
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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Space Folding Device

All the engineering wonders of the world.

The theoretical foundation must be prepared in advance.

Want to create a string.

First we need to understand what a string is.

A string is a kind of energy, a linear amount of energy that can vibrate at a fixed frequency.

This energy creates various elementary particles through vibrations.

Jason has long mastered the essence of string theory.

Once the machine was in place, he directly built the space folding device.

By generating gravity through gravitons, the existence of space is indirectly controlled to achieve the folding effect.

It took nearly half a month of effort.

The instruments he needed were produced by Skynet.

The resources consumed are astronomical.

If it weren't for the Martian mining mecha coming back.

I'm afraid Wayne Group will go bankrupt.

But it's all worth it.

"Crystal resonance sequence, atomic manipulation unit, high-energy ion beam device..."

Jason went through Skynet and slowly counted.

"Can the lifespan of these Skynet devices achieve the expected results?"

Jason asked while looking at the list in front of him.

"Master, we can achieve the desired results."

"It's just that because the material strength and fatigue limit are limited, it needs to be replaced frequently."

"We need stronger synthesis materials."

Skynet reported meticulously.

Jason nodded.


"With the development of technology, we will have enough excellent materials."

Jason seemed calm, but in fact he was constantly wailing in his heart.

If he hadn't seen the material in the document, he would never have been so gloomy.

Look at what people are using.

The planet forge uses the core pressure of the entire planet to forge materials.

Floating mining ships mine minerals directly on small stars.

The star core drill directly mines the materials in the star core of the wilderness planet.

In addition to these, there are many equipments that he can't even imagine.

Look at the things in your hands, and then look at the things in the data.

He could only be jealous of the separation.

After calming down my emotions, I continued my inventory.

After counting all the equipment.

Jason sent him to the automatic assembly factory for assembly.

This step is not difficult at all and is very fast.

Wait until Jason has finished dinner.

A silver-white metal device more than four meters tall that looks like a donut has been delivered to his laboratory.

"Test it and see if there's anything wrong with it.

Jason burped and said to Skynet.

Several small drones flew up.

Several beams of light hit the machinery.

"The inspection was completed, the assembly was perfect, and there was no interruption in the path.

Skynet replied concisely and concisely.

"Okay, start supplying energy."

Jason entered the safety control room and started giving orders directly.

Jason finished.

A mechanical armor held a few bucket-thick wires and pulled them over.

directly connected together.

"The reactor is in fully powered mode, ready to connect to another reactor at any time."

Jason directed again.

The energy consumption of the space folding device is very scary.

Otherwise, five highest level function wires are needed for power supply.

To avoid accidents, he even prepared a second reactor.

I'm just afraid of not having enough energy.

Following Jason's order.

The reactor behind him began to roar, and there was a strange smell in the air.

The reactor was operating to its limits.

A normal phenomenon that occurs when the internal electric current ionizes the air.


The energy in the reactor reaches a threshold.

The lights above the reactor began to flash wildly.

"Start connecting the energy and prepare to start.

Jason ordered.

The switch on the cable is turned on.

The electric current flows directly into the space folding device.

A blue transparent light suddenly flashed on the silver-white ring.

There seemed to be two more circles of red lights on the torus.

Immediate follower.

A light blue light appeared in the center of the ring.

Then start clockwise and pretend to understand.

The entire laboratory began to glow blue.

Jason's face was filled with surprise when he saw this scene.

Reaching this step means you have succeeded.

It was indeed as expected.

After a moment, the blue light in the ring was distorted.

It's like there's something there.

Jason knew that was a sign that space was successfully distorted.

"Skynet, detect the physical constants there."

"Detect energy fluctuations."

"Start turning in the experimental equipment. The experiment is successful enough to perform space folding."

Jason gave orders.

His eyes were fixed on the manipulator next to the machine.

The manipulator is placing a metal device into the space distortion in the middle.


Jason saw a magical scene.

The more than 20 centimeters of detection device was put in.

It was like passing through a layer of water in mid-air.

Jason only saw a ripple in the air.

The device becomes like a Rubik's cube. File size.

Jason's face was overjoyed.

"Quick, check the parameters passed out."

"Try to adjust the spatial folding ratio."

"Testing whether living creatures can enter."

Jason spoke out another order.

The cages for the live animals were also brought up.


It is exactly as described in the technical information.

The poor rabbit was cut into half.

The half that was sent into the equipment directly turned into tiny elementary particles.

"Record: Space folding device, whether there is any difference in high-energy vibration frequency."

"It is extremely lethal, and organic matter cannot survive."

"The possibility of making it into a weapon can be considered."

As Jason spoke, he asked Skynet to record his observations.

Soon the experimental data was almost collected.

"Skynet, shut down."

"Look at how much energy is being used."

"Master, I'm afraid the reactor needs to replace its energy core."

Skynet's voice was also unusually helpless.

Jason Company even became twisted.

This is a very large reactor!

Can power the entire Gotham City for a month!

The power is out?

Jason almost vomited blood.

No wonder people invented this kind of thing after their civilization has developed to that extent.

Just this energy consumption.

It is not something that lower civilizations can afford.

Fortunately, this effect is solidified.

It only takes this once.

Otherwise he would have to vomit blood.

Jason suddenly felt envious of the Ancient One and his group of magicians.

The educational level of these people is probably not as good as that of an ordinary college student.

But controlling space is like playing.

It doesn't consume energy.

This made Jason envious of his separation.

No wonder Comrade Strange, the chief disciple of Ancient One, was blacken.

once said,

The world is like this because there are too many magicians.

Now it seems that is indeed the case.

It's something that a scientist like him can do with so much effort.

People just chanted a mantra and it was done.

Doesn't this destroy the balance?

"Magicians should disappear."

Jason muttered a few words with sadness.