
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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Instant Kill

Killian's idea is right.

In the hands of a professional sniper, the maximum range of a sniper rifle can even reach two thousand meters.

But the armor that was fighting was not flying in the sky.

Under Jason's high-speed maneuvers, the snipers on the tanker had nothing to do with him.

"Jason Wayne, what on earth do you mean?"

"Are you just here to take a stroll and don't even dare to fight?"

Killian said through gritted teeth.

"Sorry, I'm still a kid and can't fight."

"I just like floating in the sky, what can you do?"

Jason said from the sky, controlling the loudspeaker on the tanker through Skynet.

His armored army is still under the sea.

It would take a while to come up, so he would naturally have to delay.

When Killian heard this, he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.


I believe you!

Whose rich kid goes to the battlefield?

Kill dozens of terrorists without blinking your eyes?

Killian thought bitterly in his mind.

Said directly to his men.

"Go, get the stinger!"

Hearing this, the two black-clad team members walked directly to Overtime.

Jason, who was eavesdropping in the sky, almost fell from the sky when he heard this.

After he stabilized his body, he started to curse.

Bald Eagle's arms dealer is a f**king piece of shit.

As long as you have money, you can really take out anything.

Stinger short-range guided missile.

But it is used to fly helicopters.

The range is several kilometers.

Moreover, the missile has an automatic locking system and is not afraid of various maneuvers at all.

This thing is used by the military.

I didn't expect Killian to be able to get something like this.

These arms dealers are really nothing!

Thinking of this, Jason didn't stop here.

Directly down to Monza.

Suddenly plunged into the sea.

Now unless Killian buys a torpedo, there is nothing he can do against him.

After waiting for a few minutes for his armored army to arrive, Jason came out of the water.

"Killian, you are so stubborn. I'm out again. What can you do to me?"

Jason flew directly into Killian's face, very arrogantly.

But Killian didn't mean to answer him at all and just waved his hand.

The two missiles flew directly towards Jason with tail flames.

Jason just floated in mid-air without moving.

Just when the two missiles were about to hit Jason.

Two figures appeared in front of Jason and blocked the missile.

After the flames dissipated. ,

Jason was still floating in the air.

There is not even a trace of the slutty white armor on his body.

There are two more armors similar to the God of Door beside him.

Killian laughed loudly below.

"Is this what you're good at?"

"Jason Wayne, you really underestimate me."

"You want to kill me just because of these two scraps of metal?"

As he spoke, fire started to appear on Killian's body.

A dazzling orange light constantly wandered under his skin, as if there was something alive.

The suit on his body also appeared with the fire and was burned directly.

As he finished speaking, several more firemen walked out of the cabin.

I was a little red from being stepped on by them after working overtime.

"You see, Jason Wayne, the human body is humanity's greatest treasure."

"The scraps and scraps of metal on your body are just rubbish."

Jason heard Killian's confident words.

He curled his lips.

Said lightly.

"Can you fly?"

When Killian heard this, it was as if his hat had turned green.

He was so angry that he simply lost his mind.

"Kill him for me!"

"Where are your missiles? Fire them!"

Killian gave an order, and the two missiles flew towards Jason again.

But on the way, he was directly killed.

"Why bother, Aldrich Killian."

"You can't do anything to me, so you might as well surrender."

"Maybe I can spare your life."

Killian ignored Jason's words and kept ordering his men to open fire.

"I really won't give up until I reach the Yellow River."

Jason pouted.

A wave of his hand.

The water around the tanker looked like flowers.

Countless steel armors flew out from the bottom of the sea and floated in the air.

In a short time, two thousand steel armors surrounded the entire tanker.

The cold steel mask looked at Killian below.

The air suddenly became quiet.

Looking at the densely packed battle armor around him, Killian held back what he was about to say.

The entire deck was filled with the sound of swallowing saliva.

"How about it, can you surrender now?"

"You'd better speak up as soon as possible while I'm still interested in your information."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid your end will not be very good."

Kissen said calmly in mid-air.

Unless Killian suddenly took out the Infinity Gauntlet from his crotch and snapped his fingers.

Otherwise God can't save this guy.

Hearing Jason say this, the expression on Killian's face showed some hesitation.

By cooperating with others.

He also once knew the company behind him.

However, the conclusion reached is indeed unfathomable.

He had no idea how many people were from that organization.

This made him very hesitation.

I don't know if I should say it.

"It seems Aldrich Killian is not going to cherish this opportunity."


Jason said in an indifferent voice.


Before Killian could finish his words, he was buried in blue light.

Two thousand pieces of steel armor.

Even if a piece of armor fires just once, it can shatter more than half of the hill.

This time the salvo fired.

The entire upper part of the tanker was engulfed in flames.

Looking at the sea of ​​​​fire below, Jason said.

"Skynet, scan for life signals."

"There are still four life signals on the upper deck."

Skynet's cold voice sounded from inside the helmet.

Jason pouted.

Apart from anything else, Killian, a street kid, is really tenacious in his vitality.

Extremis, if it didn't have the side effect of exploding at any time, it would really be a good thing.

At least his vitality is really the same as that of a tree.


Jason said something, and white crystal blocks began to spray from the arms of the two thousand armors.

This is dry ice.

Jason specially installed it to deal with these flames.

I didn't expect it to be useful now.

After the dry ice is projected.

The fire on the ship quickly died down.

Jason could finally see the scene on the deck.

There are potholes everywhere, and there are even some silver-white metal leaking out.

Jason frowned.

Killian is a guy who can really make a living.

It appears that the tanker has been reinforced.

Otherwise, this round of salvo would have left the tanker almost half disabled.

Soon, Skynet found Killian lying on the deck, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

At the moment he was covered in magma color.

Half red and half black, it looks extremely weird.