
Cosmic Janitor

A man on a hospital bed was offered a job by a god. Said god introduced himself as a "god of amusement and entertainment." The man unhesitatingly accepted; what was the reason? He was bored. Having lived his life to the literal fullest—parachuting, skydiving, racing, boxing, and other adrenaline-pumping activities—left him exactly in his condition—a crippled, sick, BUT bored man in his middle thirties.  Join him in his wild adventures as he battles devils, zombies, and all sorts of crazy stuff you can dream up while lying in bed. Updates: It depends on my workload. Also, on my cat's mood. Suggestions: I've got some "worlds" planned, but feel free to suggest a game or anime world that needs some serious "cleaning." Disclaimer: The characters mentioned are not mine, except the OCs. Especially the Book Cover.

ChrisTian3421 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs


(Katsuo POV)

As I zipped through the air, I paused to take in the surroundings. The once vibrant forest canopy had transformed into a tangled mass of twisted trees and mutated plants.

Towering trees, their bark darkened and covered in luminescent fungi, stretched towards the sky. Their branches intertwined like gnarled claws, dripping with thick, glowing sap that cast an unsettling greenish light.

The sky above was a murky, twilight hue, perpetually overcast with dark, swirling clouds that occasionally crackled with greenish lightning. A brief thought echoed in my mind, wondering if I could tame those lightning bolts, but I decided against it for now.

I continued traversing the skies, now using a combination of my Air and Fire Manipulation to propel myself. Occasionally, I caught glimpses of the corrupted wildlife. Enormous insects with iridescent wings buzzed ominously, while mutated beasts prowled the shadowy undergrowth, their eyes glowing with an unnatural light.

The underbrush was dense with bizarre, mutated flora. Carnivorous plants with brightly colored, oversized petals snapped at unseen prey, while vines with thorns as long as daggers pulsed with a malevolent life. Flowers emitted hypnotic scents, luring creatures into their deadly embrace.

Despite the eerie beauty of this corrupted landscape, the sense of danger was palpable. My Infernal Clarity kept me focused and alert, constantly scanning for any threats that might emerge from the shadows.

As I approached the next potential rest spot, I felt something watching me, scrutinizing every movement I made. Squinting my eyes toward the source of this feeling, I noticed a faint, eerie glow in the distance.

Then at the distance, at the forest's dark heart, I can see the cocoons of a "Blightguard", a term I coined just now. This massive, pulsating structure is composed of thick, thorny vines and bioluminescent fungi, radiating a sickly greenish light that casts long, twisted shadows across the landscape.

Dominating the heart of the corrupted forest is the immense cocoon of an enormous "Blightguard". This colossal structure is composed of thick, thorny vines and bioluminescent fungi, pulsating with a sickly, greenish light. The cocoon is several stories tall and radiates a palpable aura of corruption and power, casting long, twisted shadows across the landscape.

From within, faint, rhythmic throbs and the occasional deep, rumbling growl can be heard, signaling the terrifying metamorphosis taking place inside.

I knew then that this was the source of all the corruption—no, the blight—that plagued this forest. My face grew solemn as the weight of the discovery settled over me. Without wasting a moment, I zipped back to the team to share both the good and bad news.

When I arrived, they looked up at me, their expressions a mix of hope and concern. "I found the source," I announced, my voice steady but serious. "But it's worse than we thought. There's a massive cocoon, similar to the creature we fought recently. For now, let's call it a Blightguard."

"How big is it?" Hank asked, worry evident in his voice.

"Roughly fifty feet tall," I replied.

Valerie's face turned somber. "You said cocoon. Are there more of these Blightguards?"

"Yes," I nodded. "There are multiple, but they are noticeably smaller than the massive one."

John frowned, processing the information. "So we have one giant Blightguard and several smaller ones to deal with."

"Exactly," I confirmed. "The smaller ones are likely to protect the larger one, and we'll need to take them all out to stop the spread of this corruption."

"What's the plan?" Damysus asked firmly.

"We retreat," I said, equally resolute. "My mission was reconnaissance and support, not fighting this blight."

Their faces showed hesitation, so I added, "We can ask for permission to re-engage this blight. According to the guidebook, if a plague or blight is involved in a mission, it can potentially be ranked higher as time goes by. So currently, with our conditions, a tactical retreat is a must."

"You read that part?" John asked, a bit surprised.

"Yes," I said firmly. "And it's crucial we follow protocol. We need to report back and prepare for a proper assault. Rushing in now would be suicide."

Hank nodded slowly. "Alright, Katsuo. We trust your judgment. Let's get out of here and regroup."

Valerie, still looking a bit uneasy, added, "We need to move quickly. If the blight is spreading, time is not on our side."

"Understood," I replied. "Let's pack up and head back to the portal."

As we dismantled the makeshift base and gathered our gear, I kept my senses on high alert, using thermoreception to ensure we weren't ambushed during our retreat. The team moved with caution, fatigue still evident but tempered by determination.

We made our way back through the twisted forest, avoiding any potential threats. The air was thick with tension, but we moved swiftly, focused on reaching the portal. The sight of the swirling gateway brought a sense of relief.

"We made it," I said, stepping aside to let the others go through first. "Let's report back and get the support we need to tackle this blight head-on."

With a final glance at the corrupted forest, I followed my team through the portal.





As we parted ways, each heading to our assigned managers, I made my way to Lisa's office. I knocked lightly and heard her voice call out, "Come in!" Opening the door, I was greeted by the sight of her desk buried under stacks of papers. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Katsuo? What are you doing here? Is the mission already over? But I wasn't notified yet," Lisa said, surprise evident in her voice.

"A tactical retreat," I explained, sighing. "The corruption or blight was too much for our team."

"Wow, you know how to do that?" she teased, but I could hear a hint of approval in her tone. "I guess the great Katsuo knows how to retreat, huh?"

"I was with a team, for your information," I said, rolling my eyes. "And besides, I don't want to lose them. They've grown on me, you know?"

Lisa smiled, leaning back in her chair. "I'm glad to hear that. A good leader knows when to fight and when to fall back. So, tell me everything. What did you find out there?"

I gave her a detailed report of the mission: the corrupted forest, the mutated creatures, and the massive cocoon I dubbed the Blightguard. I explained how the smaller cocoons were likely protecting the larger one and how the blight seemed to be spreading rapidly.

"That sounds serious," Lisa said, her expression turning grave. "I'll need to escalate this to the higher-ups and get approval for a stronger response. You did the right thing by retreating."

"Thanks, Lisa," I said, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. "What's our next move?"

"First, get some rest. You and your team need it. I'll handle the bureaucracy and get the necessary approvals. Once we have the green light, we'll launch a coordinated assault on the blight."

"Understood," I replied. "And thanks, Lisa. For everything."

"Anytime, Katsuo," she said with a warm smile. "Now go get some rest. You've earned it."

As I left Lisa's office, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. The battle against the blight was far from over, but we were ready to face it together.





(Damysus POV)

"We made it," Katsuo said, stepping aside to let the others go through first. "Let's report back and get the support we need to tackle this blight head-on."

As we exited the portal, we headed to William, our assigned manager. Hank knocked lightly on the door, and a gruff voice called out, "It's open!" He opened the door, revealing a man who looked like he was in his fifties, exuding a masculine charm with a physique that hinted at years of experience. His proper attire made him resemble a mafia boss. It reminded me of my father, though William was smaller. I laughed at the thought.

"Done already?" William's voice was gruff and deep, laced with surprise.

"We retreated," Hank said. "Katsuo found the source and decided it was better for us to prepare for a proper assault." He sighed, a hint of regret in his tone.

"Oh, Katsuo was made the leader?" William said teasingly.

"It was unanimous," Valerie added.

"Smart choice," William said, nodding approvingly. "What did you find out there?"

We gave a detailed report, describing the corrupted forest, the mutated creatures, and the massive cocoon we called the Blightguard. Katsuo's discovery of multiple smaller cocoons and the realization that the blight was spreading rapidly were crucial points.

William listened intently, his expression growing more serious. "This sounds worse than we anticipated. We'll need to escalate this and get more resources for a full-scale assault."

"That's what Katsuo thought too," I said. "We need to be better prepared."

"Agreed," William said. "I'll get in touch with Lisa and the higher-ups to organize a coordinated response. In the meantime, you all should get some rest and recover your strength."

"Thanks, William," Hank said. "We'll be ready when the time comes."

"Good. You've all done well," William said, his stern demeanor softening slightly. "Now go get some rest. We'll handle the rest from here."

As we left William's office, I felt a sense of relief. The battle against the blight was far from over, but with the right support, we had a fighting chance. For now, rest was our priority, but soon we would return, stronger and more prepared than ever.

How's your life going?

Mine? Stressed.

Reason? Thesis, Bills, and Work.

Still, good luck to those who'll reach this stage of life. And to those who've passed this stage, kudos to you and may you reach your dreams.

Remember, every step forward is a step closer to your goals. Stay strong, keep pushing, and never lose sight of your dreams. Your hard work and dedication will pay off in the end. Here's to celebrating your journey and looking forward to the incredible future ahead!

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