In that case, how may I best employ my skills in service to you, Master?"

"Katou, I summoned you because I need your information-gathering and infiltration skills. Our most pressing need is funds. With your abilities, we can target organized crime outfits for their possessions which they have gotten through more dishonest methods. Once we have enough information we'll hit multiple groups to avoid making a single one feel cornered. Any objections?"

Scáthach shook her head, eyes glinting. "A sound strategy. I look 

forward to testing my spearmanship against these petty criminals."

Katou also gave her opinion. "I agree, I will cast my net wide and report all I uncover. Give me two days." 

Just before she left I stopped her. "Wait before you go there's one more thing. Try to find any information you can on vigilante activity and be wary of the man dressed as a bat and his associates. Avoid direct confrontation." I cautioned. Katou nodded and gave a bow after that she vanished, off to carry out her mission.

"She sure is eager," I commented absentmindedly. Scáthach didn't respond but simply stood there staring at me. 

"Alright, alright let's get started," I said standing up as Scáthach nodded and took a fighting stance.


I went through endless sparring matches, she honed my technique, instilling the importance of footwork, feints, timing, and precision. Under her tutelage, I learned to read an enemy's balance and intent in their subtle movements. Fighting became less like brawling and more like an elegant, lethal dance. 

In weapons training, she ensured I could handle a varied arsenal proficiently - swords, daggers, spears, bows, and more. No weapon was unfamiliar in my hands after Scáthach's relentless drills.

Even more vital was the knowledge of primordial runes that she imparted to me. Scáthach guided me in channeling my mana, using runic spells to enhance my physical abilities and produce a variety of spells.

Finally, two days later Katou returned, reappearing from the shadows as Scáthach and I were taking a brief rest from training. I glanced up, instantly focused on whatever news my stealthy Heroic Spirit brought me.

"What did you uncover?" I asked.

Katou bowed her head slightly. "Master, after extensive surveillance I have identified multiple underground criminal enterprises we can target for funds. Many are loosely affiliated with a crime boss known as Black Mask who has been aggressively expanding his territory."

I nodded. "Good work, Katou. Give me the details on the most vulnerable operations and we'll hit them tonight."

Katou proceeded to outline several gambling dens, money laundering fronts, and stash houses used by Black Mask's organization. I decided the stash houses would provide the greatest yields with the least resistance. 

As dusk fell, the three of us headed out into the Gotham night. Under the cover of darkness, we set out to raid the first stash house which was used by Black Mask.

With Katou scouting ahead, we approached the first location - a rundown apartment building on the edge of the East End. According to Katou's intel, the top floors served as storage for illegal weapons and drugs smuggled into Gotham.

I turned to Scáthach. "No killing, just disable the guards. We want to avoid too much bloodshed." She nodded, tightening her grip on her spear.

Katou swiftly dispatched the two lookouts at the rear entrance before waving us forward. We ascended the stairwell stealthily. Reaching the top floor, I pulled out my spear.

"Katou make sure no one escapes," I said

"Of course" she immediately responded readying her kunai.

Bursting into the room, I quickly dashed toward the three armed guards weaving through the bullets shot at me. While blocking the bullets I was unable to dodge with my spear I quickly closed the distance between myself and the gunman. Strangely I felt no fear as if it was a foreign concept to me perhaps this was a side effect of my soul merging with the seven Class Cards. Appearing behind them I quickly took down the three with three precise strikes using the blunt end of my spear. Looking around I saw the floor was littered with bodies hopefully still alive. It's not like I cared if they died but currently, their lives weren't worth the hassle if my reputation were to become stained by their blood. Seeing Scáthach strike them with the blunt end of her spear, knocking the last of them unconscious. We then swept the rooms, recovering stacks of cash, and leaving behind illegal firearms and narcotics for the police to confiscate.

After taking everything we wanted, I carved an 'L' on the boss's desk - a calling card of sorts and a message that this was just the beginning.


[A/N: I made a small change to Katou Danzou's origins for uhh reasons. Anyway thanks for reading!]

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