
Collecting Titles In The Apocalypse

Having been confessed by the person you madly in love with must be a dream come true. That happened to me. However, I found out later that the confession is not meant for me but for Kyzer, my handsome and popular classmate. It all happened because of the tiger costume I am wearing at that time. Feeling defeated, I went back home with a bleeding heart. On my way toward home, a white van stopped in front of me and abducted me. I was abducted because they thought I was Kyzer thanks to the costume. A series of misfortunes befell to me one after another. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. Then I become the subject of a weird experiment. In the next day, I woke up in my bed by a loud ringing and discovered some weird widgets floating in front of my vision. I learned later that the peaceful city I was living till today is now in an apocalyptic situation. Zombies were running everywhere, chasing the people around me. Using my System, I will survive in this apocalypse.

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Inside her office, Manager Sai stared at the papers on top of her desk. These papers contain all their plans for the future and those they already had implemented and finished. One of them is the Stealth and Anti-zombie suits. These inventions were only possible because of the knowledge they obtained from the previous life of someone.

Up until now, she still could not believe that her sister, Lena Wyte, obtained memories from her previous life. Her revelation at that time shocked her.

At first, she didn't believe her, but right after her prediction of the future events did indeed happen one after another, Sai realized that she was telling the truth.

At first, they were just a poor family, but using Lena's knowledge of the future and Sai's intelligence, they collaborated. These two sisters made their family rich.

They built lots of connections all for the sake of the future. Lena was also the one who told them about the appearance of the God Stone which would appear on a certain date. It was the reason why the SGS organization, whose main purpose was the research of this so-called powerful and mysterious stone from outer space, was established.

In Lena's memory, the "God Stone" was discovered so late in her previous life. Unfortunately, at that time, the world had only little resources left they could use to make use of the God Stone's potential.

But thanks to Lena's knowledge of the future this time. Right before the apocalypse had begun, they already obtained and studied it. They learned that it could awaken the Astral Powers of an individual. Aside from that, it also had other useful uses.

Regardless, Lena also predicted the appearance of zombies. However, not all of her knowledge from her previous life could be said as 100% accurate. Some of the events already had minor changes. An example of this was the appearance of Mutant Zombies. According to Lena's knowledge, Mutant Zombies could not appear easily. It took a long time for an ordinary zombie to mutate into a Mutant Zombie.

Yet, this past month, it was almost every day that a Mutant Zombie appeared in the vicinity.

How did it happen? Is there another cause of their mutation that even Lena wasn't aware of? Sai thought.

Back to where Lena and Kendra were, the two stared dumbfounded at the chaotic zombies ahead of them.

Those guys up above were no doubt intentionally feeding the zombies with the awakener's body. Even Kendra could tell. But why did they do that? And, are they the ones who killed those awakeners? Kendra's mind was full of questions.

In Lena's memory of her past self, there was a group of heartless people who dared to go against the world.

And that was… the Weltfeinde! A terrorist organization!

Even until now, she had no exact understanding of their goal. But one thing is for certain about them, they were not a good organization.

In her previous life, one person went against this organization. He caused a lot of trouble to this group. That person was the sole warrior who went against this organization and the zombies at the same time.

That very person loses everything, his family, friends, and companions. He was the loneliest warrior the world ever had. He sacrificed his everything for the sake of saving the world, using his mysterious power.

In this life, wanted to make sure that that person would never again be as sad as he was in her previous life. She didn't want to make him suffer again.

That's why, as early as possible, she revealed to her sister that she had awakened her memories of her previous life.

In this life, Lena wanted to support that person as best as she could. So after her reincarnation, she immediately took action.

While Lena was contemplating, she heard Miss Kendra's shocked voice.

What?! They mutated!?"

When Lena looked back at the zombies, she was shocked. Those zombies who feasted on the awakener's body pieces suddenly grew bigger.

"So this is how they evolve?" Lena muttered. Her eyes inside the helmet grew wider in disbelief. It was her first time seeing a zombie mutated. And their mutation this time wasn't due to normal circumstances.

Right at that moment, from behind them, "Who are you?!" Someone startled them.

Lena and Kendra looked behind them in haste. About five people wrapped in black loose-fitting clothes were suddenly standing there. Their body language showed that they were as surprised as them.

They also noticed a secret passage behind them. These people must have used it to arrive here. That passage is probably connected to a secret tunnel.

When Lena felt Kendra's glance at her, she nodded in silence. That secret exchange was Lena's confirmation that these people were their enemies. After all there was no way a sane and kind person would do what they did just now. Also, Lena could smell bloodlust from them the moment they saw them.

Before the people in black attires could take action, Lena and Kendra took advantage of their shock moment. They launched a quick assault on them. Lena took care of the three enemies while Kendra finished the remaining two.

But right after they finished dealing with those five, three more people in black loose-fitting attire came out of the secret passage once again.


One of them exclaimed upon seeing them and noticing their companions lying on the ground.

"Intruder—!" Suddenly, his mouth was pierced by a blade. That blade had a cable connected to it. The one who attacked him was Kendra.

Lena also immediately attacked the second one and successfully struck a kick on his stomach. The person wriggled in pain as he curled on the ground. She ended his suffering with a strong follow-up kick on his head.

The last remaining enemy was able to fire a pistol at her.


The noise reverberated.

Fortunately, Lena was quick enough to evade. The enemy looked surprised when Lena disappeared from his sight. In a blink of an eye, she was already behind him. Sending a strong hand chop on the back of its neck, the enemy directly lost consciousness.

"We have a problem!"

She heard a worried exclamation from Miss Kendra.

When Lena looked behind, she saw the zombies rushing towards them.

"Let's go!" Lena shouted. They quickly ran away. She also said, "Dealing with that many is just impossible, especially since some of them were Mutated Zombies!"

Meanwhile, inside the top floor of the building, a person in a black gown looked through the window.

Her black lips twitched. "Look, Necromancer. Some rats entered this place not knowing this was a den of zombies. Are they offering themselves? Fufufu," she said and chuckled.

"Do you know them, Miss Violet, the sin of lust?" Asked the person beside her. This person also donned black attire from head to toe.

Violet, the sin of lust, smiled. "Probably companions of those awakeners."

"So they're awakeners as well…" There was a creepy smile on the pale lips of Necromancer. "Are we going to capture them?" He asked her in a slightly hoarse voice.

"Should you ask the obvious?" Her tone was cold.

"I'm sorry."

While wearing a mocking grin on her face, Violet looked at the two escaping figures. "Did they think they can escape here? Kukuku."