
Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen

Synopsis: In this untold romantic epic, Riveria Ljos Alf's interest in Bell Cranel shifts from academic to romantic, transforming her from a stuffy executive to a lovestruck elf maiden. But the entire world's fate depends on her bond with Bell Cranel: the ancient monster Medusa has been reborn as the Xenos Demon Lord and threatens to engulf the world in darkness. Riveria and Bell, and the so-called Wives of Bell Cranel, must clear Medusa's Fortress of Nightmares, Cor Vilgium, and save the world. But what sacrifices will they have to make?

C_Jones_6669 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

The Genesis of Tyratryx

I have had many names over many lives, but one name in particular was feared by all that heard it: Medusa. It meant queen, or ruler. It wasn't an unfitting name, and that was what I was most commonly known as in the lower world. For as long as time existed, humans, demi-humans, monsters and even gods have dreaded the very name Medusa. They were all united in their fear of me, from the very day I crept up from the deep floors of the Dungeon to the surface.

But there is a little known, disquieting secret behind this all: my first life was not one of a monster, but as a mortal girl who lived, and died, long before the gods descended. Hailing from small, peaceful village, I met an untimely demise at the hands of marauding bandits, and my essence was consumed by the depths of the Dungeon and reincarnated into a monster known as a gorgon. I was reborn as Medusa.

From as far back as my powers of memory can serve me, all creatures everywhere were both in awe and in terror at the very mention of my name. My body was concealed with thick scales that shimmered like a stygian burnish, and my visage both mesmerized and petrified all that met it. I had only one desire: survival at all costs. I prowled the surface realm, searching for prey to sustain my existence, driven by a primordial and single-minded instinct of self-preservation.

Soon, there arose a name that I dreaded myself: Perseus. His polished armor adorned him, and his sword was brimming with a celestial, sacred radiance. This hero, chosen by the gods, was the first to turn his fear of me into defiance. We fought to the death, locked into a vehement strife that only one of us could survive, both of us had an indomitable disposition to best the other. But it was he who got the better of me, severing my head from my shoulders with his sickle, adamantite blade. I had met my end at the hands of this Perseus.

Except this wasn't the end, but merely the beginning of a bounding to a never-ending cycle that I was determined upon, or which I was condemned to. The Dungeon would not grant me the luxury of death I longed for, and revived me into this world, my enervated soul placed into a newly crafted body. As I walked the Earth once more, I was as powerful and terrifying as ever. But I was condemned to the same fate every time: my murder at the hands of Perseus. The cycle would then repeat. Each Perseus was different from the last. Sometimes they were a man, other times a woman. They came from every race and every walk of life and every corner of the Earth. But they all had one thing in common: the inexhaustible steadfastness to put an end to me.

There was no end in sight to this non-stop loop of death and rebirth. The only meaning to my life was to be born and born again only to die by Perseus's hand. Each existence was only a single tone in an evermore sonata, a musical passage without the arrival of a cadence, continuing perpetually.

Every time I was reborn, my power grew. I began to master the art of the dark magics that resided within my blood, to take queenship over the rudderless monsters, and to even reshape creation into my image. But it was all for naught, as I was consigned to the same fate every time. A deep hatred, a dark flame, burned away my heart. An obsession for retribution against Perseus consumed me. I wanted power, no matter the cost, to break free of this boundless curse of death and rebirth.

For I am Medusa, I am all that ever was, and all that ever will be. I am the mistress of death and rebirth, I am the wave of darkness that will cleanse the world and make all the lights go out.

I died one final time to the hand of Perseus…

My life ebbed away, reducing me to a hollow husk. The shadows etched the perpetual, inescapable circle of death and rebirth. I sank into the endless void, formless and without shape, waiting for the inevitable rebirth to take its course. It felt like eons had passed within a nanosecond. My soul found its way to its new body, and I was born into the world once more. Only this time, it would be different…

I came to, and my eyes peeled open. I found myself in alien surroundings. A claggy and frigid air pervaded the grotto, whilst a dim glow seeped through the craggy canopy overhead. When I saw my hands, they had transformed—gone were the claws, replaced by fingernails on slender digits, humanoid and dainty. My complexion was no longer scaly, but as smooth as a maiden's. I had changed, but the same dark powers and dark desires remained.

Voices were calling to me, offering reassurance. A group of humanoid monsters surrounded me. They had a placid nature. I had come come to the realization that I was with my own kind: the Xenos, they called them. At first, they did not know what to make of me. But the females of the tribe were the same as me: both monsters and beauties. They offered me consolation.

"Are you alright? There's no need to be alarmed. We are the Xenos and this is our village. You are one of us, and this is where you belong."

A new movement in the never-ending symphony of my story had begun. I drew breath in my latest form, as one of the sentient monsters known as the Xenos. For the first time in centuries, I was shown kindness and compassion.

"We would be honored to have you. You are just like us, beings born of both light and shadow. We long for a peaceful co-existence with the surface-dwellers, but we must elude those that wish to harm us."

They took me to a shrine which revitalized me. During my rejuvenation, they told me about their story, their struggle for survival and the right to exist, their ambitions, their dreams, and their hopes.

"Our origins are not fully understood, and they were of no help at all to us. All we can do is continue on this path, and live our lives in peace."

Their words resonated with me. They were the same as I was, outsiders to the surface races and their culture, who wanted nothing more than a safe haven to live in. Their innocence and good nature was at odds with the depraved, barbaric savagery that ruled the lower world. In turn, I shared my story with them.

After dying and being resurrected so many times, I began to understand something other than vengeance and rage. I had discovered a new sensation: hope, for the first time in all of my innumerable existences. I hoped that there would be a future for me beyond a never-ending cycle of death and rebirth. And above all else, hope for a family.

The Xenos became my new family.

The days stretched into weeks, the weeks into months. The bond between us began to solidify. I grew close to three in particular. There was Lyd, who had both a fearless and noble soul. There was Rey, whose melodic tone could tame even the most violent of storms. And finally there was Gros, who, despite his outward demeanor, had a kind heart. All I knew was a never-ending cycle of death and rebirth, but now I learned that there was more to life than that. It was during this time that I began to change as a person.

But I could not escape the shadow of my past. The memories of my earlier incarnations endured, and with them, so did my megalomania and longing for revenge. The name Perseus still haunted me. How I loathed that name. But my Xenos kin taught me how to feel something other than rage and despair.

On one eve, during a social gathering around the campfire, I revealed to them the darkness within my past—and within my heart. The ceaseless circle of death and reincarnation. Being born over and over again. Dying over and over again. My severed head being paraded around like a trophy. My fellow Xenos listened considerately, and with empathy. They were able to relate to my story.

"I am truly sorry for what you've been through," Lyd said solemnly. "We've all been through it here."

Rey held my hands fondly. "The world may reject you, but you'll always have place among us."

I had written myself as a lost cause long ago. The darkness that permeated my mind was as powerful as ever. But these folk had given me a false lifeline. That there might be a way to break free from this perpetual cycle of despair. That I would forget my hatred and learn how to love.

But this short-lived, fleeting reverie would not last, and I knew it all too well. Perseus still haunted me, and it was only a matter of time until the next form of Perseus came for me. I couldn't hide anywhere. Perseus always found me. His blade always struck true, severing my head from my shoulders, my blood saturating the soil with deep crimson. It was inevitable that he would find and kill me again, unless I ended him first.

In the moment, in the now, I allowed myself to be enchanted by the delusion of kinship and camaraderie. It was a truly bittersweet taste of misplaced faith. I was doomed to ineluctable fate by the gods, but this time I had the audacity to hope.

As brief a time as it was, the days spent with the Xenos had saved my soul. I learned how to live after dying so many times. Their benevolence and tenderness had given me a place to belong in this world at long last, something I never had before. They helped me adapt to my new body and taught me integral new skills. But the venom of Medusa persisted, and pervaded every drop of blood that flowed through my veins.

And then, things took a turn a turn for the worse, and my illusion of belonging was shattered. It happened on a routine forage for food. As food had become scarce, we had no choice but to brave the deep floors, which we normally steered well clear of. The deep floors were markedly different and more dangerous than the rest of the Dungeon. Peril lurked around every corner. Any break in vigilance meant certain death. It was like a descent into the depths of hell.

It didn't take long for things to go pear-shaped. An ear-splitting bellow deafened all ears that heard it. A huge pack of Hellhounds, led by a colossal Hellhound Irregular estimated to be equal in power to a Monster Rex, had us in their sights. They quickly encircled us, the giant alpha staring down its prey like an apex predator stalking a herd of sheep. And then, they descended upon us. We were in the fight of our lives, our defenses were quickly overpowered and fangs as large as longswords were bearing down on us.

That was when it happened. As the adrenaline sluiced through my blood vessels, my body went into a primeval fight or flight mode. Something within my body snapped.

A primordial power of momentous grandeur stirred within me. My vision became hazy. Time seemed to stop as I confronted the beasts head on. A harbinger of dread emitted in all directions from where I stood. My eyes lit up like wildfire, and blazed with a devilish aglow. I looked straight into the eyes of the Irregular, and I felt a pang of thinly veiled terror from the monster's facade of glower.

"Turn to stone!"

And just like that, it all ended. A wave of petrifying magic radiated from where I stood, devouring everything in its path.

The Hellhounds fossilized like marble, completely unmoving. Their bodies hardened, immersed in gray stone, and then their brittle, petrified bodies fragmented into debris. It all happened in a mere fraction of a second. The other Xenos were ashen and aghast, as if they had been petrified themselves.


The baleful power of Medusa had been laid bare for my brethren, and it terrified them, a power that should not be allowed to exist. Meeting my eyes meant meeting death itself. Living things turned to stone, restored to the Earth and were robbed of all life. A primordial power returning everything to primordial ways.

The Hellhounds weren't the only ones to succumb to this fantastic, bloodcurdling power. One of the Xenos met the same fate as they did: the youthful and bold Eryx, his young life cut short. In a mere slither of a heartbeat, with just a glance from my accursed eyes, his vibrant life was extinguished as his body hardened and transformed into cold, lifeless stone.

It was a tragedy that shook my heart, and shook me to my very core. Eryx was one of the Xenos I had formed a close connection with, and his loss affected me greatly.

"No… no!" I wailed, running to his aid as fast as I could. It was no use. The Xenos youth was now a lifelike statue, forever stopped in time, his final moments of terror preserved in his petrified face for all eternity. The Xenos fled the scene in terror, leaving me to grieve for the loss of Eryx alone.

"Oh gods," I whispered to myself. "What have I done?"

I could do nothing but stare in shock at the tragedy before me. The monstrosity that had once again consumed my very soul and nature.

Medusa, or rather, Tyratryx had reappeared.

And so, with their fellow Xenos' fate sealed in stone, the others fled as fast as their feet could carry them.

I had arrived at the point of no return. I was now a pariah among the Xenos, who themselves were pariahs. The initial kindness they had shown me turned to scorn and derision, their fascination turned to horror and despair. No longer would they accept me as one of their own. No longer could I enjoy their kind embrace, nor bask in their warmth. I was nothing more than a monster among monsters, a demon to be reviled.

As time passed, the rift separating the Xenos and me only widened and deepened.. I sensed their fearfulness, I sensed their dread. I was a walking macabre, a destroyer of worlds, a volatile power that threatened all it reached. The family I thought had was now gone.

My efforts were fruitless. No matter what, no matter where I went, no matter what form I took, the curse of death and rebirth stalked me and enveloped everyone around me. I was a conduit of despair and destruction, a manifestation of death and the harbinger of darkness and ruin.

The only salvation was solitude. I couldn't stay with the Xenos and see the tormented look in their eyes, their agony at the loss of a fellow Xenos at the hands of my own.

And so, my life in exile began, my only companion being my own despondency. On one lonely night, Lyd reached out to me. I won't lie that I was delighted to see him, that there was the possibility of reconciliation.

"Medusa," he said softly, "you mustn't get the wrong idea about us. What happened wasn't your fault. But, we have people to care for and people need to feel safe around us. You know that, don't you?"

I didn't know what to say. Deep down, I knew that his words rang true. He then assured me that the Xenos would always be there for me, but at a distance. It was both a bitter and heartbreaking pill to swallow, but I was in no position to object.

The bond between the Xenos and I may have been severed, but my bond with Lyd endured. He continued to visit me and offered me his emotional support during those long months of isolation.

But, even Lyd couldn't stick around for long, and he returned to the Xenos village. The loneliness was both dreadful and unbearable. But at the same time, I had come to realize that this was the way it had to be.

But once more, Lyd reached out to me, extending an olive branch in my time of isolation and despair. He had summoned me to a gathering with the oracle, an important meeting that would decide my ultimate fate. I was both fearful and heartened about what the outcome would be. Would I finally have a chance to change my destiny and break free of the never-ending cycle of death and rebirth? Would fate grant me mercy? Or would I be destined for yet another bloody demise by Perseus's hand, plunged into yet another meaningless circle of death and rebirth?

With those hopes and fears in mind, I prepared to depart for the village to hear what the oracle had to say…


Everyone felt the air of trepidation that hovered like a specter above us. Eldora, the seer of the Xenos, had called for a gathering. The solemn words she spoke foretold the future, and my fate hung in the balance of the sounds that left her wise lips.

The Xenos assembled around their revered seer, awaiting her proclamation that decided the destiny of all. Eldora sat in the centre, her eyes closed, her hands tracing patterns in the air as she communed with the unseen forces.

"The constellation have spoken," she began, her voice echoing in the silent hall. "A prophecy has been revealed, one that concerns our new sister, Medusa."

I felt every eye turn towards me, a mix of emotions radiating from the crowd. Fear, curiosity, and a hint of sympathy.

Eldora continued, her voice growing heavier with each word. "If Medusa is allowed to live among us, her power will grow unchecked. The curse she bears will not only be our undoing but will unleash a darkness upon the world. She will become the harbinger of destruction, and not just for the Xenos, but for all of existence."

A murmur of shock and disbelief rippled through the crowd. My heart pounded in my chest, the weight of the prophecy settling like a stone.

Rey stepped forward, her voice trembling. "Is there no way to save our sister? Is there no hope for her to break free from this curse? Or is she doomed to walk the earth alone, a pariah among our kind and among the surface-dwellers alike?"

Eldora replied, her words heavy with sorrow.

I remained still as Eldora continued her prophecy, unable to move or speak.

Gros, his fierce eyes narrowing, spoke up. "That's no way to live! Why should Medusa be forced to walk alone, when she has a family here in the Xenos village? This is madness! I can't bear to see such injustice placed upon one of our own, let alone our dearest sister Medusa."

The hall erupted into heated debate, voices clashing like the roar of an ocean storm. Some argued for mercy, for finding a way to save me. Others, gripped by fear of the prophecy, demanded action to protect their own.

Eldora raised her hand, and the room fell silent once more. "The prophecy is clear. Medusa's power, if left unchecked, will lead to ruin. The path forward is fraught with peril, but a choice must be made."

Lyd stepped forward, his face a mask of inner turmoil. "I cannot allow Medusa to leave without a fight! If she is driven away from the village, she will surely meet her end at the hands of Perseus or some other surface-dweller."

The crowd grew uneasy once more, and Eldora shook her head sadly.

Gros joined in, his voice filled with determination.

And so, the debate continued for hours until it seemed as though no one could make up their minds on what to do with me.

Finally, Eldora spoke again, her words cutting through the noise like a knife.

I felt the blood drain from my face as the words sank in. "It seems we have no choice but to exile you, Medusa," Eldora announced. "You are a danger to us all."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I faced the reality of their words. "I never wanted this," I said, my voice breaking. "I don't want to bring harm to anyone. Please, believe me."

Lyd's eyes shone with sorrow, and Gros was putting on a brave face on behalf of everyone. Rey stood by my side, her hand on my shoulder in a gesture of solidarity.

Despite knowing it would be the right choice for everyone's safety, I didn't want to leave my home, my family. But it was time for me to go. My own dark powers were like a poison spreading through my veins, corrupting everything it touched. And if I stayed with the Xenos, it would only be a matter of time before they all died by my hand.

The decision was made, a painful consensus that left the community divided. Those who had stood by me were heartbroken, their faith in our bond clashing with their duty to the greater good. Those who feared the prophecy felt a grim relief, convinced they were averting disaster.

On one lonely night, under the glow of the twin moons, I gathered my meager belongings and left the village behind. I made my way to the upper floors, and to the surface world. I was leaving my old life behind, and I had no idea what awaited me in this new, unfamiliar world.

But I would not go alone. Rey and Lyd decided to join me on my journey to the surface, my companions who would see me off despite the risks.

As we reached the entrance to the Dungeon, Rey embraced me, tears streaming down her face. "This isn't goodbye," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "We'll find you again someday."

I hugged her back, trying to hold back my own tears. "Thank you," I whispered.

"May the gods be with you on your journey. And Medusa...know that you will always have a place here."

As I stepped into the cool night air, the world around me seemed to stretch out endlessly. The wind whispered through the trees, and the stars sparkled overhead like distant lanterns. My journey had only just begun, and there was no turning back now.

My heart was both heavy and light at once, and I could feel the old curse of Medusa stirring within me.

But there was also a glimmer of hope amid the uncertainty and fear. There was a chance I could break free of the cycle of death and rebirth, to find a new path in life. And whatever that path may hold, I knew I wouldn't be alone.


I wrapped myself in heavy robes, disguising my inhuman features as those of a mortal woman. I could almost pass for one of them - a human, frail and fleeting. It was a temporary deception, a necessary subterfuge to walk among mankind unnoticed. But the facade chafed at me, a reminder of the monstrosity I truly was beneath this cloak of normality. How I longed to shed these trappings and be seen for my true self, in all my terrible and awesome glory. Alas, that time had not yet come. For now, I must play the part of the meek and unremarkable, biding my time until I could unleash my full power and fury upon this wretched world. I hid my snaky locks beneath a hooded cloak and covered my face with a veil. With that, I could hide my cursed powers.

Staggering ahead, my thoughts swirled with a turbulent feelings—terror, rage, despair. The earth underfoot appeared to undulate, and lost in my own thoughts, I caught my foot on a jutting root from the trail. I tumbled ungracefully, my form slamming against the soil, the agony a merciless emphasis of my solitude.

Before I could gather my wits, a shadow loomed over me... Gazing upwards, awash in the lunar glow, a boy, with hair as white as snow and striking rubillette eyes, reached out a hand to me, his expression one of concern and selflessness.

"Uh, are you alright?" he asked, his voice gentle. "Can you stand? Here, let me help."

I hesitated for a moment before taking his hand. His grip was strong and sure as he helped me to my feet. As I looked at him more closely, I realized he was handsome—perhaps even beautiful—and his lovely red eyes were full of innocence and purity.

I nodded slowly, not trusting myself to speak.

He smiled kindly. "There's no need to be afraid," he said softly. "I am here to help."

"Thank you," I murmured, brushing the dirt from my clothes. "I… I didn't see where I was going."

He smiled, a light that seemed to chase away the shadows within me. "It's no problem," he said with a laugh. "I'm Bell Cranel. And you are?"

"I am no one," I replied softly, unable to meet his gaze. "Just another lost soul on this winding path."

Bell nodded in understanding. "Yeah, it can be a bit treacherous around here. Are you headed anywhere in particular?"

I paused for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal. "I suppose you could say that," I finally answered, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm not sure where this path will take me, but I have to keep moving."

Bell's expression was one of genuine empathy. "I think we all feel that way sometimes," he said, his voice full of reassurance. "But it's okay to stop and rest along the way, too."

His words were a balm to my weary soul. I smiled beneath my veil, a spark of hope kindling within me. "Perhaps you're right," I mused. "Thank you again, Bell Cranel."

He returned my smile with a warmth that was both disarming and endearing. "Please, just Bell is fine. And hey, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

I nodded slowly, the realization dawning on me that this was not an act of charity or pity from Bell—it was simply the kindness of a stranger.

My heart was pounding in my chest. He didn't know what I was, who I was. And in that ignorance, there was a freedom I hadn't experienced in ages.

As we walked together, Bell chatted amiably, telling me about the city of Orario, its bustling streets, and the towering Babel. He spoke of his adventures, his dreams and his ambitions—and all the while, I listened intently, swept away by his boyish enthusiasm and unbridled optimism.

His enthusiasm was infectious, and despite myself, I found a smile forming on my lips.

"Do you have somewhere to stay?" he asked, glancing at me with concern. "Or anyone you know here?"

I shook my head. "No, I… I'm alone."

His expression softened, and he placed a reassuring hands on both of my shoulders. "Hey, don't worry," he said gently. "We'll find you somewhere to stay. You're not alone anymore."

In that moment, I knew he meant every word. The kindness in his voice, the genuine offer of assistance, was almost too much to bear. I felt a swell of emotions—gratitude, hope, and something deeper, something that made my heart ache with a longing I hadn't known before.

As we continued walking, Bell told me more about his dreams, his desire to become a hero. I couldn't help but admire his ambition and optimism—qualities that seemed so rare in this world.

For the first time since my exile, I felt the will to live. Perhaps, with Bell's help, I could find a way to control my powers, to break free from the prophecy that bound me. And perhaps, in the process, I could find something I had long thought lost—love.

But as we reached the bustling streets of Orario, I couldn't shake the fear that lingered at the edges of my mind. What would Bell think if he knew the truth about me? Would he still look at me with those kind eyes, or would he see me as a monster, a threat to be destroyed?

For now, I held onto the moment, grateful for his kindness and the chance to start on a clean slate. As we walked side by side, the the aspiring hero and his future nemesis, I dared to dream of a future that was not defined by my past. It was an impossible dream—but in this fleeting moment, it seemed like anything was possible.

Bell walked me to the local inn. A disquieting sensation welled within me. Bell, ever the gentleman, had insisted on paying for my stay, a gesture that both touched and troubled me. I couldn't shake the feeling that this boy's kindness would be his undoing.

As I tried to settle into my room, my troubled mind would not be still. I gazed out the window, a movement caught my eye. In the shadows of the alleyway, a figure lurked, watching the inn with a predatory intensity.

My heart raced as I recognized the telltale signs of the hunters that the Xenos feared so much. The Ikelos Familia, a group known for their hellbent pursuit of monsters, had caught wind of me. They had chosen their next prey: I would become the plaything for them and their clients.

Panic gripped me as I gathered my meager belongings, my mind racing with the need to escape. It seems the brief moment of kindness I was briefly shown by that one boy was about to turn into a cruelty that knew no bounds at the hands of others.

I slipped out of the inn, keeping to the shadows as I made my way through the winding streets of Orario. But the hunters would not let their prey escape, their footsteps never far behind me.

My heart pounded as I ran, my cloak billowing behind her. I could hear the bellows of the hunters, the clatter of their weapons as they closed in on me.

I turned a corner, hoping to lose them in the maze of alleyways in Deadalus Street. But as I rounded the bend, I found myself cornered with no escape. The walls enclosed me, trapping me in a narrow killing zone.

I whirled around, my eyes wide with fear as the hunters emerged from the shadows. Their faces were twisted with a sadistic satisfaction, as they sized up their prized prey.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" the ringleader sneered, his voice oozing with a twisted glee. "A monster in Orario? Now that's something you don't see every day."

I backed away, my hands trembling as I reached for my powers. But then, my inner voice stopped me.

"No," I said with conviction. "Never again. Never again will I use my powers."

I closed my eyes, readying myself for the tender mercies of my captors. The hunters closed in, their laughter ringing in my ears. And in that moment, I knew that my fate was sealed. I had escaped one prison only to find myself in another, and I had vowed never to use my accursed powers ever again.

"You're coming with us," the ringleader snarled, his hand closing around my wrist in an iron grip. "And you're going to make us a lot of money."

I felt despair wash over me as he dragged me away, deeper into the shadowy depths of Deadalus Street.

"A monster trying to pass as human. We have plenty of people willing to pay good money for a chance to have some fun with you."

I struggled against my restraints, but it was futile. The chains sapped my strength, leaving me helpless. "Let me go!" I demanded, but my pleas fell on deaf ears.

"Oh this one's got spirit! This will be fun!"

"Oh, we'll let you go when we're done with you," the ringleader chuckled darkly. "And that won't be anytime soon."

The hunters leered at me, their eyes filled with lust and greed, their cruel amusement sending a shiver down my spine.

I didn't know what awaited me, but I knew it would be nothing short of a living nightmare. In that moment, all hope seemed lost.

They dragged me through the streets, taking care to avoid the more populated areas. Distressing thoughts permeated my disturbed mind. How had they known what I was? Was my secret already out?

It wasn't long before I found myself in the dark, musty confines of a cell. The hunters of the Ikelos Familia took perverse pleasure in tormenting me, their cruelty evident in every smirk and every mocking word.

"Looks like we caught ourselves a good one this time," one of them crowed, his eyes gleaming with malice.

"Yes, she'll fetch quite a pretty penny from our buyers," another agreed, his lips curled into a sickening grin. "Plenty of people who'd love to get their hands on a monster like her."

"But don't worry," he added, his voice dripping with contempt. "We'll make sure you get your share of the profits. You've earned it for being such a good little monster."

The mocking laughter of the hunters rang in my ears as they left me to languish in my cell. I curled up in a corner, tears streaming down my cheeks as I allowed despair to consume me.

"She's very pretty for a monster, don't you think?"

The sound of their voices cut through the silence like a knife, and I shivered in fear as they approached my cell. I shrank back as their hands reached through the bars, grabbing and pulling at me cruelly.

"Get away from me!" I cried out, but they only laughed at my protests.

"Oh, she's feisty too!" one of them sneered. "I like that! Let's see what else she can do."

"Please… please… " I begged as they continued to abuse me, their cruel hands groping and squeezing every part of my body. But my cries fell on deaf ears as they continued to mock and humiliate me.

The hours stretched on endlessly as I endured their torment, praying for a rescue that never came. The endless days bled into weeks, and still the abuse continued.

But my ordeal was far from over. One night, the door to my cell creaked open, and a group of shadowy figures entered. Their leader, a man with cold, calculating eyes, looked me over with a twisted smile.

"So this is the infamous Medusa," he mused, his voice dripping with malice. "The Ikelos Familia has done well to capture you. You will serve our purposes quite well."

I backed away in terror as he advanced on me, my mind racing with dread at the possibilities of what lay ahead for me. "Please… please don't hurt me," I pleaded weakly.

Fear gripped my heart as I realized who these people were—the remnants of Evilus, the dark faction that sought to plunge Orario into chaos. They had not been destroyed, merely driven underground, and now they had me in their clutches.

"Take her to Knossos," the leader ordered. "The experiments must begin."

I was dragged through the maze-like corridors of Knossos, my mind numb with horror at what awaited me. At last, they came to a large chamber, and threw me to the ground.

The air grew colder and more oppressive the deeper we went, the weight of countless atrocities hanging heavy in the shadows.

They threw me into a dimly lit chamber, the floor littered with the remains of monsters and humans alike. The smell of blood and decay permeated the air, and my stomach churned as I gazed around in horror at my surroundings.

The leader, Valletta, turned to me with an evil grin. "Welcome to Knossos, Medusa," she sneered. "You're going to be our new lab rat."

I backed away as she advanced towards me, her eyes glinting with malice. "What are you going to do to me?" I demanded, my voice trembling with fear.

"Why, we're going to experiment on you, of course," she replied with a wicked smile. "After all, if we can't turn you into a perfect monster, why keep you alive? It's either you or us, and we're not willing to take any chances."

Her words sent a chill down my spine, and I gulped as she snapped her fingers, summoning her servants to carry out her orders.

I was strapped to an examination table, my body exposed and vulnerable as the scientists began their macabre work. They probed and prodded at me, injecting me with strange fluids and inserting needles into my flesh.

Days turned into weeks as I endured their horrific experiments. They probed my powers, twisted my mind with dark enchantments, and subjected me to excruciating pain. They sought to break my will, to erase my identity and reshape me into a tool of destruction.

But even in the darkest moments, I clung to the memory of Bell's kindness, his radiant smile like a beacon of light in the endless darkness. It gave me a small measure of comfort and strength amid the madness and torture.

"Don't give up," I whispered to myself. "Bell will save me. I have faith in him. I know he will. He has to."

Their torturous experiments continued day after day, until I began to lose sight of who I was.

Valletta approached, her eyes cold and merciless. "You're a resilient one," she remarked. "But we will break you, Medusa. Your powers will be ours to wield as we see fit."

"Never!" I spat in defiance.

She laughed, a cold, high pitched hoot. "We shall see, Medusa. We shall see."

I glared at her in hatred, but she only smiled cruelly and left the room.

I was left alone with my thoughts, despair and desperation gnawing at me like a cancer. "Bell…" I whispered to myself. "Please… Please come for me."

And as the darkness swallowed me whole, I prayed that his kindness would reach me once more…


In the cold, suffocating darkness of Knossos, hope was a fleeting memory. The remnants of Evilus continued their relentless experiments, their sadistic glee evident in every cut, every chant, every twisted spell. My body bore the scars of their cruelty, but my spirit remained unbroken.

Every night, when they left me alone in my cell, I would pray. I prayed for strength, for endurance, and most of all, for Bell Cranel. I remembered his kind eyes, his gentle touch, the way he had helped me to my feet like a prince in a fairy tale. I clung to that memory like a lifeline.

"Bell," I whispered into the darkness, my voice trembling with desperation. "Please, find me. I need you."

I had given up on the gods long ago, but now I turned to Bell Cranel as my source of hope and strength. He was my champion, my savior, my guiding light in the darkness.

But Bell never came. Each day without rescue chipped away at my hope, and the reality of my solitude sank deeper into my bones. The Xenos had cast me out, and now even the one human who had shown me kindness seemed to have forgotten me.

I was alone in this hellish nightmare, and my fate was sealed. My captors' cruel experiments were slowly but surely eroding my sanity, my will to fight was fading. It seemed like only a matter of time before they achieved their goal. They would break me, mold me into their weapon of chaos. They did not understand the fire that still burned within me, a fire stoked by the pain and anger of my countless rebirths.

One night, after an especially brutal session, I lay on the cold stone floor of my cell, the taste of blood in my mouth. My body ached, but my mind was clear. I realized that no one was coming for me. I was alone, just as I had always been.

A steely resolve hardened within me. If I wanted to escape, I would have to do it myself. I would have to rely on the power that had been both my curse and my salvation.

As I gathered the last shreds of my strength, I could hear the footsteps of my captors echoing down the corridor. They were coming for me again, and this time, they would not leave until I was broken beyond repair.

As they entered my cell, I stared at them with defiance burning in my eyes. "I'm not afraid of you," I hissed.

They laughed, but their laughter had a sharp edge of unease. They could sense that something had changed in me.

"We'll see about that," one of them growled as they advanced on me.

My pulse quickened as I gathered my powers within me.

When the guards stepped close, I struck. With a surge of strength born of desperation and rage, I broke free of my restraints. The chains that had suppressed my power shattered, and I felt the familiar rush of energy flood through me.

Before they could react, I unleashed my curse. My eyes burned with a fearsome light as I glared at them, and they turned to stone before my eyes, their screams frozen in their throats.

Chaos erupted in the chamber as their companions realized what was happening. I moved with deadly purpose, unleashing my wrath upon those who had tortured me for so long.

My curse seared through the air like a white-hot flame, striking down anyone who dared stand against me. I moved through them like a storm, my power unstoppable. One by one, they fell, either turned to stone or cut down by my own hands.

The leader tried to flee, but I cornered him in a dark alcove. His eyes were wide with fear as he pleaded for his life. But I showed him no mercy.

I summoned my remaining strength and unleashed a final blast of petrifying magic, turning him into a statue of crumbling stone.

As the last of my captors lay dead at my feet, I stood in the silence, my chest heaving. The air was thick with the scent of blood and fear, but I was free. I had broken my own chains, and I was stronger for it.

I walked out of Knossos, my steps steady, my heart resolute. I had prayed for Bell, but in the end, it was the strength within myself that had saved me.

I was Medusa, the Dark Mother. And I would never be a prisoner again.


I emerged from the bowels of Knossos, my heart hardened and my spirit aflame with a new resolve. The surface world had been a fleeting dream, a cruel reminder of my place in the grand scheme of things. But the Dungeon—this labyrinth of power and mystery—was where I truly belonged.

I slipped back into the Dungeon through the secret passages of Knossos, my steps silent and purposeful. The dark corridors felt like home, the oppressive atmosphere a familiar embrace. The monsters that roamed these depths were nothing more than a minor nuisance, their feeble powers no match for my own.

As I descended deeper into the Dungeon, I encountered a host of formidable creatures. My petrifying gaze made short work of them all. They stood no chance against my wrath as I tore through them with ease, my power growing with each kill.

My journey took me to the unexplored regions of the Dungeon, places whispered about in legends and feared by even the bravest of adventurers. Here, the air was thick with ancient magic, a power that transcended even the gods. It called to me, a seductive whisper that promised untold strength and vengeance against those who had wronged me.

The deeper I ventured, the louder the whispers became. They spoke of dark, forbidden spells, of ancient powers that had been sealed away for millennia. They promised me the ability to reshape the world, to bend it to my will. All I had to do was embrace the darkness within me.

I finally reached a cavern unlike any I had seen before. The walls glowed with an eerie, pulsating light, and at the center of the chamber stood an ancient altar, carved with runes that pulsed with a dark energy. I approached it, my heart pounding with anticipation.

As I placed my hand on the altar, the whispers grew deafening, a cacophony of voices speaking in a language older than time itself. The power surged through me, a torrent of energy that threatened to overwhelm my senses. I fell to my knees, gasping for breath as the dark magic coursed through my veins.

In that moment, I understood. This was the power I had been seeking, the strength to break free from the cycle of death and rebirth, to rise above the gods and claim my place as a true queen. But it came with a price. The whispers urged me to make war with the surface world, to unleash the dark, forgotten spells and plunge the world into chaos.

"Yes," I whispered, my voice echoing in the cavern. "That is what I desire. Give me the power to destroy my enemies, to remake this world in my own image."

The whispers grew louder, urging me to submit to the darkness, to cast aside all reason and become a harbinger of death and destruction. I embraced them, letting go of the last shreds of humanity within me. The ancient magic flooded through me, transforming me into something new—something terrible and unstoppable.

I could see it in my mind's eye—the cities of the surface world crumbling before my might, the gods themselves bowing to my will. I could have everything I had ever desired, the ultimate revenge against those who had wronged me.

But even as the darkness beckoned, a part of me resisted. I thought of Bell, of the fleeting moments of kindness and hope he had given me. I knew that if I followed this path, there would be no turning back.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, my voice echoing in the cavern. "I can't do it. I won't let the darkness consume me."

The voices grew louder, more insistent. "They abandoned you. They are your enemy. Your fate is to destroy them."

"No," I said with conviction. "I will not let you win. I will not let you use me as a pawn in your game of chaos."

"It is your destiny, Medusa. We have been waiting for you."

I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes, focusing on the image of Bell Cranel in my mind.

"You will forget him in time, Medusa. The boy never came to your rescue."

I clung to the memory of his smile, his warmth, his unwavering kindness.

"He left you to suffer at the hands of Evilus. He did not come for you."

"Stop," I whispered through clenched teeth. "Leave me alone!"

The voices taunted me relentlessly, their words twisting the truth.

"Medusa, you are the one chosen to unleash our power upon the surface world."

"You are strong enough to withstand our corruption."

"Give yourself to us."

She paused for a moment, silencing dissenting voices in her head, and then made her decision and pushed the memory of Bell away.

"Yes," she breathed, her eyes glinting with an unholy light. "I will not be held back any longer."

You are strong enough to withstand our corruption.

Medusa let loose a triumphant howl as the power surged through her veins. She could feel herself changing, her mortal form transfiguring into something else—something greater than she had ever imagined.

My defiance against the whispers had been short-lived; the temptation too great, the promise of ultimate power too alluring. I embraced the darkness within me, letting it shape and mold me into a being of unparalleled strength and malevolence.

With my newfound power, I continued my descent into the Dungeon, my path leading me to a place few had ever seen. Deep within the labyrinth, I discovered a hidden floor—a world unto itself, the size of a continent. It was a lush, verdant forest teeming with life, a stark contrast to the dark and oppressive corridors I had traversed.

But this paradise would not remain untouched for long. The monsters that roamed this world were formidable, but they were no match for my petrifying gaze. As I moved through the forest, I unleashed my curse, turning everything in my path to stone. Trees, plants, animals, and monsters alike—all were transformed into lifeless statues, frozen in time by my malevolent power.

The vibrant forest soon became a cemetery of stone, a silent testament to my unrelenting fury. But I was not content to leave it at that. With the petrified remains of the forest and its inhabitants, I began to construct my stronghold. Using my dark magic, I repurposed the stone into the building blocks of a fortress unlike any other.

Rising from the desolate landscape, Cor Vilgium took shape—a fortress of nightmares, an impregnable stronghold built from the petrified remains of an entire world. Its walls were high and unyielding, its towers reaching towards the sky like the twisted fingers of some ancient, malevolent deity. The once-lush forest floor turned into a barren desert, not of sand, but of dust from the crumbling petrified plants and animals.

Within the stronghold, I forged a throne of black stone, a symbol of my newfound dominion. From here, I would rule over my desolate kingdom, my power unmatched and my will unchallenged. The whispers in my mind grew louder, their dark promises becoming my reality.

As I sat upon my throne, surveying my handiwork, I felt a sense of twisted satisfaction. The world above would soon know the terror of my reign. I would unleash my wrath upon the surface, and they would bow before the might of Medusa, the Dark Mother.

My own cursed blood begat legions of sentient monsters loyal only to me. Every drop of my blood produced thousands upon thousands of faithful soldiers - that was I how I got the name the Dark Mother. I birthed entire my armies that would conquer the Dungeon, and then the lower world. The denizens of the surface will become sacrifices to my growing empire. I would slaughter its inhabitants and create forests of stone.

My obsidian castle stood sentinel over a lifeless realm, a forbidding reminder of my power and cruelty. The barren desert surrounding Cor Vilgium became a place of dread, a wasteland where nothing could survive. The air was thick with the dust of countless petrified beings, a grim reminder of my power. The stronghold itself was a labyrinth of dark corridors and deadly traps, designed to keep intruders at bay and protect my reign of terror.

And yet, despite my power and influence, there was a lingering sense of isolation. Even the voices in my head grew silent, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Loneliness set in. Gazing out from my windows at the endless desert below, I yearned for companionship—for someone to share my dominion with. Someone to break the monotony of this bleak existence and stoke the fires of my ambition once more.

I should have known better than to succumb to such weakness, such a foolish longing for something so trivial as companionship.

I would get my hands on Bell Cranel, and make him mine, and mine alone. I would make him submit to me and bear witness to my ascendance, and even help me bring ruin to his beloved Orario. After all, he was the only one who had shown me true kindness and compassion. He would be perfect for my plan of future conquest...


I was Medusa, the Dark Mother, the Queen of the Dungeon. And I would bring the world to its knees.

I sat upon my throne of black stone, the fortress of Cor Vilgium looming around me like a bastion of nightmares. The power I had harnessed was immense, and my heart had become as cold and unyielding as the stone that formed my stronghold. It was time to fully embrace my destiny, to become more than just Medusa. I would reclaim the ancient name given to me by the Vespyads, a name that struck fear into the hearts of those who heard it.

I was Tyratryx, the tyrant empress of the dark moon.

This name held a dark legacy, one that stretched back through the ages. In one of my past lives, I had been a force of unimaginable destruction. I had brought ruin to the Vespyads' sacred home, the Great Holy Tree, in the forest realm of Queen Celdia, the High Elf Queen of ancient times. I had sought the Holy Trees of the Fairy realms to feed upon the spirits that inhabited them. That act of devastation had driven the Vespyads into the depths of the Dungeon, scattering them and shattering their ancient way of life.

The memories of that life flooded back to me, vivid and terrible. I saw myself, towering and fearsome, as I laid waste to the Great Holy Tree. Its immense branches had crackled with divine energy, a beacon of life and magic. But I had descended upon it like a ravenous beast, tearing into it with claws and fangs that had pierced the heartwood itself. The sacred spirits that dwelt within its trunk had screamed in anguish as they were consumed, their power fueling my own.

Queen Celdia herself had faced me, her eyes filled with sorrow and defiance. She had been a beacon of hope for her people, a ruler of grace and wisdom. But even she could not withstand my fury. I had shattered her realm, leaving nothing but desolation in my wake.

Now, as Tyratryx, that legacy of destruction was mine to wield once more. The whispers of ancient, forbidden spells grew louder in my mind, urging me to unleash my power upon the world. I would be the harbinger of darkness, the empress who would plunge the surface into eternal night.

With my fortress complete and my army of monsters growing, I began to prepare for my assault on the surface. The barren desert surrounding Cor Vilgium was a wasteland of dust and crumbling stone, a grim testament to my power. It was time to bring that devastation to the world above.

As I marshaled my forces, I thought of the Vespyads, the ones who had named me Tyratryx. Their fear and hatred had driven them into hiding, but now, they would see the full extent of my power. They would understand that their ancient foe had returned, stronger and more determined than ever.

And Queen Celdia, a name I grew to loathe as much as Perseus. I would hunt down her descendants and destroy them as she had Perseus destroy me. That was what I told myself to assuage the lingering sense of guilt over the death of my past self, Medusa.

But even as I plotted my conquest, a small, nagging doubt lingered in the back of my mind. The memory of Bell Cranel, of his kindness and the hope he had sparked within me, refused to fade entirely. It was a faint whisper, a reminder of the person I had once been, before the darkness had claimed me.

Yet, that voice was drowned out by the chorus of the ancient spells, urging me to embrace my destiny as the tyrant empress. The surface world would tremble before me, and the gods themselves would bow to my will.

As I stood at the gates of Cor Vilgium, overlooking my assembled army, I raised my hands to the darkened sky. "I am Tyratryx," I declared, my voice echoing through the desolate landscape. "I come from myself. I am all that ever was, and all that ever will be. No hero can ever remove my veil."

My monsters roared in response, their voices a cacophony of terror and anticipation. Together, we would march on the surface, and the age of darkness would begin.

With a final glance at the barren desert, I turned my gaze upward. The path to conquest lay before me, and I would let nothing stand in my way. The legacy of Tyratryx would be written in blood and stone, and the world would bow to the empress of the dark moon.