
Cosmic Janitor

A man on a hospital bed was offered a job by a god. Said god introduced himself as a "god of amusement and entertainment." The man unhesitatingly accepted; what was the reason? He was bored. Having lived his life to the literal fullest—parachuting, skydiving, racing, boxing, and other adrenaline-pumping activities—left him exactly in his condition—a crippled, sick, BUT bored man in his middle thirties.  Join him in his wild adventures as he battles devils, zombies, and all sorts of crazy stuff you can dream up while lying in bed. Updates: It depends on my workload. Also, on my cat's mood. Suggestions: I've got some "worlds" planned, but feel free to suggest a game or anime world that needs some serious "cleaning." Disclaimer: The characters mentioned are not mine, except the OCs. Especially the Book Cover.

ChrisTian3421 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs


(Katsuo POV)

After defeating the Weaver, we headed towards the Pyramid. The battle with that overgrown spider was, well, anticlimactic, to say the least. Dem and I just spammed our fire, and, what do you know, it worked like a charm.

"Who knew cobwebs were flammable, huh?" I joked with my trio. They responded enthusiastically: Kai bounced up and down, Dem glowed with happiness, and Jade offered me a nod.

In my hand was Maligaro's Spike, the last key to open Vaal's Pyramid. I couldn't help but inspect its intriguing appearance. Maligaro's Spike was an eerie and twisted artifact. It resembled a large, sharpened thorn or spike, blackened and glossy as if forged from obsidian. The surface of the spike was etched with sinister, arcane runes that glowed faintly with a pulsing, malevolent energy. The spike felt unnaturally cold to the touch, and holding it sent a slight, unsettling shiver through my hand.

With the Baleful Gem in my other hand, I combined the two. As they merged, an intense, blinding light engulfed the area, and I felt a surge of ancient power coursing through my body. The combined artifact radiated a potent energy, vibrating with a dark, enigmatic force that seemed to resonate with the very essence of Wraeclast.

"Alright, team, let's get ready to head into the Pyramid," I said, my voice tinged with a mix of excitement and trepidation. "This is where things get serious."

We pressed on, the landscape around us shifting from dense forest to barren wasteland as we approached the towering structure of Vaal's Pyramid. Its ancient stone walls loomed above us, covered in moss and creeping vines, a testament to its age and the countless secrets it held within.

Inside, the atmosphere was heavy with an oppressive silence, broken only by the distant echo of dripping water. The air was thick with dust and the lingering scent of decay. The walls were adorned with faded murals depicting scenes of ancient rituals and sacrifices, their meanings lost to time.

As we delved deeper into Vaal's Pyramid, we occasionally encountered mobs—Ancient Constructs with grinding gears and rusted metal bodies, Skeletons with glowing eyes and rattling bones, and Necromancers cloaked in darkness, summoning minions with sinister chants. But the most annoying of them all were the Vaal Fallens, heavily armored douchebags. Their relentless AOE attacks were a real pain, especially for Kai, who thrived on his nimble movements and quick strikes.

Kai was getting cranky, his usual energy hampered by the need to dodge the wide-ranging attacks. His usual agility and enthusiasm were being sapped by the constant pressure. I could feel his agitation as his whiskers were twitching with irritation.

"Alright, Kai, let me take over the kiting," I said, stepping forward. "Save your energy. We're going to need it for Vaal Oversoul." Kai nodded, and reluctantly stepped back.

I began to kite the enemies, using my speed and agility to keep them at bay. The Vaal Fallens lumbered after me, their heavy armor clanking with every step. I zipped in and out, drawing their attention away from my companions, who took the opportunity to strike with precision and conserve their strength.

Dem's flames roared to life, burning through the undead minions with fierce intensity. Jade's Earth Constructs provided a solid defense, deflecting the enemy attacks and keeping the group safe. With Kai's newfound respite, his lightning attacks were more focused, delivering powerful blows that shattered the constructs and skeletal warriors.

"Keep it up, team!" I shouted, dodging another AOE attack from a particularly persistent Vaal Fallen.

As we fought our way through the Pyramid's winding corridors, I felt a mixture of exhaustion and determination. My resolve was shaky but firm, driven by the need to protect my companions and push forward. Every step brought us closer to Vaal Oversoul, the looming threat that awaited us at the Pyramid's core.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of battling through the relentless mobs, we reached a massive stone door. It was intricately carved with runes and symbols, glowing faintly in the dim light. This was it—the entrance to Vaal Oversoul's chamber.

I turned to my companions, their faces reflecting the same mix of determination and fatigue. "This is it," I said, my voice steady. "Let's finish this."

With a deep breath, I pushed the door open, and we stepped into the heart of the Pyramid.





We stepped into the vast, dimly lit chamber at the top of the pyramid, and our eyes were immediately drawn to the colossal figure standing at its center. The Vaal Oversoul, an enormous, mechanical construct, dominated the room. Its body was a fearsome amalgamation of stone and metal, towering over us with an aura of ancient, malevolent power.

The chamber itself was vast and foreboding, its high ceiling lost in darkness. The walls were adorned with ancient Vaal symbols, their meanings lost to time but their power still evident. Flickering braziers cast long shadows, creating an almost hypnotic dance of light and dark across the room.

The creature's immense form was illuminated by the eerie, red glow emanating from its eyes and various runic inscriptions that pulsed with dark energy. Its limbs, massive and intricately designed, ended in bladed appendages that gleamed menacingly in the dim light. As it shifted, the grinding of ancient gears and the clank of metal against stone filled the air, each movement purposeful and deliberate.

Without warning, the Vaal Oversoul raised one of its massive limbs and brought it crashing down in a powerful Ground Slam. I immediately zipped away before grabbing Dem and Jade, as they were the slower ones. Kai then followed suit.

The Oversoul's eyes blazed brighter, and twin laser beams shot forth, sweeping across the chamber. We zipped and weaved, with Dem and Jade clutched tightly in my arms. The beams scorched the stone floor where we stood moments before. The air hummed with the intensity of their heat.

A low, resonant hum built as the Oversoul summoned Vaal Constructs. These smaller, yet still formidable enemies emerged from hidden alcoves, their mechanical forms clicking and whirring as they closed in on us.

I set Dem and Jade down, with Kai by my side. "You guys deal with its minions, and I'll deal with that," I said, pointing at the imposing figure of the Oversoul. They gave me firm nods of approval, determination clear in their eyes.

Cladding myself with Quadra-elemental properties and with Sanchomo now unsheathed, I zipped through the room, using Rapid Slash to cut down the unfortunate mobs in my way. My blade flickered with the combined energies of fire, lightning, air, and earth, leaving trails of elemental destruction in its wake.

Dem unleashed torrents of fire, her flames roaring as they consumed the constructs. Jade, steadfast as ever, created protective barriers and struck back with precision, while Kai darted around the battlefield, his electric attacks stunning and dismantling the mechanical foes.

I focused on the Vaal Oversoul, weaving through the chaos with Shunpo. As I approached, the Oversoul's eyes glowed brighter, and it unleashed a barrage of energy blasts. I dodged swiftly, feeling the heat of the beams as they scorched the air around me. Each step brought me closer to the towering construct.

With a precise Judgement Cut aimed at its joints, I targeted the weak points that held its massive limbs together. Sanchomo struck true, sending sparks flying as it bit into metal and stone. The Oversoul retaliated, swinging its bladed appendages with terrifying force. I ducked and dodged, my movements fluid and precise.

Behind me, Dem, Kai, and Jade held their ground against the remaining constructs. Kai's electric energy crackled, disorienting the enemies, while Dem's flames provided cover and destruction. Jade's earth manipulations worked wonders around the battlefield, creating barriers and launching stone projectiles to fend off attackers. My Summoned Swords and Pyrobolts often assisted them if things went awry, darting through the air to strike down any threats that got too close.

As the battle raged on, I noticed the coordination between my companions. Dem's flames created barriers of fire that funneled the constructs into narrow paths, where Kai's electric attacks could disorient and stun them. Jade's earthen walls provided protection and strategic cover, allowing them to regroup and strike with precision.

Despite the intense fight, there was a sense of unity and purpose in our actions. We moved as one, each of us playing our part in the larger strategy. The constructs, though formidable, were no match for our combined might.

With a powerful slash, I severed one of the Oversoul's limbs, causing it to stagger. Sensing the end was near, it flailed madly, forcing me to zip away and employ my Summoned Swords and Pyrobolts to distract and weaken it.

The Oversoul's movements became more erratic and desperate. It unleashed a flurry of attacks, but its precision was compromised by its damaged state. I zipped around the chamber, my ethereal swords and bolts slicing through the air and striking at its exposed joints and weak points.

My companions held their ground, fending off the remaining constructs with renewed vigor. Dem's flames burned brighter, incinerating the enemies that dared to approach. Kai's electric strikes grew more fierce, stunning and disrupting the constructs' movements. Jade's earth manipulations provided a sturdy defense, protecting us from the Oversoul's wild attacks.

With a final surge of energy, I launched a barrage of Pyrobolts at the Oversoul's core. The fiery projectiles struck true, causing the massive construct to convulse and collapse. Its red eyes dimmed, and the room fell silent as the Oversoul crumbled into a heap of metal and stone.

I turned to my companions. They were exhausted but victorious, their expressions reflecting the hard-earned triumph.

"We did it," I said, my voice echoing in the vast chamber. "Let's get out of this place and take a well-deserved rest."

With the Vaal Oversoul defeated, we made our way back through the pyramid, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that together, we could overcome anything.

You ever sit around and wonder why monarchy declined? Let’s dive into this historical roller coaster, shall we?

Monarchies were all the rage back in the day, with kings and queens ruling the roost. But then, people started getting tired of one family calling all the shots. Imagine your least favorite cousin always being in charge just because they were born first. Not exactly a recipe for happiness, right?

First, there was the Enlightenment. Folks like John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau began spreading wild ideas about individual rights and government by consent. They basically suggested that people shouldn't have to obey someone just because they wear a fancy crown. Radical, I know.

Then came the revolutions. The American Revolution kicked things off by saying, "No thanks, King George, we'll handle things ourselves." Not to be outdone, the French Revolution took it up a notch, with a lot more guillotines and a lot less Louis XVI.

Industrialization also played a part. As societies became more complex and economies more dynamic, people wanted a say in how things were run. The rise of the middle class meant more people had the education and means to push for democratic reforms. They didn't want to be stuck under the thumb of a monarch who might be more interested in hunting or high tea than in addressing the needs of the populace.

Lastly, the world wars gave the final push. After seeing the devastation wrought by imperial ambitions and outdated monarchies, many countries moved towards more democratic forms of governance. Monarchies that survived had to adapt, becoming more ceremonial and giving up real power to elected bodies.

So there you have it. The decline of monarchy was a mix of intellectual movements, revolutionary fervor, economic changes, and the brutal lessons of war. Quite the drama, don’t you think?

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