
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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77 Chs


In a dark and narrow underground space.

Several dark drones floated in the air, making creaking sounds.

Opposite him, Joker, wearing purple clothes, had a crazy smile on his face.

"How can it be?"

"Sir, with the help of your words, nothing is impossible."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Listening to Joker's wild laughter, a trace of solemnity flashed across Jason's face.

As expected of Joker.

Gotham City's most feared villain.

With a mortal body, he has accomplished many things that super-ability villains cannot do.

It's really not that simple to kill him.

"Skynet, scan and analyze."

Although the drone cannot move, it can still transmit video signals.

He could still see the effects of the drone's transmission.

It shouldn't be a device that directly destroys machinery.

Taking advantage of Skynet's scanning, Joker spoke again.

"Sir, although you are not here personally, I think we can still talk."

"What do you want to talk about."

Jason said.

Joker's ability to confuse people is very strong.

He actually didn't want to talk to Joker.

But being idle is also idle.

"I want to know what the Court of Owls is."

Joker's eyes flashed.

As one of the top villains in Gotham City.

He knows organizations both big and small in Gotham City.

But he had never heard of the Court of Owls.

And according to what everyone said, the Court of Owls is still a very powerful organization.

This made him very interested.

Is there an organization more evil than him in Gotham City?

When Jason heard this, he let out a laugh in the drone.

"It turns out you are curious about something. I thought the madman only had destruction in his mind."

"No, sir, you misunderstood, it's just my art that you don't understand."

"How about we make a deal."

"The price of these drones should be very high, as long as you tell me about the Court of Owls."

"How about I just let these little things go?"

Joker licked his scarlet lips and said very excitedly.

Hearing Joker's words, Jason laughed in his heart.

These drones are indeed very expensive.

Each one costs several million dollars, not counting R&D costs.

However, this thing is just a drop in the bucket for Wayne Group.

The Wayne family doesn't care about this money at all.

Joker's wishful thinking was wrong.

"Joker, don't think about it, I won't tell you."

"Besides, it's just a strong electromagnetic restraint device. I really don't think I can do anything about it."

Jason said via drone.

Joker is truly a Joker.

A highly intelligent criminal genius.

This kind of thing can be made.

Although the main body of the drone is mostly made of carbon fiber, there is still a metal structure inside.

Nature is bound by magnetic fields.

However, this does not trouble him.

Jason worked on the tablet a few times.

A few dazzling electric lights flashed on the drone in the underground space, and then it resumed activity.

However, Joker is not an easy person to get along with either.

As early as when an abnormality occurred on the drone, Joker took action.

Two hands from behind the west were pulled out directly from behind.

The pistol in his hand kept firing, and the drone not only fell from mid-air.

Seeing the impact from the drone, Jason's jaw almost dropped to the ground.

The underground space is very dark.

If it weren't for the infrared camera on the drone, nothing would be visible to the naked eye.

Not to mention the black protective color of the drone.

It was under this circumstance that Joker shot down almost all the mobile drones.

It relies on the flash of lightning from the drone.

There was also the sound of propellers in mid-air.

Jason was shocked.

It is true that Joker does not have super abilities, but this is not something ordinary people can do!

What is the difference between this and having super Ability?

Sure enough, God treats some people favorably.

Even if he has a high IQ, his physical fitness is also so good.

Snap, snap, snap.

Jason applauded Joker very sincerely.

"As expected, Mr. Joker, with such strength."

"Even the special forces of the Navy SEALs are nothing more than this."

"No, Joker bowed."

At the moment, Joker is completely like a personable gentleman.

Not like a lunatic at all.

"Now, sir, can we have a word?"

Joker said very elegantly.

Elegance and crazy temperament are integrated in him, without any abruptness at all.

But Jason shook his head regretfully.

"Mr. Joker, I'm afraid not yet."


Joker asked very confused.

I don't seem to understand why Jason said that.


Jason snapped his fingers, and dozens of drones flew out of the darkness again.

The muzzle of the black hole was pointed at Joker again.

"Do you understand now?"

Jason controlled the drone and said condescendingly.

Facing Joker, he won't relax.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.

Besides, Joker is not a harmless little white rabbit.

Naturally, he had to use his full strength.

He sent out a hundred drones, almost all of Bruce Wayne's inventory.

What Joker faced was only a small part.

Joker felt a little twitchy when he saw these dense drones.

Big dog owner!

I scolded this unknown guy hard in my heart.

This kind of drone that can carry an automatic rifle and withstand strong recoil is very expensive.

A few million dollars at least.

How many banks can he rob once?

Tens of millions at most.

But the drone in front of him is worth at least hundreds of millions.

The expression on Joker's face became even more distorted.

"It seems that you are going to great lengths to deal with me!"

"No, these are just fractions, not much money."

Jason said in a relaxed tone.

He spent billions just developing artificial intelligence.

This is still after mastering the specific technology.

Fortunately, his cheap guy is rich.

Otherwise, it would be basically impossible for him to develop artificial intelligence.

These are really just scraps.

Hearing this, Joker's expression became distorted again.

These rich people are nothing!

"What are you doing now, Mr. Joker? Your strong magnetic restraint device probably has no energy."

"In a poor place like the Underground Kingdom, I don't think you have much usable energy."

"I wonder what other trump cards you have?"

"If you don't take it out now, I'm afraid you won't have a chance."

Hearing Jason's words, Joker lowered his head.

After a while, his body began to twitch.

Then burst out into a high-pitched laughter.


Jason looked at Joker who was laughing wildly, confused.