
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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It's not a good feeling to be pointed at a gun.

Especially a loaded automatic rifle.

It's hard for anyone to stay calm when a cold black hole is pointing a gun at you.

However, among these people.

Doesn't include Joker.

Rather than saying that Joker is a human being, it is better to say that he is an extremely twisted soul.

His existence seems to be to prove that there is no light in the world.

He is the representative of darkness.

Joker was already dead when he was tortured by his father.

And what is alive is just a twisted soul.

A Deadman is naturally not afraid of death.

Joker can still laugh when being pointed at by several cold automatic rifles.

"Wow, you really went to great lengths to catch me."

"Let me guess who you are?"

"Falcone? Or a member of the Maroni family?"

"No, they don't have such technology?"

"Are you from the Wayne family?"

Joker said to himself nervously while smiling.

Completely disregard a few drones loaded with these murderous weapons as nothing.

"Mr. Joker, you do know a lot, but you haven't touched the essence."

"In Gotham City, the Wayne family is not the only one who masters advanced technology."

Jason said mysteriously.

Although Joker will definitely die today, he still doesn't want to reveal his identity.

Both DC and Marvel are equally dangerous worlds.

Not to mention the superposition of the two.

There were really monsters everywhere, and there were as many gods as dogs.

What if someone else knows his identity, or kidnaps him because of his cleverness.

There are too many magical powers in this world, even Mephitus has them.

Jason thought it would be better for him to keep a low profile.

Therefore, he directly prepared to hide his identity and pass the blame to others.

Sure enough, Joker became interested when he heard what he said.

"Are you from Stagg?"

Stagg is another large high-tech company in Gotham City.

Stark Industries is to Gotham City what Stark Industries is to New York City.

Very powerful.

He's just an out-and-out arms dealer.

And it goes even further than Stark Industries, often arresting people for human experiments in secret.

"Don't compare me to those arms dealers from Stagg."

Jason said pretending to be unhappy.

"Wow, sir, it seems you have a great background."

Joker made an exaggerated expression and an exaggerated smile appeared on his face.

"Joker, you don't have to act crazy, it won't do me any good."

"I know you very well."

"Before you started committing crimes, you were just an ordinary person, and you were an ordinary person who was rejected by your parents."

"Am I right? Mr. Jack."

"That's enough, stop talking!"

The smile on Joker's face suddenly disappeared, and he looked at the drone fiercely.

Jason smiled behind the monitor.

Everyone has their own bottom line.

For example, Joker is most taboo about others telling him his true identity and his parents.

Freeze's Achilles' heel is his wife.

Everyone has weaknesses, including crazy people.

"It turns out that a madman like you can also be angry. I thought you were just a madman."

Jason said sarcastically.

Joker said nothing, looked at the drone hard, and looked around.

It's like looking for Jason, more like looking for a way to leave.

"Mr. Joker, don't think about escaping."

"I can tell you, you're dead today."

"I'm not as pedantic as Batman."

Joker looked around and showed his signature crazy smile again.

"Wow, who did I think you were? Turns out you're another pathetic guy who thinks he's righteous."


Jason laughed.

"Maybe, I'm a wretch, aren't you?"

"Compared to you, at least I have a harmonious family."

Joker's eyebrows jumped when he heard this.

If it weren't for the drone, Joker felt that he would have used the most cruel punishment in the world to deal with the man in front of him.

However, he quickly controlled his emotions.

"Wow, what a righteous tone, but the justice you worship is just a disgusting skin..."

"Okay, Mr. Joker, there's no need to preach your story."

"The fact that you have been treated unfairly is no excuse for you to be cynical."

"Some people can still become messengers of justice even if they see their parents being shot."

"You are just looking for a high-sounding excuse for your own selfishness and to satisfy your own twisted desires."

"The difference between you and me is that I can control my desires, but you are just a slave to them."

"What's more, compared to the Court of Owls, you are just a minor role."

Jason's tone was full of sarcasm.

He does look down on Joker.

If it weren't for his extraordinary IQ, Joker would be just an ordinary psychopath.

His tragic experience is no excuse for him to take revenge on society.

"Ha, your justice is just..."

Joker still wanted to argue nonchalantly.

"Stop it, Mr. Joker, I'm afraid you don't even know what the Court of Owls is, do you?"

"The sins you boast about are not that outstanding."

Jason sneered.

Gotham is not called Sin City because of a few super-ability criminals.

The Court of Owls hidden deep in the city and many criminal organizations are the root of the birth of Gotham's evil.

Even Wayne Group was once part of this behind-the-scenes group.

Without Batman, Joker would really just be a Joker who wreaks havoc.

"Okay Mr. Joker, do you have any last words?"

"If you don't have it, I will send you to meet your God. Oh, no, people like you will definitely go to hell."

"By the way, let me tell you, whether you believe it or not, hell actually exists."

"Sir, I don't think we have any essential conflict."

"I think we can still talk. I can give you a lot of money."

Joker said while laughing.

Although he is not afraid of death, it does not mean that he wants to die.

There's a lot he hasn't accomplished yet, he hasn't defeated Batman yet.

He can't die!

"The stolen money?"

Jason said sarcastically.

"Okay Mr. Joker, if you do something, be prepared to suffer the consequences."

"I think what you committed is enough to sentence you to death."

"Although there is no such punishment in Gotham City, it is just a way out for themselves by these guys who made the law."

"I don't have that argument here."

"Don't worry, it won't be painful."

With that said, Jason started the drone without saying a word.

But to his surprise, his drone didn't move at all.

The lethal poison bullets in the muzzle were not ejected from the muzzle at all.

"How can it be?"

Jason muttered to himself.