
CrossWood Tommy

As I closed my eyes, the darkness swallowed the world, turning it into a vast mass of chaos. Drifting it's reels and tendrils deep into the world swiftly taking time as fast as it could... Only I CrossWood Tommy can stop it. ____ Darkness, doom and evil ruled, and the Evil Monarchy started it's death transition within the country. Tommy as an aspirant, what could he do? He was on the verge of falling apart knowing as the Monarchy spell had him infected already.

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


"Hey, you would be going to the station. The corps wanted you!" Casey's eyes gleamed slightly. Tommy bent over on his chair forking around with his cutlery which formidably stabbed on the empty plate.


Casey cleared his throat for a while as his body twisted in an attempt to stretch his strained bones. "They will ask about your kidnappers, so visit them by 4" his statement was solemn creating a deep resentment within Tommy and the corps. Fuck them all...

Finally nodding in his total agreement to do what his dad had instructed, he cleared out the plates and pots lying empty on the dinning table. After few rounds of video games from their second VCRS, Tommy decided to head up his room, his eyes was already sore with sleep and letting them twitch close whenever he's on war with Casey playing games was not worth it. Casey ended up gaining the upper hand because Tommy had blantly lost 20 times and it was frustrating as hell. His bed room was sectioned at the first floor behind the house guest room which Tommy had turned into his workout room because it's been long he had a guest sleepover.

"Good night Dad" Tommy screamed halfway through the stairs. "Good night honey," Casey's tone was mocking and Tommy groaned defiantly. Reaching his room's door handle, he pulled on it. But suddenly he stiffened when the door broke off it's hinges. Now he's been reminded of the strange powers which suddenly came to him as a surprise. Well it helped him from dieing in the hands of Theodore so what's the big deal? His muscles twitched slightly making it a bit taut. His mind went completely hazy as thoughts of how this powers came flashed through his mind and his stare at the broken door was a bit confusing. Especially with the door extremely light to him.


He muttered, carefully letting the door out of his grasp. Motionless for a while he screamed,

"dad my door's broken"

"Oh... shoot!" Was Casey's only response and Tommy entered the room.

The next day, it was 10am. The sun streaked brightly into his room and the heat touched Tommy's skin and he hissed out. This was something Tommy had a great distaste for. Was it not just now he had rested his head to the pillow? Damn! It was like he hardly gets enough sleep nowadays.

When he opened his eyes, the bright alluring light dazzling into his eyes, noticing his dad by the side of his one floor-to-ceiling window as he aimlessly pulled on the curtains making the dark room attain light. "Damn! Close the curtains dad" Tommy sneered as he stared at Casey with his head raised slightly.

'This is 10. Did you forget about school?' Casey asked and Tommy sat upright and made one awful move as he swiped the window close hiding the heat of the sun from his body. "You know, the morning sun is good for your growth, it gives the vitamin D3" Casey said staring blankly at Tommy and Tommy laughed "no dad, this one is way pass vitamin D, it's vitamin burning as hell" Tommy said earning a chuckle from his dad.

"No school?" He asked and Tommy's eyes widened "Oh damn, dad I forgot about this" Tommy groaned his head falling on the pillow, "ok get up let's get going. Clean up and meet me at breakfast in ten minutes; I'll drop you off" Casey said pushing Tommy out of bed and leading him to the bathroom. "Dad? Uhhh!!" Tommy sobbed.

Casey stared at his broken door in utter surprised etched on his face. Still wondering what in heavens name would had plunged this door off it's hinges. "Oh and... I never thought that this door was broken to this extent" Tommy's eyes bulged after Casey made that statement and he replied quickly as if wanting the conversation to end without it even starting.

"Uh.. Dad yeah, it surprises me too" he blurted out heading into the bathroom to avoid more questions about the broken door.


Ding Dong

Casey heard the doorbell ring. He quickly went his way to get it. Edward and Rielle Walked right in smiling ridiculously at the man who's brow raised a bit.

"Good morning Mr CrossWood, have Tommy been found?" Rielle asked and Casey smiled.

Why not, come in... Have a sit Tommy's getting ready for school"

Rielle brightened up with thousand stars rolling in those silvery flux called eyes. "You mean, he's back?" Both Edward and Rielle said in Union and at the same time chorused together. "Jinx buy me a coconut"

Damn! Rielle. Am looking forward to you getting me the coconut.

"Not gonna happen" Rielle smiled her smartness showcasing over her face. Casey smiled. Edward ran a hand over his hair as he got himself comfortable on the king sized sofa, "we were about having breakfast, luckily I have enough for four" Casey said dressing the dinning table as clanking of metal plates filled the room. Rielle nudged Edward and they gathered themselves up to the dinning. Starting with the pancakes pilled up Rielle turned towards the grand stairs as the silhouette of Tommy showed into her vision.