
Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen

Synopsis: In this untold romantic epic, Riveria Ljos Alf's interest in Bell Cranel shifts from academic to romantic, transforming her from a stuffy executive to a lovestruck elf maiden. But the entire world's fate depends on her bond with Bell Cranel: the ancient monster Medusa has been reborn as the Xenos Demon Lord and threatens to engulf the world in darkness. Riveria and Bell, and the so-called Wives of Bell Cranel, must clear Medusa's Fortress of Nightmares, Cor Vilgium, and save the world. But what sacrifices will they have to make?

C_Jones_6669 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

The Mirror of Time

In a time that had long passed into legend, the ancient forest realm that was the primogenitor to Alf's Royal Forest, ruled by the stringent Queen Celdia, was in its prime.

On this day that would forever change the course of history, the momentous event began at sundown. The glowing golden-orange illumination created as the sun sank into the horizon basked the treetops and forest floor with its warm spectrum of hues.

The trees towered above like living mountains, their leaves softly humming an ancient knowledge forgotten long ago. In a secluded grove, two figures had come together, their alliance exuding a subtle power that radiated into the primordial woodlands.

Lady Celdia, the legendary high elf queen, donned a regal gown, wrapped in robes, and bore a fairy tiara from which her emerald bangs draped before her, her jade eyes observing with a serene mindfulness. Her hair cascaded down her back, flowing like the mouth of a river flowing into the sea.

Across from her, kneeling with his head bowed, was a man of immense bearing.

Albert Waldstein, with hair as dark as the night, knelt before the high elf queen, his head bowed in reverence. His boyish features were softened by the warm glow of the setting sun, giving him the appearance of an innocent youth. The gleaming, intricate, knightly armor Albert wore highlighted the fierce pride and humility in which he knelt before the queen.

At this moment, the two symbolized the ancient world's highest hopes as two races coming together under one accord.

"Really, Albert," Celdia spoke, her voice slightly chiding as she stared down at him. "You don't need to be so formal. How many times do I have to tell you that I hate it when you prostrate yourself in front of me like that."

Albert lifted his head, his eyes meeting Celdia's .

"But I'm just an uncultured human." He replied.

"Albert, we have already determined to unite our people, you and I." Celdia smiled mischievously at him, the sunset reflecting in her eyes. "There is no reason for us to be so distant from each other, no matter the circumstances."

"We have determined it, but there are still those among our people who disapprove." Albert chuckled.

Celdia's lips curved into a gentle smile, a rare sight for the usually stoic queen. "Where have you been, Albert? Eloping with a spirit?"

"Well, isn't it better if we get married first and explain to the others afterward?" Albert smirked at her as Celdia raised a dubious eyebrow at him. "The things I want to do with you cannot be accomplished without an heir, or should I say, heiress to continue our bloodline."

Celdia's cheeks flushed at his insinuation, her face turned away in embarrassment.

"By the way, Albert, how is your daughter? Is she doing well?" She asked as she tried to change the subject.

"Well, you made her... cry, if I recall. Or rather, your words did. Surely, it can't be helped that she has been sulking all day long." Albert explained as he shrugged. "You're a very harsh and stringent woman, my Queen."

Celdia was slightly embarrassed and her face turned slightly pinkish. "Well, what was I supposed to say? I couldn't help but criticize her. That child will never become a proper queen like me with such a rebellious nature. "

"There's nothing wrong with Ais." Albert smiled wryly at Celdia. "It's true that she has a rebellious nature, but she has a pure heart. Just like her mother."

"Albert, don't mention her in my presence." Celdia's cheeks went completely pink and her ears grew hot, so much so that her entire face was flushed red.

Albert suddenly burst out laughing as he looked at her, causing Celdia to narrow her eyes at him.

"Anyway, enough of that, down to business. First, we have to earn the right to start our own kingdom, and not let them see us as weak." Albert sighed, "We don't have time to wait. We cannot afford to be distracted."

"But I want to spend time with you." Celdia whimpered. "It's lonely here, ruling in solitude."

"I understand, but it will be different soon enough." Albert winked.

He rose to his feet, extending his hand toward Celdia, which she took. Albert pulled the queen closer to him as her long hair spread outward.

"What of the monster, Medusa? I've heard the humans and elves talking."

Albert stiffened, his grip tightening around Celdia's hands .

"The monster is still at large, and poses a major threat. It has turned entire legions of my best soldiers to stone."

Celdia tilted her head back to look up at him. "If what they say is true, it sounds like a formidable opponent. Are you sure you'll be alright?"

Albert squeezed Celdia's hand reassuringly. "Do not worry, the rumors may have gotten out of hand, and I have yet to see the monster for myself, but I promise, you and I will rule our new kingdom together."

Albert tucked Celdia's bangs behind her ear.

"During these troubled times, I look back to one of my all-time favorite heroic tales: Argonaut," Albert said, his voice steady but filled with a touch of admiration. "People didn't take him seriously. He was disregarded as a food, a clown. But he was more than just a hero. He was a symbol of hope, a beacon for those who dared to dream. He was the ship that voyaged heroes."

Celdia nodded, her gaze distant as she remembered the tales of the legendary hero. "His exploits are no myth, and the legends about him are very much real. Perhaps in another life, I'll get the opportunity to finally meet him."

Albert chuckled at the woman's wistful tone. "Well, if it is one thing I know, he would have been honored to be in your presence. And in this life, you have me."

"Hmph." Celdia looked up at Albert, her emerald eyes blazing. "Then you'd better make sure you return to me. If you die before I see you again, I will drag you back to life so that I can kill you myself. "

Albert released her hand and wrapped his arms around Celdia's slender shoulders. "I promise, you have my word. I will always come back to you, no matter what happens."

"Very well then," Celdia said, leaning into his chest. "I shall hold you to that."

Albert stood still for a moment as if contemplating his next words before slowly moving back, separating himself from Celdia.

"I must be going." Albert spoke solemnly. "It will be a long journey."

Celdia pouted, reaching for his hand one last time. "I understand."

Celdia's serene reverie was shattered by the sound of her name being shouted frantically. One of her elf guards barreled into the clearing, his face etched with panic.

"My Queen! Medusa has been sighted! She's heading straight for the heart of the forest!"

Celdia's heart leapt up into her throat. "How long do we have until it's upon us?!"

"Not long," the guard replied. "We estimate its arrival within the hour."

Celdia's eyes widened, and she shared a grave look with Albert. Without another word, they broke apart and sprang into action, their moment of tranquility abruptly ending.

"Gather everyone at the stronghold in the center of the forest! Evacuate all civilians to a safe location! Do it now!"

Celdia's impassioned cries rose above the shouts and screams of the elves and humans scrambling in every direction, the look on their faces terrified and pale as the reality of their situation set in.

"If we're going to stop it, we'll need every available elf and human warrior in this forest!" Celdia shouted at the guard.

The guard nodded grimly before sprinting off in the opposite direction .

"Albert," Celdia called to him, her voice high with urgency. "If this is truly Medusa, then we stand little chance of surviving without the combined power of humans and elves working together."

"I know." Albert nodded gravely.

"We have to do everything in our power to defeat it." Celdia grasped Albert's shoulder tightly, her eyes locking with his.

"I will rally my people and meet you in the center of the forest," Albert said, his voice low and steady.

Celdia nodded in understanding and disappeared into the trees, leaving Albert alone in the grove.

A flicker of fear appeared in the human's eyes, but he quickly pushed it away, replacing it with a resolute determination as he too raced off, his destination the human settlements at the edge of the forest.

"Medusa will pay for what it has done." He promised himself.

Celdia's chest heaved as she sprinted through the thick underbrush, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She had traveled to the outskirts of the forest stronghold and had assembled what remained of the forest army, which consisted mainly of elven soldiers.


The defenders of the forest regrouped and awaited the terror of the Gorgon. The forest fell eerily silent as even the soft hum of the leaves seemed to mute in anticipation.

Celdia surveyed her warriors as they waited anxiously, the sounds of their breath mixing with the stillness of the forest. The soldiers had their bows at the ready, their bodies poised and tense, ready to act at a moment's notice.

Then, from the shadows, it emerged. A figure so ancient and feared, it struck fear into the hearts of the brave and proud. Medusa, with eyes that could turn warriors to stone, was upon them. Its serpentine hair flowed wildly in the wind, the green glow of its eyes piercing through the darkness of the forest.

The defenders of the forest recoiled in horror at the sight of the ancient monster. Unlike the bewitching figure and the flawless features she would possess in her future Xenos form, beauty that even a goddess of love would covet, this Medusa was a grotesque abomination, hideousness incarnate.

Medusa's face was a neuseating visage, resembling a decomposing corpse covered in scales, and a maw full of razor sharp fangs. Her scaly, oily skin was a sickly black, mottled with patches of green and red. Her eyes glowed an eerie, snake-like yellow, the pupils narrowed to thin, vertical slits.

When Medusa opened her mouth, a forked tongue darted out, tasting the air like a serpent. Her lips were non-existent, revealing her bony mandible and maxilla, and all of her teeth were visible in a permanent grin that stretched ear to ear.

On her head was a skin hood that flared out like that of a cobra. It was adorned with the face of a skull.

Medusa's body was that of a giant snake, coiled and ready to strike. The scales looked hard and unyielding, like armor that could deflect even the sharpest of weapons.

As she moved, her body undulated with a sinister grace, the muscles rippling beneath the scales. She had no limbs at all; only her head resembled anything like a woman.

A high elf charged out from behind a tree with his sword drawn, letting loose a war cry as he attempted to skewer the beast .

Medusa effortlessly mowed him down, turning him into a grey statue that shattered as it hit the ground.

The high elf soldiers began to panic, and Celdia heard the fearful whispers among her forces.

"Stand your ground!" she shouted, hoping to calm them.

Her plea fell on deaf ears.

The defenders of the forest stood frozen in fear, their weapons trembling in their hands as they faced the monstrosity before them. Medusa's very presence seemed to sap the strength from their limbs, leaving them feeling weak and helpless in the face of such an ancient and powerful creature.

Medusa began turning everything and everyone in sight into stone. Entire legions were turned to statues by her petrifying gaze. Even some of the forest trees, plants, animals, birds, insects were turned to stone by her terrible power, and crumbled to dust.

The elves' shock and horror at what they were witnessing was almost palpable.

But Celdia didn't hesitate. She raised her sword, and with a powerful swing, brought it down with devastating force upon the beast's neck. Medusa didn't flinch or move away from her attack and merely coiled its tail around Celdia's arm.

"My Queen!" Several elf soldiers cried out in unison.

The creature tightened its grip on Celdia's arm, and the Queen of the High Elves winced in pain. Her arm and fingers twitched involuntarily as the pressure increased, the bones crackling under the strain.

Several more elves charged forward, their faces twisted in rage and despair at seeing their queen in Medusa's grasp, their weapons ready, but their faces paled as they beheld the sheer size and power of their enemy. Medusa's formidable figure, its massive bulk towering above them, instilled a primal sense of dread within their hearts.

"Archers, loose!" Cried the captain of the guard, and a volley of arrows rained down on the monstrous enemy.

"No! You'll hit her!" shouted a soldier to Celdia's left .

"I order you to fire!!" Celdia gasped, struggling to remain conscious. "Loose!!! Loose!!!!"

A mighty volley of arrows was loosed upon the beast. But with a mere wave of Medusa's hand, the arrows turned to brittle stone and fell harmlessly into pieces before they could even reach their target. The soldiers stared, their eyes widening in disbelief and horror.

"Stop firing! You're just wasting your arrows!" Celdia yelled as she was released. "Cavalry, charge!"

"CHARGE!" The captain's voice rang out, and the elves rushed forward, their spears and swords at the ready.

However, as they drew near to Medusa, their bodies began to stiffen, their limbs turning to stone. The might high fairy guard were reduced to lifeless statues.

Medusa stood unwavering, her eyes shining with a cruel light. The creature opened its mouth, and a unearthly bellow, like the hissing of a thousand snakes, reverberated through the forest.

Medusa slammed its elongated tail into the ground, sending shockwaves throughout the forest floor, toppling the elves to their knees, and utterly destroying the ones that had been petrified.

The High Elves Knights, despite their bravery and skill, found themselves powerless against the monstrous enemy.

Several more elves were reduced to statues by the petrifying glare of her eyes.

The monster that would one day be reborn as the Dark Mother was invincible.

Medusa released Celdia and hurled the Elf Queen into a tree. Celdia lay motionless, her eyes glazed over and her ears ringing with the echoes of battle. Her head throbbed, and her vision blurred, but she refused to let the fear show on.

"No!!!" Celdia cried as she watched her people being decimated by the monstrous foe.

Without any effort, the Medusa lay waste to what remained of Celdia's guard, turning scores of them to stone at a time. It was a terrible slaughter.

She struggled to her feet, her body bruised and bloody, her armor cracked and dented. Her long, emerald hair was caked with dirt and blood, her face pale and strained, her emerald eyes dark with sadness.

Celdia looked down at her blade and gripped it tightly in her hand. "You'll have to kill me first before I let you destroy my home!" Her voice quivered slightly, but it was resolute nonetheless.

But Medusa's advance was relentless. With each step, the ground beneath its tail turned to stone, the once lush grass and vibrant flowers transforming into lifeless gray. The trees, ancient guardians of the forest, were not spared from its wrath. Their mighty trunks and sprawling branches, which had stood for centuries, crumbled to dust as Medusa's gaze fell upon them.

Queen Celdia watched in horror as her kingdom crumbled before her eyes. The once vibrant heart of the forest, a place of life and magic, was now a desolate wasteland of stone and dust. The queen's emerald eyes filled with tears as she witnessed the destruction of her beloved home.

With a mighty roar, Medusa rose to its full height and charged toward the Great Holy Tree of the forest, its massive bulk shaking the ground with every step.

"No!" Celdia exclaimed in horror. "The sacred tree! You can't!"

She ran after Medusa, her feet flying across the ground as she tried to catch up to it. But she was too late.

Medusa reached the Holy Tree and coiled around its trunk, its weight causing it to begin to crack and splinter.

The once-mighty trunk, adorned with intricate carvings and pulsing with ancient magic, was now reduced to a pile of broken wood and splinters as Medusa's gaze fell upon it.

The giant snake-like monster then moved on to the smaller trees surrounding the Holy Tree, its petrifying gaze turning them to stone within seconds.

Queen Celdia knew the battle was all but lost. There was nothing left to defend. Medusa would claim victory this day. The once-proud elven kingdom was no more, reduced to ruins. The mighty Holy Tree that had stood for millennia was no more, its bark and branches transformed into lifeless stone. The trees and flowers that had bloomed with color and vibrancy were now just lifeless husks. The ancient forests that had sheltered and nourished generations of elves were now ravaged and barren wastes. The air was thick with the stench of death and decay, and the sky was choked with clouds of ash and dust. The sun's light could no longer penetrate the veil of darkness that had descended upon the land, casting everything into a gloomy twilight.

And then...

Riveria's eyes snapped open, her heart racing as she sat up in her bedroll. The High Elf princess, heir to Queen Celdia's legacy, found herself in the safety of her camp, far from the horrors of the past. She drew a shaky breath, her mind reeling from the vivid nightmare that had plagued her slumber.

It was a dream, but it was also real. It was a vision of the past. Celdia was connected to Riveria in more ways than just blood.

As she regained her composure, Riveria couldn't shake the feeling that the dream held a deeper meaning. The parallels between Medusa's attack on Celdia's Anicent Forest and the current threat looming over Orario were too striking to ignore. With a heavy heart, she realized that the fate of her ancestors might soon become her own, should she fail to stop the Dark Mother's resurgence.

Then, a familiar and comforting voice reached her.

"Riveria-sama? What's wrong?" Bell asked groggily from beside her in their shared tent, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"N-Nothing." Riveria replied softly. "Please go back to sleep."

Bell simply nodded, his eyelids already heavy as he snuggled back into his blankets. Riveria watched him for a moment before slowly lying back down, her thoughts still swirling with the horrors of her nightmare. As she drifted off to sleep once more, she made a silent promise to herself that she would do everything in her power to prevent her forebear's fate from becoming her own.

"We will not be defeated," she whispered into the night air. "Not this time."

Riveria looked over at Bell fondly, smiling at how peacefully he slept.

She allowed herself a brief moment to appreciate the presence of the young hero that she loved so dearly before closing her eyes once again, trying to put aside the images of her nightmare as she embraced slumber's embrace.

Riveria was restless, her slumbers plagued with dreams of her forebears and the menace of Medusa. She looked lovingly at Bell, whom slept peacefully, in spite of the hardships he would soon have to go through and the heavy burden that he was saddled with.

The waking hour felt like it took a whole lifetime to arrive. The camp then was soon a flurry of activity as the adventurers prepared for their perilous mission. Riveria inspected each member of the party, giving them harsh but fair words of encouragement and healing any weariness and injuries. Bell, Welf, Aiz, Tiona, and Bete were all fired up, ready to give Medusa the fight of her life.

Bell could see the weariness in Riveria's eyes. He worried for the high elf that had become his mentor, his friend, his mother and his lover. He approached her to try and comfort her.

"Riveria-sama, are you alright?"

Riveria sighed and gave him a small smile, "Yes Bell, I am alright. Just a little tired."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Bell asked gently as he reached out and placed a comforting hand on her arm.

"I'm fine," Riveria assured him. "I just...I keep dreaming about Medusa and...about my forebear Celdia..."

"Oh..." Bell frowned, concern evident on his face. "Riveria-sama..."

Riveria shook her head, her expression determined. "It's okay, Bell. I will be alright." She said firmly, "Now we must focus on our mission. We have a monumentous task ahead of us."

Bell firmly wrapped his arms around her. He hugged her tightly against his chest, and the two held each other close for a long moment, neither wanting to let go.

"No matter what happens," Bell said quietly as he held Riveria in his arms. "I'll always be here for you."

Riveria's eyes widened, and she felt her heart swell with emotion at his words. "Thank you, Bell..." She said softly, resting her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes as she lost herself in the warmth and comfort of his loving embrace.

"Bell Cranel, I will never stop loving you. Never." Riveria whispered in his ear.

Bell blushed slightly and smiled shyly at her words before finally releasing her from his embrace.

"You know, this is very improper behavior for an elf," Riveria said flustered and red-faced, looking down at the floor with her hand placed on her arm. "I never in all my years could see myself doing this, least of all with a human. But now I know I've been missing out."

Bell grinned back at her, his eyes gleaming with happiness at her words.

Riveria gave him a small smile before taking his hand in hers and leading him back toward their camp where the rest of their companions were waiting.

"Did you sleep well, Riveria?" Aiz asked.

"Well enough," Riveria replied, her voice steady but betraying a hint of fatigue.

"We should get going," Bell said. "The sooner we can leave, the better."

Aiz nodded in agreement. "Let's do it."

Tiona nudged Bell's shoulder playfully as they stood by his side. "Don't worry about a thing, Argonoaut-kun! We'll watch your back."

Lefiya raised an eyebrow at the Amazonian girl's choice of words. "Watch his back?"

Tiona waved away Lefiya's question dismissively. "Oh, you know what I mean," She said.

"With a lady killer like this human around, you're the one who should be watching your back, Tiona-san!" Lefiya shot back angrily.

Tiona rolled her eyes playfully at her companion's suggestive tone. "Keep talking like that, Lefiya-san, and I'll start thinking that you're jealous."

Lefiya glared at Tiona, her cheeks flushed with anger and embarrassment. "T-Tiona-san, I-I'm not jealous!" She huffed indignantly as she crossed her arms over her chest. "This lecherous rabbit is the enemy of all women! He'll do naughty things to you!"

Bete scoffed derisively. "I'm not here to protect you, rabbit-boy." He growled. "Don't get in my way or I'll let you die."

"Leave him alone Bete, or I'll personally kick your ass," Welf replied coldly.

Bete sneered at Welf, his eyes flashing dangerously.

"Eh? I'd like to see you try."

Riveria rolled her eyes and stepped between the two hot-headed adventurers. "Enough! I won't tolerate any infighting amongst our group, do you understand me?"

Welf and Bete both frowned but nodded reluctantly. Riveria let out an exasperated sigh and turned to walk away.

"Are you okay, Riveria?" Aiz asked gently, placing a comforting hand on Riveria's shoulder.

Riveria stopped walking and closed her eyes as she took a deep breath before nodding slowly. "I am fine." She replied, her voice trembling slightly with emotion. "Just...just let's get going."

Aiz nodded wordlessly before moving alongside Riveria as they strode ahead of the others as they ventured deeper into the Dungeon.

The atmosphere grew progressively more oppressive. The once familiar terrain had transformed into a nightmarish landscape under Medusa's influence. The walls seemed to close in around them, and an eerie silence hung in the air.

Bell, Riveria and the rest of the Wives of Bell Cranel remained on high alert as they continued their journey through the darkened labyrinth. They kept their weapons at the ready as they walked cautiously through the ruined halls of the Dungeon.

Suddenly, they heard a rustling noise from ahead. The adventurers stopped in their tracks, their eyes scanning the corridor warily for signs of danger.

Bell felt his pulse quicken as he gripped his sword tighter, ready to engage in battle at a moment's notice.

From the shadows emerged a figure draped in tattered robes, its face obscured by a hood. The figure's presence sent a shiver down Riveria's spine.

"Who are you?" Riveria asked sternly, her voice echoing off the walls of the chamber.

"My name is not important." The figure replied, its voice raspy and low.

"What do you want?"

The figure slowly lifted its hood, revealing its face to the adventurers. Riveria gasped in recognition.

"Andromeda?!" She exclaimed in surprise.

"Not quite..." The figure's voice was distorted by something inside of her that wasn't quite human, but had once been so. "But in my former life, I was known as Asfi Al Andromeda, or rather Perseus."

"But.... you died... " Riveria sputtered in disbelief. "You were murdered at the hands of Medusa."

Asfi's lips curved into a humorless smile as she gazed upon Riveria with empty eyes. "I suppose you could say I've been reborn."

The Wives of Bell Cranel had found themselves at a loss for words.

"I did die, but my soul couldn't rest. It seems I have some unfinished business, an old score to settle with Medusa." Asfi said dryly. "I have been reborn as one of the Vespyads. I am one of Zatrona's people now."

Asfi's revelation left the group stunned. Riveria, in particular, struggled to reconcile the sight of her former friend standing before her, now reborn as one of the enigmatic Vespyads.

"How is this possible?" Riveria asked, her voice trembling with a mix of disbelief and hope. "What happened to you, Asfi?"

Asfi's expression remained impassive as she replied, "The specifics are unimportant. What matters is that I am here now, and I have information that can aid you in your quest to defeat Medusa."

Riveria steeled herself as she looked at Asfi. "Tell us." She demanded. "What do you know?"

"I have information about the Eye," Asfi revealed. "You have already collected one fragment, but you're still missing three."

The adventurers exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of surprise and skepticism. Bete, ever the skeptic, narrowed his eyes at Asfi. "And why should we trust a dead weakling like you?" He said with a smirk. "For all we know, this is some sort of trap."

"It's not a trap," Asfi replied calmly. "I may have died at the hands of Medusa, but that doesn't mean I wanted to die. I want Medusa defeated as much as you do. Her actions have caused immense suffering, and I will not rest until she is stopped."

"So tell us then." Riveria urged Asfi. "Tell us where to find the remaining fragments of the Eye."

Asfi's expression softened slightly. "I will tell all in good time, but here it is not safe. Please come with me."

Bell, sensing the tension in the air, spoke up. "If Asfi can help us find Medusa, then we should accept her aid. We can't afford to pass up any advantage in this fight."

The others nodded in agreement, albeit some more reluctantly than others. Riveria, her eyes still fixed on Asfi, spoke softly. "Very well. Lead the way, Asfi."

As the group prepared to follow their resurrected guide, Riveria couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Asfi's story than she was letting on. But for now, she would trust in her friend's word and focus on the task at hand: defeating Medusa and saving Orario from her dark machinations.

Asfi led them through the ruined halls of the Dungeon, which were littered with the corpses of monsters and adventurers that had been turned to stone by Medusa's influence. The air was thick with dust and debris, making it difficult to breathe.

"Where are you leading us?" Riveria asked Asfi, trying to make sense of their surroundings.

"To the home of my people, the Vespyads," Asfi replied without turning back. "The house of Zatrona, the last free space in the Dungeon which Medusa has never been able to find. No one but the Vespyads knows of its existence, and it is hidden deep within the Dungeon's inner workings."

Riveria couldn't help but wonder if this was truly where they were headed or if it was just an elaborate ruse to lead them into a trap.

"I know what you all must be thinking, but I assure you, I am not your enemy," Asfi said without looking back at Riveria, seemingly able to read her thoughts. "Zatrona is on your side."

"Well, I hope so." Riveria mumbled. "It would be unfortunate if this were a trap."

Bell glanced at Riveria for guidance. She studied Asfi for a moment before nodding slowly. "If you wish to join us in our quest, we will accept your help."

Asfi bowed her head in gratitude. "Thank you."

The group followed Asfi through the darkened corridors of the Dungeon, keeping their weapons at the ready in case they encountered any hostiles. The air grew colder as they ventured further into the depths. The walls seemed to pulse with an unnatural energy, and Riveria could feel the weight of ancient magic pressing down on them.

"Stay close," she warned softly. "We're entering dangerous territory."

Bell tightened his grip on his weapon, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of danger.

As they rounded a corner, they found themselves standing before an enormous stone door adorned with intricate carvings depicting ancient battles and the faces of long-forgotten heroes. Asfi stepped forward, tracing her fingers along the carvings with reverence.

"This is it," she said softly. "The entrance to the Vespyad sanctuary."

Riveria, Bell, and the others watched as Asfi pressed a hidden switch within the carvings. With a rumble, the massive door began to slide open, revealing a dark passageway that led deeper into the Dungeon.

"Follow me," Asfi instructed, her voice echoing off the stone walls as she led them into the passageway.

The air inside was cool and damp, and the adventurers moved cautiously, their footsteps echoing in the narrow corridor. As they progressed, they noticed faint glimmers of light ahead, growing brighter with each step.

Finally, they emerged into a vast cavern illuminated by bioluminescent fungi and glowing crystals. The cavern was filled with the soft hum of activity as Vespyads flitted about, their wings shimmering in the ethereal light.

"Welcome to our sanctuary," Asfi said, gesturing to the bustling scene before them. "Here, you will find safety and allies in your fight against Medusa."

Riveria's eyes widened in awe at the sight of the Vespyad city. She had never imagined such a place could exist, hidden away in the depths of the Dungeon. She was soon brought back to reality as Bell tugged on her sleeve, concern etched on his face.

"Riveria-sama," he whispered softly. "Are you okay?"

Riveria turned to him with a smile, "Yes, Bell, I am fine. This is just all so...so surreal."

"I understand." Bell smiled back, his gaze sweeping over the intricate structures built into the cavern walls and the delicate bridges spanning across chasms.

Asfi led them through the city, explaining that Zatrona had been waiting for their arrival. They soon reached a grand chamber where Princess Zatrona herself awaited them, her presence commanding yet gentle.

"Welcome, brave heroes. I am honored to have you in our sanctuary." Princess Zatrona greeted them graciously. "We are in your debt for agreeing to aid us in this fight against Tyratryx."

"Tyratryx?!" Tiona said in confusion.

"Tyratryx is the ancient name of Medusa used by my people, the tyrant empress of the dark moon. I believe it is a name more fitting for such an evil creature." Zatrona replied.

She then turned her attention to Riveria.

"Evergreen Mother, the noble and pure Queen of the High Elves, you must be Celdia's heir and High Princess of Alf."

"Yes," Riveria confirmed, "and I know you are not a woman of deception, Princess Zatrona, the Pure White Queen of Vespyads."

Zatrona gave her a faint smile. "Yes, that is true," she replied. "I have no reason to deceive you, so you have my word that I will lead you to the last remaining fragments of the Eye."

She then gestured to the golden haired, golden eyed swordswoman stood beside the high elf.

"And you, Aria of the Wind, you are always welcome here."

Aiz blinked, surprised by the sudden recognition. She bowed her head respectfully as she responded, "Thank you. But my name is not Aria. It's Aiz Wallenstein."

Zatrona tilted her head curiously. "Really? That is strange... The power of the wind spirit runs through your veins."

"Aria was... the name of my mother..." Aiz whispered softly.

"She was a very dear friend of mine, an age ago back in ancient times. I sense much of her in you, daughter of Aria."

Aiz frowned slightly as she tried to make sense of Zatrona's words.

"I see." Aiz said slowly, "Well...thank you."

Zatrona smiled warmly before turning her attention to Bell. "You are the one who would be known as Argonaut, the Prince of Gods, and now the new Perseus, inheriting the quest to destroy Medusa once and for all."

Bell stood nervously in front of the Princess Zatrona, the rest of the Wives of Bell Cranel exchanging glances nervously.

"Now then, what is it you seek of us, Perseus and his Wives?"

Riveria stepped forward, bowing her head in respect. "Princess Zatrona, we are grateful for your hospitality and the safety you provide. We come seeking your aid in our quest to defeat Medusa and save Orario."

Zatrona nodded, her expression turning serious. "I am aware of the grave threat Tyratryx poses to your city and the world at large. Her darkness has spread far and wide, and it is only through the united efforts of all those who oppose her that we may hope to prevail."

"What do you know about the Eye?" Riveria inquired. "Asfi told us that you possess fragments of it."

Zatrona's gaze shifted to Asfi, who stood silently beside the adventurers. "Asfi has informed me of your quest. The Eye is indeed a powerful artifact that may hold the key to finding Tyratryx's stronghold. However, obtaining the remaining fragments will not be an easy task."

Riveria's brow furrowed. "What do you mean? Where can we find them?"

"The remaining three fragments are kept by three of Medusa's most trusted and feared underlings. Each has been assigned to guard a different part of the Dungeon; however, they are all in heavily guarded areas and are protected by Medusa's most loyal servants." Zatrona explained.

"And what do we need to do to retrieve them?" Riveria asked, her voice hardening with resolve.

"You will have to infiltrate their strongholds and defeat them. But, you are currently inadequately equipped to undertake such a task. And then there's Cor Vilgium itself, the fortress of nightmares, as treacherous and vast as the Dungeon itself. We, the Vespyads, will bestow upon you gifts in your quest, but without courage, you will not get far."

Bete scoffed, his arms crossed over his chest. "You expect us to defeat monsters and clear their whole damn dungeon?" He asked sarcastically.

"No." Zatrona replied, her expression solemn. "I expect you to defeat Medusa and clear Cor Vilgium."

"It sounds almost impossible..." Tiona muttered.

"Only a hero can accomplish such a feat," Zatrona replied. "And you, Perseus, are that hero."

Bell took a deep breath as he gathered his courage. "I will do it." He declared firmly. "I will not fail you, Princess Zatrona."

"Very well, Perseus." Zatrona smiled at Bell approvingly. "Your courage is admirable, but do not underestimate the perils that await you. Tyratryx's influence has corrupted the Dungeon, twisting its very nature. The monsters you encounter will be far more dangerous than anything you have faced before."

"We're prepared to face whatever dangers lie ahead of us," Riveria replied resolutely. "No matter what it takes, we will not rest until Medusa is defeated and her evil is wiped from this world."

Zatrona nodded, her expression a mix of pride and concern. "Very well. I will provide you with the information you need to locate the remaining fragments of the Eye. But first, you must rest and gather your strength. The journey ahead will be long and arduous, and you will need all of your wits and courage to survive."

Riveria stepped forward and bowed respectfully. "We are honored to be here, Your Highness. We seek your aid in our quest to defeat Medusa."

Zatrona's expression grew serious as she regarded Riveria and her companions. "We have long fought against menace of Tyratryx," she said. "Your arrival brings hope to our people."

Bell felt a surge of determination as he looked into Zatrona's eyes. "I swear that I will not fail you," he said quietly.

Zatrona nodded solemnly before turning her attention back to Riveria. "We have much to discuss," she said. "Please follow me."

As Riveria and her companions followed Princess Zatrona deeper into the Vespyad sanctuary, they couldn't help but marvel at the intricate architecture and the soft glow of the bioluminescent fungi that illuminated their path. The air was filled with a sense of ancient magic, and Bell felt a shiver run down his spine as he walked beside Riveria.

Zatrona led them to a grand chamber, where a large stone table stood at the center, surrounded by ornate chairs. She gestured for them to take a seat before speaking.

"Now that we are alone, please allow me to share with you the history of the Eye," she began. "The Eye is an ancient artifact created by the gods, capable of seeing through the veil between worlds and revealing the truth behind illusionary magic. It was originally entrusted to the elven nation to ensure that its powers were not misused, but the Eye fell into the clutches of Tyratryx as of late, and she has been using it to shroud Orario in an illusion in order to conceal her activities and plans for conquest."

"If Medusa's hold on Orario is as strong as you say, how will we be able to retrieve the fragments of the Eye?" Riveria asked, her voice heavy with concern.

Zatrona waved her hand, and a glowing map appeared on the stone table. "You must defeat the three guardians of the Eye. The first fragment is guarded by monster that resembles Medusa's head that walks around on spider legs, very dangerous. Tyratryx regards it as some sort of pet and it has a guard duty in the Dungeon. The second is held by a monster called Cryomyria who resides in the hidden cave system on the 51st floor."

Bell studied the map intently, committing the locations to memory. "And the third?" he asked.

"The third fragment is in the possession of Tritonova, Medusa's most trusted lieutenant," Zatrona replied. "She has fortified herself within a massive underwater cavern on the 59th floor, surrounded by her most powerful minions."

Riveria frowned slightly. "That's quite a task..." She remarked. "Taking on three guardians in quick succession, and defeating Tritonova is going to be a challenge."

Zatrona nodded in agreement. "Indeed, but I have faith in your abilities."

Bell looked at Zatrona and spoke firmly, "We will not fail you, Your Highness."

"I'm counting on you, Perseus."

Zatrona's eyes bore into Bell's, her expression unreadable.

Riveria and her companions remained silent as they absorbed Zatrona's words.

"There's more..." Zatrona began, her gaze shifting from Bell to Riveria. "The Eye was not originally meant to be wielded by mortal hands, and it carries great risks if used incorrectly."

"What do you mean?" Riveria inquired.

"The Eye was intended to be used by the gods themselves," Zatrona explained. "As such, mortals who attempt to use it will risk losing their minds."

Bell's eyes widened in alarm. "What?"

"That is why the Eye was entrusted to the elves in the first place," Zatrona continued. "However, when the Eye fell into Medusa's clutches, she corrupted its power in order to create her lair of Cor Vilgium."

Riveria placed a hand on Bell's shoulder as she asked Zatrona, "What are we supposed to do? Surely there must be some way to avoid that fate."

Zatrona sighed, shaking her head. "Unfortunately, I do not know of any way to protect you from this risk. It is possible that the effects of the Eye's corruption may not be permanent, but there is no way to determine whether or not that is the case."

Bell bit his lower lip in frustration as he felt the weight of his responsibility. "So you're saying we have no choice but to risk our sanity if we want to retrieve the Eye?" He asked bitterly.

Zatrona smiled faintly, her eyes glimmering with a mix of hope and sorrow. "But I have every faith in you, Perseus. But remember, the path ahead is fraught with danger and deception. Trust in your allies and in your own strength, for they will be your greatest assets in the battles to come."

Riveria stood up from her seat and bowed deeply to Zatrona. "Thank you for your wisdom and guidance," she said respectfully.

"It was my honor," Zatrona replied warmly, "I wish you all the best of luck in your quest."

Bell nodded, his heart swelling with gratitude for the unwavering support of his companions. He turned to face them, his eyes shining with resolve. "Thank you, everyone. I couldn't do this without you."

Aiz stepped forward, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. "We're ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. Just say the word, and we'll follow you into battle."

Bell took a deep breath, his gaze sweeping over the determined faces of his friends. "Then let's go. We have a long journey ahead of us, and every moment we delay is another moment that Medusa's darkness spreads."

Tiona grinned at him. "You got it, Argonaut-kun!" She said cheerfully, slapping him playfully on the back. "Let's do this!"

"We'll cover your back," Welf said confidently.

Bete scoffed derisively, but his expression softened slightly as he met Bell's gaze. "Whatever," he muttered. "Just don't slow me down."

Riveria placed a hand on Bell's shoulder as she spoke reassuringly. "We will have your back too, Bell. After all, you're not alone."

"Come with to the armory," Zatrona said as she led them through the caverns of the Vespyad Realm, a network of tunnels and caves within the Dungeon itself that belonged to the Vespyads, safe from Tyratryx's influence. "You'll be given a few presents that might prove useful in your quest."

The adventurers soon found themselves standing before a vast chamber filled with countless weapons and armor of ancient make. Bell felt his heartbeat quicken at the sight of such treasures, and his companions couldn't help but marvel at the scope of Zatrona's generosity.

"These are gifts from us, for your journey," Zatrona said as she gestured to the ancient weapons and armor that lay before them.

Lefiya's eyes widened in awe as she gazed upon the exquisite craftsmanship of the Vespyad armor.

"Princess Zatrona... these are amazing gifts..." Lefiya breathed in amazement.

"It is the least we can do," Zatrona replied, her gaze shifting to Bell. "The Vespyads have no further use for them, for we can no longer venture beyond the safety of our sanctuary."

Riveria stepped forward, her eyes scanning the array of ancient weapons and armor before her. "We are honored by your generosity, Princess Zatrona," she said, bowing her head in gratitude. "These gifts will undoubtedly aid us in our quest to defeat Medusa and restore peace to Orario."

Zatrona nodded, a faint smile gracing her lips. "I have faith in you, Perseus and his Wives," she said, her gaze lingering on Bell. "The path ahead is treacherous, but with courage and unity, you will prevail."

Bell felt a surge of determination as he met Zatrona's eyes. "We won't let you down," he promised, his voice filled with conviction.

As the adventurers prepared to depart, Zatrona placed a hand on Riveria's shoulder. "Remember, the fragments of the Eye are guarded by Medusa's most powerful minions," she warned. "You must be cautious and rely on each other's strengths to overcome the challenges that lie ahead."

Riveria nodded, her expression solemn. "We understand the risks," she said. "But we will not falter in our mission."

With a final farewell, the adventurers left the Vespyad sanctuary, their hearts filled with a renewed sense of purpose. As they made their way through the winding tunnels of the Dungeon, Bell couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation at the thought of the battles to come.

"So, what do you think these gifts are?" Tiona asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"I don't know," Bell admitted, "but whatever they are, I'm sure they'll be invaluable in our fight against Medusa."

Riveria glanced over her shoulder, a mysterious smile playing at the corners of her lips. "All will be revealed in due time," she said cryptically. "For now, let us focus on the task at hand and trust in the wisdom of the Vespyads."

As the group continued their journey, the weight of their mission hung heavy in the air. But with the support of his companions and the promise of the Vespyad gifts, Bell felt a glimmer of hope that they would emerge victorious in the end.