
Cosmic Janitor

A man on a hospital bed was offered a job by a god. Said god introduced himself as a "god of amusement and entertainment." The man unhesitatingly accepted; what was the reason? He was bored. Having lived his life to the literal fullest—parachuting, skydiving, racing, boxing, and other adrenaline-pumping activities—left him exactly in his condition—a crippled, sick, BUT bored man in his middle thirties.  Join him in his wild adventures as he battles devils, zombies, and all sorts of crazy stuff you can dream up while lying in bed. Updates: It depends on my workload. Also, on my cat's mood. Suggestions: I've got some "worlds" planned, but feel free to suggest a game or anime world that needs some serious "cleaning." Disclaimer: The characters mentioned are not mine, except the OCs. Especially the Book Cover.

ChrisTian3421 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs


(Katsuo POV)

After obtaining the Allflame, we made our way back to meet Fairgraves. I already knew he would betray me, but I didn't care. At least my buddies would gain more experience fighting strong opponents, right?

Fairgraves was an imposing figure, even in his ghostly state. He had a tall, skeletal frame draped in tattered remnants of a captain's coat. His once grand tricorn hat sat askew on his head, casting a shadow over his hollow, spectral eyes that glowed with a sinister light. His ghostly beard flowed like mist, and his bony fingers gripped the ethereal remnants of a once-mighty cutlass. Despite his undead state, he still carried an air of authority and cunning.

As we approached, he greeted us with a sly grin, his ghostly form flickering in the dim light of the Ship Graveyard. "Ah, the Allflame! You've done well, Exile," he said, his voice echoing with a haunting resonance.

"Yeah, yeah, here it is," I replied nonchalantly, handing over the Allflame. "But let's cut to the chase. I know what you're planning, and I'm not here to stop you. Just make it quick."

Fairgraves' grin widened as he accepted the Allflame, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Very well, Exile. As you wish."

With a sudden burst of energy, Fairgraves' form solidified, and he began to draw power from the Allflame. His ghostly crew materialized around him, their hollow eyes fixated on us with murderous intent.

"Ready yourselves," I called to my companions. "This is going to be a tough one."

Kai bounced up and down, crackling with electricity, eager for the fight. Dem floated beside me, her flames burning brighter in anticipation. Jade, ever stoic, stood ready with his stony resolve.

Fairgraves' crew attacked first, swarming us with ghostly weapons and eerie howls. I took a more supportive role, using my Summoned Swords to keep the spectral crew at bay while my buddies engaged Fairgraves directly.

Kai zipped around, delivering shocking strikes that disrupted Fairgraves' concentration. Dem unleashed torrents of fire, illuminating the foggy battlefield and burning through the ghostly forms. Jade stood as a bulwark, his earth manipulation creating barriers and launching boulders at our enemies.

Fairgraves, empowered by the Allflame, fought back fiercely. His cutlass glowed with spectral energy as he swung it with deadly precision. Despite his power, my companions held their ground, their teamwork and determination shining through.

As the battle raged on, I saw an opening. With a swift motion, I sent a volley of Summoned Swords directly at Fairgraves. The ethereal blades pierced through his form, disrupting his connection to the Allflame. With a final, ghostly scream, Fairgraves disintegrated, leaving nothing but the faint echo of his curse in the air.

I looked around at my companions. They were tired but triumphant, their second major battle against a powerful foe successfully completed.

I looked around at my companions. They were tired but triumphant, their second major battle against a powerful foe successfully completed. Then I noticed something that puzzled me: the Allflame. It lay there, untouched and unclaimed.

I looked up at the sky, "You full, my guy?" I teased, addressing the supposed god who had given us this quest. My companions looked at me as if I were going crazy.

Suddenly, I felt a message in my mind, a silent whisper telling me that the Allflame was a freebie. "Well, free stuff is always welcome, no?" I mused aloud, grinning.

I picked up the Allflame and inspected it closely. It was a small, ornate flame enclosed in a lantern-like container. The flame within danced with an unnatural light, casting a spectral glow on its surroundings. The artifact felt warm to the touch, and I could sense its ancient and otherworldly power.

Curious about its potential, I decided to tap into its energy. Using the Mana from my Mana Core, I "infiltrated" the lantern. The sensation was both exhilarating and daunting as I felt the Allflame's power mingling with my own. It was as if I had connected to a deep well of primordial energy, and I had to focus to control it.

My companions watched in awe as the flame responded to my touch. Kai crackled with excitement, Dem's fiery glow intensified, and Jade stood firm, his gaze steady and respectful.

The Allflame's energy surged through me, amplifying my Mana Core's capabilities. I felt a newfound strength and clarity, as if the Allflame had unlocked a hidden reservoir of power within me.

"Well, this is certainly interesting," I said, feeling the warm pulse of the Allflame harmonizing with my Mana Core. "Let's see what we can do with this."

I glanced at my buddies, signaling them to step back. They happily obliged, giving me space.

Channeling the Allflame's power, I used Fire Manipulation to coat myself in a vibrant-blue fire that burned intensely, now enhanced with an ethereal glow. Through thermoreception, I sensed several spectral figures and ghosts approaching us.

I didn't detect any hostility, so I let them draw near.

Seconds later, we were surrounded by numerous ghosts and spectres, all watching my display with awe. Even my companions were mesmerized by the sight.

A more courageous spectre floated closer to me. Though it couldn't speak, I felt an instinctual connection to it. I sensed its plea to be sent to the afterlife, expressing that they had been trapped in this hellish place, always battling and never finding permanent rest.

I took a deep breath and accepted their request. Spreading my ethereal fire around, the ghosts initially recoiled in fear, but soon felt relief and gratitude. The flames gently enveloped them, not burning but cleansing, offering them a path to peace.

The spectres began to dissolve into the light, their forms dissipating as they found the rest they had long sought. Their expressions softened, and I could sense their gratitude as they moved on to the afterlife.

My companions watched in silence, witnessing the peaceful transition. Kai's usual energy was subdued, his eyes wide with wonder. Dem's fiery glow dimmed to a gentle warmth, and Jade stood solemnly, a knight witnessing a sacred ceremony.

As the last of the spectres faded, the Ship Graveyard felt different—lighter, less oppressive. The curse that had bound these spirits seemed to lift, leaving behind a sense of tranquility.

I extinguished my fire and looked at my companions. "We did good here," I said softly. They nodded in agreement, their expressions a mix of awe and pride.

With renewed determination, we pressed on through the Ship Graveyard. The once eerie and cursed landscape now seemed less daunting, as if the spirits we had freed left behind a blessing. The path ahead felt clearer, and I knew that with the Allflame's power and the support of my loyal companions, we could overcome any challenge.

"Alright, everyone," I said, glancing at my trio. "Let's keep moving. We've got more ground to cover and more foes to defeat."

Together, we continued our journey, ready to face whatever lay ahead. The Ship Graveyard faded behind us as we ventured forward, our spirits high and our resolve unwavering.





As we stepped into the Cavern of Wrath, the air grew colder, carrying a damp, earthy scent. The dim light from my Summoned Swords cast long shadows on the cavern walls, revealing intricate patterns of glistening crystals embedded in the stone. The sound of dripping water echoed through the tunnels, creating an eerie symphony. Stalactites hung from the ceiling like jagged teeth, while pools of dark water reflected the flickering light.

Our breath formed misty clouds in the frigid air. Water dripped rhythmically from the ceiling, creating small ripples in the pools scattered across the cavern floor. The sound echoed ominously, heightening our senses as we advanced cautiously.

Suddenly, we heard the shuffling of feet and turned to see Cannibals emerging from the shadows. Their gaunt, decaying forms lunged at us with savage desperation, their eyes gleaming with a feral hunger. We fended them off, the clash of elements and bone ringing through the cavern.

Deeper into the Cavern of Anger, the air grew thicker, colder. A chilling mist clung to our skin, and bioluminescent fungi cast an eerie, otherworldly glow. I caught a glimpse of movement ahead—Flicker Spiders, their glossy black bodies and multiple eyes reflecting the faint light. They teleported abruptly, attacking with unnerving speed. We struck back, each swing of my Sanchomo slicing through the damp, heavy air.

As we navigated the twisting tunnels, the ground suddenly erupted beneath our feet. A Deep Dweller emerged, its massive, chitinous form towering over us. Its claws swiped through the air, creating shockwaves that sent us reeling. We dodged and retaliated, our blows resonating against its armored hide. The battle was fierce, every strike calculated, every dodge precise.

My Summoned Swords danced through the air, striking with pinpoint accuracy, while Dem unleashed torrents of fire, scorching the Deep Dweller's thick exoskeleton. Kai darted around, electrifying the creature with powerful bolts of lightning, and Jade stood firm, creating barriers to deflect its attacks.

As the fight raged on, the Deep Dweller roared in fury, but our relentless assault began to take its toll. I seized the opportunity, charging forward with Sanchomo coated in Sword Essence. With a powerful swing, I struck the Deep Dweller's vulnerable underbelly, and the creature let out a final, agonized scream before collapsing to the ground.

"Good job, everyone," I said, patting Kai on the head and giving Dem and Jade nods of approval. "Let's keep moving. We've still got a fish to subdue"

With that, we pressed on, the eerie atmosphere of the Cavern of Wrath pushing us forward.





Finally, at the heart of the chamber, Merveil herself emerged. Her upper body retained a haunting beauty, now twisted and corrupted, while her lower body undulated like a serpent. Her eyes locked onto mine, filled with madness. She raised her arms, summoning torrents of water and icicles that crashed around us, the temperature plummeting as her magic filled the air. Spectral minions rose from the watery depths, their ghostly forms adding to the chaos.

Feeling like a typical Pokémon trainer, I decided to take my rightful place on the sidelines again. "Dem, I choose you!" I shouted, pointing dramatically. Dem gave me a sidelong glance that screamed, "Really?" but she flew into action, launching fireballs at the spectral minions.

"Go, Kai! Use Thunderbolt!" I continued, as Kai bounced energetically, zapping everything in sight with crackling bolts of electricity. He was clearly having the time of his life, practically vibrating with excitement.

"Jade, I choose you too! Use... Shield Bash?" I tried, half-remembering some move from my childhood games. Jade rolled his eyes (if that's even possible for a golem), but dutifully conjured barriers to block Merveil's icy attacks. His shields shimmered in the cold air, deflecting shards of ice with a dignified air of annoyance.

Merveil's minions wailed and flailed as my team worked together. I couldn't help but imagine a health bar above her head, slowly depleting as my elemental buddies unleashed their abilities. "Super effective!" I muttered to myself, chuckling at the thought.

Merveil let out a furious roar, her serpent-like tail thrashing in rage. "You think this is a game?!" she screeched.

"Actually, yes," I replied with a smirk. "And I'm winning."

Dem's flames intensified, creating a blazing circle around Merveil. Kai zipped around, electrifying the water minions, and Jade stood steadfast, his shields glinting defiantly in the eerie light. Together, they created a chaotic symphony of fire, lightning, and ice.

"Go team!" I yelled, feeling a bit like Ash Ketchum in the heat of a Pokémon battle. Merveil's attacks became more frantic, her movements more erratic as her strength waned. With a dramatic flair, Dem, Kai, and Jade unleashed a coordinated assault, their combined elemental powers converging on Merveil in a dazzling display of light and energy.

Then her second form came.

Merveil's once serpentine lower body elongated and contorted, morphing into a monstrous amalgamation of sea creature and nightmare. Her human features distorted further; her skin turned a deep, iridescent blue, covered in scales that shimmered in the dim, cold light of the cavern. Her hair, once flowing, now writhed like a mass of serpents, each strand tipped with deadly barbs.

Her eyes glowed with a fierce, unearthly light, filled with a malevolent intelligence and undying rage. Her mouth elongated, revealing rows of sharp, glistening teeth that snapped and gnashed as she let out a bone-chilling scream.

"Someone's getting cranky, eh?" I said to my trio. To my shock, they didn't react at all. It broke my heart—kidding aside, that's a good attitude. Always be alert.

Her arms extended into long, clawed appendages, capable of slashing through the air with incredible speed and force. From her back, fins and spines protruded, adding to her terrifying silhouette. She moved with a predatory grace, her body undulating as she navigated the watery terrain of her lair.

"Alright, team, looks like we've got ourselves a tougher boss fight!" I called out, trying to keep the mood light. "Dem, let's turn up the heat! Kai, keep those zaps coming! And Jade, stay on those shields!"

Dem launched herself into the air, flames trailing behind her like a comet. "Flamethrower, go!" I shouted, and she responded with a massive jet of fire that made Merveil hiss in fury.

Kai zipped around Merveil, his little body crackling with energy. "Thunder Shock, now!" His bolts of lightning struck Merveil, making her twitch and snarl.

Jade positioned himself defensively, casting barriers to deflect Merveil's vicious strikes. "Iron Defense, Jade! You got this!" He nodded, his expression serious and focused.

Merveil lunged at Dem, but Dem twisted mid-air, dodging the attack and sending a scorching fireball back at her. Kai used the opportunity to get in close, delivering a high-voltage shock to Merveil's side.

"Nice work, Kai! Keep it up!" I encouraged. Merveil roared, her claws slashing through the air. Jade's barrier shimmered, absorbing the brunt of her attack.

"Alright, team, let's finish this! Dem, Kai, Jade—combine your powers!" I commanded, feeling the rush of adrenaline.

The trio nodded in unison. Dem's fire, Kai's lightning, and Jade's magical barriers merged in a brilliant, explosive attack that hit Merveil squarely. She let out a final, enraged scream before collapsing in a heap, her monstrous form dissipating into the air.

"Good job, everyone," I said, patting Kai on the head and giving Dem and Jade nods of approval. "I knew you could do it."

Kai hopped into my arms, his little body buzzing with residual electricity. Dem gave me a fiery hug, her warmth seeping into my bones, and Jade... well, Jade tried to look stoic and dignified, but I could see the hint of a smile on his ethereal face.

"Another gym badge earned," I joked, looking around the now-quiet chamber. "Who's up for the next adventure?"

Have you ever seen that video discussing the 10th dimension? It's mind-bending! The way it breaks down complex concepts into something (almost) understandable is both fascinating and overwhelming. Trying to wrap your head around the idea of dimensions beyond our familiar three—and even beyond the fourth, which we experience as time—feels like diving into a cosmic rabbit hole.

In the video, they explain how each dimension adds a new layer of reality, starting from a simple line in the first dimension to mind-boggling possibilities in the higher ones. By the time you get to the 10th dimension, you're dealing with all possible timelines of all possible universes, a concept that sounds straight out of sci-fi. It makes you wonder about the very fabric of reality and how our perception is just a tiny sliver of the entire picture.

The video's visualizations and analogies help make these abstract ideas somewhat more concrete, but let's be honest, it's still a lot to take in. It feels like trying to imagine a new color or explaining a fourth spatial dimension to a goldfish. Whether you're a physics enthusiast or just curious, it's a wild ride through the landscape of theoretical physics that leaves you pondering the true nature of the universe.

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