
DC/HP: Hyperstorm!

Waking up with no memories of yourself as Jonathan Reed Richards, better known as Hyperstorm aka Mr ‘Nerf Please’, with his memories as a toddler was definitely a shock. Being in the DC universe was, guess what, a shock. But he was now Hyperstorm so he would deal with everything the world would throw at him. Doesn’t matter if it’s Joker, Justice League, Darkseid or a Hogwarts Letter! ... wait what? Warnings: •Harem •OP MC(look up Hyperstorm respect thread) •Genius MC •Prideful(sometimes to the point of arrogance) MC •Morally very questionable MC •Manipulative and just a tiny bit evil MC •Harry Potter crossover •Gender-bent Harry

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Hyperstorm Powers


Hyperstorm is connected to a dimension of pure energy called 'Hyperspace', in a way one could compare him to Flash and other Speed Force conduits. Through his connection to this dimension, Hyperstorm can manipulate the four fundamental forces of the universe. Gravity, Electromagnetism, Weak Force and Strong Force. It is also possible for him to use this dimension's energy in order to teleport possibly anywhere in universe and even heal himself and others.


Hyperstorm is a very strong telepath and telekinetic much like his mother, Rachel Summers. His mastery of these two powers are strong enough to perform astral projection with telepathy and affect objects and living beings up to an unknown amount of weight with telekinesis.

High Intelligence:

Hyperstorm is intelligent enough to rival greatest minds like his grandfather Reed Richards and his aunt Valeria Richards along with even Dr. Doom. His inventions include spacecrafts, gadgets that can effect Dr. Doom's mind, robotic soldiers called 'Destructoids' that were powerful enough to conquer planets and even a Time Machine.