
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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Jason has always been a very cautious person.

Even though Killian and several of his Extremis-injected men were half-dead.

Jason was still very cautious and let a few special armors lock them up.

Several armored robots, like huge amounts of Iron Locks.

I think half of it is fixed in the steel plate of the tanker.

Locked up all the bodies of several special warriors.

Only one head is left outside.

Then Jason began to wait for Killian to recover.

Extremis is indeed an incredible thing.

Killian's head was half gone.

But there is still no intention of death. Instead, it is slowly repairing under the influence of red light.

Looking at this vitality, Jason was a little envious.

I am afraid that without the firepower of a tank main gun, this guy cannot be killed.

Soon, Killian's body was repaired.

Killian returned to consciousness directly.

And it looked as if he was uninjured, with no scars on his face.

However, the spirit seems a little depressed.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Killian saw Jason.

"Aldrich Killian, I think you should calm down now."

"How about we talk about it."

Jason spoke and glanced at Killian.

Killian said nothing, just looked at Jason carefully.

"Aldrich Killian, we don't have any big grudges."

"Why do you need to fight for life and death like this?"

"The people you sent to cause destruction only killed a few ordinary employees."

"It's nothing, isn't it?"

"There was no animosity between us."

"As long as you can tell me who is behind you."

"Maybe I can spare your life, how about that?"

Jason looked at Killian very sincerely, as if what he said was true.

Killian is not important.

Jason knows his details clearly.

As for the person behind Killian, he wanted to find out.

He remembered that in the movie, Killian kidnapped the president.

And he wants to control the vice president's rise to power.

Jason didn't believe Killian could do this.

The vice president doesn't get to the position just because he wants to.

Partisan disputes are not just talk.


When Killian first met Tony Stark at the Swiss conference, he was a poor man.

Who supports his research on Extremis?

Who supported him in contacting the military and finding so many disabled people?

If anything, Killian did all of this himself.

Jason didn't believe it.

If he has the ability.

He wouldn't have been so miserable back then.

So Jason can be sure that there must be someone behind Killian, or there must be a force supporting him!

He must have become enemies with them now.

Naturally, he wanted to know more.

If you strike first, you will be stronger, but if you strike later, you will suffer disaster!

Thinking about it, Jason looked at Killian very seriously.

"Ahem, there's no one behind me!"

"Aldrich Killian, this isn't interesting."

"This cruise ship Bossen belongs to Ike Mobile Energy Group."

"And the price of a 200,000-ton oil tanker is about US$100 million."

"Aldrich Killian, you're not going to tell me that you paid for the $100 million, right?"

"And the cost of the modification."

"The cost of building these military naval vessels alone is tens of millions of dollars."

"The total value of this tanker is at least US$200 million."

"Aldrich Killian has so much money, what else is he a scientist?"

Jason said with a smile.

Two hundred million US dollars is 1.4 billion soft sister coins.

This is quite a lot of money.

If Killian was so rich, how could he be so poor in the first place?

Killian's words are just a lie to a fool!

Killian was also choked when he heard this.

Then, I was deeply hurt by Jason's look at the poor guy.

what do you mean?

Look down on people?

Why can't I afford $200 million?

Well, he really can't afford it.

Thinking of this, Killian became even more angry.

The skin on my body is also getting redder and redder.

Jason frowned.

"Aldrich Killian, I think you'd better control your emotions."

"I heard that the medicine on you seems to be easy to explode."

Hearing this, Killian had a crazy smile on his face.

"Indeed, it is very easy to explode!"

Jason saw his smile and immediately planned to retreat.

However, he didn't have time yet.

There was an explosion of huge amounts of noise right next to it.

The restricted armor was blown to pieces.

Jason was hit by the blast and staggered.

Then he was grabbed by an arm glowing with red light.

Jason took a look.

It was Killian who was glowing red.

However, Killian doesn't look very good at the moment.

The other arm disappeared.

The entire upper body seems to be exposed like the Terminator's bones.

"Jason Wayne!"

"You are such a conceited person."

"Never understand our noble ideals."

"Feel the pain now!"

Jason curled his lips when he heard this.

"Feel your mother!"

"Eat the thunder from my palm!"

As he spoke, Jason hit Killian on the arm with a hand cannon.

Under the bombardment of two plasma beam pulse cannons, Killian's remaining arm was directly broken.


The armor on Jason also left a red handprint.

The armor around the handprint turned into molten steel.

Jason could even feel huge amounts of heat.

If it weren't for the powerful performance of the steel armor, he might have been roasted right now.

Even so, looking at the marks on his calf, Jason still had some lingering fears.

Killian is really ruthless in his fight to the death.

He actually blew his own arm.

Thus breaking free from the control of the armor.

He is a ruthless person.

Jason's mind suddenly changed.

Killian had already bumped into him.

Fortunately, Skynet controlled a armor and stood directly in front of Jason.

Avoided being warmly embraced by Killian.

"Skynet, kill him!"

Jason said something and backed away quickly.

Jason ordered.

Several special-looking mechas flew over.

The two arms turned into nozzles similar to fire extinguishers, and white gas shot out directly from them.

The white gas disappeared immediately when it came into contact with Killian's body.

And Killian's body also turned black.

Jason also gasped.

This Extremis is really fierce.

This is liquid nitrogen at more than 200 degrees below zero.

Something that can even crack metal.

Killian is actually still alive and kicking.

He did underestimate Killian at first.

"Skynet, spray with all your strength, kill him."

Jason was afraid of having a long night and having too many dreams, so he spoke decisively.

Jason gave an order, and the liquid nitrogen spray speed doubled.