
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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There Is No Way To Heaven And No Way To The Earth

"Crap, you run so fast!"

Jason punched the pillow hard, with a gloomy expression on his face.

He was the person who just talked to Joker.

As a loyal Batman fan.

How could he not watch this scene of Batman fighting his old enemy.

So I went back to the room and sent Mr. Alfred away.

He directly used the tablet computer to monitor the scene in Joker's laboratory.

In order to prevent Joker from escaping, he also sent out a drone formation sent from Fox.

Although Fox is not well-known in the country.

But as the technical director of Wayne Group, he has quite a lot of black technology in his hands.

The armor on Batman is only part of the technology he masters.

The drone he used was also the same.

The Bat series of drones he developed.

The combat effectiveness is even comparable to that of ordinary tactical special teams.

The aircraft he was shouting about was a model specially enhanced for speed and sturdiness.

He originally wanted to attract Joker's attention with words, and then directly sent a drone team to catch Joker directly.

However, Joker is more cunning than he imagined.

He obviously realized something was wrong and ran away from the sewer.

"As expected of a Joker."

"It's just that it's too simple to escape my surveillance like this."

A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Skynet, bring up the three-dimensional diagram of Gotham's drainage system."

"It's the young master."

As soon as Skynet finished speaking, a three-dimensional projection occupying most of the room appeared in the room.

Jason turned the model of the entire drainage system with his fingers, touched his chin, and said.

"Skynet, simulate Joker's possible escape route."

The power of artificial intelligence goes beyond tracking.

It is also possible to anticipate the target's actions to a certain extent.

The more information collected, the more accurate this prediction becomes.

Based on Joker's psychological analysis and simulation of various data, Skynet can simulate several possible escape routes for Joker.

After all, Gotham's sewer system, while massive, is not endless.

Tens of seconds later, several thin lines appeared in the sewer model.

"Master, according to predictions, there is an 80% chance that Joker will appear in the sewer kingdom of Gotham City."

Jason's eyes narrowed as he looked at the map.

Gotham City is a huge port city.

Because there are frequent heavy rains, Gotham City's drainage system is very developed.

Almost the entire city's underground is being hollowed out, forming a massive sewer system.

This has become a hideout for Gotham City.

Many criminals who were unable to live on the surface after being attacked by Batman went underground.

In the sewer system, someone dug out a huge underground space.

In this huge amount of space, there are black markets, various buildings, gangs, and all kinds of desperate desperadoes.

This place is called the underground kingdom by these people.

If Joker wants to hide, this is indeed a treasure place.

There are no surveillance cameras in the sewers!

Jason looked at the projected map with a smile on his face.

There are indeed no cameras underground.

But there is the Internet, and there are all kinds of electronic devices that various people bring in.

There are many shops in the black market that deal with all kinds of illegal goods.

And these can all become Skynet's spies.

An ordinary mobile phone can not only become a camera, but also a recorder to analyze voiceprints.

Unless Joker enters deep mountains and old forests and other areas without network coverage, he wants to escape Skynet's surveillance.

almost impossible!

"Skynet, monitor all equipment in the underground kingdom and monitor Joker's traces."

"Yes, Master!"

Skynet answered and then became silent.

But Jason knows that at the moment, the entire underground kingdom and all electronic equipment have become his spies.

After about ten minutes, Skynet's voice sounded again.

"Master, we found traces of Joker. Joker entered the underground kingdom through entrance No. 214."

Skynet said as he cast a projection from mid-air.

The screen shows a man wearing a white mask.

"Master, Joker has been disguised."

Skynet said this.

A picture of one was projected again, and the similarities between the two were also marked.

Only then did Jason see the similarities between the two.

"As expected of Joker, so cunning."

If Skynet hadn't marked him out, Jason would have really believed that the guy in the white mask in front of him was Joker.

"It seems that this guy is not only talented in chemistry, but also very powerful in disguise."

"It's just such a pity that he met artificial intelligence."

Jason shook his head sadly.

Artificial intelligence can't only make achievements in transformation.

It is also very powerful in various analyses.

Like a comparative analysis of these two pictures.

As long as there is a little bit of similarity, artificial intelligence can analyze it.

No matter how similar they are in disguise, people's little habits are different.

Everyone has their own micro-movements.

These are very difficult to change.

Artificial intelligence can analyze the true identities of these people through these tiny movements.

Shaking his head, Jason spoke directly.

"Send out a drone team and surround him."

"Game over."

He is not as kind as Batman. In order to stick to the justice and bottom line in his heart, he can be so tolerant to these extremely evil people.

If Joker is caught by him, there will only be one end.

That is death!

Ten minutes passed quickly.

Under the direction of Skynet, No One quickly arrived at the underground kingdom.

In silent mode, Joker is slowly surrounded.

At this moment, Joker is still unaware.

Wait until the drone circle is formed.

Jason once again controlled a drone and entered the cave where Joker was.

There are also buildings in the underground kingdom, but they are very small and dark.

Fortunately, the drone has an infrared mode, which allows Jason to see the scene inside.

"Mr. Joker."

As soon as Jason said something, several bullets flew towards him.

Look at the bullets that gradually enlarge on the screen.

Jason also broke out in a cold sweat.

Good thing he didn't go looking for Joker himself.

Otherwise, even with the body of his cheap dad Batman, he might be beaten into pieces.

Calm down, Jason said over the drone again.

"Mr. Joker, I think you should calm down."

As Jason spoke, he controlled several drones to emerge from the shadows.

Seeing this mecha drone, even Joker froze.

Several drones had dark automatic rifles hanging under them, and one had a bunch of grenades hanging under them.

Joker considers himself a madman, but he still doesn't dare to move at all.

He didn't want to die with a pile of scrap metal.

Looking at Joker on the screen, Jason smiled.

At the moment Joker can really be regarded as having no way to heaven and no way to earth!