
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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The Birth Of Frozen Man

The core of the sub-dimensional energy manipulation device.

In fact, it is a space folding device.

After completing this part, Jason's task has actually been completed.

The rest is repetitive work.

Just need to make another gravity operating device.

Had a cup of coffee.

Jason started his f**king again.

And just when Jason was building his own machine.

In another part of Gotham, someone is also busy.

Gotham is a city of prosperity and crime.

Both the most prosperous and the darkest places in the world can be found in this city.


It's the darkest time in Gotham.

Many people started their own ulterior transactions under the cover of night.

And on the outskirts of Gotham.

There is such a prosperous manor.

At the moment, the manor was very lively, with countless upper-class people holding wine glasses, changing glasses.

It looks like a peaceful and prosperous scene.

At the top of the manor.

Two people, whose faces were hidden in the darkness, were having a conversation.

"Joker is dead."

A man with a ruby ​​brooch on his chest spoke.

When the person sitting opposite him heard this, he picked up his wine glass and took a sip of red wine.

He spoke in a very calm tone.

"Who did it?"

"Wayne Group."

said the man wearing the ruby ​​brooch.

"Oh, it turns out to be that little guy Bruce, really.

"It's nice to be young."

The man holding the red wine glass sighed and said.

"We're missing a chess piece."

"Bruce Wayne has gone too far."

The man wearing the ruby ​​brooch said angrily.

"You are too impatient, you are just a pawn."

"The benefits that Wayne Group has brought to us are far greater than this chess piece."

"I heard recently that Bruce Wayne's illegitimate son has come up with something amazing."

"That's a good thing for us."

"As for Bruce Wayne, he likes justice, so let him do it.

"We should be more tolerant towards young people, shouldn't we?"

Shaking the red wine glass in his hand, the man said gently.

The man wearing the ruby ​​brooch was still a little depressed.

"Humph, he didn't cause trouble in your territory."

"This month alone, he has caused me millions of dollars in losses."

"Bruce Wayne must be taught a lesson."

"Otherwise, he will feel that Batman has the final say in Gotham."

The man wearing the ruby ​​brooch said something viciously.

"Then just send out a chess piece."

"Always give energetic young people something to do."

The man holding the red wine glass said calmly.

"Send out the claws!"

"Teach him a tough lesson."

The man wearing the ruby ​​brooch had a fierce look in his eyes.


"It's not yet time, the claws can't appear."

"We have a greater good with Bruce Wayne alive."

The man holding the red wine glass shook his head.


The man wearing the ruby ​​brooch was still a little reluctant.


"It's just a loss of millions.

"No big deal, we'll compensate you!"

"But don't think about doing it again."

"As a newcomer, the first thing you have to do is understand the rules of the game!"

The man holding the red wine glass put down the glass, stared at the man opposite and said.

The man with the ruby ​​​​saw a fierce glint in his eyes.

My heart palpitated.

"All right."

"But you have to send a more powerful chess piece."

"Batman must be taught a lesson."

"It's natural."

"Let's stimulate Dr. Victor."

"It just so happens that our organization is very interested in his skills."

"It's okay to let him cause some trouble for Batman."

The man holding the red wine glass smiled and said.

"Are you sure he can? He's just a scientist."

The man wearing the ruby ​​brooch asked doubtfully.

"Definitely doable, everyone has the potential to be a chess piece.

"We just need to inspire it."

"What's more, aren't you interested in Dr. Victor's cryonics technology?"

After taking a sip of red wine, the man smiled and said.

Hearing this, the man wearing the ruby ​​brooch was also moved.

As long as we are human, we cannot escape death.

If you could freeze yourself.

Waiting for the point where life extension technology becomes available.

To them, there are huge amounts of temptation.

Thinking of this, he no longer objected.

"Well, that's him."

"Let's see if Dr. Victor can bring us enough surprises."

Seeing the man agree.

The man holding the red wine glass smiled with satisfaction.

"Very good, I'll contact the people there to take action."

After saying that, he took a sip of red wine again, with a smile on his face.

the next day.

There was a dispute in a private company's laboratory in Gotham.

"Jim! You can't do this!"

Victor Fries, wearing a white coat, shouted angrily at Jim opposite.

"I'm sorry, Victor."

"The company can no longer support your research.

"Obviously, your research does not bring enough benefits to our company.

"Although we are friends."

"But business is business."

"Okay, turn off the power."

Jim ignored Victor's pleading and asked his men to turn off the power.

At the same time, he directly took the USB flash drive and copied the laboratory information.

"Victor, these things should be considered as compensation for the company."

Jim smiled 800 times and walked out of the laboratory with the USB flash drive.

"By the way, take good care of Dr. Victor."

"Let him pack his things."

After saying that, Jim left the laboratory without any hesitation.

Several security personnel looked at each other.

Then proceed to cut off the power to the laboratory.

"No, you can't do that!"

Dr. Victor rushed forward frantically, trying to stop the security personnel.

It's just that he, an experimenter, is no match for a big-bodied security guard."

Easily thrown aside.

"Dr. Victor, be quiet."

"It would be bad if you get hurt."

A security guard smiled.

Just unplugged the power supply.


Victor let out a wail of pain.

The security personnel didn't take it seriously either.

I thought Victor was in so much pain because the laboratory was defunded.

They didn't notice.

Because the power is turned off,

Behind them, huge amounts of white gas began to leak from a metal tank.

Then it quickly spread from the laboratory.

Several security personnel did not move.

It was directly frozen into an ice sculpture by the white gas.

The smile even stayed on his face.

On the other hand, Dr. Victor was kneeling on the ground.

Not only did it not turn into an ice sculpture.

The body was still absorbing the white mist, and the skin became pale.

Like a Deadman.