
Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen

Synopsis: In this untold romantic epic, Riveria Ljos Alf's interest in Bell Cranel shifts from academic to romantic, transforming her from a stuffy executive to a lovestruck elf maiden. But the entire world's fate depends on her bond with Bell Cranel: the ancient monster Medusa has been reborn as the Xenos Demon Lord and threatens to engulf the world in darkness. Riveria and Bell, and the so-called Wives of Bell Cranel, must clear Medusa's Fortress of Nightmares, Cor Vilgium, and save the world. But what sacrifices will they have to make?

C_Jones_6669 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

A Dream for the Future

The Vespyad city of Luminastra was undoubtedly one of the great marvels, wonders and secrets of the Dungeon. Encapsulated within the heart of the Dungeon, its bioluminescent architecture had a gentle gleam, bathed in a placid brilliance, a striking unlikeness to the rest of the Dungeon that had been twisted and corrupted by Medusa's malign influence. Princess Zatrona led the Wives through winding pathways, the air filled with the gentle hum of Vespyad wings.

The leader of the company, Riveria Ljos Alf, walked adjacent to Bell Cranel, the new Perseus. The bond they had developed would change the tide of the battle against Medusa, the Dark Mother, whose darkness loomed over the entire lower world. But it would come at an immense cost: the Light Bond Shield consumed Riveria's life force. Riveria had already made peace with the fact she might sacrifice her own life to protect what was at stake. But Bell could never accept it. The Light Bond Shield had already shown its power, but he couldn't bear the thought of losing her, the woman whom had become as precious to him as his first love, Aiz Wallenstein. As they approached a grand hall, he turned to Riveria, his voice barely a whisper.

"Riveria-sama…. I promise, I will get strong enough to save you… I made a promise to bring you back safe and sound."

Riveria smiled softly, her emerald eyes filled with a veiled sorrow. "Bell Cranel, I am not afraid to do what must be done. I do confess that I'm afraid of dying, but I've had countless brushes with death before. I know full well that any adventure could be my last. I barely survived the expedition to the 59th floor, and none of the Loki familia executives would be here today had you not inspired them."

She placed her hand on his cheek and said, "Now Bell Cranel, cast aside your fears and sorrows. I've had a good long life, and now you have your whole life ahead of you. You have a future with Aiz and I would only get in the way because of my own selfishness."

Bell held her hand, his resolve only growing stronger. "No Riveria-sama, you've never had the chance to marry and have a child of your own. It's unfair for you to sacrifice your life for everyone else. You're deserving of love. When we get back home, I'll make sure Aiz and I give you all the love we can, every day."

Riveria gasped at his declaration and stammered, "Y-y-you are truly an innocent boy, Bell Cranel! Vice does not become you!"

"Riveria-sama, I could never lie to you or pretend, so please listen to my words." He paused for a moment and declared, "I love you Riveria Ljos Alf, more than you could ever know, and I want to make you happy every day of your life."

Bell took both of Riveria's hands into his own and said, "Please grant me the honor of being your husband. But who am I kidding? You could have any man you wanted at anytime."

Riveria held him close and whispered, "My answer is yes, but under one condition, Bell Cranel."

He whispered back, "Name it Riveria-sama."

Her voice was filled with desire as she whispered in his ear, "No more sama's between us. It's just Riveria. And you will promise to love Aiz and I the same as if you are our husband. Is that understood Bell Cranel?"

He felt himself blushing at the sheer audacity of her words.

Bell hugged her close and said, "Hai! Riveria-san."

Bell broke from her embrace, but Riveria gave him a glare that would have wilted an entire field of flowers. He corrected himself, "I mean, Hai, Riveria."

"That's better, Bell..."

The Wives waited until Riveria and Bell joined them at the threshold of the grand hall. Princess Zatrona approached the young hero and spoke.

"Bell Cranel, you have braved many perils and overcome many hardships. And now, everything you have fought and suffered for is at stake. Come with me to the armory, and we will grant you gifts that will aid you in your quest to stop Tyratryx, the Dark Mother, and save the world and those you cherish so dearly."

"I-I'll do my best, Zatrona-sama!" Bell retorted with slight nervousness.

"Heehee, you're a sweet boy, aren't you?" She said with a tone of affection and fondness. "Please follow me."

Bell followed the Vespyad princess into the chamber, hand in hand with Riveria, with the rest of his party following suit. The chambers that appeared before them basked in a light that was not of this world, the space brimming with a godlike, sacred air.

The massive doors of the armory swung open. Inside, weapons and armor of intricate and masterful craftsmanship were displayed. Weapons of legends crafted by the gods themselves stood on pedestals, as if waiting to be selected by the greatest of heroes. Bell gawked in awe as the Vespyad princess gracefully moved past the armory's main arsenal. Bell hurriedly followed her while he admired the extraordinary pieces of armor and weapons.

"Z-z-z-zat-to-tona-sama!" He sputtered, almost tripping on his own feet. "Where are you going? There are so many great weapons here, and I don't want to keep you waiting."

"These are powerful, yes, but I'm taking you to a part of the armory that has been rarely used in the past. But for you Bell Cranel, I will make an exception."

Bell felt a slight nervousness at what was to come, but Zatrona's soothing voice comforted him. "Do not be afraid, Bell Cranel. If you will, let's walk a little faster. I want to get you properly fitted in the best equipment that will withstand anything even the darkest of monsters could throw at you."

She led him through a smaller doorway, and down a winding pathway filled with shelves of vials of magic potions, small trinkets, and rings with magical properties. She stopped in front of a massive coffer and opened it slowly.

"Here, you will find inventory forged with our magic over centuries. It was repurposed to be worn by a hero and his party to combat the Dark Mother. And today, that hero has come."

Bell could feel his heart beat faster as he gazed into the chest. "T-t-thank you so much!"

"It is my pleasure, Bell Cranel." Zatrona said proudly. "I sincerely hope they will be of great service to you."

After closing the coffer, she led Bell and his party further down a path that would take them to another room. In the middle of the room was a shimmering cloak, its fabric as light as air yet as tough as dragon scales. Bell could feel a strange surge of power emanating from it. He studied the garment a moment longer, noticing the scales of the robes lusterering like silver and gold in the light.

"Here we are Bell Cranel! These are your new robes. I had my seamstress make sure to get your measurements, so it should fit like a glove!"

"Is that even possible?" Bell wondered, his head tilting in wonderment.

"The fabric is imbued with enchantments specifically designed to counteract Tyratryx's petrification curse. And it will adapt to your size over time. As you grow in strength and level, it will as well. Wear it with pride."

"And what about us?" Bete Loga questioned. "Are ya gonna give us an upgrade too, or is Perseus the only one that gets a shiny new outfit?"

Zatrona simply smiled.

"We have more than ample enough treasures to go around," She gestured towards the weapon pedestals lining the walls. "Choose whatever suits your fancy, and you shall have it. Of course, for the sake of practicality, weapons made from metal and orichalcum are most suited for slaying the Tyratryx."

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Bete Loga yelled excitedly.

Aiz Wallenstein stepped forward first, her keen eyes scanning the selection. She picked up a slender, silver rapier that shimmered with a faint blue light. "This will do," she said, giving it a few practice swings. "This should keep the strain off my Desperate."

Tiona Hiryute selected a pair of twin axes, their blades etched with ancient runes. "Perfect," she grinned, feeling the weight in her hands. "This'll go well with my Urga. Maybe I could give one of these to Tione? Ah, maybe not."

Welf Crozzo was immediately drawn to a set of enchanted armor that glowed with a protective aura. "This craftsmanship is incredible," he marveled, running his fingers over the intricate designs.

Ryu Lion walked up to the display cases, admiring the various weapons on display. "Your armory has been quite fruitful so far, Princess Zatrona," she noted with a smirk. "Now, where can I find a new wooden sword?"

"This way, Ryu Lion," Zatrona replied with a smile. She led the elvish adventurer to another section of the armory, where several different types of wooden weapons were stored. Ryu Lion carefully examined each of the swords before settling on a well-balanced blade made from ash wood.

"This one will do nicely," Ryu Lion said, satisfied with her choice. She turned to Princess Zatrona and added, "Thank you for your assistance, Princess. Your generosity will not be forgotten."

Princess Zatrona clasped her hands together, overjoyed to see her guests finding their new treasures. "I am glad you are pleased with the selection, my dear friends," she said in a cheerful tone.

Riveria remained silent as her companions picked out their new weapons and armor. She watched Bell as he picked up the cloak and fastened it around his neck. "He will need something that will help protect him from Medusa's gaze," she thought to herself.

Cassandra and Daphne chose matching spears, their tips radiating a gentle light. Lefiya found a staff that hummed with magical energy, perfect for amplifying her spells. Bete grabbed a set of claws that crackled with electricity, eager to test them in battle.

Princess Zatrona watched them with approval. "These weapons and armors will aid you in your quest. But remember, the key to victory lies not in the strength of your equipment, but in the strength of your bond. You must be united in your purpose."

Bete Loga gave a cold smirk, "What more do ya want Princess? You've given us all new weapons and armor and yer acting like this is nothing. Now, all we gotta do is kill the snake, and we can get back to the surface."

Princess Zatrona frowned a bit at Bete Loga's impatience. "Tyratryx is a menace whose very name has struck terror into the hearts of grown men for a thousand generations, Bete Loga. The Dark Mother is not to be underestimated. You must be careful."

"Tch! You worry too much, Princess," Bete scoffed. "I'll crush that damn snake with my own fists if I have to!"

Bete Loga gave his upgraded equipment another look. He had to admit, it looked pretty good on him.

Riveria took her place beside Bell and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Bell Cranel, finding the other fragments of the Eye and toppling Medusa's fortress will be an arduous and grueling journey, but I follow you to the end." she said in a comforting voice.

As they approached a final chamber at the heart of the Vespyad armory, Princess Zatrona paused before an intricately carved door. "Before you proceed," she said, her voice gentle yet firm, "there is one more gift I must bestow upon you. This one is for you, Riveria Ljos Alf. Share it with the man you love."

She opened the door, revealing a small, ornately embellished box on a pedestal. The box itself was a work of art, adorned with delicate carvings and inlaid with valuable gems that glittered in the soft light. Princess Zatrona approached the box reverently and opened it, revealing two golden rings nestled within.

"These rings are more than mere adornments," she began, lifting the rings carefully. "They are imbued with ancient magic, designed to harness and amplify the bond between two individuals that can use the Light Bond Shield. Bell Cranel, Riveria Ljos Alf, please step forward."

Bell and Riveria exchanged a glance before stepping forward, standing side by side before the Vespyad princess. The gravity of the moment was not lost on them.

Princess Zatrona held the rings aloft, their golden surfaces catching the light. "These are the Rings of Solarnarae and Lunarnarae, forged in the ancient times to bind the powers of the sun and the moon. When worn by two who share a deep connection and can utilize the Light Bond Shield, their magic becomes intertwined, creating new and powerful spells."

She handed one ring to Bell and the other to Riveria. "Bell, place this ring on Riveria's finger. Riveria, do the same for Bell."

With hands trembling slightly, Bell took Riveria's hand and slid the ring onto her finger. Riveria did the same, placing the ring on Bell's finger. As the rings settled into place, a warm glow emanated from them, and both Bell and Riveria felt a surge of energy.

Princess Zatrona continued, "These rings will allow your magics to combine. Bell, your Firebolt will merge with Riveria's three levels of attack magic, granting you new spells."

"Together, you can combine your Firebolt with Nine Hell's Wynn Fimbulvetr to cast the Icebolt. Combining it with Rea Laevateinn will create a supercharged Firebolt called the Firepillar."

"And finally, Vas Windheil will transform the Firebolt into the Whitebolt, a cleansing white light that purifies evil."

"These are immensely powerful spells, but there are drawbacks to their usage. Riveria must use her chants to activate the spells, and they wear off after a certain amount of time. Using them also consumes a large amount of Mind from you both. The Whitebolt in particular is very taxing."

Bell felt the power coursing through him, the warmth of the Firebolt now intertwined with a cool, soothing presence. Hearing the name of the new spell, Riveria gasped.

"Whitebolt, eh?" She looked at Bell and smiled. "This is quite something."

Bell nodded in agreement. "It is amazing, Riveria." He looked to Princess Zatrona and asked, "So how exactly does this all work?"

"When you are ready to use one of the spells, Bell will start casting his Firebolt, and Riveria will begin chanting. The spells will manifest from Riveria's lips and attach themselves to Bell's Firebolt as it is released, creating the combined spell."

She then cautioned, "Remember, you will both need to focus on maintaining your balance during the casting process, so try not to get distracted. With the rings' power, the combined spells will be stronger than ever before."

Riveria was curious, "So why would we use the Whitebolt when its drawbacks are so great? It would require us both to put all of our mana into the spell."

"The Whitebolt is the only thing effective against Medusa, other than the Light Bond Shield. You will need it if you are to defeat her." Princess Zatrona explained.

Bell smiled at Riveria. "Together, we can do it!"

Riveria returned his smile, nodding in agreement. She raised her hand, feeling the ring's magic resonate with her own.

"Bell Cranel," Princess Zatrona said to him. "With this ring on your finger, you will be able to fight alongside Riveria and use the Whitebolt to defeat Tyratryx once and for all."

Bell marveled at the power the rings held, their power resonating deep within him. "I will do my best," he declared, determined to see the quest through to its end.

"Very well, then," Princess Zatrona replied with a gentle smile, closing the box and locking it once more. "These rings will aid you in your quest, but remember, their true power comes from the bond you share. Trust in each other, and these magics can overturn any odds."

Bell and Riveria exchanged another glance, their fingers intertwining. The warmth and comfort that flowed between them was palpable, and Princess Zatrona smiled knowingly. They had crossed the threshold of trust long ago, and now they stood together on the precipice of something deeper and greater than either of them could have imagined.

Bell nodded, gripping Riveria's hand tightly. "I understand," he said firmly.

The rest of the party watched in awe, the skepticism in their eyes replaced with a glimmer of hope. Even Daphne seemed momentarily impressed, though she quickly masked it with her usual pragmatism.

As Bell and Riveria stood hand in hand, the rings glinting on their fingers, Princess Zatrona turned to address the entire group. "You have all been gifted with powerful tools to aid in your quest," she said, her voice carrying a solemn weight. "But remember, these are merely instruments. The true strength lies within each of you, and in the bonds you share."

She swept her gaze over the assembled heroes, taking in their determined expressions. "The path ahead will be fraught with danger and darkness. Tyratryx's power grows with each passing moment, and her minions will stop at nothing to prevent you from reaching her stronghold."

Bell stepped forward, his eyes blazing with resolve. "We understand the risks," he said, his voice steady. "But we also know what's at stake. We won't let Medusa's evil spread any further."

Riveria nodded in agreement, her hand still clasped in Bell's. "We will stand together," she declared, "and we will prevail. The light will always triumph over the darkness."

Princess Zatrona, radiating an aura of queenship, clasped her hands together, capturing the attention of the company of adventurers gathered before her. "My friends," she began, her voice as warm as a summer's day, "It is clear as day that there can be no quelling of the courageous fires that burns in each of your hearts, your yearning for what might be your greatest adventure yet, the epic tale yet to be written. However, we cannot let fatigue and weariness become an ally of Tyratryx and her dark ambitions. The quest you are about to undertake will try all of you in every way you can imagine, and more. Your bravery and resolve will be tested to the absolute limit. Thus, you must rest and restore your vitality before you set off."

With the balletic, sweeping arch made with her arm, she signaled a grand doorway at the far end of the chamber, adorned with diligent etchings. "I humbly invite you to partake in the rejuvenating waters of my personal onsen. The hot springs within are renowned for their restorative properties, and they will undoubtedly aid in soothing your spirits and fortifying your resolve."

A murmur of excitement rippled through the group, the prospect of a relaxing soak in the hot springs a welcome balm to the tensions of the past few days. Tiona Hiryute was the first to break from the assembly, bounding forward with an enthusiasm that could only be contained by such a bubbly spirit for so long.

"Oh boy!" Tiona exclaimed gleefully. "Imagine, us finally having an onsen that isn't just a muddy hole in the ground!"

"That sounds lovely, doesn't it?" Ryu said, forming a weak smile. "After all we've been through, I could certainly use some relaxation."

Bete Loga simply snickered in his typical cocky fashion, "We'd better get in there before Tiona uses up all the hot water!"

"Let the ladies bathe first, you mutt." Tiona quipped as she grabbed him by the scruff of his neck.

"For the last time, dumbamazon! Don't touch me there or I'll kick yer ass! Now shut up and wait your turn!"

Princess Zatrona intervened, "Fear not, Bete Loga," she smiled coyly at him. "You may bathe with your male companions after us ladies. I assure you that there is no shortage of hot water here."

With that assurance, Bete Loga's cocky smirk returned with a vengeance. "I guess we can have our own guys' night out later tonight," he chuckled. "We'll have fun with our booze and soaps and-"

"Booze?" Bell pondered aloud. "No way, I'm not old enough to drink!"

"And you will not get inebriated on my watch, Bell Cranel." Riveria threatened the young boy with a tone that was anything but playful. "Don't even think about it."

"I-i-i-i-i-sorry!" Bell sputtered defensively. "I won't have any of that stuff! Promise!"

Princess Zatrona could not help but giggle at the banter among the company of adventurers before her, the crackling energy and high spirits a welcome contrast to the grave solemnity that had permeated the Luminastra's air mere hours ago. She placed her hand on Bell's shoulder.

"Bell Cranel, brave Perseus of the light." She spoke to him with a gentle smile. "Please follow me into the dining chambers. Your female companions will bathe and recover their strength before joining you. Then you may soak to your heart's content. And you, Lady Riveria, please make your way to the bathing area."

"I appreciate your generosity, Your Highness, but I'm afraid I must decline. A High Elf cannot be seen bathing in the nude with others. It would be an unacceptable act of impropriety and a terrible disgrace to my kin. So, if it's alright with you, I shall bathe after Bell Cranel and his male companions have finished."

Bell, his brow furrowed with concern, turned to face her. "Riveria, are you certain?" he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper. "It might do you some good to unwind and relax with the rest of the girls."

Riveria, her eyes softening, shook her head, a small smile gracing her lips. "I thank you for your concern, Bell Cranel," she replied gently. "But I can manage."

Bell returned her smile. "Okay," he said softly. "I'll be looking forward to seeing you when we're all done."

With that, the group began to retire, with the company of females heading off to the onsen and their male counterparts heading towards the dining hall.

As Bete Loga and the rest of the guys strolled into the designated chambers, Welf looked over his shoulder and was relieved to see a calm and tranquil expression on Nine Hell's face as she was escorted into a different corridor by the Vespyad Princess Zatrona. He smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. Riveria would be in good hands.

Bell, his thoughts a whirlwind, lingered for a moment, his eyes meeting Riveria's in a silent exchange of unspoken words and promises.

As the sounds of laughter and splashing water began to drift in from the baths, Bete Loga let out a snort and started joking to himself, "Seems like the girls are having fun without us!" He reached over and smacked Bell on the back. "Come on, rabbit boy. Let's get a drink."

"But I'm not old enough to-" Bell tried to object, but was interrupted by Bete Loga's rough shove.

"Since when did age matter down here? I thought we were gonna have ourselves a little boys' night out, you rabbit wimp! Now get in here!"

"But, Riveria said-" Bell attempted to protest once more.

Bete Loga rolled his eyes, grabbing a bottle of liquor and forcing it into Bell's hand. "Why are you so hung up on what that elf lady tells you? Relax, you're not gonna be breaking any rules if we don't get caught, are ya?"

Bell took a reluctant sip from his bottle.

"That's more like it!" Bete Loga cracked a wide grin and tossed his arm around Bell's shoulders.


In the subtly lit onsen, the soft kindle of the lanterns painted a warm, golden shade on the water's surface, creating a soothing and therapeutic aura. Well, that's how it should have been were it not for the boisterous antics of Tiona Hiryute. Her playful splashes and guffaw bouncing around the spacious chamber, her childlike spirited energy reverberating off the walls.

"This is amaaazing!" She exclaimed in child-like glee. "Hey Ryu Lion!" Tiona shouted, waving at Ryu. "Join us! The water's fine!"

"Ah-um... alright..." Ryu timidly stepped into the water and sat beside Lefiya.

"You can make yourself comfy here!" Tiona slid closer to Ryu and gestured towards the empty space to her right.

Tiona, with her coppery, slender yet well-toned form barely concealed beneath the water, let out a hearty chuckle as she playfully dunked a smiling but subdued Cassandra.

"I'll help wash your back, Cassie!" Tiona cheerfully offered to her fellow Amazon.

Cassandra yelped and swam away from Tiona's reach while Tiona dashed after her. "Gah! No! Get away from me you crazy Amazon!"

"Cassie, don't be like that," Tiona pouted, following her around the large onsen. "I'll wash your back!"

"L-Leave me alone you dummy!"

Princess Zatrona couldn't help but laugh at their innocent antics. "You are quite fond of playing pranks on your friends, aren't you, Tiona Hiryute?"

"I never would've guessed we'd find such a fancy bath in a Dungeon." Daphne said as she closed her eyes and leaned her head against a smooth rock formation, relishing in the hot spring's warmth.

"The waters in the Vespyad city of Luminastra are indeed rather remarkable," Princess Zatrona nodded with approval as she basked in the comfortable warmth.

"Right?!" Tiona exclaimed excitedly,

Lefiya, her cheeks blushing in the warm waters, turned to the princess and said in a polite tone. "It really is something! We appreciate your hospitality, Your Highness."

Princess Zatrona smiled at her, "Please call me Zatrona. All formalities aside, we are equals down here in the Dungeon. What matters most is our mutual desire to save this world."

"Of course." Lefiya replied with a demure smile.

Tiona and Cassandra settled down at the far side of the onsen. A relaxed, companionable silence descended upon the ladies as they lounged in the luxurious waters, their aches and pains washed away by the healing warmth of the bath.

"Isn't this so much nicer than trekking through that frigid, dungeon?" Tiona said after a long silence.

"Mmmmm..." Princess Zatrona let out a satisfied sigh. "It is indeed."

The heated springs felt almost like a dream for the girls who had been adventuring in Medusa's domain for days. Tiona grinned from ear to ear as she splashed some water on herself and closed her eyes to enjoy the soothing heat.

"Man, I wish this could go on forever." She sighed contentedly. "If only Tione were here, then it'd be perfect!"

Cassandra rested her chin on her knees. "You're sure close to your sister. Aren't you, Tiona?"

"Of course!" Tiona replied happily. "And it's fun to mess around with my sister sometimes."

Cassandra blushed and looked away. "I wish I had a sister."

Tiona frowned at her words, and reached out to pat her friend's back. "Hey! Cheer up! You have us! And if you want to see what a real sister feels like, I can always ask Tione to teach you some stuff!"

Cassandra snorted and splashed at Tiona. "As if! She'd probably end up beating me up!"

Their laughter and playful antics continued, filling the chamber with a sense of joy and camaraderie that was much needed after such a grueling and stressful battle with Medusa's forces.

After some time passed, Tiona broke the silence once more. Their jovial mood was contagious, and even Ryu could not help but smile despite herself.

"So, have any of you girls gotten intimate with anyone in the familia?" Tiona asked curiously. "Or, at least, wanted to get intimate with someone?"

Cassandra blushed furiously, hiding her face in her hands. "Please don't ask me that, Tiona."

Tiona laughed heartily, "Aww Cassie, it's just a harmless question. Come on! Let's share our little secrets!"

Daphne let out a scoff and shrugged indifferently. "Hmph. We're not here to discuss our love lives."

Tiona smirked. "Aw, don't be like that! We're all girls here, and we can trust each other!"

Daphne's reply was brusque and unfriendly. "So? Why does that matter? Are you gonna gossip about who we've kissed and stuff?"

Aiz was silent throughout their exchange, simply sitting in the hot spring with her eyes closed and head tilted back against the rocks. Ryu glanced over at her. "What about you, Aiz Wallenstein?"

Aiz shook her head. "No one."

"Really?!" Tiona exclaimed in shock. "A girl as pretty as you must have lots of admirers!"

"None." Aiz replied flatly, her stoic expression unchanging.

"Not even Argonaut-kun?" Tiona asked with genuine curiosity.

"No," Aiz replied again in a tone that conveyed she didn't want to elaborate further.

"Hmph," Daphne scoffed, crossing her arms. "I suppose not all of us are as dense as you are, Amazon."

Tiona frowned at her harsh words. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Daphne glared at Tiona with an icy stare. "It means that some of us actually understand basic social cues."

Ryu frowned at the tension that was rising between the two of them, and chimed in, "You seem pretty defensive, Daphne-san. Have you done anything questionable?"

Daphne stood up abruptly, the water splashing around her as she stormed out of the bath. "I have nothing else to say." She declared tersely, wrapping a towel around herself.

Zatrona frowned at Daphne's actions, "Is everything alright, Daphne Lauros?"

"I'm fine," Daphne replied coldly before storming off towards the exit. "I just need some air."

The tense atmosphere had finally settled into a thick blanket of awkward silence once more when Aiz spoke up after a moment of hesitation. "I'm not interested in Bell," she said in a firm voice. "Not like that."

Tiona whirled around in surprise at Aiz's admission, "Really?!" Her expression filled with disbelief as she scrutinized Aiz's unchanging features. "Are you sure you don't feel anything for him?"

Aiz remained silent, her eyes remaining closed as she soaked in the warm waters. Then, after what seemed like a lifetime, she spoke.

"He has Riveria. He doesn't need me."

Tiona's jaw dropped in shock at her reply. "What are you talking about?! That doesn't make any sense! You guys have been super close for a long time! Why would you say something like that?!"

Aiz's voice was low and even as she replied, "I want him to be happy."

Tiona threw up her arms in frustration, "That doesn't mean you can't be with him! You know what I mean?! It's not like Riveria will mind!"

Aiz shook her head. "We are not lovers. We are friends."

"Are you serious?!" Tiona was baffled by Aiz's seemingly deliberate obtuse lack of understanding.

"And, I've never seen Riveria this way before... she seems so... happy..." Aiz trailed off, her expression changing from its usual stoic mask to a softer, more vulnerable look that would have been imperceptible to most, had it not been for Tiona's sharp eye.

Tiona felt a pang of pity for Aiz as she listened to her words. "Aiz," she said softly, reaching over to place a gentle hand on Aiz's shoulder. "I think you should talk to them both."

Aiz stiffened under her touch but made no move to pull away. "There's nothing to talk about," she said flatly. "They love each other. I will not interfere."

Tiona sighed, turning away from her and muttering to herself, "Some people are so dense..."

After a long stretch of silence, Tiona's boisterous attitude returned once more.

"Riveria seems very attached to him," Cassandra mused aloud, "but I've never seen them act like a couple in public."

"Have you considered.... th-that.... that maybe they are lovers in secret?" Lefiya speculated with a completely red-faced look, "Perhaps they are hiding their romance in order to avoid scandal? That human!!!!"

"W-W-What are you saying, my ally?!" Ryu Lion was astounded by the direction the conversation had taken.

Lefiya became flustered by the incredulous expressions directed at her. "B-but it is true! I've seen the way Bell Cranel looks at out Riveria-sama!!"

Tiona let out a hearty guffaw and playfully splashed water on Lefiya. "Ooh! Ooh! Is little Lefiya secretly a romantic?"

"A-a romantic?!! No! I would never!" Lefiya protested vehemently, her cheeks burning red. "It's just... I've seen the way they look at each other! And they're always together! I-i-it's only natural that they would end up getting closer."

Tiona cackled gleefully, "Aaaw! Lefiya thinks Argonaut and Riveria are lovers! So cute!"

"It is not like that!!!" Lefiya protested vehemently, throwing up her arms in exasperation. "You're putting words into my mouth! You are deliberately misunderstanding me!"

Zatrona smiled and tilted her head as she looked at Lefiya's blushing expression, "It is alright, dear Lefiya. Your words are nothing to be ashamed of." She said in a gentle voice. "But perhaps we should leave that discussion for another time?"

Tiona snorted, "Aw, come on! Don't be such a party pooper!" She wrapped her arms around Lefiya and gave her a playful squeeze.

"Perhaps next time," Zatrona replied patiently, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "Now, let us enjoy the hot springs."

The girls settled into the warm waters once more, each lost in their own thoughts. But none of them could ignore the whispers of Bell Cranel and Riveria, nor the suggestive smirks being shared among them.

"Fufufu," Zatrona giggled mischievously as she felt the stirrings of her own desires beginning to awaken once more.


Bell, having been detained by Bete Loga and Welf while he feigned his drunkenness, eventually found his way to the onsen. The warm, humid air embraced him as he entered the bathing area. The chamber itself was lavishly decorated with tasteful furnishings and decorations that gave it a luxurious and inviting feel. A large, central fountain cascaded gently, filling the room with the sound of running water. Bell sighed in contentment as he lowered himself into the pool. He had it all to himself.

"This is really nice," he said to himself. "I could get used to this."

As he enjoyed the warm waters, he was startled by a soft voice behind him.

His heart pounded. Riveria.

She must have chosen to bathe after the others, much like he had. His mouth went dry as he stared at her in disbelief. Her face flushed with embarrassment and Bell quickly averted his gaze as Riveria's hands covered her bare breasts and loins, although her slender figure remained in his peripheral vision.

"I'm sorrrrryyyyyy!!!!!" Bell was practically crying, his voice a shriek of panicked anguish. "I'm sooooo sooorrrrrrryyyyyyy!!! Please forgive me!!!"

But it was futile. Riveria had turned to stone.

Well, not literally, of course. But she was paralyzed, her eyes wide and her face crimson. Neither of them could move, and neither could speak. They were trapped in a standoff, and it seemed like an eternity passed as Bell held his breath and Riveria stared back at him, her body rigid and trembling. Finally, Riveria slowly made her way to the edge of the pool.

"R-R-Riveria-san!" Bell stammered. "P-p-p-please forgive me! I didn't mean to-I thought everyone was gone, and-"

Riveria finally managed to speak, interrupting him. "No, it's my fault! I should have-I didn't think-"

They both fell silent, the only sound the gentle rippling of the water against the onsen's edges. The air was heavy with tension, and Bell could feel his face growing hotter by the second. He wanted to bolt from the onsen and never show his face again, but Riveria was blocking his path. She stared at him for a moment longer, then looked away, biting her lip.

"Riveria-" Bell began, but was again cut off by her words.

"We should not speak of this, Bell Cranel." Riveria declared softly.

"I understand," Bell replied, his heart sinking.

Riveria did not look at him. "It never happened."

Bell nodded. "I know."

Their gazes met once more, and Riveria felt her heart skip a beat as she gazed into Bell's eyes.

Bell took a deep breath and moved forward, standing up and climbing out of the onsen.

But then, something unforeseen occurred. Riveria let out a soft, anxious laugh, and the tension in the air seemed to evaporate.

"Well," she said, her voice still trembling but her eyes sparkling with amusement, "this is certainly quite the predicament we've found ourselves in."

Bell relaxed slightly at her tone, his lips quirking upward into a tentative smile. "Yes, it is." he concurred, his own apprehension dissipating.

"You've done it now Bell Cranel. You've seen my body that only my future husband was meant to see. You can't get out of marrying me now."

Bell nearly choked on his own tongue, sputtering awkwardly and looking away as his cheeks burned red with embarrassment. He did his best to appear calm, but his body betrayed him. He could feel the blood rushing to his face, and he knew that Riveria was probably amused by his reaction.

"Bell Cranel." Her voice was stern, but her expression betrayed a hint of playfulness. "Are you enjoying the view?"

Bell swallowed hard and tried to hide his crimson-stained face as he gazed into her emerald green eyes. "N-no! I wasn't looking! I mean-I mean yes! I mean-I mean-!"

"Oh?" Riveria arched an eyebrow at his stumbling attempts at speech. "You weren't looking? Is that so?"

Bell was at a loss for words. "Um," he started, trying to explain himself. "I-I don't know what to say..."

Riveria let out a small laugh. "It's alright," she said. "I was joking. You should consider yourself fortunate, Bell Cranel. Few men are permitted to behold the body of a high elf."

Bell shifted nervously from one foot to another, trying desperately to find some excuse to justify his behavior. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"Hush now," Riveria interrupted him in a soft tone. "There is no need for apologies or explanations. You have nothing to be ashamed of."


"There is nothing to worry about," Riveria assured him, placing a finger against his lips and silencing his protests. "Just relax and enjoy the onsen."

Bell sighed in defeat. "Alright," he said. "If you say so."

"Besides, you have a very fine body yourself, Bell Cranel. Perhaps I should wash your back as well? " Riveria smiled wryly, reaching for a cloth and soap.

Bell shook his head furiously. "No! No! No! That's alright!"

Riveria chuckled and lowered her hand, settling back into the waters. "Very well then," she said in a teasing voice. "We can sit in silence and enjoy the onsen. How does that sound?"

"That sounds great." Bell agreed gratefully.

"Perfect," Riveria replied with a grin, resting her head on Bell's shoulder as she wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled against him. She felt his heartbeat quicken as his muscles tensed, but he did not protest or try to pull away from her embrace.

"Relax," she whispered in his ear. "Relax and enjoy the moment. That's all that matters right now."

Bell took a deep breath and leaned back against the edge of the onsen, closing his eyes and allowing the soothing warmth to wash over him.

It was a serene, tranquil moment, one that Bell would cherish for years to come. And as he stood there, beside Riveria, he couldn't help but sense a closeness, a bond that transcended their shared mission and mutual admiration.

He wasn't quite certain what it was, this sentiment that had settled in his chest. But he was determined to preserve it, to nurture it and safeguard it, just as he would with the Light Bond Shield.

And so, as the onsen's steam encircled them, Bell made a silent pledge. He would do everything in his power to maintain this bond, this connection, alive. Whatever the cost.

Whatever it took.

For her. For Riveria.


As Cassandra Illion drifted into a deep sleep, she found herself laying in a far-reaching meadow lit by an enigmatic golden light. The breeze passed over her like a delicate hum of a choir, with a sonority not unlike that of fairies singing in a ghostly harmony.

Her eyes wandered the mysterious skyline, finding nothing but endless azure and brilliant golden orbs. Yet she could feel the warmth of the sun against her face, and the wetness of grass against her naked back. She was all too familiar with this having experienced it time and time again over many moons - this was no dream, but a premonition.

In the landscape stood the beautiful figure of a half-elf with a similar elegance and build to Lady Riveria. Her ears were pointed, graceful but markedly shorter than those of pure elves. Her long hair was white and had a silvery ethereal radiance to them, shimmering like the moonlight.

While the beauty of the elven maiden was captivating, it was not the features that Cassandra found herself drawn to, but the expression of the woman. A visage so tender and affectionate yet grave with some unspeakable woe and guilt that was hard to mask.

"Who are you?" Cassandra asked, her voice trembling slightly.

The half-elf maiden's movements flowed with a regal finesse, spreading an aura of gravitas. "I am Eirlys, the Half-Elf Queen," she said, her voice reverberating with powers so ancient and mysterious that it made Cassandra's hair stand on end. "I come from a future that hangs in the balance."

Cassandra's heart pounded. "A future that hangs in the balance? What do you mean?"

Eirlys reached out and took Cassandra's hands in her own. Her touch was cool and comforting, and Cassandra felt a strange sense of calm wash over her.

"Listen carefully, for my existence and the fate of the world depend on it. I can only say little, for it could have unintended and far-reaching consequences, so heed my words with care. A choice must be made in the darkest hour, where light and shadow dance on the edge of despair. A flame and a star must unite, yet remain apart, lest the dawn be swallowed by night."

Cassandra's mind raced, trying to grasp the meaning of the cryptic words. "A flame and a star... what does that mean?"

Eirlys's eyes filled with a sadness that seemed to span centuries. "The answer lies in the union of opposites. Fire must freeze, and ice must burn. A bond that protects must also set free. Seek the hidden path, where sacrifice is not the end but a beginning."

Cassandra was dumbfounded, staring blankly at Eirlys. She opened her mouth, but no words came out. She was lost for words. But there was one thing she understood all too well: the future was at stake, the solution lied behind the meaning of this riddle, and it was up to her alone to solve it.

"What can I do to help?" she asked, determined to do everything in her power to save the future.

Eirlys smiled, her eyes brimming with tears. "Find my father," she whispered. "Tell him who I am and what must be done. Trust in him, for he is the key to our salvation."

"I don't understand... who is your father?"

"You know him well, and I'm sure you've fallen for him as many others have. My father's name is Bell Cranel."

Cassandra's eyes widened in shock. "Bell? You're his daughter? That's impossible!"

The half-elf nodded. "Yes, he is my father. His love for my mother blossomed in the darkest hour, giving me the chance to live. His name will live on in history. But right now history is still being written, and it might be rewritten by evildoers."

Cassandra could not believe her ears. Bell Cranel having a daughter with an elvish woman in the future? It seemed unbelievable, yet she knew Eirlys was telling the truth.

"Trust in him, for he has a part to play in all of this. And tell him..." Her voice wavered for a moment, as if she were struggling to hold back her emotions. "...please, save my mother, or else I'll never be born, and her legacy will die."

"...just who is your mother? I must know."

"Riveria... Riveria Ljos Alf-Cranel, the heir to Lady Celdia."

Cassandra gasped, unable to believe her ears. Riveria marrying Bell Cranel? She had been in love with the boy, but he had never returned her feelings. Now, knowing that he would one day have a child with Nine Hell, she felt a bitter sense of betrayal.

But she also knew that she had no choice. If she wanted to save the future and ensure that Eirlys was born, she had to put aside her own feelings and find a way to help them unite.

"I will do whatever it takes," she promised. "I will find Bell and tell him everything. I will make sure that the flame and the star unite, and the darkness is defeated."

Eirlys smiled, her eyes shining with gratitude.

Cassandra nodded, knowing that time was running out. "I won't let you down," she said, squeezing Eirlys's hands.

Eirlys smiled, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "I am truly grateful to you, Cassandra Illion. Remember, the future is not fixed. Your choices will determine the fate of the world. May your light always guide you, and may it bring hope to others."

Cassandra stared at her, awe-struck by the wisdom and power she radiated.

As the vision began to fade, Eirlys's voice lingered in the air. "In the heart of the storm, a beacon will shine. Protect the flame, for it will guide you to the dawn."

Cassandra awoke with a start, hyperventilating and drenched in her own cold sweat. Her vision still haunted her, the words of Eirlys echoing in her mind. She knew she had to act immediately, for the fate of the future hung in the balance.

"Bell... Riveria..." she muttered to herself, her mind racing. Cassandra sat up, reeling from the portentous premonition. She took slow deep breaths, trying to calm herself and gather her thoughts.

She thought back to Riveria and her feelings for Bell. While she had long since given up on her chances with him, she had never stopped caring about him. He was like a little brother to her, and she was fiercely protective of him. She knew that he was a good man, and that he would do anything to protect those he loved.

If there was ever a time for him to step up and be the hero she knew he could be, it was now. For the sake of Eirlys and the future, she had to find a way to bring Bell and Riveria together. She had to unite the flame and the star.

As the sun rose over Orario, Cassandra made a vow to herself and the gods above: she would save the future, no matter the cost. She would stand against the darkness and bring hope to the world.


As Cassandra finished recounting her tale to the others, they all looked at her with expressions of disbelief and awe.

"A child of Bell and Riveria in the future?" Welf exclaimed. "That can't be possible!"

"What a load of hogwash! There's no way a High Elf would have a kid with a human!" Daphne announced looked around at the others with an expression that said, "can you believe this?"

"Well, it's not that unbelievable," Asfi said. "I mean, High Elves are supposed to be long lived, right?

"It'll be a love story like that'll surely make a great fairy tale!" Tiona said.

"Hmph! I doubt the almighty Riveria would stoop so low as to have a child with a mere HUMAN." Lefiya said.

Riveria shot a look at Lefiya, making her tremble. "That's quite enough out of you!" Riveria scolded. "Whom I choose to have a potential child with when the time comes is no business of yours or anyone else's, High Elf rules, customs and traditions be damned. And if Bell Cranel is destined to be my future husband, then I have no complaints."

Ryu Lion's pointed elvish ears sunk into depression.

"I... I'm at a loss for words..." she said. "But how do we know it's true? It can't be true! I refuse to believe it! Bell... Riveria... they can't..."

Cassandra looked around at the others, her eyes pleading with them to believe her. "I saw it with my own eyes," she said. "Eirlys is real, and she needs our help."

Aiz Wallenstein clenched her fists in frustration, her golden hair shimmering in the darkness.

Bell Cranel buried his face in his hands, overwhelmed by the news. "I'm so confused! What's going on? Who's Eirlys?" he asked, his mind spinning from the revelation.

"Your future daughter, apparently." Welf answered.

"My what?" Bell said incredulously.

"That's right, you dirty little human," Riveria interjected. "You're destined to father my daughter, supposedly." She placed a hand on Bell's shoulder and whispered something in his ear that none of them could hear.

"T-T-T-This h-h-human... h-having a daughter with Riveria-sama?" Lefiya stammered in shock. "Bell Cranel! You pervert! Hentai! Philanderer! You've tainted the high elvish bloodline with your degeneracy forever! You must burn! Die, Bell Cranel, die in a huge fire!"

"You'll burn me over something that hasn't even happened yet?" Bell asked incredulously.

"Of course! To even consider such a thing with Riveria-sama is unforgivable! Die, Bell Cranel!"

"Eh? So I should stop my future daughter from being born? It's not like I can time travel and tell myself not to fall in love with her mother."

"So, you don't deny it!"

"What? No, of course not! I'm not saying it'll never happen. But I have no control over what happens in the future. And besides, who knows if the prophecy is even true?"

Cassandra shook her head. "No, it's true. I believe Eirlys with all my heart. And we must believe in her, too."

"Bell Cranel. I'll reduce you to ashes! Right here, right now!"

Bell backed away from Lefiya's deadly glare, holding up his hands in surrender.

"Lefiya! You will do no such thing!!" Riveria shouted, glaring at Lefiya with her emerald-green eyes that shone with an unusual ferocity.

"But Riveria-sama," Lefiya whimpered, "he's going to corrupt the bloodline of the High Elves! He's going to bewitch you and steal your chastity, just like he did with Aiz-san!"

"Lefiya Viridis. Do you dare question my judgment and my purity? Are you implying that I am so weak-minded and immature that I would fall for a man's charms so easily?" Riveria boomed with her resonant voice that shook the foundations of the room, and left Lefiya's knees trembling in terror.

"N-no, Riveria-sama," Lefiya responded fearfully.

"Then I suggest you cease with your immature and blasphemous remarks before I lose my patience and remind you just how powerful my magic is!"

Lefiya yelped and cowered away from Riveria's wrath, cowering in fear of her leader's immense power.

Bell and the others could only watch in awe at Riveria's display of dominance, her voice a reminder that she was the heir of Celdia herself and possessed great strength that rivalled that of her forebear's.

"Eirlys asked me to save her mother," Cassandra said, her voice pleading. "Her mother is Lady Riveria. We have to trust in the prophecy and believe that Bell is the key to saving the future, or she'll never be born."

There was a moment of silence before Daphne scoffed. "This sounds ridiculous," she said. "I'm not buying into this."

"I don't believe it either," Aiz said.

Cassandra felt her heart sink. She knew she had no proof, no way to convince them that she had truly seen the future and had a direct message from the daughter of Riveria and Bell. But she also knew that she could not afford to waste any more time.

"It's not just a dream," she insisted. "If Lady Riveria dies in the battle against Medusa, Eirlys will never exist, and the future will fall into chaos."

"There's no way of knowing what would happen," Haruhime said. "There are so many variables-"

Cassandra cut her off, her voice rising. "We have to do something! We can't just stand by and let this happen!"

Daphne rolled her eyes. "Look, there's nothing we can do about it," she said, her voice heavy with exasperation. "Prophecies are bullshit. They're just vague phrases people made up to try and make sense of the world."

Cassandra glared at her. "That's not true," she said. "The prophecy of the Sage of the Ages was correct."

"Really?" Daphne shot back, a sneer on her face. "Because I don't see any great heroes being born anytime soon."

Haruhime glanced at Daphne uneasily as the others shifted uncomfortably in their seats. The air in the room was thick with tension.

The others exchanged uncertain glances, clearly hesitant to believe in something so nebulous. Riveria looked thoughtful but remained silent, while Aiz, Tiona, and Welf seemed unsure what to make of it.

Bell, however, stepped forward, his expression serious. "I believe her. Eirlys could be the hope for the future. We can't take a risk and lose Riveria-san, and Riveria-san needs us. If Cassandra is right, we have a duty to help them."

All eyes turned to Bell. He met Cassandra's gaze and nodded encouragingly. "Cassandra's visions have helped us before. If there's a chance this could save Riveria-san and prevent a future where Eirlys can never be born, we have to take it."

Cassandra felt a surge of gratitude, a lump in her throat.

Riveria placed a hand on Bell's arm. "Bell Cranel, I appreciate your faith in Cassandra, but we need concrete plans, not riddles."

Bell shook his head. "The riddle might be the key. We need to think about what it means. 'A flame and a star must unite, yet remain apart.' That could be talking about us, Riveria. Our magic combined but used in a way that doesn't consume your life force."

Cassandra felt a surge of hope. "Yes, exactly! And 'fire must freeze, and ice must burn'—maybe there's a spell or a method we haven't considered yet."

Daphne sighed, exasperated. "Do you hear yourselves? You're talking nonsense."

Tiona spoke up. "Remember that one old heroic tale? Where the hero Oedipus was prophecised to kill his father and marry his mother? And no matter what he did, the prophecy came true?"

"W-why are you bringing that up suddenly?" Riveria asked.

"Well, that's what it's like here! Prophecies come true because they're meant to come true! So why can't Eirlys be born? Maybe it's Riveria's destiny to be a mom. And the hero married the mom."

Riveria felt her cheeks flush as a sudden heat spread through her body. She could not deny that a part of her - the deepest, most secret part of her heart - longed for such a destiny.

Bell frowned, a deep crease between his eyebrows. "Whatever happens, Riveria-san is important to us. Even if there's no guarantee that this prophecy is real, we can't let anything bad happen to her."

"But we have no proof!" Daphne retorted. "Just because some elf queen is supposedly going to come from the future, doesn't mean we have to believe it. There's no way to know for sure."

Bell turned to face the group, his expression earnest. "Whether it's true or not, Cassandra has a vision of a future that can't happen, and that makes it our responsibility to prevent it."

There was another moment of silence before Riveria interjected.

"As improbable as it seems, we should take Cassandra's vision very seriously," Riveria said. "There is a greater force at work here, and we must do everything in our power to uncover it."

"I don't like it." Aiz said flatly.

"That's fine," Bell replied. "You don't have to like it, Aiz-san. But I'm with Cassandra and Riveria on this. We have to do everything we can to protect her."

Aiz stared at Bell in silence, her expression inscrutable. Finally, she spoke.

"Fine," she said, pouting. "But you and Riveria...I don't like it..."

"Understood," Bell said, nodding.

Daphne scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Unbelievable," she muttered under her breath.

Cassandra turned to Bell, her eyes pleading. "You believe me, don't you?"

"I do," he said firmly. "Let's find a way to unite the flame and the star, and bring hope to the future."

Bell's words seemed to have an effect on the others. Even those who were skeptical of Cassandra's vision couldn't deny the urgency in his voice or the determination in his eyes.

Riveria stepped forward, her emerald eyes scanning the faces of her companions. "We will fight together as one," she declared, her voice clear and resonant. "No matter what the future holds, we will face it with courage and conviction. We will protect each other and do whatever it takes to ensure that the light of hope shines brightest in the darkest hour."

She turned to Cassandra, her expression softening. "Thank you for sharing this with us, Cassandra. And thank you, Bell Cranel, for believing in her and supporting us in our quest to save the future."

Bell grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "I just want to do the right thing," he said.."

Cassandra felt a wave of relief wash over her. She knew that with the support of her friends, they could find a way to save the future and ensure that Eirlys would be born.

"Thank you," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "I know it's a lot to take in, but I truly believe that this is our destiny."

Bell nodded, his expression solemn. "Let's do everything we can to make sure Eirlys is born," he said.

"Yes," Riveria agreed. "Let us unite the flame and the star, and bring hope to the world."

The others nodded in agreement, their faces resolute as they stood by Riveria's side.

Cassandra smiled, her heart swelling with hope.

The group spent the rest of the day discussing their next steps and trying to decipher the meaning behind the prophecy. They pored over ancient texts and consulted with the Vespyad scholars, searching for any clues that could help them unite the flame and the star.

It was a daunting task, but they were determined to find a solution.

As day fell into night, the group gathered once more, their faces filled with resolve. They would not rest until they found a way to prevent the darkness from swallowing the dawn.

And as they retired to their sleeping quarters, they made a promise to each other: no matter what, they would not give up. They would not let the future fall into despair.

As she drifted off to sleep, Cassandra's thoughts turned to Eirlys, the future daughter of Bell and Riveria. She knew that she would do whatever it took to ensure that she was born, and that the darkness would be defeated.

For now, they would rest and gather their strength. Tomorrow, they would begin their quest to unite the flame and the star, and bring hope to the world.