
CrossWood Tommy

As I closed my eyes, the darkness swallowed the world, turning it into a vast mass of chaos. Drifting it's reels and tendrils deep into the world swiftly taking time as fast as it could... Only I CrossWood Tommy can stop it. ____ Darkness, doom and evil ruled, and the Evil Monarchy started it's death transition within the country. Tommy as an aspirant, what could he do? He was on the verge of falling apart knowing as the Monarchy spell had him infected already.

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


"Shut up!" Theodore Leonard hissed, his gun pin pointed to a young man's head who was crouched down in a kneeling position before him. His disheveled hair poured as his golden yellow eyes peered through the hairs. He was Tommy CrossWood. Tommy didn't understand why his life was always in a big "shit" ....now here he was at gun point, he let his eyes blink a several time as he stared back at the angry Theodore.

Theodore himself couldn't help but admire this beautiful creature one last time before he pulled out the trigger. He was indeed a good looking guy and this good looking guy was going to die in his hands, "poor guy". Immediately he pulled the trigger holding the bullet firm and he fired a shot.

Tommy slowly watched as the bullet Came, his eyes filled with tears, he looked, waited and waited.... besides, what was left again in this life for him to live? just nothing. His golden eyes twitched a little as his heart beat slowed down. But suddenly, his eyes roamed around as he watched the bullet moving in slow motion, it was hardly even moving. He kept staring at it, believing that that it was a fiction of his own imagination but it wasn't it was real. The bullet still moved slowly, if it was a normal bullet, in a second or less than a second, the bullet would have been plunged on its target, but this particular one was unbelievably slow, infact he seemed to be faster than it, no faster was an understatement he was quick as light. He stood up quickly and delved into another direction and immediately he left that position, the bullet picked up it's full speed intensity and fudged ahead hitting something else.

"Whoa, what just happened?" Tommy wondered, his eyes filled with wonders at his unbelievably fast reflexes.

"How did you do that?" Theodore hissed out in frustration and shot of another bullet, this time Tommy didn't waste any more time watching how slowly it moved, he delved again into another direction making Theodore groan out in frustration of missing his target once again. And just like that, Theodore ran out of bullet, his eyes stared menacingly at Tommy that if stares could kill, Tommy would have been long gone. What annoyed Theodore the most was his eyes, it kept rolling and staring innocently as if he had done nothing to deserve his harsh treatments. Knowing fully well that his aim of killing Tommy was futile, he charges forward towards him and took a strong grip of his neck clasping his hold tightly to block off air from Tommy's system. But again his efforts were futile because Tommy was a gazillion times stronger than 10 strong men put together.

Tommy had slammed Theodore on his stomach after his ferocious attack on him and Theodore went flying and landing, crashing on the cemented walls in the arch building they were right in. Tommy himself was astonished that he had such amount of power like a metahuman strength in the movies. He was able to push Theodore off that without any stress on him "whoa..."

Tommy remembered that he used to be a really weak guy, he usually don't fight back and sure enough his decisions of not wanting to fight back have spare him from headache and troubles sometimes. His mind sub consciously strailed to how he got himself into this mess with Theodore in the first place. No, he didn't make any trouble, he didn't even look for any, instead, Theodore was the one who crossed paths with him.



CrossWood Tommy flunged his backpack over his shoulders, he was getting fidgety over whether he should sit some more in the canteen or whether he should go home, not long Edward Lewis showed up he was Tommy's friend. Edward held him on his shoulders smirking ridiculously. Edward was a tall guy, he had a red blonde hair, though it was short but it made him look cooler than it suits his face. He had some freckles on his face but he was overly dashing to the extent that even girls beg for him. Ok, Edward normally calls Tommy a nerd, because firstly he doesn't have lots of friends and secondly he's not the overly associating type, he rather remain lonely than bring himself to socialize with other students. He was only 18 and Edward thinks he needs to change that old habit.

"Dude, alone again?" Edward hissed and Tommy rolled his eyes

"What else can I do?... mingle with low lives? pfft" Tommy grumbled.

Edward smiled a bit "You're a nerd" he complemented "yes am a nerd" Tommy finally agreed as his shoulders sagged. He knew how much he hated been called a nerd, but heck! he had to just accept it for Edward to know, and so that he wouldn't force him to greet a set of high school girls crushing on him, because he isn't going to humiliate himself like he did the last time Edward forced him"

"let's go swimming" Edward offered but Tommy declined 'Nay.. am going home" Tommy said pulling out of Edward's hold on his shoulders and started off leaving the red haired guy standing alone by the hall of the canteen also with a playful smile tugging on his lips.

Tommy had a lot of things going on in mind, his dad had become even stricter than previous. Ever since his mom died, and of a terminal disease, he thinks that Tommy might get it if he let's Tommy have his way, so Tommy was strictly to follow a particular diet and whenever he flunks the diet chart, his dad punishes him in a way that would become so unbearable.

As Tommy neared a district park, close to Williams Pool's Bookstore he saw that familiar inscription that kept attracting him....