
Collecting Titles In The Apocalypse

Having been confessed by the person you madly in love with must be a dream come true. That happened to me. However, I found out later that the confession is not meant for me but for Kyzer, my handsome and popular classmate. It all happened because of the tiger costume I am wearing at that time. Feeling defeated, I went back home with a bleeding heart. On my way toward home, a white van stopped in front of me and abducted me. I was abducted because they thought I was Kyzer thanks to the costume. A series of misfortunes befell to me one after another. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. Then I become the subject of a weird experiment. In the next day, I woke up in my bed by a loud ringing and discovered some weird widgets floating in front of my vision. I learned later that the peaceful city I was living till today is now in an apocalyptic situation. Zombies were running everywhere, chasing the people around me. Using my System, I will survive in this apocalypse.

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Jiggling booty

"Let's not go deeper. Here is fine," Miss Kendra told us when we entered the area of Rizal East District.

She parked the car in front of a broken building, which I believed was a clothing shop. There was a creepy-looking broken mannequin inside the glass window.

"Uhm, Kimetsu-kun, aren't you looking around too much?"

I heard Lena say that. Even though we're in a dangerous place right now, I couldn't sense any worry in her voice. I'm so envious.

"Uhm, I'm just making sure that there are no zombies nearby." I felt a bit embarrassed.

"I see," out of a sudden, her face approached me.

My eyes widened at that moment. Suddenly, I heard a whisper. "Having a bandage on your face kinda looks cool."


After whispering that, her face backed away, leaving me puzzled who for some reason had a late reaction.

Eh!!? What was that just now ? Is she teasing me? I questioned internally.

"Ufufu, we're off to go. Just stay around here and be careful, Kimetsu-kun." Lena giggled as she jumped out of the car.

Me and Miss Kendra also stepped out.

"Okay," I nodded. I could tell my face was red at the moment.

Lena turned around. "Are you ready, Miss Kendra?" She asked.

Miss Kendra nodded at Lena, then she touched my shoulder and said, "Here is the key. Please take care of Bridgett." She looked very serious when she said that.

I took the key. But wait, "Eh? Who's Bridgett?" I asked while making a confused face.

She snouted toward my back. When I looked there, I saw no one but the vehicle.

For real?! I gawked.

I rubbed my face and laughed drily as I nodded.

"Ahaha, alright."

"Also, take this." She handed something.

"What is this? Wait a pistol? Is this a real gun?"

"Of course. Do you know how to shoot?"


I pondered a little. I have a little experience when I am under random tests by the SGS researchers. They made me work on different kinds of stuff, not only exercises. They made me do close-quarters combat training and even trained me how to shoot a gun. All of these were to monitor whether some changes could occur in my stats. Unfortunately, my stats didn't show any sign of improvement even a decimal.

"I guess, I know a little," I replied in all honesty.

"Good. Take it for your protection."

I took it in both hands very carefully.

"Well then, Kimetsu-kun. See you later."

"Yes, be careful, both of you."

Lena smiled and nodded.

I wondered if Miss Kendra would be fine. Aside from being a high-ranking Awakener, Lena was also wearing a full-body black suit with sci-fi-level functions. So how about Miss Kendra— eh!?


It turned out my worries were unnecessary.

After tapping something on her belt, Miss Kendra's attire of black jacket and jeans suddenly transformed into a sexy full-body red suit.

How is that possible—?! Is that the same Stealth Suit as Lena's?

With a dumbfounded face, I stared at them as they ran away.

"I thought Power Rangers were just fiction, but I saw one just now." I rubbed my eyes.

Miss Kendra's speed was surprising. How could she match up her speed with Lena's who was a Rank S Awakener? Even though Lena was obviously not using her full speed, it's undeniable that Miss Kendra's speed right now exceeds the capability of an ordinary human.

That sexy full-body red suit has the same triangle emblem as Lena's Stealth Suit, so I'm sure it's one of the SGS inventions as well. I remembered reading a file before. It was about an anti-zombie suit that focused on ordinary people as the wearer.

According to the data, It would slightly increase an ordinary person's capabilities. Maybe that red suit was the end result of that research.

So they succeeded in making it? Amazing.

As I was looking at their suits, I couldn't help feeling they looked like black and red rangers. I quickly averted my eyes from their jiggling booty. In just a matter of seconds, their figures disappeared in the distant intersection.

Now alone, I suddenly felt very scared. The area was very empty and evidence of bloodbaths was visible around. Although it wasn't on the same scale as what happened in the train station before, it was still apparent that this place also had its share of stories to tell regarding the zombie rampage.

I quickly entered the car.

"First, I need to figure out how to drive this."

Lena and Kendra heard growling noises when they passed a subway. They immediately slowed down their pace as they approached where the noises were coming from.

When they arrived near the origin of the noises, they quickly hid in the corner.

"The chief commander is right!" Lena exclaimed in a hushed voice.

Looking ahead, they saw more than a thousand zombies. They were gathering in front of a tall building. They were standing still with their guts spilling out and bones sticking out. Some of the zombies have their eyes hanging out of their eye sockets. It also could be seen that their bodies were withering. Such a condition made it impossible for someone to remain animated. But despite that, look at them, they could still stand and walk.

"Miss Lena, do you think there's something weird about those zombies?"

Lena frowned. Miss Kendra was right. Those zombies, why were they just standing still there?

"Maybe there's some survivors in that building?" She asked.

At that moment, the two widened their eyes. From above, they noticed some objects falling.

"What are those?"

Lena heard Miss Kendra ask that. When those objects hit the ground, the two looked bewildered.

"Those are… human severed parts!" Miss Kendra exclaimed.

"Wait! Look, Miss Kendra. Isn't that…" Lena pointed to one of the fallen objects.

When Kendra glanced at where she was pointing, she saw a head rolled.

"Isn't he one of the missing Awakeners!"

Before Kendra could reply, the zombies raced to get the severed parts. They feast on them like hungry cannibals.

At that moment, they noticed some silhouettes above the building. It seemed like they were the ones who were dropping those body parts.

"Weltfeinde…" Lena muttered while frowning.

"Hah?" Kendra glanced at Lena.

"An evil organization."