
DC Hero The Paladin

Leon Hardins is just your average boy. when he died he was sent to the void and was given a power. and be a Hero of the DV universe. Join him in his adventures. This is my first novel, So ho easy on me ok.

James_Raynor · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Am I same as him?

after Raven left my room. I contemplated. can I even beat Trigon? even though this power can suppress him, I could not defeat him. there must be some other way to do so. I promised her that. Then I fell asleep.

in my dreams more of memories of Uther came into me as usual. but instead of skills, it was a prominent memory when he was alive.

Uther was waiting for someone for a long time, until a rider with the same hammer as him, came into view.

"Ah good timing lad, I sent to of my best knights to parlay with the orc leader they should be returning shortly.

Uther waited of a few minutes until two knights without heads return to the encampment.

"Damn these orcs will never surrender."

Uther was pissed but it was not his nature to attack blindly into the enemy. then he looked at the man next to him, he was now dismounted, and with rage evident in his eyes.

"Let's get in there and destroy the beasts."

the man next to Uther was of course prince Arthas himself. As I was above them hovering. I can sense some similarities with me and the prince, I'm brash and will help people in need if it is in my capabilities.

Uther can only sigh, he knew that the prince is eager for action. but I can only pour cold water to cool his head a bit.

"Remember Arthas we are paladin's, vengeance cannot be a part of what we must do. if we allow our passion to turn into bloodlust. we will be home as vile as the orcs."

those words struck me. I'm willing to help but why restrain the people to take drastic measures.

then the scene changed. this time, Uther riding his horse, with a legion of knights behind him. as he arrived in the town of hearthglen. he saw his prince, Diciple. and brother. fighting waves of undead.

As he saw this he was proud, to see that he a

has become a full fledged paladin. as his knights helped the prince killed rows of undead.

as he was about to congratulate the prince I'm a well deserved victory. what he saw in his eyes was only, vengeance.

as he walked. towards the prince. he said the words which aggravated the prince even more.

"I'm surprised to see you hold out as you did lad. if I have not arrive sooner."

Yeah why would you say that to him, if I was in his position, I will be pissed as well. but I can only sigh this is just a memory. and I learned more things about me than I knew before.

I was bullied as a child, but I didn't fight back. because in my mind it was pointless. the previous world is a dog eat Dog kind of environment. if you have power, may it be strength, wealth or social status. you can basically bring others to serve you, whether you know it or not.

in those years I played Warcraft 3 and wow for all of my life. just to get away from the pain and humiliation I suffered. so when I died and sent to the void. even if I don't show it. I will not harm people If they are innocent, and will help people if I can.

at first it was only a wishful thinking in my part. but I didn't know that I was going to be reincarnated.

I carried those thoughts till to this day. I'm no hero, I'm just a guy who is helps people in need.

then another scene came into view, this time. Arthas is ready kill his subjects. Yes this is the famous culling of Stratholme.

"This entire city must be purged."

I looked the prince one more time. what would I do if I was in the same position as him? would I do it? can I abandon people I'm need just to save a family member?

or Choosing the majority in expense of a few.

I can only chuckle, I already know the answer.

In his case he has no one, to help him or gave him counsel. Uther who was supposed to be his mentor turned his back on him.

this is one of Uther's regrets and the memory showed it well.

Then the memory ended. but instead of waking up the entity inside me spoke.

"Child for the past 14 years I have watched you grow. learned the ways of using the light. but in my eyes you are still a fledgling paladin. Uther's memories can only get you far."

"so I have devised a plan to make you stronger. in one of your memories, I found something interesting. "

"in your world their is called a system, so I will try to emulate it."

then on my eyes a few text ve into view.


Lvl passive. can't be levelup. Devotion aura.

effect grants the paladin and his allies increased durability and a small healing factor. Paladin's own durability is increased further and can stop a bullet.

Lvl 1 Crusader Strike. the weapon of the paladin is imbued by the power of the light and will increase the damage said weapon can dish out.

Lvl 1 Divine Shield. Grants the paladin invulnerable status. depending on the level of the skill the longer the duration. current duration 1 second.

Lvl 1 blessings of might. can be cast into the paladin or an ally and Will give them increased strength. depending on the level of the skill the longer the duration. current duration 1 minute.

Lvl Max paladin Hammer arts.

proficient in using 2 handed hammers

Lvl Max unarmed combat.

proficient in using your fists.


author's notes.

I caved in I can't think of anything to make a power level System. so I had to resort in the most cliche thing in web no els in general.

so I hope this is ok for now.