
CrossWood Tommy

As I closed my eyes, the darkness swallowed the world, turning it into a vast mass of chaos. Drifting it's reels and tendrils deep into the world swiftly taking time as fast as it could... Only I CrossWood Tommy can stop it. ____ Darkness, doom and evil ruled, and the Evil Monarchy started it's death transition within the country. Tommy as an aspirant, what could he do? He was on the verge of falling apart knowing as the Monarchy spell had him infected already.

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Figure out who you are

Quickly he walked in going in without any motive of turning back. [Wittney White's Concert here behind the walls of arch - 16th June, 2009].

"Oh men, oh... Wittney's gonna be here, it's 16th June already, oh and that's today" Tommy said excitedly and headed deeper into the park and there he saw Theodore, definitely Theodore was up to no good so Tommy followed him and realized that he had a girl as hostage. Tommy should know why that girl was kept there, he wanted to have her in bed forcefully. He must be a sex addict.

Tommy wondered what was his business if Theodore kidnaps a girl but he couldn't just let him do it so he quickly went to the girl's rescue but ended up being a hostage to him, yes the girl was safe now but was he? thoughts ran through his mind.



Tommy CrossWood ran his cold hands through his hair, his poor Dad might be worried sick knowing that he was an only child and he was the only bundle of joy left after his mom died, and now all of a sudden Tommy didn't return from school after the closing time, he wasn't picking his calls either. Tommy wondered that he might have filed an FIR to the corps, he might have gotten a heartache at the thoughts of loosing him. Tommy couldn't help that gut feeling that calls for a proper punishment for him once he's at home, because definitely his dad would scold him for doing something naughty as this but it was really not his fault or was it?

First he realized that it was his mistake when he read the funny inscription about Wittney White's Concert, there was no particular time placed on it, and also knowing who Wittney White is, he definitely wouldn't host a concert in an abandoned park, he forgot that one also, that district park situated at Chico in California was abandoned 2 years ago when Vi - Kings invaded the park, they still believed that had their hideout in the park so no one dares.

"Well... Bummer... it's too late to realize now, the deed has already been done"

Soon he arrived home and pressed the bell. In a minute or so Casey CrossWood, Tommy's dad appeared to view. Tommy bit his lower lips as he saw his dad's pale face....he looked like a problematic person well because of him so he quickly decided to clear himself before Casey thinks he was been naughty again.

"Dad to be clear...I was kidnapped" Tommy said but suddenly Casey pulled him in for a hug as his grip on Tommy tightens. Tommy realised that Casey had been crying and couldn't help the sad feeling bubbling right in the pits of his stomach "Oh..dad, have you been crying? you know that I wouldn't last long in the hands of the kidnapper, so why bother?" Tommy said and Casey hissed "you're a fool" and he kissed Tommy's cheeks as Tommy giggles at his harsh complement. They walked into the apartment, already the cold breeze was beginning to sting on their skin,

"I was making dinner" Casey said as Tommy flunged his backpack on the couch and followed Casey as they walked into a well furnished kitchen "uhh...so dad what's cooking?" Tommy said and began to sniff the air "no..no wait lemme guess" Tommy said and Casey stared at him in amusement, he watched as Tommy sniffled the air like a lost puppy sniffing it's way back home. "I smell meatballs"

"Yeah meatballs and pasta" Casey said saving him the stress of guessing. Already Casey knew that meatballs and pasta was Tommy's favorite, so he made it every Thursday evening and Saturday morning. Tommy went to set up the plates as he waited in the dinning waiting for dinner to be ready. He readied the hot sauce with some ketchup and in 5 minutes Casey came with the pots leaving them on the table and soon they started eating. "Tommy Mrs Simpson came again today" Casey started and Tommy groaned.

"Whyyy!!!" his head falling backwards on the chair, "what did she say this time?" Tommy asked as he mentally groaned continuously. "She came to tell about how nerdy you are in school...and least I forget, Riele came, she helped to file for an FIR"

"Hold on dad, Riele Downs came here?"

Casey nodded and Tommy's mouth fell agape "what business do I have with her?" Tommy said and Casey chewed on his meatball

"Tch!..son you have to learn to adjust" Casey said dropping his fork as it clattered noisily on the glass plate. Tommy raised his head remembering something

"hey Dad, I think you should probably cancel the FIR, you know in case the corps continues searching for me" Tommy said and Casey rested his back behind the hardwood chair, "oh Yes, you're right"....he delved into his pocket and got out his phone. His dialled the number right away

Beep! Beep!!

The line went through, connecting the corps with Casey.

"Oh yes, my son is back, it's a kidnap case"

Tommy didn't hear what the corps said at the other end but he heard Casey say,



"ok, ...you think he'll still be kidnapped?"


"He would be going to the station to tell what the kidnappers look like....4pm....Bye.


A/N: Hee Hee.

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